Ear homework by Bethany

The Ear

The ear has little bones so you can hear. Here are the little bones name,

First you  have your outer ear, Then you have your Pinna, Then ear canal, Then you should all know you have an Ear Drum, Then Malleus, Then Incus, Then your Middle ear, Then Stapes , Then your Inner ear and last but not least u have your Cochlea. That is all your bones and all that stuff.

                                                                how do you hear?

Sound waves enter your Canal and then it makes your ear drums vibrate. The action moves a long the ear to your middle ear the last bone knocks to the Cochlea and makes the fluid in the Cochlea moves. That is how you hear.


Name 3 main Bones what makes you hear?

Try and name all your bones in your ear?

                                                                                          By Bethany