Primary 6 worked really hard on creating their firework work banner for the Kingsland Primary School Virtual Fireworks Display.
Well done everyone, it looks great!
Primary 6 worked really hard on creating their firework work banner for the Kingsland Primary School Virtual Fireworks Display.
Well done everyone, it looks great!
Primary 6A managed to finish their Halloween Houses today.
Here are a few examples:
We have worked on creating double mirror images using two lines of symmetry. Flo created this brilliant symmetrical picture.
We finished off our Senses Science work and learned how to finger spell our name using British Sign Language.
Super discussion was enabled with our Let’s Think Science group work looking at different skeletons and bones and trying to identify them. We also had to think about putting some bones in order of strength.
We have also studied ‘A fair and equal life for girls and boys’ and become aware of and understand the meaning of stereotypes, discrimination and equality. Lots of ideas and opinions were shared, explained and discussed.
Today has been a Halloween Day and we have been sewing pumpkins.
Maisie found it hard at first but then a lot easier.
Jamie found it frustrating as it all came apart.
Flo wanted to do the cross stitch at the side and Anna was able to show her.
Gabriel made his pumpkin different to anyone else.
Mrs Smith helped everyone. Thank you Mrs Smith.
We started to create collage Haunted Houses. We will post our finished pictures next week.
What has been your highlight of the week?
Our happy shoes for Shoesday at Kingsland Primary.
A rainbow of colours, a matching pair and cool stripes!
Some of us remembered to wear our favourite/different/colourful shoes today. Well done.
We have used the Book Creator App on our iPads and created a story related to our novel Holes about Stanley Yellnates and the sneakers! We have enjoyed using all the tools; background, comic text, video, sound, etc along with the pictures we drew. Niamh has particularly enjoyed doing this.
As we have studied the Sense of Touch this week, Olly and Annabelle enjoyed going on a playground Scavenger Hunt looking for different textures. We then choose to show our findings either in Book Creator or iMovie.
Flo and Mea liked the section we read on our novel Holes in relation to the character Kate Barlow and we have had some interesting discussion around this part of the book.
We have continued to work on mental subtraction strategies and inferential questions throughout the week.
This week was the first week back. We had changes of timetable to get used to and we are now all very tired.
This week we enjoyed:
-designing a name badge for the back of our I-pads.
-exploring the apps on our I-pads.
-learning about angles and finding them in our environment using our cameras.
-P.E. We played netball.
-our first 2 SRA reading sessions
-making a 3D cube to display our holiday writing on
-learning about written strategies for subtraction
Today we say goodbye to Charlie. We will miss him and wish him luck in his new school!
Hope everyone has a lovely week off. See you on the 19th October.
We have worked hard on our last week of Block 1.
We have written our Haunted House description text using adjectives, similes and metaphors.
We have investigated the Sense – Taste and tried to identify the flavour of different Jelly Beans. If you hold your nose you can not taste any flavour!
In number, we have continued to work on the standard written method of subtraction and know the importance of a clear layout.
In reading, we have been using part of the question to help form our answer. This has been a little tricky.
We wish everyone a happy, and well deserved October break. See everyone back in school on Monday 19th October.