We have had a very busy and exciting week in Primary One with lots of play opportunities based around Halloween and Bonfire Night. We have been making pumpkin and monster faces in the craft area and also some beautiful firework pictures using straws and brightly coloured paint. Our Writing areas have also been busy, writing about spooky characters and thinking about words to describe fireworks.
We will be building on this, and the children’s experiences, in our Writing lesson this week by writing a description of a firework. If possible it would be good to prepare your child for this lesson on Friday by talking to them about what fireworks might look and sound like.
In Phonics this week we have been focussing on the sounds f and o, looking at things that start with these sounds and blending sounds that we have learned together to make short words.
In Numeracy this week we have been continuing work on addition. We will be formally introducing the + and = signs to the children and they have been using concrete materials to build the sums and find the answer.
Our Topic this term is Toys which the children are showing great interest in. We will be changing the play areas of the classrooms to tie in with the Topic. We have been creating toys to display on the walls of our role play areas which are being changed into toy shops. We will be learning about the forces that move toys, how toys work and are made, and toys from the past. We are lucky to be having a visit from the museum service who will help us to learn a little more about the toys boys and girls played with a long time ago. We will be linking our Maths next week to our toy shop and learning about money. It would be useful if you could talk with your children at home about the different coins we have and maybe even let them have a go at paying for something in a shop with some coins. We will also be asking the children to prepare a short class talk about their favourite toy to present to the class on 15th November-more details about this on the homework sheet.
Finally- it’s that time of year again-Nativity! Children now know the part that they have been given in this years nativity and if your child has words to learn they will receive them with the homework tomorrow (7th November). Please try and practise these as much as possible.
Wednesday 7th- New homework issued.
Monday 12th- We will be doing Outdoor gym on Monday this week due to the hall being used.
Tuesday 13th- New reading book issued.
Thursday 15th- Class talks about favourite toy.
Please remember to bring book bags every day as we may get time for extra Reading practise. Children should have bottles every day containing water only.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel.