Image result for pig heart boy

-My book is called pig heart boy

-the author is called mallory Blackman

-Camaron has a faulty heart and needs a heart transplant

– the boy is Called Camaron

-he is 13 years old


this book is about Camaron needing a heart transplant but the doctors don’t have enough human heart donors and can’t give him one but one day the doctors end up asking his parents if he could have a pig heart cause the where testing pig hearts and sujested that they should try it out so camoran gets a pig heart camarons mum and dad always fight , camaron tries to keep a secret about his heart but he can’t because he told one of his friends , camarons grandma is always there for him when his mum and dad fight / appears so that Camaron has a crush !!!!!!  But in the end the reader never finds out if camarons sibling is a boy or a girl because they are not born yet but I would give this book a 9 ot of 10 because it was actually quite interesting about the heart transplants and that Camaron had to have a pig heart …………

By Katie 🙂