Gymnastics Team

All gymnasts in the team should be learning their routine for the forthcoming gymnastics competition. A reminder that Level 1 gymnasts have 6 skills to remember and Level 2 and 3 gymnasts have 8 skills in their routine and they must also have linking moves between each skill.

I look forward to seeing these routines again on Thursday afterschool.

I am back in school on Wednesday if anyone needs to come and ask me any questions about it.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

Friday 9th November 2018 – Primary 5

We have had another busy week in Primary 5.

The children have started learning Spanish, starting with the alphabet.

For our Topic, we have started learning about Endangered Animals all around the world. Discovering what animals are endangered and what is being done to help them.

In Art, we were learning about the artist, Charles Rennie Mackintosh and looking at his work.  The children have been busy making clay tiles influenced by Mackintosh, once dry they carefully painted them and added black pen for the finer details.

Primary 5 are again organising this year’s Children in Need Fundraising event.  Dress down day on Friday 17th wearing  something spotty.  All the pupils can dress down, please give a minimum donation of 50p.  Primary 5 will be going round the classes selling Pudsey ears, badges, wristbands and keyrings.

Please remember that we have outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Thursday, PE kit is essential.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Davies and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 5 2.11.18

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who visited us last week.  We really enjoyed showing you all of our models and chatting in the cafe.  A big thank you to all the parents for helping the children to complete their models at home; they were very impressive and the children are so proud of them.


This week we started our new Enterprise topic Money,money money.  In this topic we will be setting up our own company to make a product to be sold at the Christmas Fair.  This week we have decided on our teams and started thinking about our product and team name.


In Maths we have been working on multiplication.  It would be good if the children continued to practise their tables at home.

In Reading we have started new novels for guided reading, we also have a new novel for reading for enjoyment at home.

Homework will be handed out on Monday this week and will be due on Friday as follows

Handwriting of spelling words.

Maths times tables practice and area sheet.


Lots of children have forgotten PE kit this week, we would be grateful if you could remind children to bring PE kit in Thursday.


Thank you, have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Gilmour

Primary 5 8.10.18

Primary 5 have started a new Health topic this week.  We have been looking at healthy eating and what a balanced diet looks like using the healthy food plate.  We have recorded some examples and have worked in pairs to make our own healthy food collage.

In reading we have been looking at how an author creates settings and comparing the work of 2 different authors.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone’s models on Thursday and hope to invite parents to see them after the holidays.  A letter with more details will be handed out this week.

In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting large numbers mentally.  We have also been working on 2D shape and have learned the names and properties of different quadrilaterals and triangles.

We are looking forward to our parents visiting this week to see all of the work we have completed so far.

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Davies



Primary 5 28.9.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning mapping skills.  We have been looking at keys and how to draw maps from a birds eye view.  We have started looking at maps of Great Britain to record key facts like mountains, rivers and captial cities.


In maths we have been looking at place value and numbers within 99 999.

In Language this week we have looked at character descriptions based on the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We have been looking at vocabulary, recording adjectives and have written our own character description of the Boggart for our writing display.

In PE we have started learning badminton skills.

Our homework this week is:

Spelling – Look,Cover, Write and Check and 2 other activities from the list.

Continue with Big Homework models.

Maths – Practise times tables.  You can  use

Continue reading novels.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


PE Kit reminder

Just a wee reminder of what pupils need to bring on PE days.

Indoor – navy shorts, white t-shirt and indoor shoes/trainers

Outdoor – joggers, t-shirt, sweatshirt/hoody and outdoor trainers

Each class will have PE twice each week. Check out their class blog for up to date information on when PE Kit is needed.

A big shout out to P7 who are setting a great example already with the whole class remembering to bring PE kit each week.  Well done!

Thanks for your help in supporting this.

Mrs Ferguson


Primary 5 31.08.18

Welcome back to our new term.  Primary 5 have settled in well and are beginning to understand the routines of their new stage. Last week Miss Carrigan joined P5J and will be working with us until after Christmas.

This week we had a visit from an author called David MacPhail.  He was very inspiring and helped us with some tips for writing.

This week we have started our new Health topic called Bad Times Don’t Last.  We will be learning about resilience and how to cope when things go wrong.  We have also started our topic Great Britain and this week we have used an Atlas to look at a map and identified the countries of Great Britain.

This term in reading we are studying a whole class novel called the Spiderwick Chronicles.  We will also be given reading books for enjoyment which will be handed out at the end of next week for homework.

In Maths we have been learning to identify different angles.

Homework will begin next Friday.  The children will be given Reading, Spelling and Maths.  This should be completed and returned by the following Thursday.

Our PE days this term are Monday for outdoor PE and Thursday for indoor PE.  This term we are doing playground games outdoor therefore PE kit is optional on this day, however we would be grateful if children were equipped with appropriate shoes and jackets for that day.  The children are also taking part in the weekly mile on Friday mornings so appropriate footwear is needed for then too.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 5 25.5.19

Primary 5 have been rehearsing hard for our school show the Pirates of the Currybean.  We have 1 week till our dress rehearsal and are looking forward to performing for the school.  Lots of people have already handed in their costumes which is great.  We would appreciate if all costumes could be handed in by Thursday 30th May.

In June we will be beginning a Health topic on relationships, sexual health and parenthood.  The children have been given letters today.  Should you want to discuss anything about the programme please contact the school.

This week we have been learning about medicines and the effects of smoking in health.

In maths we have been investigating weight and capacity.

We took part in a judo taster session this week which was great fun.


Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary 5 13.4.18

Primary 5 have had a busy first week.  We have started Literacy Circles for reading.  This will require the children to complete a weekly homework task to share with their group.  More details have been given out about this in homework jotters.

This term we will be performing our school show The Pirates of the Curry Bean on the 13th June.  Speaking parts have been given out and children should begin learning these at home.  We still have a lot of work to do on assigning other parts, learning songs and dances which will be happening over the next few weeks.

In Maths we have been working on measure.  Miss Farren’s group have been measuring large objects outdoors in metres while Mrs Jamieson’s group have been working on cm and mm.

Our new PE times are Tuesday for indoor PE and Thursday for outdoor PE.  This term we will be working on Golf and Athletics.


Mrs Jamieson Miss Farren

Primary 5 Snow Day 3

Good morning Primary 5

I hope you are all staying warm and having fun in the snow.

Here are some activites you can do today.

Mrs Jamieson’s maths set, make a poster to show your understanding of equivalent fractions.  Use pictures and numbers to show different fractions.

Miss Farren’s maths set can make a fraction wall and identify the equivalent fractions as we began in class.

Make a list of spelling words containing ch as in scheme and ache.  Make a wordsearch to hide the words in.

Go our and measure the largest snowdrift in your garden and the longest icicle.

Design a snow poster: Draw and label all the activities you have been doing during your days off. Bring your poster to share with us in school or post us a selfie picture!


Have a lovely day

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Snow day 3

Hi Everyone,

Well done to all the children who have sent in pictures of what they have been doing. It is good to see all the inventive ways you are completing work.

My reading groups keep practicing your reading. This can be your school reading book or something you are reading at home. Next week if would be good if you could bring in any comics, magazines or books you have been reading to share with the group.

My math group keep a list of the games you have been playing to share with the group next week. Which is your favourite?

P6 and P7 I hope you are finding time to practice your words for the show. You could ask other family members to play the other parts to help you.

Euro Quiz group it would be good if you could share any interesting facts with us. What is the most obscure fact you have found? What fact has surprised you?

Enjoy your snow day but keep safe and warm.

Mrs Gilmour


A fun indoor snow experiment

If you want to stay cosy and indoors today but would like to try out a fun Science experiment, then copy and paste this link:


All you need is water, snow and bottles (or cups would work too!)

Share any pictures you take 🙂 Happy Thursday.

Snow + Hot Water = Melting Experiments



Primary 5 Snow day 2

Good morning Primary 5

I hope you have had lots of fun playing in the snow.  There are plenty of activities from yesterday’s blog that you can still do but if anyone wants more ideas watch the clip below and try to make your own snow sculpture.  I would love to see pictures of your creations.

You could also practise your tables using the link below.

Watch this video of teachers in Antartica, then make a list of equipment you would need to take with you for an expedition.


Have a lovely day and stay warm.


Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren






Primary 5- Snow Fun

I hope you are enjoying a day to play in the snow!

Since we have recently been learning to tell the time I have another activity for you to try whilst you are out sledging. You could record your slowest and fastest speed going down hill, then calculate the difference between them both. You could then change positions on your sledge to see if the way you sit effects the speed at which you travel? A little experiment too.  Think of the hypothesis before you set off and see if you are accurate. Could you do anything difference to vary the result? If you capture any pictures we would love to see them!

Stay safe!

Miss Farren

PE snow day ideas

I wonder if any of you fancy being the next Lizzie Yarnold?  Have a look at the video clip of Lizzie winning her second gold medal at the recent Winter Olympics and then get out sledging today! Remember to be safe though!

If you don’t have a sledge you can just get out in the snow and try all different activities in it.  I think you’ll find it’s much harder walking, running and jumping in the snow.  How many different activities can you do in the snow and  how does your body feel when you try them?

And if you cant get outside here are some indoor activities you can try.

Cha Cha Slide Plan Challenge:


Dungeon Runner Fitness Quest:


Just Dance:


Snowed in HIIT Workouts:


Various Games and Activities:


Mrs Gilmour’s Groups

Good morning to all my groups. I have listed below some activities you can work on at home. You can also access the P5-7 winter weather work which is posted on the BLOG.

Primary 5-Reading
Please practice reading the stories about different families we have read so far. Remember to discuss any words you do not know with an adult.
Here are some activities you could work on-
o Make a family tree of all the people in your family. You can design it any way you like. Try to include name, date of birth and relation to you.
o Interview someone in your family about their life at school-what they liked, did not like, what they did at playtime etc.
You can also practice your phonic book and complete the next new page if you have at least 5 ticks on your previous one

Primary 6
o We have been working on adding TU to TU. Make up some sums and have a race with someone else to see who can complete them first.
o Practice reading the time throughout the day. You could make a timeline of everything you do today- what time you started, what time you finished and how long you spent on the activity. You could also draw a picture on your timeline.
o go online to or and play some games

o Practice reading your Totem book.
o Remember you have homework sheets to be completed this week.
o You can also play the game on the back with different people in your house.
o You could also write a book review of a book, comic, magazine you have read explaining why you found it so enjoyable.

Primary 7-Reading
o Read the pages of War Horse we have discussed in class.
o Complete Literacy Circle homework-Art Director. Remember to write a few sentences explaining what picture you have drawn and the main events.

To all my groups remember to have fun outside in the snow. Take pictures of any snow people you build or be adventurous and build an igloo. Upload your pictures to the BLOG.

Stay safe and warm everyone.

Mrs Gilmour

Primary 5 Snow day activities

Good morning Primary 5.  Here are some activities you could do today to keep you busy.

Mr Shanks added a winter weather booklet to the blog earlier this term.  Have a look at it try some of the activities.

Here are some ideas of work you could also do related to the work we have been doing in class.

Read the next 2 chapters in your novel.

Complete your maths homework.  Mrs Jamieson’s set could work on making their equivalent fraction game.

Have a look round your house, can you make a list or take photographs of different examples of solids, liquids and gases.

Play some of the maths games assigned to you on studyladder.

Practise your assembly words.

Have a lovely day.  We will see you soon

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Primary 5 26.3.18

This week in Primary 5 we have been working on our assembly related to the Scottish Wars of Independence and look forward to welcoming parents to see it on Friday morning at 9.15.

In Reading we have been working on reading for information and this week we have been looking at evidence from non fiction books and maps to find information on William Wallace and the Battle of Stirling bridge.

In Health we have been working on a project on resilience using the Bounceback programme.

In maths we have been working on fractions and have homework related to this.  Mrs Jamieson’s set should be working on developing a game using their equivalent fractions cards and we look forward to playing some of the games in school later this week.

In RME we have started learning about the story of Moses.  We have written reports about his childhood and will be working on cartoon strips to record the plagues of Egypt.  Later we will be learning about why this story is so important in Judaism and will be learning about festivals related to this.


We look forward to seeing you at school of Friday

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

P5 Friday 9th February 2018

Hi everyone!

This week we have continued with our Scottish Wars topic and we began a group challenge. Within this task we had research for information on castles and burghs. We are learning how to read for information and write up what we learn in our own words. It’s not an easy thing to do!

In Science we are learning about Solids. Liquids and Gases. There is a lot to learn as our initial “What do we know?” quiz revealed that we do not know much at this point. I am confident by the end our knowledge will have developed a good amount!

Basketball is our unit of work in P.E. We are now playing small team games and having a lot of fun doing so. It is not easy to remember all of the rules and score goals too!

Please remember that next week we are on holiday Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th. All return on Wednesday 14th February. Additionally, our BIG homework presentations are to be returned on Thursday 15th February. Presentations will take place over 2 days.


Enjoy your long weekend and we look forward to seeing you all after the small break.


Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

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