Thinking in Maths

Primary Two have been developing their thinking skills in Maths. First they had to realise that not all of the children in P2 will have the same size of feet. So, we drew round our feet and then we compared the sizes. Once we had done this we had to come up with a way of measuring that could be used to measure everyone’s feet. Eventually someone thought about using cubes to measure feet sizes.

Once we had done this activity and compared our different sizes of feet we were given the challenge of measuring different sizes of straws.

Again we used cubes to measure the straws and this helped us to compare their lengths accurately using the same form of measure.

Code cracking

P2/1 used the Code Scanning App to help to solve the mystery clues around our school. We found seven clues that gave use seven letters. We then had to unscramble the letters to solve our mystery word. This was one of the challenging and exciting activities we did for Digital Learning Week.

Can you read what the word was from the picture below?

Answer = DIGITAL

Thank you to Ben’s Mum.

A huge thank you from Primary 2/1 goes to Ben’s Mum for her fantastic session about how she uses Digital Technology in her workplace as a Scientist.

We were so amazed by the whale bone ear model and all the slides about how she uses Google to help find ways of helping to make people better.


Making a working drawbridge

Today we made our drawbridge a working one. We threaded rope through holes and then pulled it through the other side. How did we keep our castle safe? We pulled the drawbridge up with the ropes and then we tied it in the inside of the castle. Then we added paper chains to make it look like strong metal chains.

Digital bees

We are learning to programme Beebots. This also helps us to learn our lefts and rights, directions and we do some Problem Solving when we get it wrong. Then we re-set the programme and try to get it right the next time. When we travel along the map we try hard to avoid the obstacles.

What is our challenge ?

  • To make our own maps with obstacles and programme the Beebots to avoid the obstacles.

Will we succeed?

Family Learning Online

Please join us on TUESDAY 16 MAY at 6.45-7.15pm for Kingsland’s first ever online family learning session! We will be talking about digital citizenship and what that means for Kingsland.

This is a session for all the family. Don’t worry, you won’t be seen or heard- you join in the discussion using the instant chat option in the meeting room.

Please join in and give it a go! Here is the link to the meeting room- you will be asked to login to Glow if you aren’t already logged in:

Family Learning Online

Please join us on TUESDAY 16 MAY at 6.45-7.15pm for Kingsland’s first ever online family learning session! We will be talking about digital citizenship and what that means for Kingsland.

This is a session for all the family. Don’t worry, you won’t be seen or heard- you join in the discussion using the instant chat option in the meeting room.

Please join in and give it a go! Here is the link to the meeting room- you will be asked to login to Glow if you aren’t already logged in: