Primary 2 – 12.05.20

Good Morning Primary 2,

How is everyone today? We hope you are managing to work through your learning grid activities. There were some lovely uploads over the weekend and we enjoyed catching up on those yesterday.

There are some fabulous lessons available on BBC Bitesize if you are looking for more ideas. Click the link below to take you to the correct page:

This week our Rights Respecting School article is Article 14 – Freedom of thought, belief and religion. This article guarantees every child’s right to think and believe what they choose and to practice their religion, as long as they are not stopping others from enjoying their rights.

Click below for the powerpoint that supports Article 14. Once you have explored the powerpoint complete the following task:

Imagine you have discovered a new planet to live on. What ideas do you have about how you would want all the people who live there to treat each other and their planet?

Please continue to send photos of you working on the articles – we collate all of these as evidence which will go towards our school accreditation.

West Lothian Council have also asked all our parents/carers to complete a short questionnaire about school lunches. We would really appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to complete the survey to support the council in improving our catering service:

As always, please upload a few photos to your Learning Journal letting us know what you have been doing. Comment below or email the school if you need your username/password reset.

Have a lovely day,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – 11.05.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope you all had a lovely and restful weekend. Did anyone do anything nice to celebrate VE day on Friday?

We have included this week’s Learning Grids for you to remind you of the possible activities you could do at home. Remember, although we give lots of ideas there should be plenty time for rest and relaxation. You are all doing such a good job staying home, staying safe and protecting the NHS and this is the main thing. Any learning you do at home is a bonus and is much appreciated in this difficult time.

This week in social studies we are beginning to look at Antarctica. Do you know anything about Antarctica before you start learning more? Note down what you do know and over the week find out if you were right or wrong!

You have also been asked to create a healthy sandwich. We are keen to see what you put into your sandwich and please put some photos of your ‘delicious’ creation on your Learning Journal! There is a fabulous story about a disgusting sandwich – it is one of our favourites. If you don’t have this book you can listen to it on YouTube. Click this link to listen –

You might even want to use this story to do your ‘move and dance’ to as part of this week’s Health and Wellbeing. See the grid for more information!

You may have had an email or have seen on our new app that we have registered for ‘Travel to Tokyo’. Although the Olympics has been postponed we can still get active and stay connected. All you have to do is follow the simple instructions attached in pdf format below and log any activity you and your family do. It doesn’t matter if it is a 5 minute walk or a half hour Joe Wicks. Every little counts and there are prizes up for grabs! Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle will certainly be taking part!

Did you make our gallery last week? We have been selecting a few photos from the Learning Journal updates to share on the school blog for everyone to see! Keep uploading and you could feature on Friday.

Stay safe,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

P2 LAC 11.5.20

Rex and Mufasa 11.5.20

Travel to Tokyo Challenge

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba 11.5.20

Primary 2 – 27.04.20

Hello Primary 2,

How was your weekend? The weather was beautiful so we hope you managed to get outside and enjoy it. The forecast says the nice weather isn’t going to last unfortunately. You can check out the weeks weather forecast on

Last week we posted two weeks’ worth of learning grids so you should now be looking at the grids beginning 27.04.20. We have also attached them to make it easier for you to find them. As always, please choose one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. We have loved seeing photos of you completing your tasks on your online learning journals. If you need your password reset either email the school office or comment below and we will be able to help.

Amazon audible have also made all their audio stories free while the schools are closed. There are so many stories to choose from. Visit and let us know what you pick!

If you are looking for more number work check out There are lots of great online and offline resources you could use to further develop your number and mathematical skills.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please comment below to say hello or upload photos to your learning journal.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Rex and Mufasa week beginning 27.04.20

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba week beginning 27.04.20

P2 – 20.04.20

Hi Primary 2,
We hope you all had a lovely holiday. The weather was nice most of the time and meant that we could get out and about. Miss Rafferty did lots of walking and running with her mum’s dog Storm, Miss Pringle took her dog Dave on some long walks and Mrs Oliver spent time outdoors with Aaron and celebrated her special birthday! All 3 of us ate lots of Easter eggs too! We would love to hear what you have been doing. Please put photos on your Learning Journal or comment below to let us know what you did over the fortnight.
If you click on your groups link below you will see learning grids for the next fortnight. Please do one literacy, one numeracy and one learning across the curriculum activity each day. You may choose to adapt these and we love to see your creative activity ideas!
Joe Wicks is still doing his 9am workout on YouTube. You can find his channel on YouTube – The Body Coach TV.
We are planning to learn about animals in hot and cold countries this term. Edinburgh Zoo have live cameras in with the pandas, penguins, tigers and koalas. You can watch them at – let us know what you see!
We hope you are all keeping well and are remembering to continue to wash your hands regularly. We look forward to seeing your photos on your Learning Journals.
Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 2 – 31.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

We hope everyone is well today? A big thank you to those who posted photos on their online learning journals yesterday. It was so lovely to see what you have all been up to and the fabulous learning you have been doing. We reset all P2 parent passwords so please check your inbox. If you did not receive one just comment on this post and we will do our best to rectify that. Scroll down in this post to see some of the lovely photos!

As today is usually our reading day we have made up some comprehension activities for you to do at home. Please select your group below and post photos of your completed work on your journal. You can complete the questions in your jotter. Remember your title and date!

Buzz and Simba

Rex and Mufasa

Woody and Pumba

Newsround have a daily episode each day to keep you up to date with what is going on in the world. Go on to to watch the current episode and let us know what you think. You could even practise your note writing and take some notes.

Miss Rafferty noticed lots of bears in windows when she was out her morning jog. Can you put a teddy bear in your window? If possible, go out a ‘bear hunt’ and count how many you can see around your neighbourhood!

Have a lovely day everyone and we look forward to seeing your photos on your online journals.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty


Primary 2 – 27.03.20

Good morning Primary 2,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here today. We hope you all had a nice day yesterday despite the weather being a little miserable. Did any of you manage to take part in the round of applause for our fabulous NHS staff at 8pm last night? We both did and it was lovely to hear everyone coming together to celebrate our hard working NHS staff.

You should have a few activities left on your week 1 sheets to choose from. Thanks to those who have let us know what they have been doing. We love to hear from you all so please continue to comment regularly.

Fridays usually include a handwriting lesson so please ensure any writing you do today is neat, with letters formed correctly.

Blair Drummond Safari Park are doing a live session on their Facebook page at 12pm each day where one of the keepers will tell you all about an animal. You can post questions for them to answer too. We watched it yesterday and it was fabulous! Let us know if you manage to tune in.

David Walliams is also reading 30 minutes from one of his books at 11am each day. You can find this on

We have both been trying Joe Wickes each day – it is hard work but we both feel great afterwards. Miss Rafferty has also been out running each day. It is so important to try and keep our fitness levels up – what are you doing to keep yourself fit?

Remember today is a half day – we are sure you wont forget!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to hearing about what activities you choose from your week 2 sheet next week.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 2 – 24.03.20

Good morning everyone,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here. We hope you had a productive first day working from home. Again, look at your packs and choose another literacy, numeracy and learning across the curriculum activity. We would love to hear from you so please comment on this post and let us know what you have been doing.

Make sure you are listening to your parents/carers and helping out around the house. Parents/carers feel free to comment and let us know how well they are all doing!

Remember your Education City log ins, daily Joe Wicks workouts at 9am on YouTube, Glasgow Science Centre (you can find them on Facebook) are bringing a little bit of science into your home at 10am each day. Twinkl have also made a lot of resources free for you to use.

Today we would have been visiting the Tall Ship in Glasgow. Why not visit their website and draw a picture of you at the Tall Ship? You could also write a question you would’ve asked – remember your question marks!

Stay safe and remember to wash your hands!

Love Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

P2 – 23.03.20

Good Morning P2,

It is Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty here. We hope you are all well today and everyone is fit and healthy.

You have your home learning packs and have your week 1 sheets for literacy/numeracy and learning across the curriculum. We suggest you choose 2 activities from the literacy/numeracy sheet and 1 from the learning across the curriculum sheet each day. You have your new jotters so why not start by decorating the front cover? If you can, upload photos to the comments so we can see your creative designs!

It is a dry day today so if you have a garden or outdoor space why not go outside for some fresh air? Joe Wicks is doing a PE lesson each day at 9am – search for ‘The Body Coach’ on YouTube. You all have your Education City log ins – there are lots of games, think-its and topic tools on there to keep you amused.

Make sure you are listening to your grown ups and keep washing your hands regularly.

Speak to you all soon,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 4 12.3.20

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy and fun week in Primary 4. It is great to be all back together in our classes again.

This week we have been celebrating Sport Relief. Primary 6 have been coming around the school selling wristbands and we also had an excellent PE session yesterday organised by Primary 6! It really tested our endurance and stamina but it was lots of fun! Tomorrow the children can come to school dressed in their sporty clothes (please no football shirts) for a 50p donation. We will also go outside and take part in the weekly mile as part of our celebrations.

In RME this week we have been learning about the Christian celebration of Baptism. We learned why baptism is important to Christians, the important people who take part in a baptism service and what happens during the service. We created our own dramas based on baptism and performed them to the rest of the class – they were great! In writing, we wrote an explanation piece telling others everything we have learned about baptism – well done P4!

Rehearsals for our class assembly have continued this week. Thank you for all your support in helping the children to learn their lines. Our assembly will take place in the large hall at 9:10am next Tuesday 17th March. If you can attend please return the form in your child’s school bag to let us know. We look forward to seeing you then 🙂

Reminders –
Homework was given out on Wednesday and is due in on Monday 23rd March. All starred activities should be completed. This will be the last piece of homework handed out before the Easter holidays.

Our PE days are changing – Indoor PE will take place on a Monday and Outdoor PE will be on a Tuesday for P4M and a Thursday for P4C. Please ensure your child comes to school with appropriate PE kit and their own water bottle. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend. Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 2 9/3/20

A huge congratulations to Primary 2 O/P! They performed a fantastic assembly to their parents and Primary 1-3. There was super singing, dancing and acting. They shared lots of learning and the parents thought it was wonderful!

This week is Sport Relief! Primary 6 have organised a sporting event on Wednesday (Children need their p.e kits) and Primary 2 will be doing their own dancing challenge on Friday (dress down day). Primary 6 are still selling bands at £1 and the children are encouraged to bring in a donation on Friday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in their sports clothes and ready to dance!

Our specialist timetable is changing next week. Primary 2 will have their P.E with Mrs Ferguson on a Thursday and Art with Ms Fox on Wednesday. We will move our outdoor P.E session to a Tuesday.  So children require P.E kits on Tuesday and Thursday.

New homework was issued today. Can we remind the children to complete the activities on the sheet and anything that the children do can be noted in their “share it” jotter. Please ensure that the children are doing their reading on a regular basis and completing activities on Ed City.

We are excited about our up coming trip to The Tall Ship in Glasgow! We are going on Tuesday 24th March. We have lots of pirate themed activities to do and we will get to explore a real ship!

We are moving away from Multiplying and division in maths this week and starting to learn about addition with  money. The children will be adding coins together to reach totals. We have even set up a shop in our play area to allow the children to practise!

Reminders: Indoor shoes, water bottle, homework folders, p.e kits and a snack for break.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 4 27.2.20

Hello everyone

This week has been an exciting week. The boys and girls loved having family members in our classrooms on Tuesday afternoon and again this morning supporting them with their learning. Remember all of the children have their Education City passwords in their homework jotters and they can access games and activities at home as well as in school. Thank you to everyone who came to our shared start and finish this week.

Next week many of the children are looking forward to their residential trip to Lendrick Muir on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please remember that any medicines that the children require should be handed into the school office with the appropriate form as soon as possible. We are sure that the children will have the best time! The children staying with Miss Clark will also be having lots of fun. We will be creating our very own stop motion animations on the iPads as well as creating props for our assembly and spending time outdoors for an extra long PE session with Mrs Ferguson. It is sure to be an exciting week!

Preparations for our Primary 4 assembly are well underway. If your child has a speaking role then their lines are in their homework jotters. Please support your child in learning their lines at home. Each child has a role in our assembly and we will be practising lots in class over the next couple of weeks. Parents and families are invited into school to watch our assembly on Tuesday 17th March at 9am. You will receive a letter home about this in due course.

PE days – Wednesday and Thursday
Homework – starred activities are due in on Monday 9th March.
Sports relief wristbands will cost £1 and will begin to be sold on Monday.
Next Thursday (5th March) is World Book Day. Please can each child bring their favourite book to school on this day. This book can be fiction, non fiction, a comic, annual – anything! We will complete various activities related to our books throughout the day.

Have a lovely weekend. Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 6.2.20

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had a busy but fun week! In Science we have been learning about water. Our focus this week was the oceans and plastic pollution. The children worked individually, in pairs or in groups to design their own plastic collection inventions that could be used underwater to collect plastic. We had so many amazing ideas! The children then worked together to build their inventions and make them into reality using lego. They look fantastic, well done boys and girls.

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week our focus has turned to equivalent fractions. We learned that equivalent means equal or the same and the children have been using pictures and materials to explore fractions that are written differently but are the same size. Next week we will begin to explore written ways to work out equivalent fractions.

We are continuing to enjoy NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) lessons each Monday morning. The children have been learning concepts such as rhythm, beat, pitch and even learning how to read some musical notes! Ask your child what they have been learning at home 🙂

In Health we have been learning about how to stay safe while online. We learned about the story of Chicken Clickin’ who made lots of mistakes when using the Internet. The children were confident when identifying her mistakes and making suggestions for what she could have done differently. We will continue to learn more about how to be a good digital citizen next week.

Reminders –
Parents consultations take place next Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th February. Please contact the office to book an appointment if you haven’t done so already. We look forward to speaking to many of you then.

PE days
PE with Mrs Ferguson – Wednesday (both classes)
P4M Session 2 – Tuesday
P4C Session 2 – Thursday

Homework is due in on Monday (10th Feb). Starred activities should be completed. New homework will be given out on Wednesday.

The children will be off school for the February break on Friday 14th, Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th. We hope you all have a restful break when it comes.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 2 27.1.20

Primary 2 have been creating fantastic Pirate portraits after they were called upon by a visiting pirate. The children used pastels to draw their pirate portraits and discussed the features of a pirate (Beards, hats, hooks, gold hoop earring etc). These are going to be displayed on our wall ready for parents night!

Primary 2R have their parent assembly on Monday 10th February. Our assembly is all about Love and Kindness. The children have been given lines to learn and two songs to practise. (Cant help falling in love – Elvis Presley & Try a little kindness song- Tori Kelly and Sesame St)

In Numeracy the children have been learning about Arrays. We have been using arrays to help learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children have shown a good understanding of using this concept so we encourage you to use the array method at home. The children should be able to explain this to you- all they need is a pencil and paper.

Please continue reading regularly with your children and signing the homework sheets. The children have been working hard in reading sessions: sounding out tricky words, using expression and showing an understanding of punctuation.

We look forward to seeing you all on Parents night in the next couple of weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Miss Pringle

Primary 6 News 10.1.20

Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a lovely break with your families and are glad to be back into a routine once more!

Our PE days are now on a Monday (indoors) and a Wednesday (outdoors). The focus indoors will be Basketball and outdoors we will be developing fitness through a series of circuits involving high intensity exercises. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothes and footwear to do this.

The children have chosen their scottish poems in preparation for our Burn’s Assembly on the 24th January. They will present these in class on Thursday 23rd January as part of a speaking and listening assessment. We will be looking for eye contact with their audience, body language and expression as well as the ability to learn their words. If there are any issues with this please get in touch. Also use Youtube to help you with pronunciation!

We have introduced our school show this week and had a listen to the songs. We will upload these soon so the children can learn them at home too. Auditions will take place in the next couple of weeks and the children will be informed about this. The show is called ‘What’s the crime, Mr Wolf?’ and we look forward to showcasing this late March/early April.

A newsletter will be handed out at the start of next week along with homework. In reading we are looking at non-fiction in class so your child will be bringing home a book to read at leisure as well as their spelling work. We have also issued children with their ‘Education City’ log in and passwords which you can access through google and we will be setting small homework activities from time to time for children to complete. Currently we have set a 6X, 7X and an 8X activitiy for children to complete but they can also access other areas too focusing on second level but use first level if your child finds some too difficult.

Here’s to an exciting 2020!

Mrs Smith, Mrs Jamieson & Ms Matheson

Primary 4 6.1.20

Hello everyone!

We hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year! We can’t believe that we’re half way through the school year already!

We are looking forward to welcoming back the boys and girls tomorrow and we are sure they will have lots of news to share with us 🙂

Here is some information for the term ahead:
– PE days: Both classes have PE with Mrs Ferguson on a Wednesday. P4M will have their other session of PE on a Tuesday while P4C will have their second session on a Thursday.

– Homework: This week the children will be given out a non-fiction reading book to read at home. We will also be completing work on non-fiction texts in school. Your child will have this book home for 2 weeks. A Scottish poem will also be in your child’s homework jotter. We will be working on learning and reciting Burn’s poetry in school but would also appreciate if your child could work on this at home too. They will recite their poems to others on the w/b 20th January.

– A visitor from NYCoS (The National Youth Choir of Scotland) will be working with both classes for 8 weeks beginning on Wednesday this week. The children will learn fun new songs and learn different music concepts. Starting next week sessions will take place on a Monday.

– Look out for our class newsletter in your child’s bag this week. Inside is a more detailed outline for the term ahead.

Thank you for your support. Have a good week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 2 6/1/20

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful festive break.

Primary 2 have an exciting term ahead. Our new topic is going to be about Pirates which the children are going to love!

Our P.E days are Wednesday for indoor and Thursday for outdoor.

Can we remind all children to bring a water bottle to school and indoor shoes to wear in the classroom.

We will issue new reading books tomorrow and homework will be issued next Monday (children will get two weeks to complete this).

To celebrate Burns Day, the children will come home with a Scottish poem to learn and recite. These will be issued shortly.

Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 11.12.19

Primary 1 have been very busy in the run up to Christmas! Earlier this week they had their first nativity dress rehearsal in front of an audience. They preformed brilliantly and were proud to show what they have been working on to others in the school. We have watched the Primary 2 and 3’s nativity this week as well. Our Christmas party is next Thursday, the 19th December. It will be in the afternoon and children can come to school with party clothes to change into after lunch or they can go home for lunch and come back dressed for the afternoon.

This week in maths we have been learning about shape. We have explored 2D shapes, specifically circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. Primary 1 enjoyed describing the different shapes to each other and are becoming more familiar with them. Today and tomorrow we are going to be looking at 3D shapes. As part of this, we will be describing and sorting everyday objects.

In writing, we have been continuing to remember our full stops, capital letters and to spell some common words correctly. We are using the sounds that we have been learning in phonics to help us. Last week we wrote a letter to Santa and this week we are going to be writing an invitation to our nativity.

We have a whole school talent show next Monday and the children have been busy practising their songs. Each Primary 1 class are singing a different Christmas song, the children have the option to take part in the performance. It is Christmas jumper day and so the children are welcome to come to school wearing a Christmas jumper that day.

Homework was handed out last week for the final time this term, it is due in next Monday 16th December. The children have also been given their new reading books for this week. Please continue to practise reading at home.

Thank you for your support.

The Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 4 9.12.19

Hello everyone

It is the start of our second last week of term and we are now very busy in the run up to Christmas. Today we are going to watch the P1 nativity dress rehearsal and tomorrow we will watch the P2/3 nativity dress rehearsal. Wednesday is our Christmas party. It will take place all afternoon and children can bring party clothes to school to change into or they can go home for lunch and come back dressed for the afternoon.

In RME we have been learning about the Christmas story. The children learned about King Herod’s role in the story and the importance of this. Through drama the children were able to act as different characters in the nativity story. They could also ask the different characters questions in order to learn more about the nativity story.

In numeracy the children have worked hard to begin learning the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables and their related division facts this term. This week we will begin to work on multiplying larger numbers before revising all that we have learned next week. After the Christmas holidays we will begin to look at fractions in numeracy.

One of our PE days has changed. Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson will now be on a Wednesday. The other session of PE will continue to take place on Tuesdays. The children have also begun to have Art lessons with Ms Fox on a Wednesday.

Homework was handed out last week for the final time this term. It is due in next Monday 16th December. Starred activities must be completed and the rest are optional.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely week.

Miss Clark & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 29.11.19

Hello everyone

We have had a very busy week in Primary 4. We have been working hard on learning our Scottish song for today’s St Andrew’s Day assembly. We were working hard to learn “Bananas are the best” and the children performed very well today. Well done everyone.

Our thoughts now turn towards Christmas. Tonight is the Christmas Fair and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there. The Fair runs from 6 until 8pm and you can buy tickets at the door. In class we have been learning about the Christian story of Christmas. The children learned about the important role that King Herod played in this story and made story boards to showcase their learning.

In school next week we are very excited to watch a Panto in the big hall. We are also looking forward to our delicious Christmas lunch on Tuesday. Remember – if your child has not ordered a Christmas lunch then they should bring a packed lunch to school with them on Tuesday.

Homework is due in on Monday and we will hand out new reading books to some groups and new homework on Wednesday. The next set of homework will be due on Monday 16th December and this will be the last piece of homework before the Christmas holidays. Please remember that only the starred activities must be completed. Thank you.

We would also like to say thank you to all the boys and girls who have already presented their class talks. We can really tell that the children have worked so hard on preparing them. Thank you as well for all of your support in working with the children on these at home. It is very much appreciated. Anyone who has not already presented their class talk will do so next week.


PE days have now changed. PE with Mrs Ferguson will now take place on a WEDNESDAY instead of a Thursday as before. The other session of PE with Miss Clark and Mrs Muir will still take place on a Tuesday.

The children will also begin to work with Ms Fox on a Wednesday in Art.

Thank you for all of your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark and Mrs Muir

Primary 1 News

The children have been learning about the sound ‘g’ and ‘l’ this week in phonics. They practised forming these letters correctly on whiteboards and were introduced to the common words ‘go’, ‘got’ and ‘get’. They made lions, lollipops and autumn creatures with leaves from the playground and practised writing ‘l’ on their designs. In reading this week they have been learning about the features of their book. The children discussed the title, the author and blurb of the book and where you can find them. They answered comprehension questions and predicted what was going to happen in their book by looking at the pictures.

In maths we have been learning all about money. The children have been learning to describe the colour, shape and size of coins and how they are similar/ different from one another. They have been ordering and sorting these coins and have been enjoying playing coin games on Topmarks on the smartboard.

This week, the children have been learning all about toys. The children have been role playing in the Toy Shop and have been using coins to pay for teddy bears. They were introduced to the story of Mr Krinkles and talked about how the character in the story felt. The children have also been learning about autumn and collected things from the Nursery Garden to make a bird feeder. They enjoyed working together as part of a team to create their feeders.

Primary 1 were delighted to find out their role in the Nativity! If your child has a speaking part, we encourage you to help them practise their lines at home to make sure they are ready for rehearsals!

Please ensure that homework folders are brought in every day so that children have their reading books and that homework can be handed out when required.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Primary 1 teachers

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