All posts by Mrs Canning

P3 and P3/2 visit to the Library

Today Primary 3 and 3/2 went to Broxburn Library to learn more about Egypt. Diane in the library dressed up as Tutankhamen and told us lots of interesting facts.

Here are some of the amazing facts she told us.

Isla M – Tutankhamen died when he was 19 years old.
Millie – they but cone on a ladies head then burst it to get perfume on the lady.
Molly – ladies wore a tunic and man wore a kind if kilt.
Hubert – Tutankhamen was a pharaoh when he was only 8 years old.
Emily – the rich drank beer and the poor people drank wine.
Harris – Narmer the pharaoh united upper and lower Egypt.
Marta – Cleopatra died when she got bitten buy a snake.
Luke – poor people had house with one room, rich people had houses with up to 70 rooms.
Callum – Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Egypt.
Kordian – Osiris brother killed him.
Nicola – Tutankhamun died because he had an infection in his leg.
Clara – Egypt was split into two different kingdoms – upper and lower Egypt.
Freya – Egyptians removed their brain through their nose when they died.
Isla G – Isis’s husband was the first mummy.

Thank you to all our helpers for coming with us. We had a great afternoon and learned lots of interesting facts.

P3 Pharaohs

This week Primary 3 have been very busy learning about Pharaohs. We made our own Egyptian Pharaoh death mask. We also completed a fact file of information about Tutankhamen.

Did you know:
Tutankhamen was the most famous pharaoh – Freya
Tutankhamen was a pharaoh when he was only 9. He died at 18 years old. Beth
He was a pharaoh for 10 years – Hubert
He married his sister – Warren

Look at all our hard work.

Fantastic River Nile Art work

Primary 3 have been learning all about the River Nile and why it was important for the Ancient Egyptians. Look at our fabulous collages. We used lots of different materials to create our collages.

Did you know that:

The River Nile floods every year and leaves black fertile soil so that crops can be grown. Freya

The River Nile helps the plants to grow and makes food for the people of Egypt. Maya

Flacks was grown at the side of the River Nile and they use it to make clothes. Katie

They used the water from the River Nile to drink. Robbie

They travelled up and down the River Nile to trade with other people. Emily

Papyrus was grown at the River Nile to make paper. Clara

They also used the papyrus to make boats. Harris

They used the mud from the River Nile to make bricks for houses. Millie

The River Nile gives animals food, water and somewhere to live. Grace

Fish live in the River Nile and the Egyptians could fish for food. Molly

They could use the water to cool down and wash in. Amie-Lee

Medals and more

Well done to Cole for receiving these medals from Broxburn Athletic Colts for taking part in a recent tournament and also taking part in a Soccer 7s competition. Well done Cole!

Well done to Rebecca for receiving her first 3 Brownie badges yesterday. She got one of them for taking part in the three bridges challenge, the other is for girl guiding in Scotland and the last one was for taking part in tht Brownies. Well done Rebecca.


This week primary 4 have been learning about length. We have measured lots of things including: shoes, jumpers, pencils, rubbers, doors, jotters, length of the classroom and area.

We know that you can use the units of measure millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. We know that millimetres are the smallest unit of measure are kilometres are the biggest unit of measure.

Look at us measuring some things.

We know that
– 100 centimetres are in a metre
– 10 millimetres are in a centimetre

Science Centre

Yesterday Primary 5, 5/4 and 4 went to the Glasgow Science Centre.

It was great fun! Look at us completing some experiments.

We also went to a show called Blood, Bile and Body bits. It was great and we even witnessed an explosion!

Saoirse – I learned that magnets are powerful and when playing a game the magnets made the route of a ball different.

Fraser – I learned that a tornado starts from the sky and goes all the way down to the ground.

Finlay – my favourite part was when the man put the flour and sugar
into a tube then lit a blow torch and blew some the flour and sugar and it make an explosion!

Megan L – my favourite part was the show.

Callum – my favourite part was the energy machine as you had to run around to make it go!

Sophie R – my favourite part was the whirlpool when it swirled in the water.

Ollie – I learned that if there is wheel and you put bolts int eh outside it goes slower than if the bolts are in the inside of the wheel.

Oscar – I learned how electricity worked by turning three handles to create power.

Charlee-Marie – my favourite part was when Isla and Francesco had to do the cream cracker challenge.

Maria-Victoria – I learned how our legs move when we are on a bike.

Ieuan – I found out that if a sound is loud enough it can make water move.

Piotr – I tried to make a bubble wall – it was quite hard.

Ethan – I learned that when you touch the electric ball and then touch someone else you give them an electric shock.

We had a good day and would like to go again!

Canal Presentations

This week we have been learning about the Union Canal. We worked in a group to create a power point presentation and then we delivered our presentation to the class. Look at us presenting.

Have a look at our super presentations.

Sophie R, Piotr & Ben

Saoirse, Cole & Hana

Ollie, Finlay & Megan C

Ethan, Kornelia & Wiktoria

Maria-Victoria, Reyan and Karolina

Natasha, Fraser & Jazib

Callum, Olivia, Artur

Charlee-Marie, Oscar &Finn

Brandon, Ieuan & Sophie M

Aayan, Megan L, Rebecca

Well done Primary 4. Good work!


Mrs Street came into class today to tell us all about the Union Canal. She is a canal enthusiast who has her own boat on the Union Canal. She told us lots of interesting facts about the Canal.

Fraser – You can’t fish where it has yellow signs as you might get electrocuted from the overhead wires.

Sophie R- Canal boats used to get pulled by horse who walked along the side of the canal.

Oscar – Minks live along the canal and are dangerous to animals and humans. They are not scared. The union canal is about 21 miles long.

Maria-Victoria – the canal was built 200 years ago! The canal was dug by hand – no machines!

Charlee-Marie – plants grow in the water and if you try to swim in the canal you might get drowned. You also should not put rubbish in the canal.

Sophie M – lots of wildlife live around the canal.

Finlay – the canal was closed for 40 years and they had to clean it to reopen it. It goes all the way from Edinburgh to the Falkirk wheel.

Ethan – the bridges over the canal have numbers on them.

Thank you very much Mrs Street – we learned lots from you.

Soluble and Insoluble experiment

Yesterday Primary 4 conducted an experiment to find out what materials are soluble and which are not. Soluble means they will dissolve and disappear into the water. We made a prediction first and then completed the experiment.

Maria-Victoria – soluble things vanish in the water when they are added to it. Salt is soluble.

Karolina – I learned that chalk is insoluble.

Callum – I predicted that sand was insoluble because I know at the beach the sand doesn’t disappear. I was correct.

Piotr – I learned that sugar is soluble.

Ieuan – I learned bicarbonate of soda bubbles and fizzes when you add it to water.

Ethan – instant coffee is soluble and I knew it would be as my mum drinks it at home and it disappears.

Fraser – when you add flour to the water it turned lumpy and looks like slimy cheese. It was insoluble.

Water, water everywhere

Primary 4 are learning about Water this term as part of their Science topic.

Yesterday we put water into an ice cube tray and put it in the freezer. Today we found that we had made ice. We looked at how the water was frozen and no longer a liquid. We then had a competition to see whop could melt the ice the fastest. Sophie and Patryk were able to melt the ice the fastest. We talked about how to melt the ice quicker.

Sophie and Patryk – I rubbed my hands together quickly. This made it heat up.

Maria-Victoria – I squeezed my hands together.

Charlee-Marie – I used paper towels to melt it quicker.

Ollie – I crushed the ice into smaller pieces.

We discovered that the quickest way to melt ice was to heat it up.

Look at us with our ice.

Magic showcase

Primary 4 would like to thank all parents and members of their families for coming to our showcase on Friday. We had a great day and enjoyed showing you all of our hard work.

Well done to Ethan’s mum for getting the closest to the number of spiders in the hatchery. She guessed 63. A total of 77 spiders are hatching in our class!

Also well done to Sterling’s dad for creating the winning mythical creature. It was a hard job to decide on a winner so we took a class vote.

Your prizes are on the way home. Thank you to all the people who took part in our activities. We had great fun showing them to you.

The witches and wizards of primary 4.

Owl Post

Primary 4 will be coming home today with owl post.


Today we made invitations to invite parents to our Magic Castle showcase on 27th March at 11am. We will give a guided tour of our Great Hall and have activities for parents to complete. We hope they can make it as we are really looking forward to it.

No pen day!

Primary 4 had a busy day on no pen day. We still completed lots of work. This morning after P.E we worked on Maths games to deepen our knowledge.

After playtime, we had NYCOS then we played VCOP games and made an oral story by adding a sentence each to the opener. It was a funny story.

After lunchtime, we had a turn on Sumdog then we did some drama freeze framing images from Harry Potter. Look at us in action.

Finlay – No pen day was fun , we did lot of educational things without writing.

Finn – It was fun and I really liked Maths and the drama was awesome.

Hana – I had fun doing the drama about Harry Potter.

Fraser – I enjoyed lots of tasks on no pen day.

Sterling and Karolina – I enjoyed playing maths games.

Ollie – I enjoyed no pen day as it was good not doing any writing.

Callum – I liked doing drama as it was fun doing the freeze frames.
































In Language and Literacy we have been reading the story “A Tale of Two Robots” by Roy Apps.

We have been creating our own new chapter to the story where the Robots, Robert and Nita, decide they are tired of cleaning and go for a day out. However, they face a few problems. Here are a few examples of the problems they faced:

  • Bowling – Robert fell down the alley and they got thrown out. Saoirse
  • Cinema – Robert’s rusty ,metal made too much noise and they got throw out. Callum
  • Shopping- The metal sets off the metal detectors as their metal bodies. Natasha
  • Swimming – They turned rusty as the children were scared of them. Charlee-Marie
  • Beach – Robert and Nita got stuck in the sand and they couldn’t move. Sophie R
  • Zoo – Robert started cleaning up and the zoo keepers were not happy. Brandon

After writing our new chapter we acted it out in a  group. Look at some pictures of us in action.


Knights in shining armour

In Primary 4 today we worked in teams to make knights in shining armour. Have a sneak peak at our hard work.

  • We made a diagram of a knight and tried to make it in 3D. Hana
  • We came up with our own design for a knight. Fraser
  • We used all our ideas to make different patterns on our knights. Maria-Victoria
  • We used silver paper, scissors, tape, staples and paper fasteners. Finlay
  • We had fun!

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The Magic Panel

Yesterday in class we were writing about what is behind the secret panel in the Great Hall. We had lots of great ideas of how to get into the secret panel, what is behind it, who put it there, what it does and who is going to open it.

Here are a few examples of the beginning of our writing. They are on display in our classroom so that other people can read them.


  • There is a secret panel, you have to type in 34517H to be able to enter it and behind it there is an Egyptian palace…  Maria-Victoria


  • The secret panel is so secret that no one knows of it except Artur the wizard … Finlay


  • To get through the secret panel go and find an ancient unicorns horns. Make a wish and it will open…  Sophie McC


  • There is a panel that is different in the Great Hall. To open it get a battle axe. Inside is a gold shield… Ollie


  • To open the secret panel you wait until it is dark, then you say “Hocus Pocus Diplodocus”. The secret panel will open quietly behind it gold… Wiktoria



Lungs experiment

Today Primary 4 completed a science experiment to see how much air we have in our lungs. We had to blow into a balloon. We found out that we are all different and don’t have the same lung capacity.  Here are some photographs of us during and after the experiment. It was good fun!

Some amazing facts we have learned:

–  an adult breathes enough air to fill 1,000 party balloons a day.

–  we breath around 20,000 times a day.

Hallowe’en in P4

In primary 4 some of us came to school dressed in our costumes for Hallowe’en. Look at us!

We also made pumpkins and bats using a variety of materials. Look at all our hard work.

This term our new topic is the Human body. We have started to learn the names of some bones today. We made a skeleton – we had to work out which bones are connected to each other. We discussed why bones are important. We also listened and danced to the song ‘Dem bones’. We will be learning more about the skeleton next week.

Money week

Primary 4 had a great money week last week. They enjoyed a visit from Financial Education Partnership (Fep) representative Cameron. He made us think about how to earn money and then what to spend it on. We made paper bags for spices together then sold them for some money that we could then spend on different things – food, healthcare, houses or more resources to make bags. It was good fun and made us think about the importance of money.

In class we have also been using money. We can calculate a total value of coins, work out coins to use to pay for items and then calculate the correct change.