Sports Day 2020 is here!

Good morning Carmondean and welcome to Sports Day (at home) 2020. Let’s get active, have fun and win points for your house team.

A big thank you goes to Primary 7 and  the Sports Committee for their ideas of sports day activities that could be done at home.  You have been set 7 challenges to take part in this week to win points for your house. Please contact your class teacher if you are unsure of your house team.

Please click on the word document for information on what the activities are, how to score them and how to submit your scores.  Please note- only submit your scores ONCE ( typing your score as a number only please) and when you have completed all 7 activities. Your scores must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 19th June 2020.

Carmondean Sports Day

We thought you might need a bit of encouragement to win lots of points for your house team so here is a video with a few familiar faces.


We’d love to see photos of you taking part so please send in photos to the school/your class teacher in your normal way.

And finally,  a few words from Mr Shanks.

Good luck everyone and may the best team win.

Mrs Ferguson

Primary 1 – Home Learning 12.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Happy Friday! Well done for all of your hard work this week. We know you are all doing an amazing job at home and thank you again for continuing to share all of your fantastic work with us on the learning journals. It would be a great idea for you to finish off any of the activities on the home learning grids today as we will be posting new activities on Monday. If you have already completed the work and fancy an extra challenge then why not follow Rob Biddulph’s online art lesson? You can follow the link to Rob’s rainbow whale picture here:

He also has lots of other art videos on his channel that you can follow too! He has drawn aliens, dinosaurs, animals and lots of fun cartoon characters. His work is fantastic and easy to follow!

The Scottish Book Trust have also created a series of videos with authors live on demand. If you are interested in hearing some bedtime stories from your favourite authors then you can find some videos here:

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and that we get to see you all soon!

Primary 1 teachers

P3 12 6 20

It’s the end of the week Primary 3 and we have been incredibly impressed with all of the superb work you have been sending us and how much effort you are putting in, we’re so proud of all of you. Please make sure you take time for yourselves as today you would be getting your Free Time Friday time. We know that you all have definitely earned it all! We hope you all have amazing weekends and we are looking forward to next week when we can hear all about the wonderful things you have been up to!

For the final ocean themed activity of the week, why not spend some time in the kitchen (you know there’s a food based activity if Mr Woodward’s involved!) making these delicious ocean cupcakes?

If you have the ingredients these would be a perfect way to start ramping up for the summer, thinking about sitting on a beach, playing in the sea and building sandcastles!

Mental Maths















The challenge for this week is all about Coding. A few of you have already been impressing us with your coding skills, so we would love to see more!

Critical Skills Challenge Coding

Thank you for your continued support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – Friday 12.6.20

Happy Friday Primary 2!

What a busy week you have had! Here is a showcase of some of your amazing work! Well done!

On a Friday, we often have an episode of Newsround to catch up with news around the world after playtime ( or you can have some quiet time and listen to a story from Mrs Oliver  in your Learner’s Journal.

Also I’m sure you won’t have forgotten that it’s FREETIME FRIDAY!!!

The last 2 weeks in school before the end of term are always filled with some fun activities and with that in mind we have prepared our grids for next week with a bit of a difference! We think you will love them!

Have a lovely weekend Primary 2.


Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty


Primary 2 -Thursday 11.6.20

Hello Everyone,

What a rainy day it was yesterday! Did any of you get your wellies on and get out and about to do some puddle jumping?

Thursday would normally be PE with Mrs Ferguson. Here is a fun activity to get you moving:

Save the Treasure

Next week will be Sports Week so look out for some more exciting activities then.

Now that we are able to see one other family a day outdoors, some of you may be meeting up with friends who you have not seen since school closed. It is really hard to remember to keep 2 metres apart when you are playing isn’t it! We thought you might enjoy some of these games which you can play at a safe distance and still have lots of fun. It would be really good to practise them with others in your household too so that you can teach the games to your friends when we are back at school!

-Chalk walk – design a chalk trail on the pavement for your friend. 1 person complete it at a time. The other person can stand back 2 metres and time the other person. You can draw movements such as hop, hopscotch, spin, run on the spot, a maze or you can even add noises they need to make in a box e.g. whistle, snort etc. Here are some ideas:


-Mirroring – Stand 2 metres apart facing each other. One person is the leader and does some sort of movement e.g. waving, star jumps etc and the other copies. See who can do the funniest move!

-Laughing Challenge – Sit 2 metres apart. 1 person is not allowed to speak , the other has to make them laugh by e.g. making funny noises, telling jokes, funny faces etc. When the person laughs swap over.

-Storytelling – Sit 2 metres apart facing a partner. Start a story e.g. One sunny day a dinosaur walked into school. The next person says ‘And then…’ to carry on the story e.g ‘And then stomped into the dinner hall demanding pizza!’ Take turns to add a sentence at a time and see how silly and funny you can make the story!

We know that many of you love playing with the Lego during choosing time in class and with the weather not being as nice the past few days, maybe you would like to try some of these Lego experiments:

Have a good day Primary 2 and let us know how you are getting on.


Mrs Oliver and Miss Rafferty




Primary 1 11.6.20

Good morning
We hope that you are having a lovely week and are managing to complete some of the activities we set for you on Monday.
Each morning, Glasgow Science Centre are posting a live science lesson on their website. These lessons are great and cover a wide variety of topics. If you have time today, we would like you to watch the lesson from last Friday. In it, you will learn all about minibeasts and the differences between humans and invertebrates. After watching the lesson, why don’t you go outside either into a garden or a local green space and count the minibeasts you can see? Can you count them using tally marks?

GSC-At-Home-Bug-count (This is a bug count worksheet you can print out, alternatively, you could write 4 or 5 types of minibeast in your jotter and write the number you count beside it).

Mini beasts are important on a farm. They provide food for some animals, help to spread pollen to different plants and put nutrients back into the soil.
Bugs like to live in lots of different places and we can help to build them a safe home in our gardens. Here are some ways you can give bugs a helping hand…
– When clearing away dead plants in your garden, why don’t you keep some stems aside in a little bundle for minibeasts to live in?
– During your daily walk, can you find some dead woods or leaves for bugs to live in?
– If you are feeling very adventurous, you could make a bug hotel in your garden. Here are some photos of great examples you might want to copy.

As always, please don’t feel any pressure to do these additional tasks. They are only suggestions for if you are stuck for something to do! We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy and that you are enjoying some family time after your school work is finished.
We are missing you lots
The Primary 1 teachers

Primary 3 11 6 20

Good morning Primary 3! It was fantastic to hear from you all yesterday, it definitely put an extra spring in our steps listening to your wonderful news and stories!

For today’s ocean themed activity we are getting our science on! We are asking, if you have the materials, to experiment with buoyancy. Before you begin, write your hypothesis, what do you think will happen and what do you think allows sharks to float? Follow the instructions and try to write your own science report on the attached reporting sheet as you are doing the experiment. science investigation sheet

Shark Buoyancy Experiment:


Toilet paper roll


3 pennies


Vegetable oil





Draw a shark on the toilet paper roll (or cut out a shark on paper and tape it on).

Tape 3 pennies, equally spaced, on the bottom of the toilet paper roll.

Fill the bowl with water.

Drop the shark in the water. What happens?

Fill a balloon with vegetable oil, tie the balloon closed.

Place the balloon inside the middle of the toilet paper roll.

Place the shark back in the bowl of water. Now what happens? Why do you think it happens? What does it tell you about how sharks stay afloat in water?

Numeracy: Today’s Numeracy is all about number square patterns. We would like you to use your times tables on this number square: What do you notice about the times tables patterns? Do any of the patterns look the same? What kind of patterns do they make? Try as many different times tables as you can and see what patterns you can make. Try to do more than one times table at the same time using different colours and see what patterns you can make, what happens when times tables have the same numbers in them? You could also make it into a game with someone in your house, who can complete their times table first. Take turns to fill in the squares but remember that if you both need the same number to complete your table you will have to think carefully about when to colour it in!

Number Talks

4 x 100                                  4 x 35

4 x 12                                     5 x 35

8 x 112                                  10 x 35

20 x 35

25 x 35

Challenge Sum

812 x 43


Reading for today is slightly different from our normal Thursday reading.  Today it is about reading and talking about your understandings.

As you are reading the activities, you will be working on your critical thinking skills, working out the meaning of the information you are reading and thinking about what it is asking you to do.

It is not expected that you complete them all, there is a selection included that you can choose from. It would be great if you could complete them with an adult or a sibling so that you can share your thoughts and reasoning with them and have a discussion around your understanding.

**Please note – the answers are at the end of the pack of activities for the adults or for checking once done.**

Reading and Reasoning Skills

Thank you for your continued support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 10.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

How are you all this morning? We have had great feedback about the voiceover powerpoints and the recorded stories which is good to hear.  You have been great at uploading pictures of your work and activities. It is nice to see how everyone is getting on at home.


BBC Bitesize

Remember BBC Bitesize have been posting 3 lessons a day which cover many aspects of the curriculum. Yesterday’s Maths lesson was counting in 5s and Literacy lesson was about how to write questions correctly. Primary 2 have covered both these but it would be fantastic activities for you to complete as some revision.


Oxford Owl

Please continue to practise your reading skills with books you have in the house or the ones online. Choose a book appropriate to your age and stage. You might want to follow up your reading with a book review, quiz, prediction or writing a new ending for the story.


Travel Tokoyo

We know that P2 are so active and we can see that in some of your uploads in Learning Journals. Can you all remember to log your activity under our school? Teachers have also been logging their activities too!


Save the Bees!

Why are bees so important to the world?

Bees are vitally important for everyone. Honey bees make honey by mixing nectar with enzymes and by fanning the mixture with their wings to help the water to evaporate. They also make beeswax that we can use in cosmetics, candles and furniture polish. But, overall, they also do so much more…

Bee Spotting

Why not see if you can spot some bees?

What sort of bees can you see?

Mated queen bees are the first to be seen in the spring searching for new colony sites. As spring progresses smaller worker bees take over food collection while the queen lays more and more eggs. You can start seeing bees when the warmer spring weather starts and can usually see bumblebees before honey bees.



If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Oliver

Primary 1 – Home Learning 10.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We would like to thank all of the boys and girls in Primary 1 that have completed some of the activities from UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools pack. We are using the photos you upload to the Learning Journals as evidence which we will put towards our re-accreditation later in the year. We would like you to have a look at this week’s Article, number 42 – Knowledge of Rights. What do you think is needed for every adult and every child to know about children’s rights? Choose one of the following activities to complete today:

  1. Article 42 says that all adults should know about rights. Why do you think this is important?
  2. Imagine that you didn’t know any rights and that all children everywhere have rights. How would you feel about that? Can you think of any problems children might face? Write a story called “Child with no Rights”.
  3. Do you know your ‘birthday right?’ This is a fun idea thought up by schools in the North East of England – look up, and remember if you can, the article with the same number as the day of the month you were born. Try to get all your family and friends to know their ‘Birthday Right’. Here are all the rights on one page.
  4. Watch the video on this Unicef page. Does it inspire you believe that the rights of children and young people are important? Having watched this, produce something creative (art, music, poetry…) entitled Children’s Rights Matter. Share your work with others.

Do you know children have rights? Have a look at the 1989 UN Convention on  the Rights of the Child. (With images) | Childrens rights, Children's rights,  Child advocacy

We look forward to seeing all of your fantastic ideas on the learning journals.

Thank you for all of your support with this,

Primary 1 teachers

P3 10 6 20

Good morning Primary 3 and welcome to Mercredi, or Wednesday! We hope you’ve been having a fabulous week so far and we are very much looking forward to our Teams chat. Mr Woodward’s class meet is at 10am, Miss Smith’s chat is at the slightly later time of 10.30am. It’s always what we look forward to most about our week!

For today’s ocean themed activity all you will need is paper, some paint and then anything else you’d like to add yourself on top of that because today we are thinking of making hand-fish. As it turns out a handfish is an actual fish but our hand fish will be fish made out of your own hands! Just add paint to your hands and press your hands to your paper and then add eyes and a mouth and decorate the scene around it, we’d love to see a school of weird and wonderful fish and remember, we may all be different fish but we all swim together!

Maths: For maths today we are leaving weighing behind and looking at volume. Measuring volume means measuring how much of a liquid you have. For volume we use millilitres (ml) and litres (L). There are 1,000 ml in 1 L and in every 1 L there are 1,000 ml. Try these conversions between litres and millilitres:

Converting ml to L

Number Talks

8 x 100                                  10 x 54

8 x 10                                     2 x 54

8 x 2                                       54 x 36

Challenge Sum

834 x 63


One Reading group last week read about Winnie and Wilbur staying at home, just like we have had to do for months now. Have a little read of

the book and try to write your own Winnie and Wilbur story?

Here is a planning page to get you started. Remember, of course, your core targets. Remember also your paragraphs to show a clear beginning, middle and end. As a challenge, try to use speech marks within your story to show what might be being said. There are some useful phrases in the plan for you to use, but please pad your story out using descriptions. Show the reader with your choice of words, don’t just tell them what is happening.

Writing Plan Winnie and Wilbur

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 1 – Home Learning 09.06.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We hope that you all have managed to access the new weekly home learning grids yesterday are enjoying completing some of the activities on there.

Did you know it was World Environment day on Friday? While you’re playing outdoors today, why not have a go at one of the outdoor Tokyo Ten activities such as the Rainbow Trail? By participating, you can stay connected to the wider school community and improve your wellbeing at the same time. It only takes ten minutes and can be logged as activity! Follow the link to log your activity – type in the school postcode and log the activity that you completed:,1L9J9,63BYTS,5E49F,1

How to play the rainbow trail:

  1. Cut up a paint colour chart into its separate colours. Put the squares into a container.
  2. Go to your garden or local woodland area.
  3. Each player chooses a colour from the container (no peeking!)
  4. Try to find an object in the area that is the same colour (don’t move the objects)
  5. When you have found a match, return to the container replace your square and choose another colour. What will you find this time?

If you would like to find out some more information about this activity or some of the other Toyko Get Set activities you can get involved in, follow the link to the Toyko 10 activities:

We hope you enjoy the rest of your day Primary 1! Stay active!

Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 9.6.20

Good morning Primary 2!

Happy Tuesday! Have you managed to watch some of the powerpoints to help with your learning? We hope that you have found them useful. Remember to keep posting in the Learning Journals so we can comment on all your hard work.

Let’s get moving

Why don’t you try one of this Just Dance’s that we know you all love!


Article 42- Knowledge of Rights

Governments must actively work to make sure children and adults know about the Convention. Here are some activities for you to do to help understand this Article :

  • Have a look and a listen to some of the songs and videos made by schools to hep children learn about rights. Which one do you like best? Share this with your family and safely on-line with your friends.
  • If you were a teacher of very young children, how would you help them to understand about their rights. This video made by Unicef Australia might help to get you started.



Through our topic of Hot and Cold Countries you have been learning about animals from all over the world. A great way to see some of them is to watch the live cams from Edinburgh Zoo. Why don’t you check in on them now and again to see what they are up to.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We hope you all have a wonderful day!

Miss Rafferty and Miss Pringle

P3 9 6 20

Good morning everyone, we hope you’re all well and have been doing well and staying safe! Thank you to everyone who keeps sending us in work and pictures of things you’ve been up to, it’s amazing to see how you are getting on!

For today’s ocean themed activity it may take a few more bits and pieces but hopefully if you have the tools you’ll be able to come up with something magical! If you have paper, paint/ pens, and an empty egg carton why not try to make an ocean scene inside an egg carton? You will be able to decorate the outside of the egg carton like a treasure chest and make a wonderful scene on the inside of your egg carton using any other materials or shells that you have:

Number Talks:

2 x 500                                  10 x 36

4 x 500                                  50 x 36

4 x 30                                     2 x 36

4 x 2

4 x 532

Challenge Sum

342 x 65


Please also find the following in Teams Assignments.

Please answer the following questions in full sentences.

Yellow/ Level 11 – The Huge Horrible Beast

  • Why did the things Ze pass up to the huge and horrible beast frighten it?
  • How did the monkey get the chance to steal the milkman’s money?
  • Can you think of a word that might mean the same as ‘bellowed’.
  • How do you think the hunter felt when the elephant wouldn’t speak to the chief?
  • How did the Hare persuade the lion not to eat it?

Red – Jungle Shorts

  • Lenny wanted proper shorts. What might these be and do you think his Mum should have bought them for him?
  • When have you had to do something embarrassing? How did you cope with it?
  • What is Lenny’s favourite food for tea?
  • Does Lenny live in a countryside, town or city? How do you know?
  • Why does Mr Cox call Lenny’s team ‘The Lions’?

Blue – Battle With the Beast

  • Why was the core broken down and hidden across the galaxy?
  • How often does the Pool of Power need to be recharged?
  • Why does Badlaw want the map?
  • Why did Arkon test the friends?
  • What do you think will happen in the new adventure?

Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home

  • Why did Winnie and Wilbur have to stay home?
  • How do you think Winnie felt about this news?
  • What were some of the things Winnie and Wilbur did to pass the time?
  • Why do you think she chose to paint a rainbow over the town?
  • Why do you think the book Winnie was reading was Wilbur’s favourite?

Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher

  • What was the Junk Cruncher’s job?
  • What was inside the Junk Cruncher?
  • Why was the ship not able to move before it got crushed?
  • Who’s idea was it to try the thrusters?
  • Where do you think the rubbish in Space came from?

Maths – Today we will focus on division once again, with no carrying. Please choose your level of challenge and a reminder of strategies is in the Instructional videos in the Maths file on Teams.

Dividing by 3 and 4 mild

Dividing by 5 and 6 Spicy

Dividing mixed numbers Hot

Phonics Stories can be found in the Spelling file in Teams.

Thank you for your continued support and hard work,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – Monday 8 June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

How was your weekend? Unfortunately the weather was not as nice as it has been but we hope you still managed to have fun! Comment below and let us know what you got up to.

We have attached this week’s Learning Grids and any resources you may need to complete them. We were really impressed with last week’s work, particularly the work on Rainforests. There were some amazing drawings of the different layers of a Rainforest.

Today is National Best Friends Day! We are sure you are missing your friends from school and it is hard being apart. Have you managed to keep in touch at all? Why not write a recipe for a good best friend. If you could make your very own best friend what values would you include? Is trust and honesty important to you? Or fun and respect? Or maybe all four and more! We would love to see your ‘recipes’.

As the roads are becoming busier again it may be worthwhile considering road safety and what we can do to keep ourselves safe if we are out and about. Click on the link below and discuss with an adult the safe and unsafe places to cross.

Enjoy your day!

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Across the curric 08.06.20

01.06.20 – Onomatopeia Matching

Rex and Mufasa – 08.06.20

Woody Pumba Buzz Simba – 08.06.20

Primary 1 8.6.20

Good morning Primary 1. We hope that you had a lovely weekend and managed to have a good rest and lots of fun.
It is so important to stay active and healthy while we are at home and so here are a few dances we used to enjoy in class that you might want to try this morning:


Attached below are the learning activities for the coming week and the associated resources. Please try to complete as many of these as you can throughout the week.


Literacy Week 10

Book template


Maths Week 10

Below is a video by Miss Daun introducing bar charts. Please watch this first before completing the grid activities.

old macdonald bar chart   (The bar graph worksheet)

tally mark car hunt

number talks week 10 (the video with the answers to these Number Talks patterns will be posted in the Learning Journal Message alongside the reading activity)

Other areas of the curriculum

IDL Week 10

Arable or livestock sorting cards

Right Way Wrong Way PE activity

We hope that you have a fantastic week of learning and fun. Please keep posting on the Learning Journals to let us know how you are getting on.
Miss Cunningham, Miss Daun and Miss Christy

P3 8 6 20

Good morning Primary 3 and welcome back to another week of hopefully fun and challenging work and even better weather so you can relax and enjoy the sun if it comes! Since the lockdown began there have been different stories of the environment healing and of the world becoming greener and healthier. And what better way to do our part than to think about World Oceans Day which is today! All week we will be thinking about activities to do to keep the environment and specifically the seas and oceans of the world in mind.

Today we are looking at using up any old toilet roll tubes you have at home to create an octopus! Mr Woodward is incredibly creeped out by octopuses but he knows that you can all make them cute and beautiful and make them much less scary for him!

The Article of the week this week is number 42: The right that everyone knows about you rights!

Some activities you can try include

  • Do you know your ‘birthday right?’ This is a fun idea thought up by schools in the North East of England – look up, and remember if you can, the article with the same number as the day of the month you were born. Try to get all your family and friends to know their ‘Birthday Right’. Here are all the rights on one page.
  • Imagine that you didn’t know any rights and that all children everywhere have rights. How would you feel about that? Can you think of any problems children might face? Write a poem or story called “Child with no Rights”.
  • Have a look and a listen to some of the songs and videos made by schools to hep children learn about rights. Which one do you like best? Share this with your family and safely on-line with your friends.
  • If you were a teacher of very young children, how would you help them to understand about their rights. This video made by Unicef Australia might help to get you started.

Your Problem Solving for today, there may be more than one solution so try to find different ways of doing it if you can!

Number Talks:

2 x 15                                     4 x 25

5 x 100                                  5 x 25

5 x 10                                     25 x 10

5 x 50                                     20 x 25

5 x 150                                  25 x 25

Challenge Sum

512 x 38


Read the second half of your book.

  • Yellow/ Level 11 – The Huge Horrible Beast
  • Red – Jungle Shorts
  • Blue – Battle With the Beast
  • Level 8 – Winnie and Wilbur Stay at Home
  • Level 6 – The Junk Cruncher

Spelling words for this week: Spelling Words Week Beginning 8th June 2020

Thank you for your continued hard work and support,

Miss Smith and Mr Woodward

Primary 2 – 05 June 2020

Good Morning Primary 2,

How is everyone today? Did you enjoy seeing photos of your friends in our blog gallery yesterday? Remember to upload photos to your Learning Journal when you can. The photos could show you taking part in learning activities or may just be you having fun – either way we love to see them. We have also been keeping track of who is using Education City and it is lovely to see so many of you engaging with this. Keep up the good work!

With today being Friday we suggest you do a short spelling quiz – ask an older sibling or parent/carer to read out your spelling words and see if you can remember how to spell them. We usually do handwriting on a Friday so make sure all those letter formations are correct! Remember some letters have tails that go under the line, others are tall letters – take your time and see if you can get the sizes correct.

Friday’s usually mean a little French too – we have already explored the weather and have definitely seen a wide range of weather this week! Can you listen to and learn the song below? Do you remember what each phrase means? if not, use the internet to help you.

Most importantly – Friday means FREE TIME FRIDAY! We are sure you have all earnt your time this week so take time to play!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Pringle and Miss Rafferty

Primary 1 5.6.20

Happy Friday everyone!
How are you all? We hope you have had a lovely week and that you have had time to do learning, playing and relaxing. We have had a lovely week looking at all your posts on your learning journals, it brings a smile to our faces! Thank you for all your hard work primary 1s.
We have seen lots of kindness over the past few months, including kind acts from you! We thought we could challenge ourselves to do another act of kindness today.
You could do something to help around the house, tell a joke, make something for a friend or family member or teach someone something new.
We have joined in on this challenge too! Miss Christy baked cookies and made face masks for her neighbours to help them feel safe going out. Miss Daun wrote a letter to her Auntie last week who lives alone. Her Auntie phoned her back to say it made her feel really happy.  Miss Cunningham arranged flowers to be delivered to some of her friends’ houses. They loved them! It is really nice to do something kind for someone because it makes you and them feel happy.
We hope you enjoy doing an extra kind thing for someone this weekend.
Miss Cunningham, Miss Christy and Miss Daun.
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