Please comment below to say two things you have enjoyed this week.
Mrs Brown
Please comment below to say two things you have enjoyed this week.
Mrs Brown
In maths we started to work on decimals with one decimal place (tenths). We had to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa and we ordered decimals from smallest to largest and largest to smallest.
We planned our Exposition Assessment piece of writing on Children Should be Paid Pocket Money for Doing Chores.
We revised one of the resilient strategies Take a Moment and we slowly ate a square of chocolate thinking about texture and taste.
We discussed the short and long term effects of alcohol on the body. We identified lots of effects. Previously we looked at persuasion strategies and tried to persuade our partner to eat a Skittle!
In PE we played non-stop cricket and normal cricket.
We played some word games in preparation for our debates next week.
We enjoyed this week’s assembly about why you should behave safely.
We have worked hard on our first week back in school after the holidays.
Our persuasion exposition text this week has been on Homework Should be Banned. We have had lots of great ideas in relation to this.
We are continuing to work on fractions and we are becoming more confident working with mixed numbers, improper fractions, equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. This can be tricky at times when we have to order fractions that have different denominators and we have to make them all the same!
We enjoyed our Live N Learn Workshop on Tuesday thinking about Grit:Â Give it your all;Â Re-Do if Necessary;Â Ignore ‘Giving Up and Take time to do it right and we have came up with a Resilience Plan.
We have also been thinking about strategies to help us stay safe and thinking about the people we trust in our life to help us with our worries. We thought about our worries and had fun with bubbles trying to ‘pop’ worries.
In PE we played rounders and working on some athletics skills eg running, jumping and throwing.
Share what you have enjoyed this week or what you have learned this week.
On the last week of term we had decorated our door to say farewell to Mrs Wilson.
We have had a great first week back.
We have been looking at division and measure in maths.
We have been learning about exposition texts and how they are used to persuade people.
We have started to think about sustainability and how we can reduce our impact on the world.
Leave a comment to say one thing you learned this week and one thing you enjoyed.
Mrs Brown
We have had a really busy week this week. We have been working hard on improving our concentration levels and working as a team.
We have expanded our knowledge of maps and explored the Scottish Borders.
We have continued our lessons in time for maths.
We planned and wrote “Guess Who?” simile poems.
Leave a comment below to tell us one thing you learned and one thing you enjoyed.Â
Mrs Brown
The first week back is complete!
Comment below to tell us what you have enjoyed most.
Mrs Brown
Primary 6 were working on kg and g last week and used their skills to measure out ingredients. Â Here are some photos of their delicious cakes.
We also had fun with art and here are a few examples.