P1/2 week beginning 8.5.17

Hello from P1/2

We have had a busy start to the term.  Our Seaside topic is already underway and we have been learning about some of the creatures which live in the sea around Scotland.  We have painted some of them and also written about them in our factfile.  We have been reading some stories about the Lighthouse keepers lunch and have started painting a frieze for our role play area which is going to be Mr and Mrs Grinling’s cottage.

Over the next few weeks we will be working on Lighthouses and making models.  If anyone has empty kitchen roll tubes these would be greatly appreciated.

In maths we have been practising our addition facts so that we can complete our sums more quickly.  We have also been learning more about time.  Primary 1 can now tell the time in o’clock and half past while Pimary 2 have been working on Quarter past and Quarter to.  This has been quite tricky and we still need to practise this.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and P1/2


Robert Burns World Federation Primary Schools Festival

The above event took place today in St. Athansius Primary School in Carluke, Lanarkshire. In the recitation section, West Lothian was represented by a Primary 5 Carmondean PS pupil, Lauren Anderson. Lauren performed very well and was easily on a par with the other performers. The standard was extremely high and we are proud that Lauren was equal to the company and to the task. Well done Lauren – display your certificate with great pride!

Primary 4 5.5.17

We hope you had a nice couple of days holiday this week. Although short, it has been a  very productive week here in Primary 4. We have been busy writing letters to pen friends in France telling them all about us. These will travel with the teachers visiting France as part of our Erasmus project and they will bring some back for us. We were very impressed with their English  when we read their letters to us and now have a target to be able to write a letter in French to them by the end of Primary 4.

We have been learning all about time in Maths and have used timetables. We were able to think of lots of occasions in life where we would need these skills. We worked out the duration of programmes and transferred digital times into analogue and back again. We will move on to doing measure next week and hopefully will get outside now that the weather is nicer.

We hope also next Thursday to go on a mini-beast hunt in groups. If there are any parents who would be willing and free to come on our mini-beast hunt as a helper at 1:30pm, please call the office to arrange.

We are in the midst of writing a story in the style of the Famous Five books in order to enter a competition. The competition involves using ‘Sway’ on Microsoft to produce their story in an interactive way. The children wrote their openers this week and attempted to hook the reader into their story through use of exciting vocabulary and ideas. Watch this space! We have some budding authors in our midst.


Monday – Indoor PE Kit

Tuesday – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday – suitable outdoor wear and footwear for going to the woods.




Maths if appropriate (new measure activities added)


Primary 6 05.05.17

Hello everyone

We hope the children have had an enjoyable couple of days off school this week.

This week the children continued with the Living and Growing programme. They have been learning about the changes that happen in our bodies, particularly girls’ bodies, as we grow older. If you have any queries about this programme please do not hesitate to ask.

In PE we have been participating in Athletics based activities. All of the activities this week involved sprinting. The children also researched one of 3 Olympians/Paralympians: Usain Bolt, Jessica Ennis-Hill or Ellie Simmonds. The children then used this research to write detailed biographies about their chosen athlete. We discussed the skills and qualities that athletes need to develop in order to become successful. We linked these to our work on Athletics in PE. Next week we will move onto jumping activities.

Next week, the children will take part in a Judo taster session on Tuesday morning. They will also have Futsal as normal on Tuesday and Outdoor PE on Wednesday. Please remind your child to bring full PE kit (including trainers) to school on these days.

On Tuesday 16th May the children will be making their first visit to Deans Community High School as part of their transition to High School next year. We will be at the high school from 9:15-12:20 and we will be back at Carmondean in time for lunch as normal. Children can take a snack with them up to the high school too.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 7 – 05.05.17


A short but productive week in Primary 7.

In writing the children planned and created a leaflet/poster explaining what it is like to be a buddy. These are very informative and the children will present them to P6 soon.

The children evaluated making their fairy house with their P1 buddy. Everyone was able to come up with 2 stars and a wish for their fairy house.

The Prom Committee had their first meeting on Wednesday where they have started to organise the Prom. They will be speaking to their class next week to make decisions about the theme, food, music and any extras they want at the prom.

The children are continuing to work on Didbook. They finished their personal statement and have started writing about ‘Me’. Remember the children can access this at home so you can see what they have written.

The children going to France organised their groups for the theme park. We will be having a further discussion with them next week giving reminders about what to pack and do for their residential experience. Remember no electronic devices that are Wifi enabled are to be brought.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 1 Update 2.5.17

Hello All,

I’m sure you’ll agree this term is flying by and with another short week this week, we are busy making the most of the children’s remaining time in Primary 1! Please remember that children are on holiday this Thursday (4 th May). Last week the children made a fantastic job of their fairy houses along with the help of their Primary 7 buddies. The teachers were very impressed, not only with the standard of finished product but the hard work and creativity the children put into them. Thank you for all the materials sent in from home. This week the children had an opportunity to assess their fairy houses by giving 2 stars and a wish – an important skill to develop as they become more independent in their learning.

In maths, the children are continuing to work with o’clock and half past times in words and on digital and analogue clocks. Please help your child to practise this skill in everyday activities whenever possible.

In Science the children have been learning about food chains and have created basic examples by themselves. This week they will begin to study water, it’s features and uses.

The children will be saying goodbye to Brambleberry, the forest elf this week and will be beginning their next topic on farming next week.

Thank you for continuing support.


Primary 1 Teachers


Primary 6 27.4.17

Hello everyone

This week has been a busy week in Primary 6.  We have been continuing to rehearse for our assembly tomorrow.  We hope you can make it to see our final performance in the new school hall tomorrow at 11:30am.  The children have been working so hard and we hope you enjoy our assembly.

This week we began learning about our new topic of Inclusion.  We will explore how life can be challenging for different groups of people and how we can work to include others.  Today we discussed the definition of the word inclusion and also how rules in society can be used to include or exclude people. We are looking forward to learning more about how we can be inclusive citizens.

In writing this week we wrote newspaper articles about our role in planning and organising the school’s Red Nose Day event this year. We learned that we all helped to raise a massive £1070.42 for the children in Africa and the UK that need it most.  The newspaper articles are looking fabulous and we are looking forward to seeing the final finished products!

Our PE times have changed slightly from the information given last week.  We will now have a Futsal instructor coming into school every Tuesday morning to work with the children.  Both classes can come to school dressed in their PE kit with their school uniforms in their bag.  Futsal will take place on a Tuesday morning with Outdoor PE on a Wednesday morning.

Please remember that each week your child is given both spelling and maths homework. Miss Clark’s class will also soon be given weekly reading homework. Homework is usually due in on a Thursday or Friday. Please ask your child about this.

Thank you for your support. Remember children are off on holiday on Monday 1st and Thursday 4th May.  Have a fantastic long weekend and we will see the children on Tuesday morning.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Kelly.

Primary Five 27th April 2017

This week has been a very busy one preparing for our Parent Assembly next week.  We have been practising every day and we are impressed by how well the children have learned their words.  You should receive your letter today with information and a slip to return.  The assembly will take place on Friday May 5th at 11.30 in the new gym hall.  We would be grateful if you could return the slip so we know how many chairs to put out in the hall next week.

This week we have also started looking at our new topic of The Scottish Parliament which is very relevant at this time!  We will be looking at the election process, the jobs MSPs do, what a democracy means along with other things.  We will also be looking forward to welcoming someone from the education department of the Parliament to the class to discuss our topic further and hopefully answer some questions.  We would be grateful for any leaflets or newspaper articles that you do not want/need anymore in the class to use as a basis for discussion.

Mrs Steel’s class welcomed Miss MacKay to their class before Easter.  Miss MacKay will be spending some time in the class until the 19th May, and will be responsible for the class for some days between now and then.  We are sure that she will enjoy being with us.

Reminders for next week

Monday- Holiday

Tuesday- Indoor Gym (dance so no gym kit required)

Thursday- Inservice

Friday- Assembly for parents ( no outdoor gym due to assembly)

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 2 update 27 April 2017

We had an exciting start to this term in P2 with a visit from Cool Creatures.  We met a lizard, an armadillo, a skunk, a snake and an arctic fox.  The snake was so big it took a lot of us to hold it! We learned a lot about how these animals survive in cold or hot countries.

We’ve been continuing to learn more about hot and cold countries and will be learning about the desert next when our friend Barney Bear travels there.

In writing we have written some very exciting stories about getting lost in the jungle.  We talked about the animals we met there.

Don’t forget it is a holiday on Monday and an in-service day on Thursday.

We hope you enjoy your holiday weekend.

Ms Matheson and Mrs Muir.


Lowport Lowdown 1

A very excited party of our Primary 3 children left Carmondean today on their very first residential adventure to Lowport Outdoor Centre, where they will spend 2 days involved in a variety of outdoor learning and cultural experiences. We will keep you updated on the blog as wi-fi allows and if you would like to leave us a message, please click on the ‘Comments’ tab at the top of the blog post.

Primary 7 – 27/04/17


Hope you are all well.

The children have been working hard this week in primary 7 and we have started transition activities in preparation for the move to high school.

In health the children have been gaining further knowledge about the effects of puberty on their body. There were lots of questions which we have tried to answer but it may be beneficial for you to have a chat with your child at home to clarify any misunderstandings or misconceptions.

Our PE days are Monday (athletics) and Wednesday(circuits). It is important that the children have appropriate footwear and outdoor clothing for these days as I am sure you will agree we do not want the children to become injured if they are participating wearing inappropriate kit.

We have started work on Road Safety – this is particularly important for this age group as they are most at risk of being knocked down. The children investigated stopping distances, speed limits and how these have an effect on the drivers ability to react to situations. Many were shocked at how far it took a car to stop and this is why so many accidents occur. You may want to have a further discussion with your child about appropriate ways to cross the road.

Miss Lindsay worked with Primary 7 on Didbook. The children started their personal statement. They will be able to access this at home to work on it.

The children had a great time working with their P1 buddies on a challenge to build a house. We are not sure who enjoyed it most!

Your child’s My Life So Far project should be nearing completion. They will be working on it in school for the next few weeks. These are looking fantastic and we cannot wait to see the finished projects.


Spelling homework

Monday !st May and Thursday 4th May – Holiday

Tuesday 2nd May – AAL Metting 6pm


Online Safety Warning

Please note the following information received from West Lothian Council child protection office.

Advice regarding use of Live.ly and Musical.ly streaming apps
Following on from a number of incidents involving children from across the UK, we would like to raise awareness of the above apps and share the following information with parents:
1.       The terms and conditions state all users must be at least 13 years of age.
2.       Users may be exposed to adult content such as swearing, graphic content and pornography.
3.       Live streaming is not fully private even when privacy settings are set to on.
4.       Users are able to search for other users close to their location.
For further information about potential risks to children please visit the following pages:

Primary 3 24.4.17

Primary 3 have an exciting week ahead. A number of our boys and girls are off to Lowport on Thursday until Friday. They will be doing lots of different outdoor activities and visiting some interesting places in Linlithgow. Children going to Lowport need to remember a packed lunch and a snack. Up to the minute news and pictures will appear on the BLOG.

The boys and girls staying at school will be continuing work on our topic- Outstanding Outdoors. They are going to be identifying and drawing plants and animals found in the garden, planting seeds in our big planters outside our classroom windows, going on a bug hunt and performing at our very own mini talent show!

In maths this term, we are focusing on division. The children will be using their knowledge of times tables and fractions to help them solve division questions and problem solving.

Our reading this term is Guided Reading, which the children are very familiar with. Reading homework will be done on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Spelling and Maths homework will be sent home today. Could it be handed back in for Thursday as it is a short week with children going to Lowport.

P3R P.E – Outdoor Tuesday, Indoor Monday

P3S P.E- Outdoor Tuesday, Indoor Wednesday

Newsletter will be coming out shortly outlining the plans for our final term.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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