Primary 5 2nd February 2018

What a busy week we have had in Primary 5. In reading we continue learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence and what life was life for people 700 years ago. We are concentrating on extending our answers to include relevant details.

On Monday we celebrated Burns with an afternoon of poetry and singing. Our stage winners, Ryan McKie and Caitlin O’Hara performed their poems to an appreciative audience. We were very proud of all our stars!

On Tuesday NYCOS worked with both classes and we sang songs and played coordination games. This was challenging for some- even the teachers!

Our topic work has involved lots of art this week. We have been learning about and creating our own Coat of Arms, we had to carefully select animals, symbols and colours that were personal to us. These will be on display at Parent’s Evenings. Feel free to ask us all about them.

Thursday we enjoyed P.E with Mrs Ferguson and students from Edinburgh University. Some pupils participated in a gymnastics show and have worked very hard preparing for today. Well done to them all.


Please book appointments for parents nights next week and we look forward to catching up with you all.

P5F have Miss Hutchison from Edinburgh University working with us for 5 weeks and we look forward to working with her.


Thank you

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

P5 25.1.18

This week Primary 5 have been learning about life the the 17th century as part of our Scottish Wars of Independence topic.  We have started reading a non fiction book and have used the information we have read to write facts about Living in a castle and the country.  We made clay castles which will be decorated next week.


We have also learned about the life of King Alexander III and the problems with succession after his death.  We have started writing a news interview with Queen Yolande to record the main facts of the story so far.


In Science we have been studying the effects of climate change on the Polar ice caps as part of the Polar explorer project.  We have learned about the effects of gases on the ozone layer and investigated the change in the size of a glacier over several years.  We have also looked at the effects of carbon on our oceans.  We really enjoyed using PH paper to test liquids and learned about the effects carbon is having on our oceans.


This week we have been learning Scots poems to participate in the Burns competition.  The children have worked very hard to learn their poems and the standard when reciting them has been very impressive.


Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren


I am delighted with the effort our chosen gymnasts have been putting in to get ready for the gymnastics showcase next week. Just a reminder that there will be a practice for all on Thursday lunchtime in the big hall so please make sure you have your PE kit with you and you are ready with your routine. If you have any questions then please come and see me when I am back in school on Wednesday. We have such talented gymnasts that I’ll bet they are finding it hard to select their favourite 6 or 8 skills. Could the Rhythmic and partner sequence gymnasts also come at playtime on Wednesday.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 5 15.12.17

Primary 5 have had another very busy week.

In Maths we have continued to learn about the properties of 3D objects and we completed this topic with a K nex challenge.  All children participated well and produced a group of shapes to display.

In language this week we have been writing stories related to Harry Potter.  We have been redrafting our writing using the Clicker programme and will be collating our work into a book next week.

In PE we have started a block of Basketball with Mrs Ferguson which we will continue after the holidays.


Mrs Jamieson and Miss Farren

Primary 5 week ending 7.12.17

Primary 5 have had a busy and exciting week!

In Maths we have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes and using our skills to make decorative cubes and pyramids.

Religious Education has taught us more about the Christmas Story. We consolidated our learning by writing scripts for our very own news report. Through working in groups we continue to learn the importance of team work.

On Tuesday many of us enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch and then on Wednesday, Hopscotch Productions entertained us with the Panto, The Wizard of Oz. Lots of fun and laughter was had by all!

We have now finished our music block with Mr. Platt and began Art with Mrs Fox. This will continue next term on Wednesdays. P.E with Mrs Ferguson remains on a Thursday.

Our writing scheme is based on our class novel, Harry Potter. From creating our own wizards, maps and wands we are almost ready to transform our work in to a mini book.

Finally, an exciting day to be shared in Primary 5 as we finish the week with our Christmas Party!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Gigantic Medal Haul for Gymnasts

More sporting success for the incredibly supple and talented pupils of Carmondean P.S., who almost swept the board at the West Lothian Gymnastics Competition this morning. Two Carmondean teams  took the Level 2 Team Gold and Team Silver, while another team took the Level 1 Bronze. There was individual success also with one Carmondean pupil taking the Level 1 individual gold and another taking the Level 2 Individual silver.  You could say we were turning somersaults when we heard of our teams’ successes. Well done everyone, and an especially big well done to Mrs Ferguson our P.E. specialist, who coached both teams – what an asset to our school.

Gymnastics afterschool club

A wee reminder for those attending the gymnastics afterschool club tomorrow (Thursday) that you need to bring your PE kit or leotard and the completed skills sequence sheet. There is only 3 weeks until the schools competition so it is important that we can practice and perfect your sequence.

Many thanks

Mrs Ferguson

P5 update 29.09.17

This week in Miss Farren’s maths set they have been learning to create maps using the 8 compass points. They were using Probots to demonstrate their understandings of maps and compass points.   Miss Jamison’s maths set were learning about place value up to 100 000 and coordinates.

In P.E on Tuesday we have hand ball and on Thursday we have badminton with Miss Ferguson. We enjoy the lessons for lots of reasons!

Miss Jamison’s class in writing were creating newspaper reports about invasion and the Battle of Hastings.

In Miss Farren’s class for reading they were focusing on adverbs and verbs which are techniques used by the authors to make exciting writing. In Miss Jamison’s class for reading they were doing invasion about King William.

The big homework for all of P5 is making landmarks from Great Britain. The work is due on Friday 13th of October

Both classes were focusing on “ee” sounds in spelling. The children recorded dictations to help them understand how to write the “ee” words.

Both classes were doing a display challenge in groups about Great Britain. Each group was given a country from Great Britain to describe in groups of 4.

By: Julia, Iona, Michal and Lana (P5F and P5J)

Primary 5. 15/09/17

Happy Friday Primary 5,

Throughout this week we have concentrated on ‘ae’ sounds in spelling. We looked at the 5 sounds and practiced using the words in various contexts. At home children should reinforce their learning through read, say, cover, write, check and then by selecting 1 activity from the ‘Pick ‘n’ Mix Homework’ sheet.  Pupils return this homework on Fridays.

It was numeracy week in Maths. We therefore explored big numbers, place value, dot patterns, mental strategies and data handling. The work is challenging learning and encourages pupils to be successful learners who are beginning to confidently explain their understanding.

Our Great Britain topic has centered on Geographical features. We have a very good understanding of Atlases and how to use them correctly. We identified major cities, landmass, airports and rivers then marked them on our own maps. Our next steps is major landmarks. We are also learning to work collaboratively with others.

Reminder: Thursday is indoor P.E day. We have been very pleased that mostly all the children are remembering to bring appropriate kit and footwear. Well done.

Finally, we hope you have an enjoyable long weekend and maybe the weather will be kind to us. Pupils resume on Wednesday 20th September.

Thank you,

Miss. Farren and Mrs. Jamieson

Primary 5 Week beginning 4.9.17

This week Primary 5 have been working hard.  We have started our new timetable and have learned lots already.

In Maths we have been learning about estimating and rounding.  We have also been learning about angles.

In Reading we have started a whole class novel study.  P5F are reading Spiderwick Chronicles and P5J are reading Invasion.

We have started our Topic which is Great Britain.  This week we have started using an atlas and have been learning about the different information contained in them.

Our gym days are Tuesday and Thursday.  Please bring outdoor PE kit on Tuesday and indoor on Thursday.

Homework for next week will include maths, spelling and reading. Please check your child’s diary for further details.

Next week the school photographer will be in school on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Have a lovely week

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

28.08.17 Primary 5

Welcome back too Primary 5!

We hope you had a lovely, relaxing summer break. It has been a busy and enjoyable first week for us in class with lots of creative tasks ongoing as we continue to learn more about one another.

Last week we had a focus on our Class Charter and our understanding of why we need rights and responsibilities. The children worked hard to complete a jigsaw puzzle design to highlight that we are all together as one in school.

The children also created wonderful ‘All about me’ silhouettes filled with many of their favourite things and personal information. These are now looking great and are on display in class.

Our Shanarri focus this year is Achievement. We refreshed our memories about  each area of the Shanarri wheel and discussed the importance and relevance of each. We will continue working on this display this week.

The ‘Meet the Teacher’ session is on Wednesday 30th August 4.30pm-5.30pm. Please come along and see all the great work the children have completed already.

This term the children will have Music with Mr. Platt on Wednesdays and P.E with Mrs. Ferguson on Thursdays. For more information regarding homework please read the P5 Newletter which you can collect on Wednesday. If you cannot attend we will send it home on Thursday.

We hope you have a lovely week,

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Miss Farren and Mrs Jamieson

Primary Five 15th June 2017

Well we have had a very successful week this week with our two performances of ‘What A Knight’.  I am sure that everyone who came along will agree that the children worked very hard to put on a fantastic show.  We are very proud of all our amazing singers, dancers and actors!

This week we have been making final preparations for The Carmondean General Election.  Party Political Broadcasts have been filmed and the leaders are making final adjustments to their speeches in preparation for the election.  We will keep you posted with some pictures and of course the winning party as soon as the final count is made.


Friday 16th- Day for change-bring any spare change in and dress as something opposite.

No homework next week.

Wednesday- Sports Day (am)- children to wear a top the colour of their house (Deer Park-blue, Sutherland-yellow, Raeburn-green, Waverley- red.)

Friday- Open Morning to showcase the work we have done on Erasmus.  Please return reply slip to indicate how many people will be attending.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary Five 9th June 2017

This week we performed the dress rehearsal of our show to the rest of the school. The children did really well and the staff and pupils gave excellent feedback to us-the children did us proud!

We have also been continuing our Parliament challenge.  This week we made speeches to the P7 classes.  They then made a ‘postal vote’.  These votes will be put together with the P4 and P6 votes on the 16th June and then we will find out the winner of the Carmondean General Election!



Making speeches to P7-Well done everyone!

Can we also remind everyone that we are collecting change for the Day for Change on 16th June.   On the day you are invited to come dressed as something opposite- child coming as a teacher, coming to school in PJs, inside out clothes etc.

Reminders this week-

Monday-Spelling, Reading activty


Wednesday-Show at 1.30pm and 6,30pm

Friday- Day for change, Carmondean General Election

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig


Primary Five 2nd June

This week we have been continuing our show practice which is going well and we are looking forward to the dress rehearsal on Wednesday. If you have not yet sent in your child’s costume can you please do so as soon as possible.

We have also been continuing work on our Political Party Challenge.  The children are really enjoying this and we are excited about presenting to the Upper School on 16th June.  Below you can see some photos of a couple of our parties.

Reminders this week-

Monday- Reading/Spelling

Tuesday/Wednesday- Maths

Wednesday- Dress Rehearsal

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig






Primary Five 26th May 2017

This week has been busy with show rehearsals once again.  Can we remind all children that they need to continue to learn the words for their part?  The performance is fast approaching and it is important that everyone knows their lines for rehearsals.  You have all received letters about ticket sales for both performances.

We have been continuing work on our Political Party challenge.  The children are really enjoying this and it is an engaging and active way to learn about the election process. We have come up with names for our parties and made rosettes with logos on to wear while we are working in our groups.  Most groups have come up with a manifesto for their party and we will be making leaflets and filming party political broadcasts in the next week.

Next week-

Monday- Reading/Spelling/Show words


Fri- Outdoor PE kit

Thank you for your support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary Five 19th May 2017


This has another busy week in Primary Five with lots of show rehearsals.  We are getting on well with our words and have been practicing the dancing lots.  We also had a visit from the Scottish Parliament Education Outreach which we really enjoyed.  We were put into groups and created manifestos and had a mini election.  We are going to build on this in class by making our own political parties, coming up with manifestos, film party political broadcasts and write speeches.  We are going to have a Carmondean General Election at the end and see which party has won.


This week we are sadly saying goodbye to Miss MacKay who has spent the last 6 weeks with us.  We have loved having her teach us and we wish her all the best for the future.



Tuesday-Reading activity


Friday-Outdoor Gym

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig



Primary Five 12th May 2017

This has been a very busy and sporty week in P5 with our Judo taster, Sky Sports festival and swimming assessments.  We all had great fun trying out the Judo and all children received a leaflet to have a free trial at one of the classes.  The Sky Sports was a great success and although we didn’t win we all had a great day out.  We would like to thank Lauren and Kiera’s mum and Sakina’s mum for joining us on our trip we really appreciate the help.




Next week we are looking forward to welcoming someone from the Scottish Parliament to tell us more about the work that goes on there and the job of an MSP.  Following this we will be starting a ‘Political Party’ challenge where children will go into groups and create their own political party.  We are hoping to devise our own manifesto for our party, film party political broadcasts and then write speeches! We hope that this will give the children a fun insight into elections and the work of the Parliament. We are also continuing work on the school show and some of you have received letters about costumes.  Children are doing really well with learning lines so keep this up – well done!

Reminders for next week-

Monday- Reading, Spelling, Parliament Outreach.

Tuesday- Maths (Mrs Steel)

Wednesday- Maths (Mr Greig)

Friday- Outdoor Gym

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary Five 27th April 2017

This week has been a very busy one preparing for our Parent Assembly next week.  We have been practising every day and we are impressed by how well the children have learned their words.  You should receive your letter today with information and a slip to return.  The assembly will take place on Friday May 5th at 11.30 in the new gym hall.  We would be grateful if you could return the slip so we know how many chairs to put out in the hall next week.

This week we have also started looking at our new topic of The Scottish Parliament which is very relevant at this time!  We will be looking at the election process, the jobs MSPs do, what a democracy means along with other things.  We will also be looking forward to welcoming someone from the education department of the Parliament to the class to discuss our topic further and hopefully answer some questions.  We would be grateful for any leaflets or newspaper articles that you do not want/need anymore in the class to use as a basis for discussion.

Mrs Steel’s class welcomed Miss MacKay to their class before Easter.  Miss MacKay will be spending some time in the class until the 19th May, and will be responsible for the class for some days between now and then.  We are sure that she will enjoy being with us.

Reminders for next week

Monday- Holiday

Tuesday- Indoor Gym (dance so no gym kit required)

Thursday- Inservice

Friday- Assembly for parents ( no outdoor gym due to assembly)

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

Primary Five 21st April 2017

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a lovely Easter holiday.  This is a very busy term for P5 with lots going on so we are really looking forward to getting started.

This week we have started practising for our next class assembly which will take place on the 5th May.  Parents are invited to come along to this assembly and letters will be issued with times etc shortly.  Words have been given to children so we would be grateful if you could practice these over the weekend as we will be having our first run through on Monday.

The show rehearsals will also be starting in the next week and children have been assigned parts and given scripts home.  They are all very excited and have been reading these at playtime and Free Time Friday today.  This will be ongoing over the term so keep learning lines in the coming weeks.

Reminders for next week-

Monday- Spelling and new reading book/activties

Tuesday- Gym kit/Maths

Wednesday- Maths

Friday- Gym Kit

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Steel and Mr Greig

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