The Snowman’s Coat

If a snowman wears a coat in Winter will he:

  • Melt quickly?
  • Stay the same?
  • Melt slowly?

These are the questions we were asked today.

We predicted what we thought would happen to the snowman.  Most of us thought the snowman would melt quickly with his coat on because the coat was warm.  Some of us thought it would stay the same because it was snowing.

Then we did an experiment.  We got two identical snowmen (water frozen in yoghurt cartons) and put them on  trays.  Next we put a sock coat on one of the snowmen and left the other one with no coat.  Finally we looked at the snowmen during the day and watched to see which snowman melted the quickest.

Most of us were surprised at the result because the snowman with the coat stayed upright the longest and the snowman without the coat melted the quickest.  We realised that the coat acted as a protection for the snowman and kept him COLD  – most of us had thought the coat would make him warm and melt him!  We learned that it was okay to change our mind because of what we saw during our experiment – scientists do this all the time!

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One thought on “The Snowman’s Coat”

  1. What a great experiment P1! Well done. We will need to make sure any snowmen we make this year have coats on to make them stay in our garden for longer! From Isla’s mum.

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