This week was a shorter one because of the In-Service day on Monday but we’ve still packed in a lot!
We’ve enjoyed learning about Volcanoes and have used them as a focus for our Learning in Writing, Science and Technology. Mrs Little was especially impressed with our exploding volcano gifs. Our task was to create a moving image that showed some part of a volcanic eruption. We could use any app we liked and we certainly rose to the challenge. Here is just one of the fabulous efforts:
We’ve also managed to fit in some Spelling, Music, Gymnastics, Numeracy work on Decimals and some work on Resilience. Other highlights this week have been welcoming Mrs Strathearn on Tuesday and getting totally covered with snow on Thursday morning!
Time for reflection:
We want Mrs Strathearn to see what a fantastic school Kingsland is. What one thing/piece of work would you tell her about this week that shows the best version of you? (It could be something you did, said, made etc).
Niamh – I am proud of my moving volcano and filling in for Megan on duty.
Ailish – I’d show her my volcano gif which shows my creativity.
Lloyd – I would like to show our volcano gifs to Mrs Strathern.
Jack – I would tell her about my volcano gif.
Flo – I would show Mrs Strathearn my volcano because I worked really hard and it looks really cool.
Mia – My piece of writing about volcanoes.
Adam – My volcano writing.
PJ – Probably some of my writing.
Megan – I would show my start of my PowerPoint on keynote on Mount Tambora.
Scarlett – My Art
Lochie – My writing
Fraser – I am proud of my writing piece.
Holly – My maths, my spelling and my reading.
Ben M – I’m proud of my decimals.
Otto – My volcano work
Lewis – Covering for someone Duties when they were off
Chloe G – I am proud of my maths and spelling, writing.
Kirsty – My writing about how volcano eruptions affect the environment.
Isaac – Saying hi good morning(afternoon) to everybody I see.