Tag Archives: Successful Learners

ibike Obstacle Course

The wet and miserable weather today didn’t stop some of our P6 and P7 pupils from getting on their bikes and taking part in an ibike obstacle course with Katie our ibike leader. Children braved the rain and had a fantastic time developing their cycling skills going over various ramps, jumps and beams.

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Primary 3 Gymnastics

As part of  learning in P.E Primary 3 pupils have been developing their skills in gymnastics with Mrs Gray and Mrs Dunlop. The children have been working on developing their rolls, balances, jumps and climbing techniques. Children demonstrated some high quality skills  and provided feedback to peers throughout the lessons to help each other improve their work.

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P5 Group 1 water sports

The first group of Primary Fives  visited Carlingwark Loch yesterday with Mrs Graham and Mrs Robison to carry out some fun activities with the Outdoor Education team. The children were split into three groups and took part in sailing, kayaking and canoeing. All the children had a great time and were very enthusiastic throughout.  Some even braved the cold and snow to have a little swim at the end!

Well done!

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Rotary quiz

On Tuesday 19th April, teams from the cluster schools assembled to take part in the annual rotary quiz, hosted this year at Dalbeattie Primary. All children involved were fantastic sports and showed superb general knowledge across all areas of the curriculum. Throughout the quiz the running scores were very close between all 4 teams however our deserving Dalbeattie area winners this year were Kirkgunzeon Primary, who scored exceptionally well throughout. Our team from Dalbeattie Primary worked extremely hard and gained a close second. Well done and thank you all children, staff and rotary members involved.



Mrs Burn and I are very proud of our Dalbeattie team!


P6F Space Models

Last term P6 were studying the Solar System and were asked to produce a 3D model that answered a ‘big question ‘on a topic that interested them about space.  At the end of term all models were showcased to parents and friends at our Science Fair and several other classes came to marvel at our magnificent work!  There was a great variety of subjects covered and all models had accompanying research.

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We spoke very enthusiastically about our models and were keen to present our work to other classes including P2 who had been studying the planets.  Well done P6!

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Sumdog Competition

Over the past week, P3-7 have been taking part in Sumdog’s local contest. The contest challenged the children on their maths knowledge and finished at 8pm yesterday.

We are delighted that 3 of our classes managed to be daily winners and are thrilled to announce that P4A were the overall winners of the contest, winning 30 free membership subscriptions for next year!!!

Certificates will be issued to all children who took time to take part after the holidays.

Well done everyone!!



P6F Gaming with P2

This term P6 have been using the software Kodu to create their own game. The target audience was P2 who were invited to come and play these games!  Both classes joined together and the P6’s enjoyed explaining the aim and instructions of their games while P2 gave a lot of positive feedback.  We finished with P2 singing a song they had learned about the Solar System. Great fun!

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