Primary Five 26th May 2017

This week has been busy with show rehearsals once again.  Can we remind all children that they need to continue to learn the words for their part?  The performance is fast approaching and it is important that everyone knows their lines for rehearsals.  You have all received letters about ticket sales for both performances.

We have been continuing work on our Political Party challenge.  The children are really enjoying this and it is an engaging and active way to learn about the election process. We have come up with names for our parties and made rosettes with logos on to wear while we are working in our groups.  Most groups have come up with a manifesto for their party and we will be making leaflets and filming party political broadcasts in the next week.

Next week-

Monday- Reading/Spelling/Show words


Fri- Outdoor PE kit

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 4 24.5.17

Wowee, what a brilliant week for us to be going to Auchengillan! The sun is shining and it looks like it will be a great two days!

We have been busy whilst the others are away planning Day for Change. This is a UNICEF charity occasion which Primary 4 are in charge of leading.

We had lots of ideas of what we could change for the day and have decided on “Opposites Day” which will take place on the 16th June.

We will be gathering spare change in the bottles in the classroom and hope to have enough coins gathered to spell out “Day for Change,” in our new hall. More information will follow.

CATERPILLAR UPDATE: Our caterpillars have transformed into chrysalis and are now hanging upside down in our net, ready for the big transformation.


Please bring in show costumes.

Summer Fair is on 3rd June. Please get in touch with Parent Council if you are able to help out at all.

Homework Due Friday 2nd:



Maths – New activities uploaded to Studyladder to work on at your discretion. We are now measuring length and capacity.


Primary 7 in France – Friday 19th May

Last night we had a disco it was so fun and Dean asked for let it go but it didn’t get played. There were a lot of good songs we had to go before let it go came on. We were all dancing our hearts out singing and dancing. We are going on the bus soon and we dock at 8:15 and we will be going home soon.

We had to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning on the ferry because there were so many people on board we had breakfast. We are getting 5 pound for lunch on the way back we are aloud to go to any place and buy our self like Burger King, KFC and lots more we are all having a blast on the trip.

Written by James, Dean and Stuart

Primary 7 in France – Thursday 18th May

Today, Thursday, was the last morning in France. This morning we went to the ‘In Flanders fields’ museum and we had lunch there.
First we had to go to the desk and get poppy bands that got us into the museum and watch and listen to the audios. We got to wander around ourselves but most people went round in groups. We saw all of the old stuff found from WWI. There was a big pile of used bullets that they found on the beach and there was some weapons, clothing and some stuff out of the trenches like wine and water bottles and spoons.
On the walls were a set of German, French and British uniforms. They were really all the same but the British had kilts instead of trousers.
There was pictures showing us all of the skeletons that they found. On all of them there was lots of missing bones and body parts from all of the bombs. After we looked around the museum we went outside of the museum and had lunch. We got to play tig for about 10 minutes. The teachers took us to the gift shop and we got to buy gifts.

Then we went to the Belgian chocolate shop and the shop keeper was standing there with a sign saying welcome Carmondean primary school. When we went in he had a mike and was telling us about a offer – it was a box of Belgian chocolate, milk, white or dark chocolate for €9.99 plus they gave us a free bag of marshmallows. We all got 10% of everything in the store.
We went to the Menin gate and looked at most of the names of the soldiers. Then we went to Tyne Cott and looked at graves.
We went to go get on the ferry and got dinner. It was a buffet – it had soup for starters or you could get fruits, for main meal you could get meats and roast potatoes, Chinese food or chicken. For desert we got to pick a little cake and a little tub of ice cream. At the end of the day we had a disco that more schools were at.

Written by James, Emma & Leah

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 15.5.17

Good morning from Primary 1/2

This week we have been learning about the seaside in the past.  We looked at old photos and discussed the differences between then and now.  We will be continuing with this next week.

In Maths we have been working on money.  We have set up a beach shop to buy different things for our trip to the beach.  Primary 2 have been learning to add 2 items together and also give change from 20p.  Primary 1 have been working on making amounts within 10p.

Next Tuesday we are going on our trip to the Seabird centre at North Berwick.  We will be working with the rangers in the rockpools and hope to learn about lots of interesting creatures.  Please check the weather forecast to decide on appropriate clothing for the day.  It would be best if children brought a waterproof jacket but also check if sun cream is needed and apply if necessary.   Wellies or old trainers would be best.

Have a lovely long weekend

Mrs Jamieson and Primary 1/2

Primary Five 19th May 2017


This has another busy week in Primary Five with lots of show rehearsals.  We are getting on well with our words and have been practicing the dancing lots.  We also had a visit from the Scottish Parliament Education Outreach which we really enjoyed.  We were put into groups and created manifestos and had a mini election.  We are going to build on this in class by making our own political parties, coming up with manifestos, film party political broadcasts and write speeches.  We are going to have a Carmondean General Election at the end and see which party has won.


This week we are sadly saying goodbye to Miss MacKay who has spent the last 6 weeks with us.  We have loved having her teach us and we wish her all the best for the future.



Tuesday-Reading activity


Friday-Outdoor Gym

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig



Primary 6 18.5.17

Hello everyone

It has been (yet another!) extremely busy week in Primary 6 this week.

On Tuesday we visited Deans Community High School for the children’s first visit as they begin the transition from Primary School to High School. The children were met in the hall by Mrs Mordaunt (The head of S1 and S2) who introduced the children to the school, told them about their day and answered a few questions. The children then followed a short timetable attending a variety of different subjects such as PSE, English, Maths, Science, PE and Music. The children met new teachers, had experiences of High School classrooms and were allowed to discuss worries about going to High School but also what they were looking forward to. Every single child that attended behaved excellently and many of the teachers from Deans commented on how polite, well behaved and enthusiastic the children were. They were a credit to the school, their teachers and themselves. Well done everyone! The children’s next visit to Deans will be in November when they are in P7.

This week the children have also been working on booklets for their future P1 buddy. These booklets have been started by the school office staff and are created for P1 children and their parents. Primary 6 have the job of filling in important information and then decorating their future buddy’s booklet. The children are really taking their time to make these booklets fantastic. We can’t wait to see the finished products. The children will meet their buddies in June.

In PE the children have been continuing with the Futsal programme with their instructor Neil. They have also been taking part in different activities related to Athletics in Outdoor PE. So far the children have looked at sprinting, endurance running and hurdling. Please remember that children should have their PE kit with them on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Homework reminder –
Spelling – Due on a Friday
Reading (P6C only) – Due on a Monday
Maths – Teacher dependent, but usually a Friday

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 7 in France Wednesday 17th May

Sarah- Hello, today we went to parc bagatelle theme park and we all had a great time there. We left the hotel at around 10:00am and arrived after booking in at 10:45am. We left at dinner time and everyone had the best time on the highest and spiniest rides. We also went to 2 gift shops, one was a sweet shop and one was a gift shop. Soon after we went and all got ice creams, we had 2 flavours strawberry or vanilla. Most people went for vanilla which was very good. The biggest ride in the theme park was the Triopps. You sat in a car like seat and went up very high.

Ella- A lot of people’s favourite was the famous jack mouse trap rollercoaster where you sit in a teacup shaped seat and spin while you drop and turn sharp corners!

Rebecca- Another popular ride was the RAF aeroplane ride it went upside down while you spinned and dropped. This is my personal favourite but it was scary. Sometimes you stayed upside down.

Mortikai- It was fun on the rides. Going upside down and the water rides were my favourite.

A great time was had by all. The weather was really hot and sunny. The teachers had a fun way of keeping us cool!!

At dinner we got chocolate doughnuts which were yummy.

Tomorrow we are going to Ypres and the chocolate shop then sadly the ferry home.

Primary 7 in France Tuesday 16th May

Bonjour from France

Today we went to war memorials. First we had breakfast – we had croissants, baguettes and cereal. Then we went to Ulster Tower, we looked at the graves and then we saw the forests and saw all of the trenches. They were dug out and metal was used to keep the rocks and stones from caving in. The trenches were not straight they were zigzag, small and tight so that bombs can’t fall in and kill soldiers. There were craters that were not levelled out since ww2. We found out that in the water bottles French soldiers had red wine and water and British had water. Then we went to Thiepval and had lunch. The memorial was so big and had so many names. We laid a wreath at Lochnagar crater. After that we went to another memorial -etaples. There were so many graves, the biggest cemetery we saw.

Dinner was spaghetti and ice lollies for pudding. Yum! We then went to the beach. It was a very long walk! We had great fun and got very sandy.

Tomorrow we are at the theme park. We are so excited!

written by James and Stuart

Primary 3

This week we are going on a woodland walk on Wednesday in the afternoon, please make sure your child comes to school in appropriate footwear as weather has not been good so far this week!

Homework as normal: spelling focus is on ‘sq’ words and our maths focus is on division.

Please make sure your child brings in their PE kit on the appropriate days:

P3S: Tuesday & Wednesday

P3R: Monday & Tuesday

Our focus this week in our ‘Outstanding Outdoors’ topic is on how we look after our local community and we will be coming up with our own mascot to promote this. We will also be looking at how our community can be neglected so if you are out for a walk have a look for any evidence of either of these things and have a chat with your child about it and how it makes them feel.

Have a good week!

Mrs Smith, Miss Rafferty & Mr Woodward

Primary 7 in France! Monday 15th May

Today we arrived in Rotterdam and travelled to Fort des Dunes. It was built in just two years by the French troops. It was built In 1878. Inside there were bunkers and we saw where the cannon supplies were kept.  We also had an audio guide to tell us all about the place and what happened during World War 2. As well as that we went through tunnels that were built there and had lots of fun. We arrived at our hotel and unpacked. After dinner we went to the park and had lots of fun playing with all of the equipment.

Written by Rebekah, Louisa, Cari & Jessica

Primary 1 Update 15.5.17

Hello All,

The children were very excited to begin our farming topic last week and they have been learning all about Arable and Livestock Farming. Over the coming weeks we will be learning about farm machinery now and in the past, farming produce from different animals and how to grow crops,aswell as using the topic as a stimulus for learning across the curriculum and in particular Writing and Art. We hope to welcome a representative from the Royal Highland Education Trust to talk to the children about life on farm at the beginning of June.

In Maths, the children have been studying money. They have been learning to identify coins and add coins together to pay for items. This week the children will have the opportunity to consolidate their learning in a class farm shop.

As part of our farming topic the children will be learning to make butter this week. This will then be followed up in writing with the children writing their own list of instructions.

Also this week, the children will be given parts for their upcoming assembly. If your child is given words to learn, we would really appreciate if you could help them practise these at home.


Thank you for your continuing support,

Primary 1 Teachers



Primary Five 12th May 2017

This has been a very busy and sporty week in P5 with our Judo taster, Sky Sports festival and swimming assessments.  We all had great fun trying out the Judo and all children received a leaflet to have a free trial at one of the classes.  The Sky Sports was a great success and although we didn’t win we all had a great day out.  We would like to thank Lauren and Kiera’s mum and Sakina’s mum for joining us on our trip we really appreciate the help.




Next week we are looking forward to welcoming someone from the Scottish Parliament to tell us more about the work that goes on there and the job of an MSP.  Following this we will be starting a ‘Political Party’ challenge where children will go into groups and create their own political party.  We are hoping to devise our own manifesto for our party, film party political broadcasts and then write speeches! We hope that this will give the children a fun insight into elections and the work of the Parliament. We are also continuing work on the school show and some of you have received letters about costumes.  Children are doing really well with learning lines so keep this up – well done!

Reminders for next week-

Monday- Reading, Spelling, Parliament Outreach.

Tuesday- Maths (Mrs Steel)

Wednesday- Maths (Mr Greig)

Friday- Outdoor Gym

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 7 – 11.05.17

Hello from Primary 7

It has been a very hectic week in Primary 7. Most of the work the children have done this week is in their assessment jotter. You will have the opportunity to look back at all of their assessments when the children bring their jotters back at the end of term.

The Prom committee had another meeting this week. They have decided on the colour scheme and food. The venue will be decorated using the colours red, light blue and purple.

They have requested a chocolate fountain – if anyone has access to one of these please let us know.

Well done to our two teams who took part in the maths challenge at DCHS. Congratulations to Carmondean B who came first (Emma, Jessica, Helena & Chanel) and Carmondean A who came third (Sarah, Niamh, Ben & Ciaran). They all got a certificate and a sweet for taking part and the school are the proud owners of a large shield for the next year. Well done to everyone for their hard work.

The children presented their buddy posters to primary 6 who asked lots of questions about being a buddy. Primary 7 are looking forward to the beach trip with their buddies on 20th June.

The children are very excited about the upcoming France residential. Please ensure all medication has been handed into school by Friday. The children who are staying in school will be working with Miss Farren on a variety of activities.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Macaulay & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 6 11.05.17

Hello everyone

We hope you have had a lovely week. This week has been an excellent week in Primary 6. The children have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum and have been impressing us all!

In maths, Miss Clark’s groups have been practising their addition and subtraction strategies. They have been using empty number lines to help them add and subtract larger numbers mentally. Ask your child to show you this at home 🙂 The children have also been working hard to say their times tables more quickly and accurately. We have been practising lots in class. Test your child at home and see what they know? 🙂 Natalia is our new “Beat the Buddy” champion! We are all very impressed with her times table knowledge!

Today in Primary 6 we had a special visit from the Primary 7 pupils who shared with us some posters and information leaflets they had created about how to be a good buddy. You’ll see some pictures of this visit below. The children received their “Buddy Booklets” today which they will be making to give to their Primary 1 buddies in June. The children are all looking forward to being buddies and we are sure they will take on their responsibilities maturely.

As part of our topic we have been learning about how we are all different and yet how we are all equally important. We have discussed certain types of disabilities and how they can impact on people’s lives. We have also discussed how we can help others who have mental, sensory or physical disabilities. The children in Miss Clark’s class have begun to research different types of disabilities so that they can create information posters for others. We look forward to seeing the final results.

In French, the children have been learning how to tell the time using o’clock and half past times. Next week we will explore the times quarter past and quarter to. The children have also been practising writing French words and phrases through the creation of calendars.

Reminders –
PE – Tuesday (Futsal) and Wednesday (athletics). Children can come to school in their PE kits on both days with a change of clothes in their bags.
Reading homework – Due for Monday each week (Miss Clark’s class only).
Spelling homework – Due Friday each week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Wylie


Primary 4 16.5.17

We have been learning about measure and used measuring tapes, ramps and cars to measure length and distance. We tried to get the furthest distance possible from our toy cars and recorded our results on a class table. We had 2 teams as joint winners getting 2 metres!

We have been looking forward to our bug hunt today. We will be out in the woodland looking for bugs and using our pooters and magnifying glasses to investigate our mini-beasts further. We hope we can catch a few to have a race and see where they travel to in 2 minutes. We will then measure the distance they have traveled. Thank you very much to the parents who have volunteered to help us today. Without you, our visit wouldn’t be possible!

Keep watching on here for updates of our photos from the investigation.

We also met our baby caterpillars this week. They arrived in our class and have been very hungry, busily working their way through their food to get strong enough for their transition to a butterfly. We are very excited to see them turn into their very own chrysalis and watch the transformation happen before our very eyes!



Auchengillan is coming up and we will be going in two weeks time!

Monday – Indoor PE Kit

Tuesday – Outdoor PE Kit


measure and time practice on Studyladder at your discretion

Due Friday: Reading week 5, Spelling week 3


Thank you for your continued support

Miss Smith and Miss Donaldson

Primary 3 wb 8.5.17

Primary 3 have a busy week ahead!

In maths we are continuing our work on division. Children will be working on ways to divide by 2, 5 and 10. Any times table practice at homework will be greatly appreciated. We are trying to make links with our times tables and work out inverse problems. We are also continuing work on telling the time but shifting our focus to digital clocks. Children will be focusing on o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.

Guided reading will continue this week and the children will be given pages from their book to read at home.

In health/technology we have been discussing internet safety. Children have been able to tell us how they can stay safe online but still have fun. Children recognised the importance of not sharing personal information, sharing with parents what they are doing online and not speaking to anyone that they do not know. Children are going to be creating their very own internet safety posters.

Spelling this week- we are focusing on words starting with qu.

If the good weather keeps up we will hopefully be outside as much as we can doing P.E and continuing work on our topic!

Homework- Spelling and Maths

P.E- Monday/Tuesday P3R

Tuesday/Wednesday P3S


Thanks for all your support: Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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