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Democracy- What are you enjoying and what has surprised you?

Mrs Harrison has so enjoyed teaching this topic. We have looked at what a right is and the rights that some people do not have. We have found out about dictatorships and Kim Jung Un- North Korea’s dictator. We have found examples of fact, opinion and bias in newspaper reports and we have been writing speeches for debates. What are you enjoying and what has surprised you? Leave a comment below.

What we have been doing in class

In class we have been doing surveys in 3 different groups – favourite cartoon characters , favourite pop stars and favourite films. We put this information into graphs.

We have also been looking at synonyms which are words that are different but have the same meanings .

Lastly we are working on our poems which are The boy on the train by Mary Campbell Smith and an Extract from Tam ‘o’ Shanter  by Robert Burns.


Google Expedition


This week Greg from the Google Expeditions team came to take us on a virtual reality tour of  volcanoes and earthquakes. We all got to wear headsets that gave us a 3D tour of inside a volcano and even out to space to see the tectonic plate boundaries. It was really cool!


Scottish Burns Poems

This week everyone in P7 recited their Scottish poems. Some people said their poem in groups and some recited in front of the whole year! Congratulations to the 5 poetry competition finalists in each class who performed today.

We learned Address to the Toothache by Robert Burns and Willie Wastle by Robert Burns.

Click the link below to here these interesting poems.

Willie Wastle Recital

Address to the Toothache

By P7A

Happy Christmas to Primary 6a

Here is wishing all of Primary 6a and all of your families a super Christmas. I hope that you all have a great time and that Santa is good to you. Thank you for all of my presents- I look forward to opening them. See you all next term:)

Mrs Harrison

Our new topic – Democracy

Both classes worked together in groups to think about

  1. What they know already?
  2. What key questions need to be asked  to help us learn about our key learning?

I can find out about current economic, social and political issues.

  1. Donald Trump’s win and wall, yes/no vote, President, Prime Minister, parties, voting, Muslims being called terrorists, police brutality, greed and money, black people matter, riots, T May, women prime ministers, brexit?
  2. What is an issue?  What is an economic issue, what is a social issue , what is a political issue, who are politicians and social people, what type of issues are there, what are the most current issues and where are they happening, how much does Trump make, why do people get treated badly, why is money important?

I can find out about democracy and what my rights and responsibilities.

  1. 16-18 to vote, when we are older we can vote, vote for your government,  Nicola Sturgeon, Donald Trump, T May, feed your pets and take responsibility, obey laws, different parties, elections, criminal records- don’t get one?
  2. How do you vote and why do you have to be a certain age to vote, what are our rights, what is a democracy, how can you become a president or prime minister, what is a right, what is a responsibility and what are my responsibilities, why and when do we have rights, why do we have independence, why does democracy cause riots and wars, why is democracy so important?

I can find out about elections and what the representatives do.

  1. Debates, speeches, votes, stretching the truth, being the best, campaigning, disagreeing and agreeing, thinking of your country, being sensible, polls, Nicola Sturgeon, having a majority, Obama, Brexit, have a reason to do it, letting public have a choice, power, MPs, important, fair, in the country to vote.
  2. What do people vote on, how does voting work, what are elections, who are candidates and what do they do, when do people vote, why is voting important, what do politicians do and what does it mean to be important, who are the candidates in Scotland, how does democracy help our country, what causes an election to start?

What do you want to do and find out about that is linked to our key questions?

  • PowerPoint about different issues.
  • Speeches and debates.
  • Make websites about democracy.
  • Dramas.
  • Research using internet.
  • Look at daily news.
  • For homework find out about current issues.

Some current issues that we want to look at?

  • Trump
  • Isis
  • T May
  • Discrimination
  • Brexit
  • Syrian war
  • Independence
  • Terrorism
  • Current stories
  • Immigration