What I have learnt by Nathan and Andrew

In this topic we have learnt about  democracy and all about debates and even had some MPs come in to tell us about our topic and we had our own debate about homework should be banned and the majority of the vote was that homework should be banned. We wrote some speeches and we all got a chance to be in the debate and everybody enjoyed the debate and all the MPs coming to in to tell us all about their job and what they do to help the world in a way. We had Mrs Miller came into our class and gave us a rough idea of what the hole debate thing is and then we had Calum Kerr that came in to talk about his job and what he has to do to help then we had Christine Grahame to talk to us about what she had to do to keep the world a safer palace and she also told us about her passion about animals  and how she likes animals and that she has a lovely cat called Mr Smokey. I’ve really enjoyed democracy and I learnt a lot more and now if I become a debater or a member of Scottish parliament then attest I can say I got taught that in p6A and that is why I love this topic so this is probably my favourite topic in p6 so far and by far. We have also learnt a lot about Kim Jong Un and how he always thinks about himself and never anyone else. This has the best topic and I think if I where to become an MP is that I can go and get a cat called Mr Smokey or maybe go to Google and get to try the new VR head set or go to school and tell them about my job and that is why that job as an MP would be the most fun ever.

Image result for Calum Kerr happyImage result for Christine Grahame