Primary 2/3

We had a fantastic trip to North Berwick to take part in Plundering Pirates and Seashore Explorer. The children learned about local pirates and made real life treasure maps. We got to explore the Old Kirk and had lunch outside. We finished off on the beach exploring the sand and making sandcastles. We all had lots of fun and learned lots!

Today we are walking up Dechmont Law. Children have been learning that pirates always had to be on the look out for other pirates or dangers. We decided to go to the highest point in our local area to see how far we can actually see!! We might even see the sea!!

Recently we have been working hard learning how to tell the time. The boys and girls have been using clocks and digital clocks to tell the time. P2 have also been investigating number patterns and Primary 3 have been finding the fraction of a number.

Primary 2 have now learned all the phonic sounds so we are now revising all of the tricky ones. Primary 3 are still working their way through the Primary 3 programme with new sounds each week.

All children have had a letter inviting the parents to come to school next Friday for a Careers Day. At some point could you discuss with your children about what you do for a job/career? We have lots of activities planned next week and we can show you these on Friday when you visit.

We also have the Beach trip in 2 weeks time (Tuesday 19th June). Could you please fill out the EE2 forms and return to school?

P.E Monday and Thursday

Homework: Spelling, Maths and Reading

Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 3/5/18

This week Primary 1 have joined our school wide ‘Eco Week’. As a school we are working towards renewing our Eco Schools recognition. Primary 1 took part in the school wide litter pick up in the playground on Tuesday. We were able to talk about the danger litter causes to animals which might use our playground. We have also planted lettuce seed in our plant box outside the office. We will continue to look after these plants and hope to be able to taste some of this lettuce by the end of term. We have been learning about biodiversity in class and the ways we can protect endangered species.
Yesterday Brambleberry left us to travel back to his Enchanted Forest. So we have now started our new topic: ‘Farming’. In the coming week we will be learning about arable and livestock farms and the differences between them. We will be thinking about where the food we eat comes from.
In maths we are learning to double numbers and share amounts between 2 or 3 (e.g. finding a half or third of a number). We are continuing to practise addition and subtraction throughout the week and appreciate any help you are giving your child with this.
Homework is due on Fridays. This week there was reading and maths. Please also continue practising sounds and common words.
PE is on a Thursday, please remember to bring a named PE kit and water bottle.
Next week the children are off school on Monday and Tuesday, we look forward to welcoming them back on Wednesday 9th May.
Thank you for your continued support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary 7 3.5.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy week in Primary 7. We had a visit from teachers and students from Deans Community High School today. They told us what it was like to move from Carmondean Primary to Deans High. They also answered any questions the children had about High School. It was a very informative session and very helpful for the children.

Some of the Primary 7 children will be leaving on our France Residential a week on Sunday (13th May). Please ensure that all letters are signed and returned and EHIC Health cards are returned to the school as soon as possible. If you require your child to take any medication on the trip then the appropriate form should be filled in and returned to the school before next Friday. For forms and any extra information please contact the school office as soon as possible.

The children created fantastic pieces of art work this week based on interesting skylines from around the world. They used photographs of famous skylines to help plan out their own. They then transferred their work onto black card and then painted beautiful skies with water colour paints which will frame their skyline. These are looking fantastic and will be on display until the end of term.

The children have also worked on creating informative posters for the Primary 6 children this week. Soon, the Primary 7’s will leave Carmondean Primary behind and the P6s will replace them as buddies to our new Primary 1 children in August. The children worked with a partner to create a poster that tells the Primary 6 children about their experiences of being a buddy and how to overcome any challenges. We will present these to the Primary 6 classes next week.

We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday next week. Have a lovely long weekend and we will see the children on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

PE days
Monday – Outdoor PE
Wednesday – Indoor PE

Homework – Spelling and Maths due Friday

Primary 5 13.4.18

Primary 5 have had a busy first week.  We have started Literacy Circles for reading.  This will require the children to complete a weekly homework task to share with their group.  More details have been given out about this in homework jotters.

This term we will be performing our school show The Pirates of the Curry Bean on the 13th June.  Speaking parts have been given out and children should begin learning these at home.  We still have a lot of work to do on assigning other parts, learning songs and dances which will be happening over the next few weeks.

In Maths we have been working on measure.  Miss Farren’s group have been measuring large objects outdoors in metres while Mrs Jamieson’s group have been working on cm and mm.

Our new PE times are Tuesday for indoor PE and Thursday for outdoor PE.  This term we will be working on Golf and Athletics.


Mrs Jamieson Miss Farren

Primary 2/3 10.4.18

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday!

Primary 2/3 have their parent assembly next week (Tuesday 17th April) You are all welcome to come along to find out what we have learned about the Romans. It should be very exciting!

Could all children please continue to practise their lines and songs for our assembly. We will be allocating time in class this week to also practise and put our costumes on.

Our new topic will start next week- Pirates and Treasure Island! It is a very exciting topic and I am sure the children are going to love it and learn lots.

Our specialist timetable has changed so our indoor P.E slot has now moved to a Thursday morning. We will continue to do our Outdoor P.E lessons on a Monday. Please remember P.E kits on both of these days. The children will also be receiving Art from Ms Fox on a Wednesday.

In Maths- P3 are continuing work on their 3 times table and next week we hope to learn our 4 times table. P2 are learning how to half numbers which links nicely to doubling numbers which is what we were learning before the holidays.

Reading- Children have been given fiction texts to start the term. Please read regularly at home and encourage discussion about the text/story.


Assembly lines and songs, Reading, Spelling (Time your climb) and Maths.

P.E: Monday and Thursday

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

Primary 2/3 13.03.18

Primary 2/3 have an assembly coming up after the Easter Holidays (17th April). I am still to hand out parts for this however we have started learning two songs. Please practise these between now and the assembly.


Easter Egg hunt for Primary 2/3 will take place this Thursday! We are looking forward to completing the hunt and eating some chocolate.

Homework this week:

Spelling, Reading and Maths for Primary 2 and 3.

Any questions, just let me know.

Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 w.b. 5.3.18

Welcome back! It has been great seeing the children again after our few snow days last week.
This week there will be no homework folders going home. The children still have a reading book though and we appreciate all the work you are doing at home with it. If you are looking for anything else to do, please continue practising sounding out words and counting forwards and backwards to 30.
This week our maths focus will be numbers to 30. The children will be writing these numbers and counting out values up to 30. We are also working on telling the time to both o’clock and half past on analogue clocks.
In phonics we are learning some blended sounds (sh, ch and th). This week our focus is ch. The children have come up with lots of words containing ch and are making great progress reading and writing these words by themselves.
This week we are beginning our new interdisciplinary topic; ‘The enchanted forest’. We will be using different art techniques over the next few days to create our very own class forest in the classroom. We will be learning about woodland animals in our interdisciplinary lessons and this week will find out facts about badgers.
Reminders: PE is on Thursday mornings, please remember to bring a PE kit this day.
Children should have indoor shoes to wear around the classroom. This is especially important with the weather just now.
Your child has received home a letter for the PSA Easter Egg hunt. If you want your child to attend please bring in the return form and £1 as soon as possible.
Thank you
Miss Christy, Mrs Oliver and Mrs Harris

Mrs Gilmour’s Groups

Good morning to all my groups. I have listed below some activities you can work on at home. You can also access the P5-7 winter weather work which is posted on the BLOG.

Primary 5-Reading
Please practice reading the stories about different families we have read so far. Remember to discuss any words you do not know with an adult.
Here are some activities you could work on-
o Make a family tree of all the people in your family. You can design it any way you like. Try to include name, date of birth and relation to you.
o Interview someone in your family about their life at school-what they liked, did not like, what they did at playtime etc.
You can also practice your phonic book and complete the next new page if you have at least 5 ticks on your previous one

Primary 6
o We have been working on adding TU to TU. Make up some sums and have a race with someone else to see who can complete them first.
o Practice reading the time throughout the day. You could make a timeline of everything you do today- what time you started, what time you finished and how long you spent on the activity. You could also draw a picture on your timeline.
o go online to or and play some games

o Practice reading your Totem book.
o Remember you have homework sheets to be completed this week.
o You can also play the game on the back with different people in your house.
o You could also write a book review of a book, comic, magazine you have read explaining why you found it so enjoyable.

Primary 7-Reading
o Read the pages of War Horse we have discussed in class.
o Complete Literacy Circle homework-Art Director. Remember to write a few sentences explaining what picture you have drawn and the main events.

To all my groups remember to have fun outside in the snow. Take pictures of any snow people you build or be adventurous and build an igloo. Upload your pictures to the BLOG.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

Mrs Gilmour

Primary 5 Snow day activities

Good morning Primary 5.  Here are some activities you could do today to keep you busy.

Mr Shanks added a winter weather booklet to the blog earlier this term.  Have a look at it try some of the activities.

Here are some ideas of work you could also do related to the work we have been doing in class.

Read the next 2 chapters in your novel.

Complete your maths homework.  Mrs Jamieson’s set could work on making their equivalent fraction game.

Have a look round your house, can you make a list or take photographs of different examples of solids, liquids and gases.

Play some of the maths games assigned to you on studyladder.

Practise your assembly words.

Have a lovely day.  We will see you soon

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Primary 2/3 21.2.18

Primary 2/3 had a fantastic trip to the North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre. The children took part in a Roman workshop. The children looked at maps, photographs and were able to handle some Roman artefacts. The children got to dress up in Togas, touch and hold a Roman soldier’s armour and helmet. The children were also given the chance to hold some Roman weapons and a huge Roman shield. We learned lots about the Roman Bath House and Hadrians Wall.  To finish our trip off, the children got to design their very own Roman shield and they took a walk up the viewing tower which allowed them to see for miles. It was rather windy up there!

Last week was also very exciting because we learned about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent. We enjoyed eating our pancakes and deciding something that they thought they could possibly give up for Lent. Some of us think that this will be a huge challenge!

In maths Primary 3 are continuing to learn their times tables (2, 5 and 10) and Primary 2 are learning how to double numbers using rekenreks.

In Science we are still working our way through the Polar Explorer programme. This week we are investigation how animals stay warm in the freezing temperatures and next week we are going to “pack our bags” for a polar explorer experience. What will we need to take to keep us warm?

Next Thursday (1st March) in Health we are looking at how we grow up and bounce back. Could all children bring in a toy or comforter from when they were younger please? We are going to be using them in our discussion.

P.E is still on a Monday and Wednesday

Homework- Reading, Spelling/Time your climb, maths worksheet

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

Primary 3 News 19.2.18

This week we will be looking at the 5x table and our maths homework covers the 2s, 5s and 10s. Please encourage your child to do this on their own and use concrete materials if needed (such as lego pieces). Please also let us know if they struggle with the work.

They also have their weekly spelling words and reading too.

On Tuesday we are lucky enough to have a visit from Tesco Football who will be working with our children, developing a variety of skills. Please ensure they bring their PE kit to school.

Many thanks for the pledges you have returned regarding ‘Smoke-free Homes and Cars’. There is still time to fill this in and return to your child’s class teacher.

A confirmed date for your diary is our P3 Banquet which is taking place on Friday 16th March 11:15-12:15. You will be sent an invitation but because of the large number of children we can only accommodate one person from the family.

Also don’t forget our Knights and Castle Assembly on Tuesday 13th March. Next week we will send home any words they need to learn.

Many thanks for your continued support!

Have a good week.

Mrs Smith & Mr Gordon

Primary 2/3 30.1.18

Primary 2/3 would like to say a huge well done to Zara Walker and Oliver Wheelans!! They both did a fantastic job reciting their Scottish poem in front of the whole school. Well done!!

Primary 2/3 have been learning about Roman numerals. They managed to use the Roman numerals to count confidently up to 10 and also use them to crack codes. This week we are learning about Roman towns and villas.

In science, we have been continuing our lessons in the Polar Explorer programme. Yesterday we were learning about the Arctic food chain and how important it is in keeping some of our beautiful arctic animals alive! We even learned about a little fish called a copepod!

In health last week the boys and girls were learning about our feelings when we have good days and bad days. The children were able to describe these days and how it made them feel. We also learned that if we are having a bad day we can always turn it round to a good day by changing our thought process! Primary 2/3 are hoping for lots of good days to come!

Primary 3 have started learning their 2x tables and are hoping to move onto their 10x next week- keep practising P3!

Primary 2 are working hard in subtraction, using concrete materials and number lines. The children are also been working out missing subtrahends which can be tricky but they are doing really well. Keep up the hard work P2!

Reminder- P.E is on a Monday and Wednesday

Homework- Spelling, Reading, Maths

Thanks, Miss Rafferty

Primary 4 Week beg 22.1.18

In Primary 4 this week we have been learning our Scottish poems for our Burns assembly. The children have had the poems home to practise and have also been learning them in the classroom.

This has come at a perfect time as we have just started our Scotland topic. This will be our topic for the whole term and we are excited to learn all about Scotland and its traditions.

Last week was our Polar explorer week and we enjoyed taking part in various science experiments and challenges such as making glaciers, dissolving shells and making boats for a voyage.

In spelling we have been focusing on strategies for spelling tricky words. We have been learning about mnemonics (becauseBig Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants), words within a word and syllabification. We are using these strategies as the words the children have been learning cannot always be sounded out.


Please bring a water bottle

Outdoor PE on Tuesday

Indoor PE on Wednesday (with Mrs Ferguson)

Scottish Poem due for Thursday


Thank you,

The Primary 4 teachers

Primary 2/3 23.1.18

Primary 2/3 have been working very hard learning their Scottish Poems. The boys and girls have been practising in class and at home. Today the children are going to perform in front of their class and then two of our boys and girls will be invited to say their poem to the whole school. We wish them all the best of luck! On Thursday we will be learning about Robert Burns, singing Scottish songs and tasting some traditional Scottish food. I hope you all like Haggis!!

In our topic this week we have been looking and learning about the Roman soldier. We have discussed what they wear and why. The children have also learned what the Roman words are for shield, sandals and helmet. We are also going to be learning about Roman Numerals this week too.

Reminder- P.E is on a Monday and Wednesday so please can you send the children in with P.E kits. Also could they come to school with a water bottle.

Homework: Spelling, Reading, Poems/Scottish Song and Maths.


Miss Rafferty

Primary 7 14.12.17

Hello everyone

We have had a lovely week in Primary 7 so far. We had the opportunity to watch both the Nursery/P1 nativity and the P2/3 nativity. We loved both performances and we thought that the children did really well.

This week we have been putting our ICT skills to the test! We will be using GLOW throughout Primary 7 to look at the blog and for transition activities with Deans Community High School. In order to use this platform we had to reset our passwords. We also went to P1 and P2 to help them to log into the computer and reset their GLOW passwords. All adults have been very impressed with how skilled the Primary 7s were at teaching the younger children in the school.

There will be no homework next week. Homework will resume again on the second week back (wb 15.1.18) after the Christmas Holidays.

The P7 Christmas Disco will take place next Thursday 21st December from 6-8pm. Please note that children must be picked up from inside the school at 8pm, we cannot allow children to walk home themselves.

This will be our last blog post before the Christmas so we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on the 9th January.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Mrs Macaulay

Primary 6 8.12.17

We had a fun filled start to our week with our Primary Six Christmas party. Our pupils Scottish country skills were in full flow and what an impressive group they are! It was pantomime time too this week and the pupils (and staff) thoroughly enjoyed the interactive performance of the Wizard of Oz.

We have been tackling problem solving challenges in maths this week, putting our analytical skills to the test. The key message … the question, highlight the important information and work out which mathematical operation will help you solve the problem. We had some great breakthroughs and look forward to cracking the codes next week!

Primary Six have an assembly on the 15th December and the pupils have created interesting, fact filled and humorous scripts. May we remind you that this is an assembly for pupils only, we will have another assembly in 2018 where guests will be invited.

We are continuing with our ‘Beat That’ maths challenge on a Friday morning and whilst scores are rising, there is work to be done. Come on Primary Six, Practise your tables!!!


PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Homework – spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.

Mr Woodward, Mr Shanks and Mrs Wylie

Primary 2/3

Primary 2/3 and Primary 2 have a Scottish song to learn for our St Andrew’s Day Assembly next week. The children have a copy of the words to take home and we will practise the song and actions in class. We would appreciate your support in helping the children practise the words.

We have been also working on our Nativity. Children have been practising the songs, dance moves and lines. This will continue up until our show in December.

Primary 2/3 have been investigating which buildings we have in our community and what role they play in keeping our community functioning. Children have drawn these buildings and constructed some of them using our construction materials. They look brilliant!

Primary 2/3 have also been looking into our personal hygiene. We are now regularly brushing our teeth and we understand the importance of washing our hands to prevent the spread of germs.

P.E is on a Monday (Outdoor, weather permitting) and Tuesday


P2- Reading, Time your climb, Common words,

P3- Reading, Spelling/sentences, Common words

Common words (could you please sign off common words once the children have practised them)



Primary 2/3

We have been very busy learning about our community. We have been learning about who lives and works in our community. We identified everyone who works in our community and made a big display in our class. We have also discussed places we visit in our community and the activities we can do there. Livingston has so much to offer!

We have started our Nativity rehearsals- if your child has a speaking part, please practise their lines with them. Everyone can practise our song which were posted on the P3 blog last week.

Well done to all the boys and girls who have been bringing in their P.E kits- reminder that PE is on a Monday and Tuesday.

P5 are running our Children in Need day on Friday and we have been asked to take part by coming to school in our PJs for a small donation. That day will be very comfortable for us, we can’t wait.


P2 have common words, time your climb and reading

P3 have common words, spelling, sentences and reading

Maths homework will be handed out on Wednesday (3D Shape)


Primary 6 10.11.17

There has been much excitement in primary 6 this week as the children have started their visits to the nursery. On a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday two children from each class visit the nursery at lunch time. Primary 6 have enjoyed playing with the children and interacting with them. On a Thursday P6 will read to the nursery children and talk about the book. We have been practicing asking questions in the classroom!

In Science we have started our new topic-The Body. We are learning all about the major organs in the body, how they work and where they are. We are hoping to carry out some investigations to demonstrate what happens inside our body.

The children have been given reading homework this week –The Rainforest. The children will read the text then find out the meanings of words, decide if information is true/false/don’t know and make up questions. We would prefer the children to use a dictionary to find the meaning of words but if you do not have one your child could borrow one from school or you could use an online dictionary. Please let us know if this is a problem.

The children have been given the opportunity to design a red nose which will be sold as part of Red Nose Day 2019. They are very excited and have been busy designing noses with the theme ‘magical lands’ Next week the children will decide on their final design and draw it. Unfortunately only 3 designs can be entered from each class so the House Captains will decide the winning entries.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Reading – due on a Wednesday but can be handed in before.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

Primary 6 3.11.17

This week the children were writing atmospheric poems. They tried to include repetition, adjectives, metaphors, similes and words to create an atmosphere! The end result was a collection of fantastic poems which the children read to each other. We were all very impressed with the hard work put in to writing these poems. Well done everyone!

Our journey around Europe has begun in earnest! Each pupil now has their own country to research with the main aim being to write a factual book on their chosen destination. We will be doing the majority of work for this in class but we would appreciate any information which could be gathered outside of school. If you have any books on European countries which you would be willing to let the class borrow it would be much appreciated. Indeed any text that you think maybe useful would be great, for example travel brochures which contain information on particular countries etc.

Newsletters were handed out this week, detailing the term ahead. As always it is going to be a busy one! We have a St. Andrews assembly to prepare for as well as our own class assembly in December. This will be a school only one with our visitor one taking place in the spring.

PE – outdoor Kit on Mondays / Indoor kit on Wednesdays

Spelling due on Friday. Please note that spelling homework jotters should NOT be handed in before Friday as the children should be using them to practise their spelling words daily.

Maths Homework – we would like to remind all pupils that they have maths homework EVERYWEEK. If we do not give out maths homework in the form of worksheet we still expect the pupils to be practising Times Tables, Fact Families, and Number Bonds. We have shown the pupils’ games and activities they can do to practise.

Thank for your continued support.
Mrs Gilmour, Mrs Wylie, Mrs Tully and Mr Shanks

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