All posts by Mrs Brown

Review of the week – 25.9.20 P5/6

We have been inspired by our novel to look more closely at insects. This is an example of honey bees we drew. We had to add shade and highlight to make the bee look 3D. We are looking forward to doing more next week and using the natural environment to inspire us. We also learned about the anatomy of insects.
We have also enjoyed:
-P.E. We were working on our jumping and took part in the long jump.
-Writing descriptions of an imaginary character. We had to use lots of adjectives this week.
-Designing alternative front covers for our class novel.
-Learning to subtract in maths. We played dice games and took part in a maths relay.
-Handwriting. We are all working hard to improve our joins.
-Music. We are continuing to explore garage band.
-Beginning our new class novel. “The midnight gang” by David Walliams.

Happy Birthday to Lloyd!

Review of the Week -18/9/20 P6/5

This week we have enjoyed:

-Music. We were learning about beat sequences  through Garage Band.

-P.E. We were working on our stamina.

-finishing our class novel, Max and the Millions. Most of us really enjoyed it.

-discovering our sense of smell. We went for a “smelly” walk in the playground and were amazed at what we found.

-looking on the bright side. This week we had to reflect daily on what made us happy.

-handwriting. We focused on the size and joins in our letters.

-completing our description texts on our chosen animal.

-creating 3D shapes and learning about the properties. (Face, Edge and Vertex)

-Maths. We took part in a maths relay to help us with our addition.

Weekly Review 11/9/20 P5/6

This week we learned about the eye. We labelled a diagram then took part in some fun experiments to test our eyes.

We have also been busy designing our Christmas cards. We had to think creatively and be very careful when colouring.

We have also enjoyed:
-working collaboratively to create one large piece of art. (Look out for the finished piece next week.)
-learning about addition in maths. We have been challenged to add several large numbers together at once. We have focused this week on explaining the strategies we use to solve questions.
-P.E. We were working on our athletics skills again.
-learning about literal questions. We had to answer in sentences and we were challenged to create our own literal questions.
-Music. P6 have been using Garage band to create their own music. P5 are making their own pattern sequences in groups.
-Handwriting. We are working hard to practice our joins and earn pen licences.
-Writing our description text about Fleas. Some thought they were fascinating; some thought they were disgusting.
-learning about proper nouns and common nouns.

Weekly Review P6/5 4/9/20

We have been very busy this week. We have been looking at perspective and designed our own names so they look 3D.

In health and well-being we have been thinking about what we are thankful for. We created thank-you cards to deliver to some special people around the school.

We have also enjoyed:

-Playing “Fakey” at P.E. which helps us to stop and start quickly.

-Learning to double numbers and looking for patterns to add lots of small numbers together.

-Learning about Beethoven and his life. We found out he was deaf but still managed to compose music. We took notes.

-Writing a description text about Beethoven. We worked as a class.

-Music where we learned the macerena.

-Learning about nouns and adjectives. We had to locate examples in our class novel, “Max and the Millions”.

-Working with lines of symmetry in patterns and 2D shapes.

-Practising our handwriting. Three people have earned a pen license.

-Learning more signs in British sign language.


Weekly Review P6/5

We have been focusing on Skipper and the river of life. We created individual boats for our class river. This term we will be focusing on the skills of looking on the bright side when things get tough. We also created our positive mindset display to help us when we face challenges in school.

This week we have also enjoyed:

  • Creating dream catchers and thinking about our dreams for the future.
  • Designing our boats for the river of life.
  • P.E. We were learning to run effectively.
  • Maths. We learned to partition large numbers and then add and subtract multiples of 10.
  • Creating posters which show different types of germs and how to stop the spread.
  • Maths. We learned about the different types of triangles and created a poster to show this.

17.8.20 weekly review

Our class novel is Max and the Millions. We have been working on creating different perspectives when we draw. This is a self portrait from the perspective of Luke. (He is one of the millions in our story.)

We have also enjoyed:

-Our first session of P.E. with Mrs Fletcher

-Making leaves to add to our “Tou-can” do it display

-Having fun in our classroom

-Our first music lesson with Mrs Inglis. We learned about rhythm and beat. We also started to learn about the Garage Band App on our i-pads.

-Writing descriptions about characters in our novel.

-We started perspective skyscraper artwork. Lookout for examples next week.

-Watching our first virtual assembly.

-Learning about the properties of 2D shapes and place value in large numbers.

First Week Back P5/6

This week we enjoyed:

-Playing maths games on place value

-Making our own personalised bunting

-Reading our class novel, “Max and the millions.”

-Watching news round each day

-Meeting our new teacher

-Drawing Toucans in art using a “how to draw” video

-Painting our rainbows for our classroom entrance. We are trying to be rainbows in other people’s clouds.

-Writing stories in our choosing time

-Learning how to use British sign language

-Playing NOGGLE and BOGGLE

We are looking forward to coming back next week!