All posts by Miss Finlayson

Wind fish


Today we hung the wind fish we had made  on the trees outside our classroom so that we can see if it is windy or not. The wind fish also show us which direction the wind is blowing in. The direction the wind is blowing in today is the opposite direction than it was blowing in yesterday.

  • Click on the green link above to see our wind fish blowing in the wind. 

Generation Science

We had a really exciting time with the Generation Science visitors. There were lots of explosions, fizzes, bubbling  and  weird smells ! Our classroom was turned into a science lab for the day and we learned so much about Science from the Generation Science Scientists.

Young Scientists

We have been exploring water in its different states- solid, liquid and gas. We have also been predicting what we think might happen during our experiments. Sometimes we were correct and sometimes we were wrong but, it has been exciting finding out what happened during our experiments whether our predictions were correct or not. 

Marble Art-water didn’t mix with oilLooking at frozen ice balloons through magnifying glasses. 

Wood cutters

We learned that we have to wear safety goggles to protect our eyes when we are sawing wood. We didn’t talk to each other because we had to concentrate and we didn’t want to cut ourselves. Some of us are left handed and some of us are right handed so, we were able to set up the bench hooks to suit us.

It was much more challenging to saw wood than we thought it would be!

Fairy tale fun

Primary One have been learning about fairy tales. We have enjoyed acting the story out, setting up a show and most of us  were given a 10 for our great  performances !

When we drew our picture plans we worked very hard to include all of the characters and show where the story was set. 

Kingsland Rocks!

Rookie Rock Stars have been working with us all this week and we have had fun singing, head banging and playing air guitar. The best part of the sessions  were the challenges!

We are really looking forward to seeing all of the CD cover designs and hearing the CD we recorded together as a whole school.

Thank you Glyn and Chloe ! We have had a rocking good time……..

Playground poems

It was such a beautiful day today that P2 took their learning outdoors. It was fun writing poems about snow on such a warm sunny day. We wonder if the snowmen will have melted when we return to school tomorrow or will the rain wash them away ?

What will the weather be like over night?

World Book Day

In our class we selected some of our favourite books then we voted for our favourite. The winning book was, “The Day the crayons came home” by  Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers.

Next we set about turning our classroom door into a book jacket. It was a super class effort and like the crayons in the story we had to work as a team to put our giant book jacket together. Making the fort together was the best part of the design.