A Wonderful Final Week in Primary 7!

We have had a fantastic final week in Primary 7, full of shows, celebrations and signatures!

On Tuesday we showcased our talents to the school as we performed our Leavers Assembly to the parents and pupils. Everyone sang and acted their hearts out and we were really proud to share our Journey Through Kingsland with everyone.

On Tuesday afternoon we had a brilliant time at the Roller Disco at the Gytes. We all had fun in spite of the falls and bumps! The children then enjoyed watching Luca with some Haribo and an ice pole.

On Thursday we had our graduation ceremony with all of the P7s, Mrs Hope and Mrs Strathearn. We loved making our hats, we cheered for our friends and we received our signature books. All of the children were sent their photos to their Glow e-mail to share with parents. Here is a snapshot of our morning:

We finished our time at Kingsland with a Guard of Honour down the hill, piped by our very own John.

Class of 2022, you have been a delight. We wish you every success in the future and keep in touch ⭐️ 😀 ⭐️

Primary 7B’s Week

This week we have been continuing our Leavers’ Assembly preparations and we look forward to sharing our work with the school and our parents on Tuesday 28th June.

On Tuesday, we enjoyed a range of activities in Sports Day. We saw lots of teamwork and encouragement from the P7s. A big thank you to Mrs Edge for all of her hard work in organising such a successful event!

We spent Wednesday and Thursday up at the High School, where we experienced a variety of new subjects and met our new form and practical classes. Here are some of our highlights below:

A big thank you to all of the staff who made this visit so welcoming and successful!

A Week in P7B

This week we have been practicing lots for our leavers assembly, that we hope you will all enjoy…

We also had Mrs Robertson from the high school come and visit. She came with two S2 pupils to help explain and answer questions about going to the high school.

For writing we done a lot of research about Keith Haring and wrote about him and his art for our writing assessment.

In maths we our dividing decimals to help get better for high school and looking at 3D shapes and their nets.

PE we done rounders and dodgeball with Mrs Edge on Monday and Wednesday.

In music we practiced Beltane and leavers assembly songs with Mrs Ingils on Wednesday.

This week some of the class did their 1980s presentations to the class and it had to be 2-5 minutes long.

This week our spelling words were wreck, wrap, wrist, wrestle ,cherry, curry ,narrow and mirror.

On Thursday we had wonderful wellbeing and had a chance to talk to Mrs Wilkinson and record stuff for the leavers assembly.

We have done problem solving as well

Also in music John preformed his bagpipes which was very loud!

This week we have had the field for lunch and had lots of fun.

We had our last PE leadership session with the P2s and P3s.

From now to the end of term we are looking forward to….

Our two day visit.
Our leavers assembly.
Sports day and our transition to high school!

Written by Ruby Taylor and Millie McAllister, P7B

A Right Royal Knees Up! 👑

Primary Seven A and B joined forces this afternoon for some games on the field. We saw some brilliant teamwork and encouragement from all of the children, as well as some exceptional football, tennis, hockey and rounders skills. Well done everyone!

After break we enjoyed some lemonade and Victoria sponge cakes, followed by the choice of Jubilee or Beltane crafts.

Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend, whatever your plans. See you all on Monday!

P7B’s Brilliant Week 27.5.22

Blog written collaboratively by the class.

This week we have been:

  • Writing a piece in response to an event from last week
  • We had a Prefect Break with P7A. We were outside and some of us played football, danced, found caterpillars, chatted and walked.
  • We enjoyed our Open Morning with some parents visiting. Our task was to build 1980s cars that could move on different surfaces.
  • We had to complete THREE High School Maths assessments. We were also learning about chance and probability in maths.
  • We created pop art style stamps of 1980s musicians.
  • Many of us started our roles as Active Sports leaders, following on from our training. We led sessions with P2s and 3s down on the field. We have had some very positive feedback from the children so well done!
  • Our spelling sound this week was nk and ng.
  • We completed our penultimate week of prefect duties.

Between now and the end of term, we are looking forward to:

  • Last week of prefect duties
  • We are allowed to go onto the field
  • Summer Holidays
  • Leavers’ Assembly
  • Lunch on the balcony
  • Two day visit to High school
  • Beltane

Have a wonderful weekend P7. Thank you for your continued hard work 🙂

Primary 7B Highlights

Although it has been a shorter week at school, we have packed a lot into our days!

We have been continuing with our response writing, with a focus on writing a response to the styles of clothes in the 1980s. The class have enjoyed exploring some of the key trends of the 80s including power suits, bold t-shirts with slogans and the unusual style of the New Romantics! We will be completing our writing next week.


In maths we have been revising place value and decimals. For practical maths, we have learning about the different ways we can define a triangle. Next week we will move onto learning about the different features of a circle and will learn how to draw one accurately with a compass.

We continued our 1980s learning by making dress up dolls and interchangeable outfits. We look forward to sharing this with the other P6 and 7 classes as we go ‘Through the Decades’!

A big well done to the children who represented the school in the Sportshall Athletics competition in Galashiels. They came a very impressive third place and showed good sportsmanship and encouraged each other. Thank you to Mrs Edge for her hard work in organising this trip and for preparing the children for the competition.

Other news:

  • We had our first whole school assembly in two years!
  • We gathered with all of the P7s to learn how to access Kooth, an online resource which can be accessed by 11-18 year olds. We learned about all of the website’s key features. The resources can be accessed by clicking here: Home – Kooth

Thank you for all of your hard work this week Primary 7!

First Week Back – P7B

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back after the Easter break. This is our final term of P7…and at Kingsland!  We will be spending a lot of time this term preparing for the transition up to High School. Please do get in touch if you have any further questions or anything you would like to discuss. The link below will take you directly to the PHS website: http://peebleshighschool.org.uk/

This week we have been:

  • Revising the oi and oy sound in spelling through a range ofactivities in class.
  • Continuing with our comprehension work. This week we studied a passage from ‘On the Island’ by Iain Crichton Smith which contained a lot of rich descriptive language to add effect.
  • In reading, we have also started exploring the concepts of Theme and Genre. We enjoyed reading the book ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne and working in our table groups to determine the themes of the book and to find evidence to support our choices.

  • We have started looking at Response Writing this term as our writing focus. We discussed The Starry Nigh by Van Gogh and wrote a piece of writing together as our response to the painting.
  • In maths, we have been practising multiplication and division in different contexts. All of the work we have put in throughout the year on number bonds and multiplication facts has helped to improve our speed and accuracy.
  • We have continued to learn about volume, converting ml to l and vice versa.
  • Everyone has been excited to start our ‘Through the Decades’ topic and we have been allocated the 1980S! We have started by learning about some of the key events and worked in groups to help to create a chronological timeline . Some of the events we have researched include Chernobyl, the Hillsborough attack and the Falklands War. We have also looked at some of the technology that was invented and became more readily available in the 1980s.
  • In PE, we have enjoyed some brilliant athletics sessions with Mrs Edge outside.

Reflection Questions: 

1. Which challenges are you most looking forward to this term?

2. What tools from your toolkit can you use when you find something difficult? Think of an example of when you have used this strategy?

3. Write about something you have done this week to make Kingsland a better place.

Easter Fun in P7B🐣

For our writing this week we have had the chance to create an Easter story on Book Creator. We had to consider our main character, setting and plot, as well as what the front cover and blurb on the back. The books were colourful and engaging!

Then we used SketchesSchools to add illustrations to our books. We were able to use a variety of tools to create effective pictures and designs.

On Thursday afternoon, we joined P1B and read our stories to a small number of children. We were then in charge of making a pop-up egg craft with the younger ones. Well done to everyone who was kind, helpful and patient in their groups.

On Friday we were tasked with designing a new and unique Easter Egg with exciting packaging. Here are some examples of what we came up with:

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter holiday. See you all on Monday 18th April 🐣❤️❤️

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