Primary 2 3.5.21

Primary 2 have been learning lots about Inuit people and how they survive the Arctic weather. We have been learning about their diet, clothing and how they travel. We even learned that they do something called throat singing!

We have assigned a homework grid for this week and the children will come home with a reading book. We will collect the book in on Monday to give the children enough time to practise their reading.

We have been working hard on our division skills. We have learned how to divide by 2 and 10 and this week we will be learning how to divide by 5. The children have been using concrete materials, looking for patterns and using their times table knowledge to help them.

In health we have been talking lots about our emotions and feelings. The children share how they feel each day and are able to explain why they feel a particular way. We have been learning that our feelings can change depending on what might be happening that day or week. We are also using the Wellbeing Wednesday resources which the children are really enjoying. (We get to meet a new wellbeing monster every week!)

P.E days will continue to be on Tuesday and Thursday (Outside) We are finishing our tennis lessons and moving onto more team and relay races. We hope we can put our skills to good use soon.


Miss Rafferty, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

30.4.21 Primary 6

Good morning from Primary 6.   This week we have started our new topic, Titanic.  We have researched the key facts about Titanic, written a report and painted a wall frieze.  We have also started researching the passengers who travelled on the maiden voyage. Over the next few weeks we are going to be making models of cabins in shoeboxes so we would be grateful for donations of any you may have at home.

In RME we are learning about The 5 Pillars of Islam.  We have been doing some research and preparing Powerpoint presentations.

Some of us have been working with Mr Shanks on programming robots called Tinkerbots.  We have really enjoyed this.

We have started a new class novel called Kaspar Prince of Cats by Michael Murpurgo and are looking forward to hearing more of his adventures with his owners, we have already predicted that he will have  a journey on Titanic at some point.

In Maths we have been working on decimals and measure.  We have a homework presentation due on Friday 7th May and are looking forward to finding out what everyone has learned so far.

Our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday again this term.  At present both sessions are outdoors and children can still come to school in outdoor PE kit on these days.


Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Ms Matheson, Mrs Smith

Primary 1 27.4.21

Primary 1 are having another busy week!
In phonics we are learning the diagraph ‘ph’. This can be tricky because it sounds like the ‘f’ sound and so we are focusing on the children writing and reading some simple words with this sound pattern rather than trying to think of words by themselves. The children are becoming much more confident blending words and are being challenged to hear all the sounds in each word by themselves. In reading we are looking at non-fiction books. The children are learning to find specific facts using the contents page and know that the book doesn’t need to be read in order from start to finish. They are also learning to identify picture, captions, labels and titles. Non-fiction books often have more tricky vocabulary in them so please don’t worry if your child if struggling to read all the words.

In maths we are revising the numbers 1-30. The children are learning to find numbers on a 100 square (Here is a good interactive number square you might want to look at from home They are also learning to write the numbers neatly and correctly and to order them. Please keep practising all these skills at home.

In science we are learning about electricity. The children have learnt about how electricity is generated and have thought about items which use mains power and items which are powered by a battery. You might want to look around your house to see if you can find battery powered and mains powered appliances.

This week our SEESAW homework is to create a 1 minute class talk on a dinosaur of your choice. Full instructions can be found on your SEESAW assignment. We will be listening to these talks next week and are looking forward to learning new facts about the dinosaurs.

A reminder that next week the children are on holiday on Monday (3rd) and are also off on Thursday (6th). We hope that you all have a lovely few days off.

Thank you again for all your continued support.

Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 31.3.21

Primary 1 have been having a great week. We have enjoyed learning all about the Easter story and about how people celebrate Easter. We have made Easter cards, sequenced the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and are looking forward to an Easter Egg drawing competition tomorrow.
In phonics we have been practising the sounds sh, th, ch and ng. The children are working hard sorting words with these sounds and writing some short words on magnetic boards. In reading we are working on asking questions about our books. If you are reading books at home why don’t you try asking a few questions about the story after you have finished reading?
In maths we are learning the days of the week and months of the year. Please practise naming the days and months at home to build familiarity with the order. We have also discussed distinctive things that happen on each day (for example we have a half day on Fridays), and what happens each month.
We are all looking forward to the Easter holidays now. We hope that you get an opportunity to rest after what has been a bit of a tricky term. Our last day of school is tomorrow and we come back on Monday the 19th April.
Have a great holiday and we can’t wait to see you all when we come back.
Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 4 30.3.21

Hello everyone!

We are having a great week of learning in Primary 4! Last week we learned about the story of Easter and why Christians celebrated Easter in RME. Our big question (asked by Lucy G in P4C) was “What’s a bunny got to do with Easter?” We explored how Easter was a spring time celebration and often represented new life. We also spoke about the symbolic meaning of eggs in relation to spring and Easter. The children then made their own Easter baskets by folding paper and we filled them with some Easter treats!

In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn about fractions. This week we have been comparing fractions by putting them on a number line from smallest to largest. We discovered that the bigger the “denominator” was, the smaller the size of the fraction.

In school this week the children are completing SNSAs (Scottish National Standardised Assessments) in the areas of Reading, Numeracy and Mathematics and Writing. The children are working very hard and we are very proud of their achievements 🙂

Our dramas about the Viking creation story are really coming together. The children will be performing/filming tomorrow and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s hard work come to life 🙂

Last week in writing the children wrote fantastic fact files about one of the Viking gods (Thor, Freya, Odin or Loki). These pieces of writing were absolutely filled with interesting and surprising facts! The children are also working extremely hard to achieve their writing targets each week – we are very impressed P4!

Our last day of school is Thursday this week. We hope you have a fantastic Easter break and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 19th April.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2 22.3.21

Primary 2 have settled well back into class. It feels like we have never been away.

We had great fun taking part in the Red Nose Day dress down on Friday. We also made Red Nose Day posters with our own jokes on them to make people laugh.

Our homework is being posted on seesaw regularly and it’s great to see so many children completing the seesaw activities! Reading books are coming out weekly and our P.E days are now on a Tuesday and Thursday (outside for both of them)

In writing we are doing lots of descriptive pieces. The children are using the describing bubble to help with identifying good adjectives to write descriptions about characters and settings. The children are trying to hard to hit all their core and genre targets. Well done Primary 2!

In maths we are working very hard on our 2, 5, and 10 times table. The children have been playing times table games, listening to times table songs and completing times table activities. Learning our times tables have been a challenge but the children are working hard! We have also been learning to tell the time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to) we have so much work to do on this as telling the time is very tricky if the skill is not being used regularly. If you could practise this at home, it would be appreciated.

We are still working our way through our Romans topic. The children have been learning about the Roman Gladiator and the activities that happened in the Colosseum. We also made Roman gladiator helmets and Roman soldier shields.

Thank you again for all your support and if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 1 w.b. 15.3.21

Good morning
Primary 1 are having a lovely week so far and have been enjoying some time outside in the sunny weather we have seen in the past 2 days.
This week in phonics we are learning the sound ch. We have been thinking of lots of words with these letters in them and have been trying to blend some of these words on our magnetic boards. We are also continuing to develop skills of reading and have been teaching the children to ask a question about their book. Thank you to everyone who is practising reading at home, it is great to see the children’s confidence grow. Please make sure that your child has their book each day in class so that we can read regularly.
In maths we are learning to tell the time. We are looking at analogue and digital clocks and are learning to tell an o’clock time on each of them. Next week we will move on to half past times. The children are working really hard at this and are impressing us with their knowledge.
In topic we are learning about the diplodocus dinosaur. The children wrote brilliant fact files explaining some of the facts they know about this dinosaur.
A reminder that tomorrow is Red Nose Day. The children are invited to come to school dressed as a super hero. We will be thinking about who the money will help and will be completing some fun activities in class.
Thank you for all your continued support.
The Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 1 3.3.21

Primary 1 are having a great week in school! Yesterday a mysterious box arrived to our classroom with an egg inside. There was a letter from Professor Rex alongside the box telling us that he worked at the archeology department in a University and that he wanted us to look after the egg until it hatches. The children looked at some of the clues in the letter and decided that it was probably a dinosaur in the egg. We are now going to learn about dinosaurs as our interdisciplinary topic so that we can look after the dinosaur egg well. The children are very excited about this and have enjoyed looking at some dinosaur fact books in class so far.
In phonics we are learning the sound ‘th’. We have been thinking of words containing this sound and are learning to blend them with magnetic letters.
In maths we are learning to share objects into groups and to find halves and thirds. The children are working hard to make sure that the groups are equal and fair.
A reminder that PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please come dressed for outdoor gym these days.
Tomorrow is World Book day. The children have been encouraged to come to school with a book from their house which they will read in class.
Homework is going to continue on Seesaw this term. This week there are 3 activities to try.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Primary 1 teachers.

Primary 5 – 11.12.2020


It has been an exciting week for Primary 5 in the lead up to the Christmas holidays!

The children were working on creating 3D Shapes from nets in maths this week.  This was quite a fiddly task however the class managed really well! Next week we are hoping to use our new skills to create a 3D Christmas decoration.

In Writing, the class were given the bad news that Santa’s elves were unwell and therefor Santa would not be able to deliver presents to everyone. The children worked hard on a persuasive letter to Santa discussing why they should be one of the few to receive a present! We had some great persuasive discussion and after the chaos of 2020 it is hard not to disagree that each one of them deserves a gift this year. However, good news from the North Pole tells us that all the elves are fully recovered and ALL children will be receiving their presents. Phew!

In Science, the children have been working extremely hard on their Endangered Animals fact-files and are now complete. Next Monday, they will be presenting their research to the class and we cannot wait to hear all their fantastic findings.

This week all the learners completed their first solo class talk on their landmark model and leaflet. It has been fantastic to see all the different creations that have been brought in and hear the lovely stories of making it home with family members. Each learner had created a tourist leaflet to go with their model to persuade others to visit. By the end of the presentations, we had planned a road trip around the United Kingdom to visit all these landmarks!

Primary 5M have been working hard on the Advent Calendar of Kindness this week and completing lots of different actions to spread happiness in the school and classroom. Our Box of Kindness is growing every day and soon will be taken to the local foodbank.

During PE lessons this week the class have continued to clock-up lots of miles towards the Primary 7 challenge to run to the North Pole. As a school, we have covered over 400 miles and have reached somewhere north of the Shetland Islands in the Atlantic Ocean!

In ICT, the children have joined a new Microsoft Team called the 12 Sways of Christmas. There are 12 challenges and the children can chose which ones to complete. This can be continued at home if they wish, and do not forget to share their creations with the class too!

Please remember, PE is now on a TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. Can you please ensure your child comes dressed appropriately for outdoor PE.


  • In Numeracy, the children need to use their number bonds and their times tables on a regular basis and it would be very helpful if they could get some extra practice in. Please practice 2-10 times tables and number bonds to 100.
  • Homework on TEAMS this week, there will be a festive themed spelling and numeracy task as well as a Science Investigation – stock up on your ice cubes!
  • PE- Tuesday and Wednesday

There has been a change to the timetable – Outdoor PE will now be on Tuesdays with class teacher and Wednesdays with Mrs Ferguson. Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Ms Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd


Primary 4 10.12.20

Hello everyone

It has been a very fun and busy week again in Primary 4. Yesterday we finished filming our part of the nativity story for Carmondean’s “Christmas 7” Project. The children were able to watch our part in class today and were very excited and pleased about how it all came together! Keep your eyes peeled for a festive post on the blog next week from Mr Shanks which will contain the full finished product! We can’t wait for you to see it 🙂

In numeracy this week we began learning the 7 times table. The children are now confident in using their strategies to help them to solve times table problems and Mr Woodward and I are impressed with how quickly they are now being able to learn these new facts. Keep up the good work everyone!

Our Animals topic is nearly over and what a great topic it has been! This week we learned about endangered animals and the reasons why some animals are currently endangered. We learned some interesting new words such as – “poaching”, “climate change” and “deforestation”. Ask your child if they know what these words mean. Today the children then used their artistic skills to sketch close up images of some endangered animals. The children were given zoomed in images of the faces of a tiger, polar bear, panda and elephant. They had to look closely at the details in the picture and try to use a grid to copy the animal in proportion. We also learned about the importance of using thin, light lines when drawing the outline and how to shade the darker parts of our drawings with a pencil and smudging with our finger. Mr Woodward and I were extremely impressed with the finished results! Next week we are going to turn these works of art into posters where the children will use what they have learned to share messages about how to save these animals from possible extinction. Wow – well done Primary 4!

Important information:
– Next Friday (the 18th) is a dress down day in school. Children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper, Christmas party clothes or casual clothes for a £1 donation. All monies go to the Carmondean PSA. The children will also be taking part in a Christmas Quiz!
– PE will take place as normal next week on Wednesday with Mrs Ferguson and on Friday with Miss Clark & Mr Woodward.
– This term will finish on Friday 18th December and the new term will resume on Wednesday 6th January 2021.

As this will be the last blog post of the term Mr Woodward and I would like to thank all of you for supporting your child and their learning so far in Primary 4. 2020 has been a strange year for all of us but it has been made easier for us as teachers by having your support and highly resilient and eager to learn children in both our classes!

We hope you all have a fantastic Christmas with your families.
Here’s to 2021!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 2 7.12.20

Primary 2

Primary 2 have now been given access to SeeSaw. We hope you have been able to log on and complete the subtraction activity that has been set for all the boys and girls.

Here is the homework for the next 2 weeks. You can also find this sheet on SeeSaw. They are all Christmas themed activities! Remember you can post pictures etc on Seesaw to allow us to see your work.

Homework Sheet – Monday 7th December

We have been practising our sign language to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The children are doing very well and can’t wait to show you.

We have been working on our subtraction skills in Maths. We can now all confidently use a number line and 100 square to help us with our subtraction sums.

Last week we were learning about rhyme. We found rhyming words in poems and even managed to think of rhyming words such as log-frog, pen-men and make-bake! It was very tricky but the children worked hard.

This week we are learning about Christmas traditions. Can you talk with your child about what family Christmas traditions you have? Do you always pull crackers? Do you watch/listen to the Queens speech? Do you eat Turkey on Christmas day?

Our P.E days are still Wednesday and Thursday. Can all children make sure that they bring a water bottle with them and indoor shoes.

We hope you all have a wonderful week,

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 1 7.12.20

Good morning.
Primary 1 had a great week last week, finishing off with a fun trip to the nursery garden for some fun in the snow and outdoor learning.
This week we are learning about h and w in phonics. The children are becoming really confident thinking of words with each sound at the beginning and are learning to blend letters together to create short 3 and 4 letter words.
In maths we are going to be learning about pattern. The children will be completing lots of Christmas crafts exploring simple shape and colour patterns.
We are also going to be learning about Christmas, looking at the Christmas story and how Christmas is celebrated in the UK.
This week we are continuing to give out homework on seesaw. There will be a few activities to complete over the week. We have been very impressed with the works we have seen on seesaw over the last 2 weeks. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 6 4.12.20

Who knew we would end the week in a blanket of snow! Very exciting but also a reminder of how we are now heading into Winter so a small plea to check your child is wearing lots of layers, appropriate footwear etc as we will still try to get outside as much as possible.

Our PE days currently remain unchanged so this will take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Our focus will be on some Xmas running to the North Pole and Hiit training till the end of term followed by some rugby skills in the new year. Also on Friday’s we will be doing our weekly mile. The children need to wear school uniform for this but appropriate footwear for walking.

We began our section of the Nativity yesterday using Ipad animation and the garage band app. The children were very motivated by this and we can’t wait to see the end result and showcase it for you all.

In writing we wrote a persuasive piece on why reading is important and how it prepares us for the world of work. Ask your child some of the reasons we came up with and the language we used to make it persuasive.

In Maths we looked at quadrilateral shapes and the properties of these. Some were a little tricky to distinguish between such as the rhombus and the parallelogram but we will continue this next week.

In French we have been describing ourselves, our hair colour, length and type along with the colour of our eyes. See if your child can remember the phrases and test you, even describe a teacher and see if you can guess who it is!

Have a lovely weekend and you may even get to build a snowman or two today!

Mrs Smith, Ms Matheson & Mrs Jamieson

Primary 4 27.11.20

Hello everyone!

We are having another fun and busy week in Primary 4.

This week the children found out about our school Christmas performance! Each stage in the school has been tasked with recreating a part of the Nativity story. The children have been excited to learn about Primary 4s plans and this week we began discussing different roles the children might have including dancing, acting and more! We are looking forward to putting our scene together 🙂

We have finished our work on 2D and 3D shape in Maths and we are now moving onto Symmetry. The children made a great start to this topic sharing lots of prior knowledge with Mr Woodward and I. We could identify which shapes were symmetrical and which shapes were not. The children used mirrors well to help them. Next week we will begin to create our own symmetrical shapes and objects.

In RME the children are beginning to learn about the Christmas Story with Miss Donaldson. This week they used Maps on the iPads to investigate where Nazareth and Bethlehem are in the world. They also explored how to get there from Scotland.

This week the children have been sharing the PowerPoints that they have spent the last few weeks creating all about their favourite animals. The children had to research information on their chosen animal including their habitat, diet, appearance and other interesting information. They also had to include text, pictures and slide transitions in their PowerPoint. Mr Woodward and I are so impressed with the PowerPoints that we have seen already and we have learned lots of new facts ourselves! We can’t wait to see the rest today!

Our PE days are changing.
Starting next week our PE days will be a Wednesday and a Friday each week. The Wednesday session will be with Mrs Ferguson our PE specialist while the Friday session will be with Mr Woodward and Miss Clark. Both sessions will continue to be outside. As the weather is becoming colder and more changeable please ensure that your child attends school on these days wearing long thick trousers/joggers, a school jumper, a thick jumper/zippy to change into at PE time and a waterproof jacket. The children will also require shoes on these days that are fine to get wet or muddy. Thank you for your support with this.

Reminders – Homework will be handed out on Monday each week. Each task will be on Teams but paper copies are also available from your child’s class teacher. The children have all three tasks explained in detail on the Monday and extra details can be found in assignments.
Please ensure your child brings a full bottle of water to school each day. This can be refilled throughout the day if needed.

Thank you for your support as always.
Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 1 23.11.20

Good morning
Primary 1 have been very busy the past few weeks. We have begun a new interdisciplinary topic learning all about toys. We started this topic with a virtual visit from the museum services. Maureen called us on the class laptop and spoke about some of the toys children played with in the olden days. The children were able to investigate the different materials toys used to be made from and saw the differences between toys now-a-days and toys in the past. This week we have turned our role play areas into toy shops. The children are enjoying creating toys to place on the shelves and are learning to use money in the cashiers area. We are using this topic to explore forces and have been learning about toys we push and toys we pull.
In phonics we have been learning the sounds g, l, f and o. This week we will be learning about b and u. Thank you for all the work you have been doing at home to practise writing these letters and thinking of words containing each sound.
In maths we have finished our work on addition and are now learning to subtract. We will be using lots of concrete materials to support learning in this.
Homework from now on will look a little different. We are going to be using Seesaw to post a variety of activities each week. Seesaw is a fantastic resource which allows your child to complete activities on a tablet or phone and send them back to us. Your child will come home today with a sheet explaining how to access their personal Seesaw account. Please let us know if you need any help with this. Reading books will continue to be given out weekly and should be brought to school every day to be read in class. Thank you for your continued support Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 2 16.11.20

What a super week we had last week Primary 2!

We made poppies and wrote a persuasive piece of writing to encourage people to wear poppies to remember our soldiers and veterans. The children showed a good understanding of the importance of the day and took part in a 2 minute silence.

The children also raised money for Children in Need on Friday by participating in our dress down day, and we wore rainbow colours. Everyone looked fabulous and thank you so much for taking part!

In science we have been exploring electrical circuits. The children learned about the importance of a circuit and how it can not be broken if we want a light to remain on. In pairs they drew and created a circuit using a battery, wires and light bulb. Everyone was successful in getting the light to come on. This week we are doing something similar but we will be adding in a switch. All very exciting!

In our topic we are learning about the olden days. We have learned that transport has changed, our classrooms have become much more appealing and this week we are going to be learning how household items have changed over the years, and how they have made our lives easier. We will also be listening to 50s and 60s music and participating in some dance! We will give the Jive and the Twist a go.

In reading are still learning how to answer questions, read aloud with fluency and decode tricky words. The children came home with a list of tricky words linked to their reading book- once they are confident with these words they can colour them in. We are also looking at the alphabet and putting words into alphabetical order.

In maths we are continuing to add but this week we are adding 10, 11 and 9. We will be using the 100 square to help us and see if we can recognise patterns.


PE days- Wednesday and Thursday

Indoor shoes and filled water bottles

Reading books brought into school every day


Stay safe everyone,

Miss Rafferty, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Primary 1 2/11/20

Good morning
Primary 1 had a great time celebrating Halloween last week. In class we decorated pumpkins, designed costumes and had a fun Halloween party on Friday where we made spiders webs. The children looked fantastic in their costumes!
This week we will be thinking about Bonfire night and are looking forward to creating firework pictures later in the week.
In phonics we will be revising the sounds learnt so far, concentrating on the letters r, m, d, e, c and k. We appreciate all the work being done at home to support the children’s learning of these.
In maths we are moving on to a block of learning on addition. We will be completing lots of activities in class where children have to count how many altogether from 2 sets.
A new homework sheet will be posted next Monday. Thank you for all your posts on the Learning Journals showing us what your children are achieving at home.
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Miss Daun and Miss Christy

Primary 6 1.11.20

Good morning from Primary 6.  Here is some news about everything we have been doing this week.

In reading we have been working on new roles for a new learning style called Reciprocal reading.  We have been discussing tools for reading and have been given new task roles.  They are Clarifyer, Predictor, Questioner and Summariser.  We will continue to practise these roles over the next few weeks.

We are so pleased to see all the inventions arriving in school this week and are looking forward to presenting these on Monday.  Thank you so much to everyone who helped with this, your support is greatly appreciated.

We have started writing haunted house stories using our description genre targets.  These was a real success, everyone enjoyed writing them and we will be redrafting these for display next week.

In ICT we have been working on Garage band with Mr Shanks, there were some fantastic pieces of music  being played this week.

In Maths we are continuing to work on place value and have completed our angles topic.  On Thursday we had an activities session where we were challenged to create pathways using compasses and draw shapes by programming instructions using the Probots.

On Friday we had a super morning participating in Halloween activities.  Everyone loved the Quiz which was made by the PSA  and goody bags so we would all like to say a big thank you for that.  We also took part in a murder mystery where we had to use our maths and group work skills to solve the problem.

Class newsletters were handed out on Friday with information on the rest of the term so have a look in bags if you didn’t receive yours.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Jamieson, Ms Mathieson and Mrs Smith.

Primary 4 30.10.20

Hello everyone

We have had a fun week in Primary 4 and can’t wait to see the children dressed up in their Halloween costumes today! We are sure they will have a fabulous day!

Yesterday your child should have come home with a class newsletter in their school bag. This details everything that we will be covering in class during the coming term.

Our PE days will continue to be on a Monday and a Friday for the next few weeks. Towards the end of November they will change when the one of P4’s PE lessons will be taken by Mrs Ferguson our PE specialist.

This week the children presented their class talks. Mr Woodward and I have been very impressed with the level of preparation and rehearsal that have went into creating and presenting these talks. Thank you everyone for all your hard work! If we have not heard your child present yet then we will hear them early next week 🙂

In Maths we have begun to learn about 3D shape. We have been exploring 3D shapes in our environment and discussing their properties. We will move on in the coming weeks to explore 2D shape and tiling with 2D shape. In Numeracy we have been learning our 6 times table. Please ask your child what facts they know 🙂 Next week we will explore dividing by 6 using our times table facts to help us.

Remember – Homework is handed out on Teams each Monday and is due in on Friday.
Please can your child bring a full bottle of water to school each day.

Thank you for all your support. Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark & Mr Woodward

Primary 5- 30.10.2020


It has been a busy week in Primary Five!

In Reading the children have started working in their Reciprocal Reading groups and seem to be enjoying their new books. They have been working on their reading skills including predicting what is going to happen next, summarising what they have read, asking questions and clarifying any tricky words.

In Writing this week, the class were working on creative stories with a Halloween theme.  We listened to some Halloween music to get in the mood before writing some excellent, spooky stories using lots of adjectives and descriptions.

In Maths the children have been continuing to work on reading the exact time and time intervals. We are really improving with our time reading skills but everyone could do with a little bit more practice.

This week Primary 5M started with Spanish lessons where we were learning basic greetings. We were absolutely amazed by some of the children’s Spanish skills who were even able to teach us a thing or two! Primary 5G will be starting their lessons next week. Both classes are continuing with French this term and will be moving on to colours, numbers and food!

In Science, we have started our new topic of Endangered Animals. We had some excellent discussions about the impact of climate change on animals all over the world, and discussed what we can do to help. Over the term we will be doing lots of research into our chosen endangered Scottish animal to create a fact-file book.

There was much excitement in Primary 5 when we started planning the school activities for Children in Need. We made some colourful posters to advertise these activities; Dress Down Day on Friday 13th November bring £1, Duck Race choose a duck for 50p and Pudsey wristbands for a reasonable donation.   These posters will be put up in all classrooms and corridors to encourage everyone to take part.

Congratulations to Oliver in Primary 5G for winning the P7 Design-a-Bin competition!! His fantastic design is currently being made into a bin for the playground! We cannot wait to see the finish product!


  • Homework on TEAMS this week is- a spelling activity, a time/triangle quiz and an activity based on our Rights Respecting Schools- Article 13 – Sharing Thoughts Freely. Some children were able to complete the activities online and some used their homework jotter. This jotter can be returned to school each week or they can take a picture of their work and upload that to the photo channel in their Team. Please just complete the activities at a time most convenient for you and your family.


  • PE- Tuesday and Thursday

Please ensure the children have the correct kit for going outdoors- trainers, trackies/joggers, t-shirt and fleece/hoodie. They can come to school wearing their PE kit but a school jumper must be worn during the day. They can then change into their outdoor jumper when we go outside.


  • The children have chosen a book to read for enjoyment in class and it would be appreciated if you could continue to encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gilmour, Miss Munro, Mrs Muir and Miss Herd

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