Primary One made these beautiful 2016 calendars and they learned about the four seasons at the same time.
We drew a tree trunk and watched it as it made its journey through Winter, into Spring then Summer and finally into Autumn. As we discussed the seasons together during this activity we realised that it is a never ending cycle and that when the four seasons have passed the cycle starts all over again.
We worked very hard on our calendars and we used our skills in fine line drawing, improving our grip on our pen/pencil and on colouring in neatly and trying very hard to stay inside the lines we had drawn. We also worked very hard at making lots of patterns on our tree trunks.
All of the skills we were using to create our 2016 calendars will help us with our handwriting.
We were so excited about taking our finished calendars home and giving them as Christmas presents.
the calendars look amazing. I hope you all had fun making them!!!
I loved making my calendar
That looks really cool p1!
great. nice work p1
This was a great idea and Lochie’s calendar is hanging up in the kitchen.