Primary 3 Friday 5th June 2020

Happy Friday everyone, we hope you have some lovely plans for the weekend.

Today’s Mental Maths:


As always, answers will be posted later in the day.

This week’s topic challenge is all about robotics and comparing two iconic robots:

Critical Skills Challenge Robot

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 1’s Home Learning

Hi Primary 1!

We hope you have had another fantastic day of home learning today and you are managing to complete some of the activities we have provided on our weekly grids. We would like to say a huge big well done to all of the boys and girls in Primary 1. We know how hard you have all been working and we love to see all of your excellent learning at home on the Learning Journals. We wanted to share some of the fantastic posts we’ve had this week so far:





Well done everyone! We can’t wait to see more examples of your work to celebrate next week.

Thanks for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 4.6.20

Hello Primary 2,

How are you all? A bit of a change in the weather the past couple of days but hopefully you will still spend some of your days outside having fun and keeping healthy! Thursday would normally be PE day with Mrs Ferguson. Here is a fun activity for you to try at home:

Hands and Feet

Lots of you have been managing to complete some super school work this week too. Here are a few photographs for you to see what some of your friends have been up to:

If you are looking for something in addition to the activities on your grids some of you may be interested in these exciting investigations and experiments with some STEM learning. There are some great ideas on the following website. We think some of you might particularly enjoy making the Balloon Rocket or the Climbing Bug!

Early Years & Primary Home Learning

Grounds4Nature Garden Bioblitz

Here is a special research activity that you might like to do at home. Spend some time outside with your family looking for as many different types of wild plants and animals as you can (not pets, people or planted flowers!) between 4th -11th June 2020. Look at and on flowers, bushes and trees, under stones, in leaf litter, on walls, in your grass – everywhere! Record the wildlife you see using the attached guide. With an adult’s help you will be able to go online and compare your findings with other people – maybe you will discover a new plant or animal that nobody else has seen!

Grounds 4 Nature Garden Bioblitz – step-by-step guide

For a little break and relaxation during the day why don’t you listen to a story from Miss Rafferty on your Learner’s Journal. We hope you have a good day Primary 2 and we look forward to hearing from you.

Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 1 – Home Learning 04.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Did you know it was children’s gardening week last week? We would like to challenge you to look at some of the fun gardening activities on the National Children’s Gardening Week website. To get involved, just look at the ‘Things to Do section of their website:

Today we would like you to create your own pebble garden marker or insect. All you will need is a smooth garden pebble and some paint.


  1. Wash your rocks with water and let them dry. Think about what bugs/garden marker you would like to paint e.g.  ladybird, bee, vegetable etc
  2. When the rocks are dry, start painting your bugs.
  3. Let the paint dry and then paint a layer of gloss varnish on top
  4. Give your pebble to a friend (you can leave this at their door for them to put in their garden!)

For more information about this activity and downloadable sheets you can follow the links below:

Thank you for your continued support,

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 Thursday 4th June 2020

How are we all this morning? I hope we are all doing well, it was so lovely to hear from you all yesterday in our class chats!

Your work for today is as follows:

Why not log on to Teams, and in the Class Materials File have a go at Mrs Fox’s Art lessons. There are two videos for you to follow in there. She has explained how to draw 3D shapes, and then how to shade them to they pop out from the paper. Here is the sheet to go along with the videos.                    3D Shapes Sheet 1 and 2

Eventually, this practice will allow us to draw a 3D robot made from different 3D shapes! This lesson is to follow. I can’t wait to see the finished pictures!

Reading – Sentence Level Task

Can you find the meaning of these words in your book? Once you have written down the meaning, try using the word in a new sentence of your own. Remember your core writing targets: 

Core Targets for all Writing
  • Write sentences with capital letters and full stops.
  • Spell most common and CVC words correctly.
  • Join sentences with a variety of conjunctions.
  • Handwriting should be linked.

Yellow/ Level 11 – The Huge Horrible Beast

  1. Plain (p.5)
  2. Ought (p.7)
  3. Creeper (p.9)
  4. Slung (p.10)
  5. Gaggle (p.13)
  6. Widow (p.26)
  7. Wind (p.30)
  8. Scamper (p.32)

Red – Jungle Shorts

  1. Anorak (p.3)
  2. Lend (p.5)
  3. Slammed (p.13)
  4. Piled (p.14)
  5. Enormous (p.15)
  6. Struggled (p.16)

Blue – Battle With the Beast

  1. Micro (p.2)
  2. Villain (p.2)
  3. Defeat (p.2)
  4. Release (p.3)
  5. Mighty (p.8)
  6. Rogue (p.9)

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

  1. Crowds (p.6)
  2. Blithering (p.8)
  3. Collar (p.11)
  4. Continued (p.12)
  5. Tangled (p.15)
  6. Delicious (p.17)

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher

  1. Shrank (p.2)
  2. Pile (p.2)
  3. Blasted (p.2)
  4. Micro (p.3)
  5. Kitted (p.3)
  6. Swerved (p.5)

Please also remember if you run out of things to complete, you have your activities on your learning grid for all other areas of the curriculum as well as Education City and extra Maths and Literacy activities.

For today’s Numeracy we are looking at number patterns. Like last week with our letter patterns, number patterns are all about finding out what the sequence is and finishing it off – e.g. 1, 3, 5, _(7)_, _(9)_.  Try and have a go at all of them!


  1. 0, 2, 4, ___, ___, ___ .
  2. 12, 15, ___, ___, 24, ___.
  3. 54, 48, 42, ___, ___, ___.
  4. 10, ___, 20, ___, 30, ___.
  5. ___, 20, 16, ___, ___.


  1. 11, 22, ___, 44, ___, ___ .
  2. 125, 150, ___, ___, 225, ___.
  3. 63, 56, 49, ___, ___, ___.
  4. 10, ___, 40, ___, 70, ___.
  5. 13, 25, 49, ___, ___.


  1. 18, ___, 36, 45, ___, ___ .
  2. 1,250, 1,750, ___, ___, 3,250, ___.
  3. 84, 72, 60, ___, ___, ___.
  4. 1, ___, 1.6, ___, 2.1, ___.
  5. 2, 11, 38,___, ___, ___.

Number Talks:

2 x 100                    6 x 22

2 x 15                      10 x 22

4 x 5                        16 x 22

4 x 10

4 x 115

Challenge Sum

963 x 58

Well done everyone, keep up the good work.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 2 3.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Happy Wednesday! We hope you have managed to enjoy the good weather as much as you can. We think it’ll be a wet couple of days ahead. How are you all getting on with the new learning grids? We have had some super posts recently in Learning Journals- keep them coming! Also we hope that you are enjoying the stories that are being posted in Learning Journals and the voice over powerpoints.


Article 19-Protection from Violence, Abuse and Neglect  

Yesterday we posted about our Article of the week, along with some activities to help you explore and understand what it means for you as a child. If you do any of the activities please remember to post pictures of these in Learning Journals so we can continue to collect evidence about how we have explored each article


Thinkuknow- Online safety

This week’s focus in Online Safety is sharing pictures and asking for permission. Thinkuyou website has released some online activities for you to try. Click on the link below to access the document.

thinkuknow 5-7s sheet 6


Phase 1- Visiting friends and family

The lockdown in Scotland changed a little on Friday 29th May. We were allowed to go and visit family and friends in a local park or private garden as long as we kept our two meters distance. Have you had any visitors recently or been to visit a friend or family member? Why don’t you share that experience with us by writing a short story about what you did and how it made you feel seeing people again that you might not have seen for many weeks. You could even draw us a picture! We look forward to hearing all about it.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 3.6.20

Good morning Primary 1! Happy Wednesday.

We hope that you are all keeping safe and well and that you are enjoying completing the work set as well as having some time to play.
Are you managing to get outside for some exercise each day? If you get a chance we would love it if you could continue to log your exercise through this website:

Today we would like you to have a look at the next Article from the Rights Respecting Schools Award. Thank you to everyone who has completed these tasks so far and posted photos of their work on the Learning Journals. We are using these photos as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation attempt later in the year.
This week’s article is number 19: protection from violence, abuse and neglect. At the Primary 1 level we will be focusing on people who protect us and keep us safe in our everyday life. Why don’t you watch and sing the ‘Bounceback’ song to start thinking about ways to cope when things go wrong and about people who help us.

You are welcome to do any of the activities in the slide below, however, here are 2 that I think the Primary 1s would enjoy:
1. Can you create a poster showing some of the rules put in place to keep you safe? Your poster could display rules to stay safe in the garden, in the classroom, at the swimming pool, in a car etc. Choose 1 place and draw or write 3 or 4 rules that you try to keep.
2. There are many people all around us whose job is to keep you safe. Draw or write a list of some of these people in your jotter and talk to an adult about some of the things these people do to keep you safe.

We hope that you are getting on well with all the activities posted in the learning grids on Monday. If you have any questions about the activities or about your child’s learning then please get in touch.
Have a lovely day.
Miss Christy, Miss Daun and Miss Cunningham

Primary 3 Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Bonjour tout le monde, ca va? J’espère que tout va bien! Remember we have our class chats this morning at 10am, we are looking forward to hearing from you all!

Have you all visited the Great Science Share website yet? They are hosting a groove along that you can get involved in:

As well as this, they set science themes for investigating each week.

This week’s theme is UN World Environment Day. You can ask questions which will be answered by experts and share your learning along the way to be shown in their online showcase.


Writing Task Watch the clip about a boy and his robot who go off in search of energy packs for the robot. Can you make a written account of the story, using lots of description. What do they see, where do they go and what happens? Your story should show a clear beginning, middle and end and show this in paragraphs. Perhaps you can try to add speech to let us know what you think would have been said between the Robot and the little boy.

Please share your stories with us when they are done and remember your core targets:

Core Targets for all Writing
  • Write sentences with capital letters and full stops.
  • Spell most common and CVC words correctly.
  • Join sentences with a variety of conjunctions.
  • Handwriting should be linked.

Maths: We are reading scales today! Not musical scales, but weighing scales. I know a lot of you have been busy in the kitchen and so we are going to mix cookery and maths. Make sure to always wash your hands before handling food! If you have kitchen scales at home, take some items you want to weigh and tell us what they are and what the weight was using the scales:

What Does It Weigh

If you don’t have kitchen scales, or if you do and you fancy playing a weighing game, inputting weight in either kilograms or grams:

Number Talks:

2 x 45                      4 x 22

5 x 100                    6 x 11

5 x 40                      3 x 22

5 x 5

5 x 245

Challenge Sum

235 x 74

Well done everyone!

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.

Primary 2 2.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Happy Tuesday! We hope you all managed to access the new Learning Grids which are for the next two weeks. Remember just do what you can and if you need extra activities we post some on the blog or you can access lessons on BBC Bitesize.

Tuesday would be a day where we would do some exercise. You can of course do Joe Wick Live at 9am or Mrs Ferguson our PE teacher has put this activity together for you to try.

Joe Wicks:

Mrs Ferguson: Right Way Wrong Way

Article 19- Protection from violence, abuse and neglect

Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them. Here are some activities you could do to explore this week’s Article:

  • Draw or list some of the people whose job it is to help you stay safe and protected.
  • Can you think of places or situations that have special rules about safety, such as a swimming pool or train station. Choose one and design a safety poster.
  • Article 19 means that no child should be hurt, hit or treated badly. Find out about the punishments for children in schools in Victorian times. Imagine you lived then and wanted to end physical punishment in school. Write a letter to Queen Victoria explaining why you think things should change.
  • Think about the feelings we have when we know we are  safe and cared for. Write a poem or song to describe how this feels. Use good metaphors and similes to describe the emotions.

Art- Ms Fox

Over the past couple of blogs we have shared an art video that Ms Fox made to help you draw Mount Everest. Click on part 3 to find out what to do next.

Keep up the good work, you are all doing so well! Any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

Stay safe,

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

Primary 1 2.6.20

Hello boys and girls!

We hope you are all well and are staying safe. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve been putting in at home, all the primary 1 teachers are so proud of you!

We are doing so well with our farming topic so far. Did you know a farmer puts a scarecrow in a field after he has planted seeds to frighten birds away? Why do you think a farmer doesn’t want birds in his fields? Have you ever seen a real scarecrow?

Miss Christy saw a scarecrow while she was on a cycle. Can you spot the scarecrow in the picture?

For our blog task today we would like you to make your own scarecrow out of materials you have in the house.

Here is one I made over the weekend:

I used the inside of a toilet roll, paper, ribbon, pens, glue and scissors. You might have a different idea and different materials to use at home which is great! If you can you might want to search the internet for some ideas with an adult. You could use lollipop sticks, paint, paper plates or cloth. It is completely up to you! You can choose how you make your own scarecrow.

If you want to do this task we hope you have fun with it!

Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.

Primary 3 Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Good morning everyone. How are we all doing with our learning tasks? Did anyone manage to solve the Maths problem yesterday? It was such amazing weather though, so hopefully you all were outside enjoying that too!

Today Mrs Ferguson has a PE challenge for you all below to practise your throwing and your aim.

Over arm target throw

Can you please remember to log your activity on the Get Set Tokyo web page to win you or our school some sports equipment and prizes!

Numeracy Division Sums (with no remainders)

Should you wish to try the ‘Hot’ challenge, please see the Teams files for instructional videos on how we write out division sums.

Mild Dividing by 2 and 3

Spicy Dividing by 4 and 5

Hot Dividing by 3 and 4 Beyond the 3 and 4 times tables stations. (Please see the instructional video to show an introduction to written division if you wish to choose a challenge.)


Please see Teams files for Phonics stories for this week’s words.


True or false. Please read the statements below to check whether they are true or false. If the statement is false, write out the correct statement in a full sentence. If it is true, write ‘true’ and write down the page number you found the true statement on. Make up 3 of your own when you are finished.

Yellow/ Level 11 – The Huge Horrible Beast

  1. Ze lived in the African plains.
  2. Ze was clever, but not very brave.
  3. His father gave him advice to pick up and keep anything he found on his journey.
  4. Ze told the widow he was travelling in search of his fortune.
  5. Ze was terribly scared of the huge and horrible beast in the barn.
  6. Ze took the whole chest of golden coins home with him.
  7. The monkey stole the coin bag from the milkman.
  8. The monkey kept the coins safe up in her tree.

Red – Jungle Shorts

  1. Lenny was at the front of the line because he was getting help with his stuck zip.
  2. Mr Cox told the class the letter wasn’t very exciting.
  3. Lenny begged his Mum for a real football strip.
  4. They had pancakes for tea with jam and pineapples.
  5. The market was 2 streets away from where Lenny lived.
  6. He saw a man who wore a wide straw hat and jungle shorts at the market.

Blue – Battle With the Beast

  1. Arkon was standing in front of a glistening blue lake full of electricity.
  2. The Pool of Power is a mighty energy source.
  3. Every 500 years the Pool of Power needs to be recharged.
  4. The map was on the island in the centre of the Pool of Power.
  5. They all pressed buttons on their backs to fly.
  6. When Nok touched the rock, a rainbow filled the sky.

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

  1. Winnie hated flying on her broomstick and looking at the streets below. She had a fear of heights.
  2. The streets were empty and Winnie and Wilbur had to stay at home.
  3. Winnie thought it would be easy to stay at home all the time.
  4. Wilbur liked to lick his paws and wash his face.
  5. Wilbur loved the new collar Winnie made him.
  6. Winnie sang a song as she washed her hands.

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher

  1. Planet Senton is the closest planet to Exis.
  2. Planet Senton was a lovely clean planet.
  3. The Junk Cruncher looked like an ugly fish.
  4. Its job was to swim around in Space looking for water.
  5. Inside the Junk Cruncher it was like a palace.
  6. There were lots of other fish inside sorting out the rubbish.

Number Talks:

2 x 124                    35 x 10

6 x 100                    35 x 2

6 x 20                      35 x 20

6 x 4                        35 x 24

6 x 124

Challenge Sum

362 x 54

Have a great day and let us know how you get on with the learning tasks for today.

Mr Woodward and Miss Smith.

Primary 2 – 1 June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

Did you all have a nice weekend? The weather was so hot it didn’t feel much like Scotland did it?! Did you do anything nice at the weekend? We would love to hear about it if you did. We miss hearing your weekend news each Monday morning.

We hope you enjoyed Mrs Fox’s introduction to Mount Everest on Friday. We have attached Part 2 of her video but feel free to go back and watch Part 1 again if you like. Did anyone find out any other facts about Mount Everest?

The teaching audio Powerpoints received several positive comments so we have tried to include more of these this week. You should find our Learning Grids and any required resources below. Remember you can use the messaging system on the Learning Journals to ask any questions and please continue to upload your photos – you could feature on our blog at the end of the week!

Today is the 1st of June which means it is officially Summer, although it has felt quite summery for a number of weeks now! It is also National Say Something Nice Day. Why don’t you take some time today to write a short note to someone in your household and say something nice? You have been working so hard but sometimes we forget to say thank you to our grown-ups who have been working so hard to keep us amused and learning through this difficult time. We would like to say a huge thank you to all of you at home, including the grown-ups. This is not an easy time but seeing your faces and all the fabulous things you have been doing has brightened up the teacher’s days. Keep up the hard work but remember to relax and have fun too!

Have a lovely day and we look forward to seeing your photos soon!

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Across the curric 1.06.20

Rex and Mufasa fortnight beginning 1.6.20

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba Fortnight Beginning 1.6.20


Primary 1 Home Learning – 01.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

What lovely weather we’ve been having! I hope you all had a great weekend with your family and that you all managed to get outside in the sunshine! We definitely are making the most of this fantastic weather. Miss Daun went out for two walks in the Pentlands and enjoyed walking along the Water of Leith. Miss Cunningham enjoyed spending some time in the sunshine and washed her car! Miss Christy went for a 45 mile cycle in the sunshine past lots of arable farms. What a huge achievement! Here are some pictures we captured over the weekend:


This week in literacy, we are looking at ‘oy’ sound, consolidating our understanding of what capital letters looks like and writing instructions for how to plant a seed. The comprehension questions related to our Oxford Owl reading books will be sent via the Learning Journal messages section as usual. Please find all of the literacy resources below:

Literacy Week 9

Common words dinosaur (1)

Planting a seed

Instruction template – planting a seed

This week in maths we are revisiting money to consolidate our understanding of what coins look like. We will also be thinking about finding the correct change when paying for an item with 10p. We are also continuing learning about fact families and Miss Christy has prepared a number talks video. Please find the resources below:



Number Talks week 9

We are also continuing our topic of farming and this week we are going to be focusing on arable farming. We have challenged you to draw your own arable farm map, label a flower and create your own poster detailing how to look after a plant. We would also like you to learn some new French words! All of the Interdisciplinary learning activities can be found below:

IDL 1.6.20



Arable Farming Mat

Thank you for all of your continued support. It has been a joy to see you working so hard at home and we are very proud of you all. We love to see what you are all up to on the learning journals so please continue to share your super work with us!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning everyone. How are we all? We hope you had a lovely weekend. Who can tell us the date today in French? Do you remember how to say ‘first’? and also, we are into a new month. Who knows ‘June’ en francais?

This week’s Rights Respecting Schools Article is Article 19: Protection from violence, abuse and neglect.

Some activities you may wish to try are:

  • Article 19 means that no child should be hurt, hit or treated badly. Find out about the punishments for children in schools in Victorian times. Imagine you lived then and wanted to end physical punishment in school. Write a letter to Queen Victoria explaining why you think things should change.
  • Draw or list some of the people whose job it is to help you stay safe and protected.
  • Think about the feelings we have when we know  we are  safe and cared for. Write a poem or song to describe how this feels. Use good metaphors and similes to describe the emotions.
  • What do you know about being safe online? Have a conversation about this with the adults you live with. Talk about safe settings on your router and on all devices in the house. Ask your family to look at this Safer Internet website and let you watch some of the videos in the resources section.

Please remember to share these with us so we can build evidence for our reaccreditation.

Problem Solving for today:

Once you have been successful, why not try to draw it again, this time with 4 circles on the bottom row and fitting the numbers 1-10 into the circles in the same way. Is it possible?

Reading: Please read the first half of your new book by visiting

Yellow / Level 11- The Huge and Horrible Beast

Red – Jungle Shorts

Blue – Battle with the Beast

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher


Spelling Words Week Beginning 1st June 2020

Number Talks:

2 x 125                    25 x 10

4 x 25                      25 x 4

6 x 100                    14 x 10

6 x 20                      14 x 5

6 x 125                    25 x 14

Challenge Sum

652 x 43

Just a reminder that the new home learning grid for other areas of the curriculum can also be accessed on the blog. Here is a link to it if you missed it last week.Learning Grid May – June

Thank you for your continued hard work and effort.

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward.


P3 29 5 20

Bonjour and happy Vendredi to all of you in Primary 3! You have made it to the end of the week and we couldn’t be more proud of all of your hard work and how well you are all coping, well done! With the weather hopefully going to be lovely we hope you will be able to enjoy a restful and fun weekend.

With the weather being as beautiful as it has been and flowers blooming beautifully, why not try to create some flower based art and create your own framed flower picture. You will need a flower, or multiple flowers, cardboard, tape, paint and some cling film. Here are some instructions on how to make them:

 Mental Maths remember to try to beat your time from last week. Answers will be posted later on in Teams:

Technology Challenge this week is to do with technology in sport. We will be having a look at some pretty cool trainers that are said to make you run faster and perform better.

Critical Skills Sports Technology

Have a great weekend and thank you for your continued support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – 29 May 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

How lovely has the weather been this week!? How did you all get on with the work on sun safety yesterday? Hopefully you managed to enjoy the weather while understanding how to stay safe in the sun.

Today is a shorter half day so don’t let those grown-ups work you too hard! Make sure you take at least 30 minutes for Free Time Friday and choose something to play with that makes you happy.

Mrs Fox has very kindly made up videos to support your learning in Art. She has split the videos into 3 parts and we have attached part 1 today. She will be supporting you to draw Mount Everest but the first video teaches you a little bit about Mount Everest before you begin drawing. This ties in with our work on hot and cold countries. We will upload the second and third instalments next week where you will be using wavy lines to draw the summit. You may also wish to use a search engine to find out even more about Mount Everest.

On a Friday we usually assess how we have got on with our spelling words. Ask a sibling or grown-up to read out your spelling words and see if you can write them correctly. Don’t worry if you make a mistake, look at what your mistake is and see if you can correct it.

Miss Pringle uploaded a storytelling session to your Learning Journals last night. Have a little look and let us know what you think. Miss Rafferty is poised with her book ready to record hers next week!

We have also included a small gallery of some of our favourite photos from the week. Do you see any faces you recognise?

Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe.

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 29.5.20

Good morning Primary 1s! Happy Friday!

We hope that you have had a lovely week and that you have found time both to complete some school work and also to get out into the sunshine to play and exercise.

It is important to keep active so that our bodies remain fit and healthy. We know that lots of you are going outside and are enjoying long walks and cycles with your family. Sometimes it is also fun to exercise inside. We have found a few farming related dances and yoga workouts we would like you to try. Have a go at a few of them and let us know which is your favourite!

Happy Farm just dance

Old McDonald Just Dance

If animals could dance

Farm yoga

We hope that you are all keeping safe and and healthy. Thank you for all the hard work you are doing at home, you are making us very proud teachers. We miss you and keep up the great work.

The Primary 1 teachers

P3 28 5 20

Welcome Primary 3 to Thursday’s blog post! We’re now nearly at the end of the week which means we’re nearly at the weekend! Thank you so much to all of you who took part in our Teams chats yesterday, it was so lovely to hear from you and we love hearing stories of what you’ve been up to and how creative you are being.

For today’s Children’s Gardening Week ideas, why not try to make this DIY bird-feeder using a plastic bottle, some scissors, pencils, string and bird feed? Remember that anything using scissors and cutting into the bottle will need to be done with an adult! But hopefully the bird feeder can be used to attract all kinds of birds to your garden like the Blue Tits Annabel has had visiting her garden!

Reading: Answer these comprehension questions related to your stories. Use full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Don’t Press the Button

  1. Who pressed the wrong button and filled the spaceship with footballs?
  2. What did the buttons on the spacesuits do?
  3. Where on the ship was the fabricator?
  4. When did the fabricator make a humming noise?
  5. Why was Ant not listening to Nok?
  6. How did they all enjoy themselves at the end of the story?

The Empty Palace

  1. Who were they looking for in the palace?
  2. What happened to the people in the palace?
  3. Where did they find Arkon?
  4. When did Tiger’s watch start glowing red?
  5. Why did Badlaw take the King and Queen?
  6. How did they escape the palace?

The Sands of Akwa

  1. Who was the Akwan warrior who introduced himself to the group?
  2. What was the name of the beast that attacked the group?
  3. Where did the group split up to?
  4. When did the two Raptiss start to fight each other?
  5. Why were the group on Akwa?
  6. How did the three friends protect Livi?

Tom Thumb and the Football Team

  1. Who cut open the fish to find Tom Thumb?
  2. What game did Tom Thumbs dad teach him how to play?
  3. Where did the Tinker find Tom Thumb?
  4. When did Tom escape the house?
  5. Why do you think Tom was desperate to get outside?
  6. How did Tom get back home at the end?

Stinky Street

  1. Who wanted to buy Franklin’s house?
  2. What did Franklin put behind the radiator?
  3. Where did Mr Bragg end up buying?
  4. When does the factory do fish pies?
  5. Why do you think Franklin didn’t want to move?
  6. How did Mrs Cox save the day?

Numeracy: Letter patterns – look at these patterns and try to complete them by figuring out the patterns and continuing them.

  1. m n o p q r … …
  2. C D E F G H … …
  3. L K J I H … …
  4. b d f h j l … …
  5. r q p o n … …
  6. E H K N Q … …
  7. ab cd ef gh ij … …
  8. az by cx dw … …
  9. a c e g I … …
  10. zy xw vu ts … …

Number Talks

8 x 5                                       15 x 10

8 x 2                                       15 x 1

8 x 50                                     10 x 11

8 x 56                                     5 x 11

15 x 11

Challenge Sum

615 x 83

Thank you for your continued hard work and support

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

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