w.b. 27.2.17

Last week Primary 1 had a great week consolidating their learning on dinosaurs. The children created a dinosaur land map in groups of 2 and 3, they then learnt how to program bee bots to travel over their land. The children also completed a critical skills challenge creating an information poster about a dinosaur in pairs.
In maths the children have been learning about numbers to 20. Last week they practised ordering numbers and finding the number before, after and between. This week they focus on counting out sets. Thank you for your help at home with this.
This Thursday is World Book Day. Please can your child bring in a book from home on Thursday for a primary 7 to read to them.
PE is on a Thursday, please remember to bring a PE kit to school.
Some children don’t have indoor shoes to wear in class, please ensure that your child has shoes which fit.
Library books will be given out on a Monday. This only needs to be returned on the Friday. Class reading books should be brought to school everyday.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary Five 24.2.17

This week has been a busy one as usual, especially with our visitors being in and around the classes.  They were very impressed with all the boys and girls and the learning that was taking place- well done to the children for being so confident.

We have been continuing work on non-fiction texts this week and researching our topic through reading.

In Maths both groups have moved on from fractions and are now looking at decimal fractions.

Next week we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday.  Please could everyone bring in a favourite book on that day.  We will be taking part in some shared reading with P3….pictures to follow!



Tuesday/Wednesday- Maths

Thursday- bring a book for World Book Day, Gym Kit

Friday- Outdoor Gym Kit

We will also be presenting our class talks next week- we are looking forward to seeing these as we know the children have been putting lots of work into them- thank you to the children who have already brought theirs in.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary 3 20.2.17

Primary 3 have been very busy at home completing the Big Homework piece. We are both so pleased with everyone’s efforts, use of resources and imagination when building and constructing their castles. We had castles in all shapes and sizes. We had castles made from cardboard, plastic, play dough, lego and even chocolate! All children were able to present their castles to the class and they are now on display in our classrooms. Well done Primary 3!

In maths we are beginning to investigate fractions. We have been learning about a half and a quarter of a shape but this week we are going to be learning about a half and quarter of a number. We will be using lots of concrete materials to help support the children’s learning.

In writing we are making our very own fact files about knights and castles. The children have been learning note taking skills and have been putting these to the test by taking notes from topic books, websites and videos. Children are then going to use these notes to create a mini fact file with headings, pictures and sentences. We will display them once they are complete.

Futsal this week will be taking place outside. So could all children bring an OUTDOOR P.E kit on Tuesday.

Reading will continue as normal this week and the children will have spelling and maths homework to complete for Friday.

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

P1/2 week beginning 13.2.17

Primary 1/2 have been busy again this week.


We have been learning about positional language and using the Beebots to make journeys round the classroom.  We have made a large map of Struay and next week we will be using the beebots to make journeys round the island.

In Health we have been talking about how we feel when we are ill and how medicine helps us.

For topic we have started looking at the weather.  We have talked about different types of weather and have begun to talk about how the weather affects us.

We have been learning to tell the time using an analogue and digital clock.  Primary 1 have been learning o’clock times and Primary 2 have been learning half past.

Please remember to bring gym kit for Thursday.

Have a lovely week


Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 w.b. 6/2/17

Primary 1 are now well into their dinosaur topic. Last week the children learnt about the triceratops. They researched information from a video, wrote a fact file and created a triceratops mask using a paper plate. We look forward to showing you all this work at parent’s night! This week we will be learning about the pterodactyl.
In maths, the children are continuing their work on subtraction. The children are using number lines, cubes and fingers to help understand the process of taking a number away and this week we will be learning the facts of 4 and 5. We have also been revising the numbers 0-20 during our maths lesson. The children have made huge progress reading these numbers and finding the number before and after.
* P.E. is on Thursday. Please make sure that your child comes prepared with a PE kit and indoor shoes.
* Parent’s consultations are this Tuesday and Wednesday.
* Please return your form for our trip to dynamic earth as soon as possible.
* Big homework went home last week. Please bring your finished dinosaur model to school on the 20th of February.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 31.01.17

Primary 3 have been given a big piece of homework to completed by Thursday 16th February. Children are allowed to use a variety of materials but must clearly show the key features of a castle. (more detail on homework sheet)

This Friday we have been invited to a Sports festival! The children will be taking part in a number of sporting activities and it has been advised that they wear warm clothing (jogging bottoms, jumper and a coat) Children should come to school dressed in their kit as we will be out all morning.

In Maths this week we are introducing the 4x table. Could you please encourage your child to practise thier times tables at home as they will be required to know their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table to help them solve fractions and  solve division questions.

We have recently set up a shop at the back of our class to help the children put their money skills that they have been learning to the test. We have also set up a role play corner based on knights and castles. We have recently purchased a castle tent and dressing up costumes. These were funded by the PSA. Primary 3 would like to say a big thank you!!

P.E is as normal

Spelling and Maths homework is due Friday

Big Homework is due 16th February

Thank you, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 1 w.b. 30.1.17

Primary 1 had a very busy week last week.
In maths, the children have started learning about subtraction. We have been looking at the concept of taking objects away and this week will begin to complete written sums. As part of this learning, we are revising numbers 1-20. The children are putting the numbers in order on a number line and are finding the number before and after. Any work you can do at home to practise numbers 1-20 will be helpful for your child.
In science we have begun learning about electricity. The children were very interested to learn and talk about the dangers associated with electricity in the house. We all created safety posters which you will be able to see at parent consultations.
This week we will be continuing our work on dinosaurs. We will be researching and writing about the triceratops. We will also begin our next topic in health, looking at medicine and how to keep our bodies safe.
P.E. – outdoor PE is on a Monday and indoor PE is on a Thursday.
Homework – today a ‘big homework’ task will be going home in your child’s homework diary. Please check your child’s diary for more information.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 6 26.01.17

Happy Thursday!

P6 have had a very enjoyable week this week. In maths we have all begun to learn about fractions. The children have been working hard to share their prior knowledge with others. We are now beginning to find fractions of both shapes and numbers. Soon we will be working on equivalent fractions too. Please ask your child about their learning.

This week we had our very own Burns Supper! We had the chance to try haggis, vegetarian haggis, cheese, oatcakes and shortbread. Our haggis was piped into the classroom and Mr Woodward recited “Tae a Haggis”. Mrs Wylie also gave the “Immortal Memory”. Max read out the Selkirk Grace before we ate and we sang “You’re Welcome Willie Stuart” and the traditional version of “Auld Lang Syne” Our favourite part of the supper though was when Logan, Gregor and Tyler read out the boys “Toast to the Lasssies” and Luci replied by reading the girls “Toast to the Laddies”. The boys and girls split up into different classrooms to write a collective speech to the lads and the lassies. The aim of the speech was to compliment each other but was also meant to be a bit cheeky! Mrs Wylie & I thought the final results were marvellous!

We are continuing to work hard on our Titanic topic. We will begin work on our classroom wall display on Tuesday, painting the characters we have been given thinking carefully about the types of clothing first, second and third class passengers would have worn.

Mr Woodward has begun working with Miss Clark’s class. He will be teaching P6C about The Bible in RME, Human Body in Science, more information about The Titanic and much more.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Mrs Wylie & Mrs Kelly

Primary 1 w.b. 23/1/17

Primary 1 did a good job last week learning and reciting their Scots poems. Well done to Frazer, Heather, Connor and Amber who presented their poem to the whole school in the new gym hall. They should be very proud of their achievement.
We were very excited to have Google Expeditions at our school last Monday. The children experienced a virtual visit under the sea to explore marine life.
This week we are continuing our interdisciplinary topic on dinosaurs. We will be writing a fact file about the Diplodocus and creating our very own fossils.
In Maths we will be starting our focus on subtraction. Pupils will be exploring the concept using concrete materials.
Please ensure that your child brings named gym rubbers to school to wear in class. We are hoping to keep our gym hall clean and so outdoor shoes will not be allowed in. Please can you check that your child’s shoes fit properly and that the straps stay on!
Outdoor PE will be on a Monday so please ensure that your child comes to school with a warm jacket and shoes they can run in. Indoor PE will be on a Thursday and children need a PE kit for this.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 w.b. 9/1/2017

Welcome back after the Christmas Holidays. We hope that you all had a lovely break.
We had a good first week back. The children began to learn about Dinosaurs, the interdisciplinary topic for this term. An egg was delivered to Primary 1 for the children to look after with a note from Professor Rex. We decided that it was a dinosaur egg and so the children have started learning about dinosaurs so they can look after the egg better.
In maths this week we will be learning about the months of the year and about clocks and how to read the o’clock time. Any help you can give your child in learning the months of the year and spotting clocks around the house would be greatly appreciated.
This term we will be doing outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE with Miss Inglis on a Thursday. Please remember to bring a named PE kit for these sessions.
Homework will resume again this week. The children will be getting 2 Scots poems home with them today. Please choose 1 poem to learn by Wednesday 18th January. Each child will recite their chosen poem in class on this day. One child will be selected from each class to perform in front of the school on the Friday.
Every child took home their inside gym rubbers for Christmas. Please remember to bring indoor shoes back into school as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Christy, Mrs Harris and Mrs Oliver

Primary 3 9.1.17

Primary 3 have a very busy term and we are looking forward to starting our new topic- Knights and Castles. Children will be learning about the history of castles, their purpose and who used to live and work in castles. We will also be taking a class trip in March to Edinburgh Castle which we are all very excited about.

Children have been sent home with a Scottish Poem to learn for our Burns Competition. Could you please encourage your child to practise this so they can recite it to the class at the end of the month.

Primary 3 are very lucky to be getting Futsal! We have a Futsal coach coming into school to teach the skills used in Futsal and this will commence on Tuesday 24th January for a number of weeks. Could you please ensure that your child has an indoor P.E kit for this.

In Maths we are continuing with learning our times tables. We will be practising our 2, 5 and 10 but also introducing our 3 and 4 times tables. The more practice at home and school will increase the children’s confidence in their times tables. We are also going to be tackling Money, learning the values of all coins and using our adding and subtracting skills to find totals and give change.

Reading will continue as normal up until the February break. We will be doing guided reading in class and writing down pages to be read at home in their homework diaries.

We are sending home our Termly newsletter today along with spelling and maths homework. The newsletter will explain which days the children will need P.E kits and which specialists they will be receiving this term.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 7 15.12.16

The last two weeks have been really busy in primary 7!

We have been busy rehearsing for the concert at Deans High School which is tonight. The children had a practice on the stage and they are sounding wonderful. A reminder that children should arrive before 6.45pm in the foyer at the front reception.

In PE we have been learning ceilidh dancing – Gay Gordon’s and Dashing White Sergeant in preparation for our disco on Monday 19th December. The disco finishes at 8pm and all children must be collected by an adult.

In outdoor PE primary 7 have been creating playground games. They taught these to primary 1 and a great time was had by all. We used the Ipads to film the playground games and these recordings will be sent to our ERASMUS partners and the children in those countries will play our games.

Miss Thomson from the maths department at DCHS has been working with P7W for the last two weeks focusing on mental strategies and decimals. She also showed us how to make a 3D snowflake and some children have been making these in their own time. It is looking very wintery in the classroom!

In school today the children will be watching the pantomime with their P1 buddy. I’m sure they will tell you all about it when they get home!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour


Primary 1/2 week beginning 5.12.16

Primary 1/2 have been working hard on our Nativity play this week and its starting to look really good.  We are looking forward to performing for our parents next week.

Last week we were learning about houses round the world.  We learned how Innuit people build an igloo from snow and also learned how houses stay cool in hot countries.

In Maths we were learning about 2D shapes.  Primary 2 are very good at recording how may edges and corners each shape has.

Last week we made our snowman soup for our Christmas Enterprise and were very pleased to have sold all of it.  It was lovely to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair.

This week we will be writing letters to Santa and also beginning our Christmas RME project.

There will be no new homework this week but Primary 1 should continue to practise their key words and sounds.  Primary 2 should practise number bonds to 14 and continue to play spelling games.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson


Primary 1 w.b. 5/12/16

It was great to see so many of you at the Christmas Fair last Friday. Thank you for coming along to support the school.
This week Primary 7 children will be teaching their buddies traditional playground games as part of our ERASMUS+ project. The Primary 7s will be recording the games to send to our partner schools across Europe.
In maths this week we will be focusing on recognising and continuing patterns using 2D shapes, symbols and colours.
There will be no formal homework given out in the run up to Christmas, however, we will still be sending homework folders home. Please continue to practise key words and sounds with your child.
If your child has been asked to bring in any clothing to supplement their nativity costume please bring this in as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Muir

Primary 1/2 Week beginning 14.11.16

What a busy week we had last week.  We have started our nativity play which is called Christmas Counts.  We know lots of the songs already and will begin acting out our parts soon.  Everyone in Primary 1 will have an acting part and P2 will be given their narration parts to begin practising this week.  This will be quite tricky for them at first so any help with practising would be greatly appreciated.

We are working on our Houses and Homes topic and last week Primary 2 entertained us with their interesting class talks.  Well done Primary 2.  This week we look forward to listening to Primary 1.  We have been working on the story of Hansel and Gretel and have made a beautiful wall frieze of the gingerbread house.

Last week in Maths Primary 1 were working on the concept of addition and feel very proud of our progress.  Primary 2 have been working on halving and doubling.

This week we are very excited to welcome teachers from all over Europe as part of the Erasmus project.  We will be showing them our classrooms and how we learn in Scotland.  We will also be taking part in a Scottish Assembly and learning some vocabulary form all over Europe.  We have made special thistle badges to give to the visitors.

On Friday we will be taking part in Children in Need.  We can wear something spotty and bring in a donation of 50p.  Wristbands and badge pins will be on sale this week.  Wristbands are 50p and £1, badge pins are £2.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson

Primary 1 Update – 7.11.16

We have a busy week ahead of us in Primary 1 with preparations in full swing for the arrival of our Erasmus visitors next week. The children are beginning to learn a Scottish song to welcome the visitors and will be creating a Scottish gift to present to them. Also over the past week the children have been auditioning for parts in the nativity. All children in Primary 1 will take part, some may have words to learn. Please check your child’s homework diary to help them with this if required.
In Maths, we have started learning about the concept of addition using concrete materials. This can be followed up at home by combining 2 sets of everyday object e.g. pennies, sweeties, toys etc.
We are continuing to introduce initial sounds and blending these together. The children will be applying their knowledge in their new reading book and in writing tasks.
Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy, Mrs Muir.

Primary 3 7.11.16

Primary 3 had a fantastic time creating Quaichs from clay last week. All the children were able to follow some simple steps and managed to mold the clay into a small bowl with handles. We can’t wait to see them once they have been fired and returned back to us!



Primary 3 have been introduced to the 2x table. The children have been using concrete materials, chanting and writing to help remember our 2x table. Please encourage your children to practise this at home too.

We have began practising your Nativity songs! The music is very “funky” and the children are having lots of fun learning the words and dance moves. We are beginning to look at handing out parts and children will be informed soon. If your child does come home with a part and words to learn please encourage them to practise them aloud at home.

The children wrote fantastic acrostic poems about fireworks and bonfire night. They tried hard to use lots of adjectives to describe the sights and sounds. We also created firework pictures using chalks. The children used bright colours and smudging techniques to create explosions in the sky! They look brilliant!!

Homework: Reading, Spelling and Maths

P.E:  Wednesday for P3S

Thursday for P3R

Newsletters will be handed out today.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

Primary 7 04.11.16

Hello to all,

We had a visit from West Lothian drug and Alcohol Services on Monday where the children learned about the dangers of smoking. The children were given a task to research some of the different chemicals found in cigarettes which will be used in their lesson next week.

The children have started a Remembrance challenge. They have been learning about how different countries commemorate Remembrance and the significance of poppies and war memorials. The children have put a lot of effort into their challenge and we look forward to seeing the completed displays!

On Tuesday Primary 7 went to DCHS for a transition morning where they got to experience a range of lessons including PE, Art, Maths and Science. The children had a great experience and are looking forward to their next transition visit.

On Wednesday afternoon Mr Anderson from the music department at DCHS visited primary 7 to practise the song we will be singing at the High School Christmas concert.

Today selected pupils will be attending the Sportshall Athletics event at Craigswood Sports centre. Check the blog next week to find out how they got on!


Spelling homework each night

Maths homework

Continue to learn song words

Both classes will need outdoor PE kit on Monday

PE with Miss Inglis on Wednesday


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Wilson & Mrs Gilmour

Primary 1 w.b.31/10/16

We hope that you all had a good October Break. It now seems like a long time ago! We have had a busy first week back. The children have begun practising for the Nativity and have learnt some of the songs and read through the script. We will begin casting in the next few weeks and appreciate any help you can give your children learning songs and lines at home.
Last week we spent some time consolidating learning on the sounds learnt so far and blending these together to make short words. We will continue to learn new sounds this week and appreciate all your help at home with this.
This week we will also be sending home key words boxes with the first 5 words we have introduced. Please help your children to practise these. New words will be added throughout the term.
In maths we are beginning to work on the concept of addition this week using concrete materials and resources.
Thank you for your continued support.

Primary 3 31.10.16

Primary 3 have been learning 4 verses from the Katie Bairdie song. They will be performing this song to our Erasmus visitors when they arrive next week. Could you please encourage your child to practise the song.

Primary 3 are having a Quaich workshop today. The children will be using materials such as clay, to create their very own Quaichs. We are looking forward to seeing the final products.

In maths, we are moving onto subtraction. We plan on using similar strategies we used in addition to help solve subtraction questions and problems. We will also be introducing multiplication, starting with the two times table.

Our new topic this term is Inclusion. The children will be learning about our senses, disabilities and how people can be helped or supported. Nativity will also play a big part in our timetable, especially in the run up to Christmas.

Afterschool clubs have now started and we hope the children that signed up for the clubs, enjoyed their first week.



Spelling, Maths and regular reading

P.E: P3R on a Tuesday and Thursday

P.E P3S on a Tuesday and Wednesday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Smith

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