This week we have…
Listened to a story by Shirley Hughes and drew a picture in the style of her illustrations. Her stories make us feel NOSTALGIC!
We have been learning about volcanoes and tied this into our writing. Our explanation writing also included a labelled diagram.
We have continued learning about Fairtrade Fortnight. We enjoyed some more Fairtrade goodies. Thank you Liberty and Eliana!
We created volcano pictures using oil pastels and splattered paint all over our work.
In maths, we have been continuing to learn about percentages and finished off our mini topic on area.
We had a live assembly with the whole school, in spite of the technical difficulties! We enjoyed learning more about our new headteacher and we all have a task to do so Mrs Strathearn can get to know us a little better.
We had our book character hunt for World Book Day. We worked with our team to find as many as we could.
In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about the changes our bodies go through during puberty.
Written by P7B 😀