P5 looked at the language, landscapes and geography of Scotland – we did mapping (thinking about cities, towns , landmarks and rivers), different art work featuring Scottish landscapes, and wrote different texts in Scots.
P5 looked at the language, landscapes and geography of Scotland – we did mapping (thinking about cities, towns , landmarks and rivers), different art work featuring Scottish landscapes, and wrote different texts in Scots.
We had an amazing Scottish afternoon. The pupils in our school have so many talents and skills, it was fantastic to watch! Here are some of the pupils from P5b that performed at our Scottish afternoon – we had a great variety… poetry performers, singers, chanter players, fiddle players and highland dancers! Some incredible talent to keep an eye on in future years! We’re proud of our KPS pupils!
As part of our 2 week focus on Scotland P5b attempted to recreate each of the iconic Scottish bridges using artstraws – can you tell which is which?
This block we have been learning about diversity, looking at other peoples view and beliefs and learning about our rights. We have been hearing about some child refugees that have had to leave their homes in Syria, and the lack of basic rights that has left them with.
As it was Thanksgiving today in America we talked about what we are thankful for and created our own Thanksgiving turkeys using our hand prints – our class came up with some really thoughtful and positive things that we are thankful for. Some examples are: our families and friends, safe homes, healthcare, clean water, healthy food, education, our health.
We have been demonstrating perseverance and patience while creating our crafts for the Christmas fair. As you can see we have worked really hard to make these beautiful quilled tree decorations.
Mrs Brown asked for representatives of the Sustainable Squad to be enthusiastic, respectful, confident and reliable. We were impressed that we had 7 pupils from our class that felt they would represent the class well, who have a real interest and passion for sustainability. We heard their reasons and ideas and voted on who we thought would represent us best. The majority vote was Ailish.
Congratulations Ailish, you are P5b’s Sustainable Squad member!
P5b had 6 candidates who chose to present to the class for the role of ‘Pupil Council Rep’. The class voted for the candidate they thought would represent our class best, based on their ‘speech’ – looking for qualities like being respectful, being compassion, being courageous, being a good listener and talker, willing to miss break/lunchtime and many more!
We are pleased to announce that our winning candidate is Sally who will be out pupil rep, and Otto was a close second and has agreed to take on the role of Class council secretary.
Congratulations Sally and Otto!
We read ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’ by Roald Dahl. We looked at some of the themes and focussed on the theme of dreams. In the book the characters all have their dreams come true, with the character of Billy getting his dream of opening a sweet shop full of fantastical sweets! We were so inspired that decided to design our own amazing sweets! This process by looking at real life context and studying a variety of actual sweets to get some ideas about look, texture, smell, sound and (best of all) taste! We decided to use some our the descriptive language that we’ve been learning about when we’ve been looking at and writing descriptive texts this block to help us describe our sweets. Inspired by this we then created our own marvellous sweety designs, thinking about amazing names and special features they might have. Below are a sample of some of the ideas the class came up with…yum!
As a getting to know you activity Primary 5b brought in a bag with 4 items that told us something about them. They shared these with the class, it was so interesting to see the different things everyone had chosen to bring in!
P4a made art in the playground. We could use any natural materials and had the theme of ‘nature’! We had to be responsible and tidy up after ourselves when we were finished.