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what we have learnt by ava and jack

We loved our topic because lots of MSP’s came and visited us. We met Calum Kerr, Christine Grahame. They talked about democracy and told us lots about their jobs but our favourite visitor was Mrs Miller. She made us have a mini vote and we got ballot papers to choose which party was the best. They answered the questions we asked them and it was fun. We also learnt about the right of the children of the world. I felt bad that this was happening to people and children all over the world especially in Asia. It upset all of us to see this happening to children just like us and it made us think how lucky we are. We were so taken aback that people were living in such bad environments and they had to toilet outside. We enjoyed this topic so much that we want to do it again


What I have learnt in block 3 by Neve


 I have learnt loads!

First we learned about the human rights and responsibilities here are a few of them

RIGHTS                                                            RESPONSIBILITIES

To have a decent shelter.                        Not to trash your home.

To have access to clean water.            Not to waste your water.

 To be educated.                                          To try and work hard.

Next we learned about being an MP and an MSP.

Mrs.Miller came in (she works in parliament)to teach us about what happens in parliamentImage result for scottish parliament

After that a guy named Calum Kerr (he is an MP) came in to tell us about being an MP. I learned that it is really fun but people can be EXTREMELY  rude to you!Image result for calum kerr!

Then we learned about all of the political parties!

There is

  • Scottish conservatives
  • Scottish labour
  • Green
  • Scottish liberal democrats
  • SNPImage result for SCOTTISH political parties logos

Finally  a lady called Christine Grahame came in to tell us about what she does at parliament

  • She has lots and lots and lots of emails to sort through

She does a surgery where she asks people any problems they have and then she tries to help them


What we have learnt by Innes and Chris

This  block we have learnt about.  Democracy and people get to have their own say , and they get to Vote for their leader.  We have really  really really  enjoyed doing Debates, they have been really fun because we got to argue for once in our life  at school, we also got to shout across the room and if we argue with Eleanor she would always be amazing at backing up the argument.

Calum Kerr , Mrs Miller ,  Christine Grahame all came into class to teach us about parliament and their jobs.It was really fun and we learnt a lot of facts.

At the start we wanted to learn about

Trump and what he is going to do to his country and México

Isis and what they do it is horrible by the way

T May the prime minister of  Britain

Brexit- we have learnt David Cameron resigned  because of this







What I have learnt in block 3

What I have learnt in block three…Image result for question markImage result for brexit

  • Donald Trump and his plans for America.
  • News paper reports and how they have fact, opinion and bias.
  • Dictatorship in North Korea leader Kim Jong Un.
  • Rights and responsibilities of the child.
  • Brexit in the UK.
  •  how debates happen.
  • How to write a good speech.
  • Some people even got to be speakers in our debates (they were very good at shouting )
  • We had Calum Kerr come in and tell us about his job and what he does.
  • We also had Christine Grahame come in and tell us about what she does and how much she loves animals .


What we have learnt this block by Feargus and Calum

In this block we have learnt about democracy and dictatorships. our favourite part about this topic was writing and expressing our feeling in speeches. We also enjoyed learning about Donald J Trump and what he is doing in America. This is what we learnt about him that people don’t like him because he doesn’t listen to the public and he doesn’t think before he speaks. On Friday Mrs Miller came in and talked to us about her job working for the Scottish parliament. Mrs Miller gave us a clickapad each so that when there was a question we could press a button to answer the question. Also Calum Kerr came in to talk to us about his job as an MP, his favourite was that he gets to go to big company’s like Google and try out new things like virtual reality headsets. Calumt Kerrs least favourite part was that people lie about him and that he’s away from his family a lot of the time. Christine Grahame came in to talk about being a MSP. Her favourite part of her job is that she gets to tell people off in the Scottish parliament. She was a teacher before she was a MSP so she was very good at shouting and telling people off. She was also very passionate about animals she showed us a picture of her cat Mr smoky and she got him from a rescue senter.Image result for calum kerrImage result for trumpRelated image


In this block we have learnt many things like a dictatorship,democracy and rights.In primary 6a

I have enjoyed debates the most because we got to SHOUT and argue.My group debated about school uniforms should or shouldn’t be banned and banned won.

Mrs Miller,Calum Kerr and Christine Grahame came in to talk about their jobs and it was great fun Calum and Christine are both politicians and Mrs Miller made us all a little debate and Chris Thomson spoke for new things to get in school and he won over all!!!

we have learnt about Kim Jong Un and the life of a dictator and his country. He is very rich and his country is very very poor.He has over one hundred cars and his favourite car is Mercedes.

We did the rights of a child and we all did different mini posters and I did a right of privacy and your responsibility of the right.


Calum Kerr-SNP


Calum Kerr was an ordinary boy at school, he didn’t know what he wanted to be when he was older his family have mostly all been teachers but he has made a change he was more than a teacher he was a politician that has made lots of changes, he has made so many things with technology he went over to Google’s HQ and has made different types of things to do with virtual reality.

By Dylan and Ewan

Christine Grahame Visit

Who is Christine Grahame?

Christine Grahame is a MSP ( Member of Scottish Parliament ) who supports the SNP ( Scottish National Party ) .

What does she do?

She takes in requests from the public of Tweedale and Lauderdale and tries to fix things including a bus shelter that needed to be built and even though it took 3 years , she never gave up.

Why did she come in?

She came in so she could tell us about her job , about democracy and things people like her have to do.

By Arran P and Sam G

Rights and Responsibilities


We have been learning about rights and responsibilities. If there is a right there is also a responsibility. For example if you have  a decent shelter you have to take care and clean it.

P6B Mrs Miller Visit

Mrs Miller came to P6B to tell us about the Scottish parliament and what they do there. She told us how important debates are and we had our own debate in class. We learnt about where the Parliament is and it’s history.We also learnt about the different parties and that they have certain seats it was great fun and very interesting.

Thank You Mrs Miller for coming in!

By Hannah and Poppy.