Down on the farm with Mrs Fletcher

Did you know that when Mrs Fletcher is not at school she is working hard on her farm.  She brought us in lots of photographs to show and tell us about the different jobs she has to do on the farm.

We were very interested to hear about and see the new lambs that came earlier than expected.

Look how muddy the farm road is – Mrs Fletcher will definitely need her wellies!

The little red hen

We enjoyed sharing the story of the ‘Little Red Hen’.  We decided to make puppets of the different characters and retell the story to our friends.  We had great fun painting, drawing and making the animals in the story.

Rookie Rockstars

We had our first Rookie Rockstar session today and learned 2 new songs. It was great fun! Remember to look at your letter for information on next week’s concerts.

World Book Day

We all decorated our doors for World Book Day, we had a visit from David Solomons who is the author of ‘My Brother is a Superhero’, we had a world book day assembly, we shared our favourite books, we visited the book van, and buddied up with other classes for reading buddies. It was a very busy week but we really enjoyed it!


Divine Doors!

We all had great fun decorating our doors to celebrate World Book Day. P7B chose the Jungle Book after a class vote. They worked really hard in small groups to create a brilliantly decorated door. Well done everyone!

Book Buddies

All classes buddied up today to share stories with each other. P7B paired up with P4/3 & had great fun reading together before we went on a tour of the decorated doors together. Thanks, P4/3! We really enjoyed our time with you all!

My favourite book is Harry Potter Deathly Hallows

My favourite book Harry Potter Deathly Hallows  because I like how it is adventure and a little horror

Main Characters

  • Harry Potter
  • Hermione Granger
  • Ron Weasley
  • Lord Voldemort

What is the story about?

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows is about 3 teenagers ( whiches and wizards) who are trying to kill Voldemort by killing …

I would recommend it!


An Eagle In The Snow

This is one of my favourite books which is about the war  and I’m   going to do a book review report on why I enjoy this BOOK.

The author – The author is Michael Morpurgo who has quite a lot of books and quite a few of them are based about the war like War Horse [ Also now a movie ] so I would also recommend some of his other books.

The Setting – There is a boy with his mum on a train and this other mysterious person who is telling them a story about the World Wars and how this man called Billy Byron who could of prevented the  World War 2.

These are the main characters …..

  1. Billy Byron who is a fighter in World War 1 and World War 2.
  2. The mysterious man who is telling what happens in the war.
  3. The boy and his mum who is getting told in the war.
  4. A girl called Christine who Billy saves in the War and  falls in love with.
  5. And some of Billy’s team mates who also fight in the war.

The Genre – War , Fighting and action.

What Happens In The Book??????????????????????????????????

  • Billy and the Allies won World War 1.
  • Billy decided not to kill the last German after World War 1 because there was no point.
  • That German he didn’t  kill was actually Adolf Hitler .
  • In World War 2 Billy recognised the man who started World War 2 and knew that he had made a mistake.
  • So the story is all about Billy trying to fix his mistake.

I would recommend this book to people in Primary 4  and up to the end of High School because this book has some mature features but also a great example of what it was like in both Wars.

If you read this book then be prepared for a blood-pumping adventurous story filled with twists and turns . This book is especially good if you’re interested in either World War 1 or World War 2.

This is definitely  one of my favourite books because it has a lot of action adventure and it warms your heart at some parts of the story.

So go ahead and buy this book if you’re interested!!!!!

By Sam G [ p6 ]



Book Report Demon Dentist

Demon Dentist is a book written by David Walliams  . The main character is a boy called Alfie he goes to a local school and finds a friend called Gabz she has long very curly hair and Alfie has a little bit of a crush on her . Alfie has a dad who is in a wheelchair and he is unable to look after him very well and his mum is dead. Alfie has a social worker called Winnie and she’s quite plump and she always wears brightly coloured clothes . Lastly there is the dentist called Miss Root she is tall and slim with an evil looking grin Miss Root has a called Fang which protects her from danger . Miss root is an evil dentist and one day she visits Alfie and Gabzs school and gives every pupil a tube of toothpaste and suddenly …………….. if you want to read this book I would defiantly recommend it to the age of 7-13  the books theme is a horror/adventure because some of the parts are creepy and spook you out and some of the parts they are trying to find who the dentist is and why she is doing this …………… this book is set in the modern period and is quite up to date . The book tells a story about a 12 year old boy called Alfie who loses his teeth because Miss Root gives out sweets which rot his teeth and from that day Alfie is suspicious of Miss Root and he is determined to find out more about the evil Miss Root ………………………… The book is a funny and creepy story I think it is WARNING IF YOUR DENTIST IS CALLED MISS ROOT AND HAS A CAT CALLED FANG I WOULD INSISTS YOU TO RUN FOR YOUR LIFE BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT SHE COULD DO TO YOU !!!!!!!