Young Scientists – Setting up an experiment


In class we have been learning how to set up an experiment, how to make it a  fair experiment and different ways we can record our findings.

First of all we decided 4 different areas in our classroom where we would grow cress then we decided what we would make different for each tub of cress. So, one tub of cress had no light and no water, one had no light and water, another had light and no water and another had light and water.

We nearly all predicted that the cress with water and sunlight would grow the best and the quickest. However, our prediction proved to be wrong very quickly because the cress in the darkness grew the quickest.

We discussed the fact that we are looking at how to keep plants healthy and although the cress in the darkness grew the quickest the plants were all brown – yet the cress in the sun light was growing at a much slower pace but it was green and healthy. So, we then discussed which cress we would prefer to eat ? 

Recording our experiment has been much more challenging than we thought but, we have learned how important it is to add detail to our drawings and to label our pictures accurately. We thought this would be very easy to do.

The next step in our journey as Scientists is to work in small groups and create our very own experiments by transferring our learning  from our cress experiments and using what we have learned to help us to set up our very own experiments.




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