Superb Scots Afternoon

It was our annual Scots Afternoon today at Carmondean Primary School and what an outstanding success it turned out to be. We welcomed Ben and Ryan, pipers from Deans Community High School, to kick the afternoon off in front of our audience of invited guests. Special Guest, Mr Coulter, addressed the haggis before everyone sat down to a meal of soup, stovies and a choice of dessert. The food was either made by members of staff or donated by Morrison’s Supermarket, so a huge thank you to everyone who provided food. Of course, having the food is no good unless you have people to serve it, so a huge thank you to Eveleyn and Karen, our lunch ladies, who stayed on after their usual duties to serve up the goodies. Naturally, our Pupil Support Workers and Primary 7 pupils did a great job of decorating and serving tables, etc, so another thank you to them.

Then it was ‘on with the show’. Every child in the Primary School and a group from the Nursery performed songs, poems and dances to entertain our audience, who were delighted with the quality and variety of the talent on offer. The afternoon finished on a high note as Rebekah Douglas sang a solo version of ‘Ae Fond Kiss’.

The whole event was organised and run (with very little help from any adults) by our Senior Challenge Group under the leadership of Ms Smith. Sam and Sophia compéred the show, Andrew and Cameron videoed the whole affair for posterity, Jennifer operated the computer and many others worked away in the background welcoming guests and doing ‘runners’ to collect the classes and organise them for their performances – all did a stupendous job. The afternoon finished when all of our invited guests were presented with the now famous ‘Carmondean Bag’ and a limited edition calendar produced by children in the school.


Primary 1 week beg 25.1.16

Well done to everyone for learning their Burns Poem!! You all were super.

This week the children will be performing a Scottish song for the school’s Burns afternoon. The winners of the poetry competition will also recite their poems. Please ensure your child has on the correct uniform for this event.

In Maths we are continuing with subtraction facts within 5. In our topic we will be researching different Dinosaurs to create our own Fact Files.

We are very excited about our upcoming trip!! Could we please remind Parents/Carers that the trips to Dynamic Earth are coming up. Please could you hand in your money and the completed EE2 form for this specific trip as soon as possible.

Thank you,
The P1 Teachers

Primary 3 w.b. 25.1.16

Well done to everyone who learnt their Scots poem last week. We were very impressed by the confident and clear delivery given by all the children which made it difficult to chose 2 winners from each class to go forward to the Burns Assembly on Friday. Well done to Leila, Sophia, Joe and Isla for being selected; you performed well and were great representatives of Primary 3. Joe and Leila were the winners from the competition for primary 3.
Primary 3 have been learning their times tables in Maths. So far the children have learnt and practised the 2,5,10 and 3 times tables and this week will be learning the 4 times table. Thank you for the practice you are putting in at home for this, it makes a lot of difference to the children’s confidence.
In our Knights and Castles topic, primary 3 have already learnt about the parts of a castle and the progression of becoming a knight. This week we will look at medieval weapons and will create a self portrait as a king or queen to hang in our great hall!
On Tuesday, primary 3 will be performing ‘Katie Bairdie’ at the Scots afternoon. All children must be in full school uniform for this.
A reminder that Miss Christy has indoor PE on Monday and Outdoor PE on Tuesday, and Miss Rafferty has outdoor PE on Tuesday and indoor PE on Wednesday.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy and Miss Rafferty

Safe Arrival in Poland


Ms Smith and Mrs Tartaglia have arrived safely in Poland for the next International visit of our F.L.A.G. Project. Today, they will begin work on learning about the Polish education system and begin preparing to lead a workshop with our European partners near the end of the week. We wish them luck. Why not follow their progress and the progress of the project by clicking the ‘F.L.A.G.’ tab at the top of the Blog home page? That’s where you’ll find further updates.


Hello everyone,

We have had a great week in P2 learning all about paramedics and Scotland.

Ms Matheson’s class have been hard at work practising for their Scotland Assembly which is on Monday. We are all very much looking forward to seeing it.

The children have worked really hard to learn their poems for our Scots Assembly. We are very proud of all of the children who tried their very best to learn as much of their poem as they could.

Well done to Zoe and Anderson, the winners of our competition in P2.  We wish the very best of luck to the older children going onto the next stage of the competition.

The children were delighted to have the opportunity to have two paramedics come and visit P2 on Thursday. They showed us CPR and the inside of an ambulance.  We learned a lot and were very excited to see all the equipment.

Miss Clark’s class did a fantastic job of their challenge to build a junk model ambulance to specific criteria, with a partner, in just an hour! The children rose to the occasion brilliantly and should be very proud of their creations.

Primary 4 22.1.16

We have been practicing our poems this week and were all ready for Thursday. Although the nerves and excitement were running high, they got the better of no-one and everyone managed at least one verse. I am very proud of the people who managed to learn the whole poem off by heart! It was very impressive and I thank you for your time and commitment.

Well done to Skye and Keira who went through to the finals. The competition was fierce and it was such a hard choice as both girls showed great talent and huge amounts of confidence.

Congratulations to Skye who has made it to the next round.

We have been experimenting with circuits in Science this week. we hope next week to have a look at the components of a circuit and be able to make our own bulbs, buzzers and motors work.

I am heading to Poland for one week to continue the exciting work on our Erasmus Project. I hope to come back with lots more ideas and information about the Polish culture and traditions, especially those connected to Easter and Christmas.

Thank you to Allan who has been preparing me for my visit, teaching me the important phrases I will need for my journey. Allan, dziekuje for your help 🙂

I will hopefully be able to update the Blog whilst I am away and look forward to hearing your comments and questions again.

Miss Leyland will be in charge of the class along with Mrs Gilmour and there are lots of fun and exciting things in store, especially in our topic work where we are now learning about the city of Glasgow.

I shall see you all in a week! Work hard and have fun! 🙂

Thank you again for all of you efforts,

Miss Smith

Primary 5 22.1.15

This week Primary 5 have been learning about life in the 13th century.  We have completed a group challenge in reading to produce powerpoints about life in a burgh, castle or the countryside.  We plan to present these to the class and also at our assembly in February.  We have also looked at the life of a knight and designed our own coat of arms.

Big homework is due on the week beginning 1st of February and we are looking forward to hearing everyone’s presentations and learning from them.  Some children will also have the opportunity to present their work at the assembly.

We are looking forward to our trip to the Bannockburn Centre on 2nd of February, please remember to send back the EE2 form as quickly as possible.

We have been practising Scottish songs and poems and look forward to performing these at the Burn’s concert next week.

In Maths we have been working on multiplication and division.  please encourage your child to keep practising their tables.  They find maths so much easier when they can recall tables facts quickly.

We started a PE block with a visiting specialist on Futsal this week which is a bit like football.  The children really enjoyed it and look forward to improving their skills throughout the term.

Hope you have a good week


Mrs Jamieson Mrs Steel

P4/3 Update 22.1.16

This week we’ve been very busy learning and reciting our Robert Burns poems in class. Well done to Ryan McKie and Lauren Anderson who will be representing the class at the school Burns assembly today.

Next Tuesday we are having our Scots afternoon where visitors from the local community come in to watch the children sing and perform their Scots poems. Primary 4 and 4/3 will also be showing off some of the Ceilidh dances we learned for our Christmas party back in December.

Next Thursday we are visiting Linlithgow Palace where Mary Queen of Scots was born and we are really looking forward to it. Please ensure your child dresses warmly and brings a snack and packed lunch with them on the day.

Quite a few children are still forgetting their PE kit on almost a weekly basis. We have outdoor PE every Monday (weather permitting) and indoor PE every Wednesday and pupils require appropriate kit on those days. Thank you.

Have a great week.

Mrs Wallace

Primary 7 21.01.16

Hello everyone!

We’ve had a very busy week in Primary 7. On Monday we enjoyed a trip to The Risk Factory. There we learned all about the dangers of different places (such as railway lines, building sites and farms) and how to keep safe. We also learned about how to prevent a fire from happening in our homes and saw the effects that vandalism can have on people’s lives. We even got the chance to save 2 people from a burning building and some children were able to call 999 to get help from the fire brigade (this was all a scenario thankfully!) The children all behaved brilliantly throughout the trip – well done! We’d also like to thank all of the parent helpers who accompanied us. Your help is much appreciated 🙂

The children got the chance to show what they had learned at The Risk Factory through creating safety leaflets in writing. The leaflets are really beginning to come together and we hope to have the finished articles up on display before parents night.

This week, rehearsals began for the school show. In the next couple of weeks the children will begin to find out their roles in the show and will have words or songs to practise at home. The school show will be on Wednesday 16th March with one performance in the afternoon and one in the evening. It is expected that all children participate in both performances so please try to keep this evening free if possible.

Our World War 2 Topic is going well. This week we have designed, carefully chosen resources, and created our very own WW2 Gas Masks! They are already looking fantastic. Miss Farren and I were pleased to see the thought and care that went into designing the gas mask and deciding which materials would be most effective. We will upload a picture of the finished articles when they have been completed!

Please remember our PE days for this term are:
Indoor: Monday
Outdoor: Tuesday (weather permitting!)

Also, a big well done to Aaron, Molly, Joy & Aidan H who were the winners from both classes of our Burns poetry recital. Tomorrow they will take part in the Whole School Burns Competition! Good Luck to you all 🙂

Miss Clark & Miss Farren

Primary 3 20.1.16

Primary 3 have been working hard to learn their Scottish Poem. We are looking forward to hearing everyone recite their poem to the class this morning. Good luck boys and girls!


We have been learning about Castles. The children have been learning the different parts of a castle and their purpose. All the children were very excited to hear about the murder holes in the castles……they do not sound pleasant!

We have also been looking inside the castle and investigating the different rooms. The children were then making comparisons with their own homes and rooms. What a difference!

In Maths we have been learning our times tables. We have already tackled the 2x, 5x and 10x!! Today we are going to look at the 3x table. We have some finger tricks to learn to help us remember. Keep practising your times tables at home.

In health we have been creating our very own “eatwell” plates. The children now know what is a healthy and balanced diet is and understand that a balance diet will keep them healthy. Tomorrow we will be creating a healthy meal using the “eatwell” plate.


Homework- Poems, Katie Bairdie, Spelling

Maths will be handed out next week.


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary 6

It’s been an exciting full first week back.  We’ve been finishing off the film we have created – A Tale Unfolds.  The film has involved the children creating the characters, deciding on the plot, writing the scripts and voiceovers and filming the scenes.   We certainly are a talented bunch in P6!

Next week we start our new topic ‘Titanic’ – watch this space for ongoing updates.

Everyone has been learning a Robert Burns poem to recite in class next week.  We’ve been practising in class but please also support your child to practise their poem at home if you can.

A date for your diaries:  the P6/7 show ‘Hosanna’ will be on 16th March.  We’ll be deciding on parts over the next couple of weeks so please let us know if your child is not likely to be able to make that date (there will be a performance in the evening as well as during the day).

We have a busy time ahead – thanks for all your support and help,

Mrs Muir, Mrs Kelly & Mrs Smith

PE Kit Reminder

Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit on the following days:

P6M:  outside PE Monday, inside PE Tuesday

P6KS:  inside PE Tuesday, outside PE Wednesday


15 1 16

Welcome back to primary 2 and Happy New Year!

The children have been put straight back to work writing New Years resolutions and reminding ourselves of our Class Charter and rules of the classroom.

This week Ms Matheson’s class have  been working hard to learn their parts for their class assembly, all about Robert Burns and Scotland. We  are looking forward to seeing lots of Mums and Dads in the audience.

Miss Clark’s class have been learning lots about paramedics, making big friezes of paramedics in uniform, describing paramedics qualities, finding out what goes in a first-aid kit and even learning how to put someone into the recovery position. The children have really shown how to be sensible and safe in an emergency.

Both classes had the fantastic opportunity to talk to a Mountain Rescue Officer this week. He showed us his equipment, showed us videos of the emergencies they are called to and gave us some helpful emergency tips. Thank you so much to Mr Wotherspoon for all your help.

Ms Matheson and Mrs Clark would like to remind everyone that our days for PE have changed to:
Wednesday (indoor)
Thursday (outdoor, weather permitting).
Please could you make sure all clothes are labeled clearly!

Have a nice weekend.

P4/3 Update 15.1.16

We have been busy in class this week starting our new Mary Queen of Scots topic and are already finding out some interesting information about her life.
We have a trip planned to Linlithgow Palace in a coupe of weeks to learn about the time Mary spent there and we are very excited about it.

On Monday (18th) we are going to be reciting our Burns poems in class and two children will be chosen to perform these next Friday at our Burns assembly.

We still have a lot of children forgetting PE kit on a weekly basis despite numerous reminders. The day for indoor PE is written in homework diaries weekly. Outdoor PE is always on a Monday and indoor PE on a Wednesday and any change to this will be noted in homework diaries on a Monday morning.

Can you please ensure that you are checking and signing the homework diary weekly once your child has completed their homework for the week?
Thank you.

Have a good week,

Mrs Wallace

Primary Five January 15th 2016


This week we have been continuing to introduce our new Topic and have been learning about what life was like in the 13th Century.  In groups we have been comparing life in a Burgh, a Castle and in the Countryside.  This is in preparation for starting a challenge next week where we will be making a PowerPoint about these things.

Reading and Writing this week have also focussed on Topic and we have been using non-fiction books to help us with our research.

We will shortly be sending out a Big Homework task for the children to complete so watch out for this in homework diaries.  We hope the children will enjoy completing this as it will play a part in our parent Assembly in February.

In Maths all groups have been working on multiplication.  We would appreciate it if you could continue to practise multiplication facts with your child at home.

Next week both classes will be starting a block of football training on a Tuesday so can we ask for indoor gym kits to be provided on a Tuesday and a Thursday this term.

Thank you for your support

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Steel

Primary 4 15.1.16

We received a letter to kick start our Scotland topic which asked us to help with some research of Scottish myths and legends. Children participated in research tasks and found out three main mythical creatures connected to Scotland. These are Kelpies, selkies and Nessie.

We have been using our atlas skills to work out the countries and capitals of the United Kingdom. We also were learning more about North, South, East and West, as well as the points in between.

In science, we conducted experiments, learning about static electricity. We had some very interesting hairstyles afterwards as we had to think of ways to ‘charge’ our balloons.

I hope children have been practising their poems over the last week ready for our class competition next Thursday. There will also be opportunities in class to recite poems with the teacher and classmates before then. Class winners will then recite their poem to the school on Friday of next week. Winners from this competition will attend the main Burns poetry recital.

Thank you this week to everyone for having their PE kit in on the days we had PE with only the exception of one or two both days. It made a huge difference. Hopefully the weather will pick up for next Tuesday and we will be able to get out for some rugby. It was not in our favour this week.


Sign homework diaries

Tuesday –  Outdoor PE kit needed. Please bring warm clothes

Wednesday – Indoor PE kit needed.




Thursday 21st – Burns poem recital in class. Please have these learned. Children know the expectations for this as they differ between poems.

Friday 22nd – Reading Red – p.27-46

Blue – p.23 – 36

Green – p.20-28

Spelling – look cover write check each night. One night sentences in Berol script handwriting. Please note, this is to build confidence, and is as practice. I am by no means expecting perfection with linked script at this stage.


Thank you,

Miss Smith

Police Warning


Road Safety Warning Following Recent Collisions


Police in the Lothians and Scottish Borders are issuing a road safety message to the public following a number of recent incidents throughout the region.
On Tuesday 5th January, officers responded along with the Scottish Ambulance service to Andrew Avenue in Bathgate after an 11-year-old boy was involved a collision with a car at around 2.30 p.m.  He was taken to hospital where it was established he had suffered a broken leg. The following day police in West Lothian were again contacted after a 12-year-old girl was struck by a Transit van at around 8.15 a.m. in Redhouse Road, Bathgate. The child sustained minor injuries to her back and torso and was taken to hospital as a precaution.

Police in Peebles then received a report of a 14-year-old boy requiring medical attention after being stuck by a Peugeot 207 in Springwood Road at around 8.35 a.m.
After being taken to the Border General Hospital it was established he had a broken ankle. On the same day an 8-year-old boy was then involved in a collision with a Toyota Avensis at around 4.30 p.m. on Thursday 7th January within Mansfield Road, but only suffered a minor ankle injury.

Road Policing Inspector Richard Latto said: “Any road collision where a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle is a concern, and this in only magnified when a young child is involved where the risk of serious of injury is so much higher. “Drivers are reminded to exercise caution, and park considerately, when travelling on routes close to schools and other built-up and busy areas. “Schools across the region are now back following the Christmas holidays, but the hours of daylight remain short and so all children and young people need to ensure they are taking responsibility for their own safety when crossing busy roads.

“This means paying attention to your surroundings, finding a safe place to cross away from parked cars and where provided using dedicated school crossing patrols.

Next week Road Policing officers will be on school routes where they carry out speed checks to ensure motorists are driving at a safe speed”.

Primary 1 week beg 11.1.16

Happy new year!

Welcome back to school! Hope you all had a lovely holiday and are excited for the New Year. This term our topic will be Dinosaurs. We will begin our topic this week and use this to develop our writing and researching skills. We will also use this as a theme for Art, Drama, Music and Technology.

In Numeracy we will continue to develop addition and begin subtraction. We will continue to develop an awareness of numbers and their place value along with problem solving mental maths strategies. We will also focus on telling the time and measuring length this term.

We would like to remind parents that indoor P.E with Mrs Ferguson will take place on a Thursday. Please ensure your child has appropriate gym wear and check that gym rubbers are well fitted. We would also like to remind you that children should not bring juice in their water bottles for P.E and class time.

The Burn’s Poetry Competition will take place on the 22nd of January. Please help your child to learn one of the poems given. There will be winners selected from Primary 1 to perform at the school assembly on that day. Please have your poems ready for the 21st so that we can choose the winners from each class. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask one of the teachers.

Thank you for reading,
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 11.1.16

Happy New Year!

Primary 3 have started our class topic- Knights and Castles. They have been sharing with the class, what they already know and written down a list of things they would like to learn.

All the children have been given a Scottish Poem written by JK Annand to recite on Wednesday 20th January, ready for our Burns Assembly on Friday 22nd January.

In maths we are working on our times tables. The children are very confident with their 2x table so this week we will look at our 5x and 10x table. We will also run a class challenge! Please go over 2x, 3x and 10x tables at home.

We are starting up our guided reading again this week, so homework will be sent home on Tuesday.

We sent our our termly Newsletter with all the details of our topics and specialists.

Looking forward to a busy and exciting term!


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary 6

Happy New Year!  We hope you had a lovely festive break.  This term we have lots of exciting learning to look forward to.  We will be starting our new topic ‘Titanic’ and in science we will be learning about how the human body works.

Every pupil has chosen a Burns poem to recite to the class in 2 weeks time and have been given a copy to take home. As well as practising in class please can you help your child to practise and memorise their poem at home.  Two children from each class will be chosen to recite their poem in front of the school at the Burns Assembly.

PE – Reminder about PE kit

Please ensure your child has PE kit on the following days:


Monday – Outdoor PE kit

Tuesday – Indoor PE kit



Tuesday – Indoor PE kit

Wednesday – Outdoor PE kit

Outdoor  kit may get muddy and we will go outside in most weathers so old, warm clothes please!  It is vital that everyone brings their kit so please help your child to remember.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for your support.

Mrs Muir, Mrs Smith and Mrs Kelly

Primary 4, 8.1.16

Happy New Year!

We hope you have had an enjoyable and well rested festive break. We are happy to be back and are looking forward to a busy term ahead full of learning.

We are very lucky to have Miss Leyland with us for the next six weeks. She will be working in our classroom and with the children throughout her time at Carmondean.

This week, we started our new Interdisciplinary Topic, Scotland. The children were eager to share their existing knowledge and keen to give their suggestions as to what and how they wish to learn.

We have chosen our Burns poems and these have been sent home with the pupils today. We have selected one out of the following four Robert Burns poems; On Holy Willie, Scots Wha Hae, A Bard’s Epitaph and Willie Wastle. I have attached these below. Click on the ‘Poems’ link to access them. These should be learned by Thursday 21st January.

Please check your child’s bag for a newsletter detailing what is happening this term.




Please sign and check homework diaries weekly.

Outdoor PE – Tuesday (Please bring old, warm clothes in case they get muddy.)

Indoor PE – Wednesday (Please check your child has appropriate indoor kit with them on these days. There are a lot of children coming to school unprepared.)

Homework Due:

Monday 18th: Maths co-ordinates worksheet Miss Smith’s Maths group.

Friday 15th: Spelling and Reading Homework. Spelling should have one day chosen for sentences written in Berol Script.

Learn Burns poem by 21st January.

Thank you,

Miss Smith

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