Facts about sloths Bethany’s Home work

In this block I have been learning about the rainforest and Mrs Harrison let us pick what we wanted to do and I did a factsheet about sloths. Here are some facts.

  • Sloths have an easy life.
  • They sleep to 10-20 hours a day they spend the rest of the time roaming.
  • They leave their trees once a week to poop.
  • Sloths are extremely slow moving animals in the rainforest.
  • Sloths have baby’s upside down on one tree branch.
  • Some sloths can rotate their heads all the way round.

Image result for sloths in the rainforest

Planets in the solar system

We have been thinking about the planets in our solar system and we have come up with some ways to remember the names of the planets in the correct order.

My Very Energetic Mum Jumps Seesaws Unlike Nanny.

My Very Easy Method Just Step Up Now.

My Very Entertaining Mother Joanna Smith Understands Numbers.

The order of the planets is:

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Sloth fact sheet- Munro’s homework

The sloth is a weird animal becouse it spends its day upside down and it’s fur grows upside down so if it rains it rolls off the sloths back.

Sloths are good at swimming. If a female makes a sound the sloth knows she needs a boyfriend but if the sloth gets there and she has a baby the sloth knows his life is a fail.

Some sloths can turn their  heads nearly 360 degrees .

Image result for sloth



‘Show not Tell’ Homework

A good writer shows emotions through ‘actions’ rather than using the emotional word. Just think, if I told you a really evil looking wizard was kind and loving would you believe me? Would you be more likely to believe me if I showed you him being loving and kind through his actions? Make your reader BELIEVE your characters.

Choose a fantasy character from the pictures below and describe them by SHOWING their actions not TELLING what they are like. Make the character believable for your reader. Homework due: Tuesday 22nd November

Think about:

  • Verbs: How they enter? (do they shuffle, stride, skip etc.)
  • Adverbs: How they move? (confidently, cautiously, briskly etc.)
  • Similes: Could you compare them to an animal? What could you compare their eyes/hair/smile etc. to?
  • Metaphors:g. his hands were flat spiders; she had a heart of stone
  • What are their facial features like? (E.g. small, shifty eyes could indicate they’re secretive; rotten teeth might suggest they neglect themselves)
  • What are they wearing? Style of clothes and colours? (E.g. brightly coloured clothes = confident)

fantasy 2
fantasy 1

The Rainforest Song by Amelia

Amelia wrote this rainforest song for homework and she performed it in class. Well done Amelia – Mrs Harrison was very impressed with this and everybody else’s homework.

The Rainforest song
The rainforest the tropical rainforests (repeat)
You’ll find the rainforest in the tropics
You can find them Asia, near the equator
The rain makes noise like 10 drumsticks
The rainforests wet the rainforests hot
Lalalalaaa Lalalalaaa
Verse 1
You can get plants like the venus fly trap
Don’t stick your finger in a plant like that
6 trigger hairs make all the difference
It’ll shut, BANG and eat it ali(twist)ve
Verse 2
Have you seen jaguar there big and vicious
You wouldn’t wanna mess with 1 a those
There quick, camouflaged, related to the tiger
3rd largest cat after the tiger and the lion
Verse 3
You can get the forest floor and the understory
We also gotta canopy and the emergent layer
They all all are different but there in the rainforests
its hard to take everything in butcha yu doin well learnin

The Botanist killer catcher


By Professor Duncan, Dr Meldrum,  Professor  Diack

This plants scientific  name is the Botominyam  we based the name on its carnivorous behaviour. It has an innocent look, gold nectar orange inside pink outside .It has a colourful  entrance, to attract its prey which is Spiders  ,Flies , Frogs, butterflies and falling coffee beans, but because the nutrients in the soil are very low it utilizes its prey . This is how the plant works, it goes through the coloured entrance and than there is a tube were there is no oxygen, and after 5 days the tube opens and the body left-over corpse shoots out and makes a beautiful display with gold nectar but the ugly body destroys this pretty display.

The mars nectar plant by world famous botanists – Professor Neville, Dr Armitage , Dr Marshall


Today when in the Amazonian rainforest we discovered  the mars nectar plant. The scientific name is titan Aram nectar plant. You find this plant in any layer of the rainforest but the changes that it faces are death defying because  it is in all the layers including the emergent layer it gets killed by the deadly wind .It has adapted to survive by luring in animals like the bee and the fly to eat to survive . This plant has lots of special things about it including it has a special type of nectar that the animals cant resist . One of the fun facts about this amazing plant is once the fly has started to eat the nectar it closes its mouth and the creature dies.


The pizza plant by world famous botanists Dr.Hollingsbee, Professor Pearson, Dr Lawson.

Today in the Borneo rainforest we discovered a new type of plant we called it the pizza plant because it turns insects into a dough like gloop  which it cooks the insects in and comes out like a badly made pizza. The pizza plant lives in the forest floor layer of the rainforest. The pizza plant challenges our swamps because it can’t drain the water out of the traps. The pizza plant has adapted by using it’s traps to catch all living thing. When it is fully grown the pizza plant it is bigger than a human and is 13 feet tall. Its roots don’t go under ground once it turns 2 years old which allows it to move freely.



The Zaganella Plant By World Famous Botanists – Professor Hamilton,Professor Moffat and Professor Wylie


Today when we were in the Amazon Rainforest we discovered a new plant called the Zaganella Plant { Nemphalkaniss}. It lives in the understory layer and eats any thing small that comes near to the deadly plant. The insects might think that they’re being threatened by the Zaganella plant. The plant faces lots of different challenges like how it gets its prey to come to it. It does this by making its self smell like honey so the small animals are attracted to the plant. The Zaganella plant can only be pink with orange spots. It can grow up to 11 years old and then it will rot away. It grows to 24 cm tall and the trap itself can be 16cm wide. They all have 4 leaves that are all different sizes.

The MegaMosese by world famous Dr Macmillan, Dr Maciver, Prof Duncan


We were in the Amazonian Rainforest and we discovered the MegaMosese  plant but the short name is the Mega M . This  plant is found at the Understory and its challenge is the insects because it can only eat small insects/frogs .The baby size is 20-40cm tall ,the full size is up to 80cm tall you will be lucky to find one taller than that. It has adapted because of the beautiful colours on it the colours are red ,orange , pink and blue all them colours attract the insects and small frogs . The challenges it faces is keeping its own territory because other plants take over its land so it tries and grows as fast as it can to spread life of its own kind. Its so special because its the only plant to glow rainbow colours at night. Its also special because it grows fruit at the top of it, It mainly grows berries .An interesting fact is its got a pink dot on it you probably shouldn’t touch it because its poisonous .