All posts by Mrs Henderson

Group Presentations

P5/6 have spent many weeks researching an area from our Biodiversity topic and have been preparing a PowerPoint presentation to share their learning.  It was wonderful to finally see their presentations this week and give each other feedback as to what we thought went well and what could be done to make it even better.  Each group looked at the importance of plants and how they benefit society in different ways.

Well done P5/6!

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Christmas Party!

What a brilliant afternoon we had today in P5/6!  We managed to squeeze in quite a few games in a short space of time and a quick snack before it was time to go home.

Mrs Henderson’s favourite game was the “drawing on your head” game.  Brilliant concentration and amazing results!  I wonder if you can tell what they were asked to draw…?

Unfortunately we didn’t manage to capture any photos of the fabulous dancing that was going on in the P5/6 classroom, but I can tell you it was full of fun and there were smiles all round!

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We have been looking at using descriptive language to “paint a picture” when we are writing.

We used our senses to think about what is happening all around us during Autumn and then created Shape Poems.  These poems take the shape of the subject being written about.  We wrote about fireworks and had fun thinking of words to describe  how fireworks look, sound and move.

It was a little confusing trying to write our poems out in a spiral shape!  Here are a few poems for you to see.

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The wet and windy weather hasn’t stopped us from enjoying our new playtime equipment.  The skipping has been very popular and I think it is possibly time to dig out all of those old skipping rhymes for the children to try!

It has been lovely to see the class taking turns, co-operating, negotiating and problem solving in our outdoor play area.  Well done P5/6!

The class like to try and jump over the spinning rope without the rope touching them.
I wonder what’s on the menu today?

1 Star (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Leaves all around us

As part of our Biodiversity topic we have been classifying living things, including ourselves!  We made classfication keys about our class members and more recently looked at a range of different types of leaves from our nature garden and Mrs Henderson’s garden!  We sorted them into groups according to texture, size, scent, number of leaves, edges etc,  Then we tried to see if we could identify the tree they came from, just by their leaves.  Some were very obvious, but some were quite tricky to identify.



In P5/6 we have been creating a list of things we would like to use at playtime.  Our budget is £60, so we need to try to find the best deal for each item on our list.

We have been learning how to navigate around shopping websites, using filters so that we can find exactly what we are looking for.  We found out that it was important to check how many items were being advertised and to compare products.  Some products were very cheap but the delivery charge was very high!

Ethan discovered that if he looked a little further and narrowed his search a little more, he was able to find 3 basket balls for the same price as 1 in an earlier search.  Well done Ethan!

Ava and Freya thought they had found a great deal on chunky chalk with 100 pieces in the pack!  It’s a good job they read the reviews as that particular product had a low rating with lots of complaints!  Well done for spotting that girls!

We have noted down all of the things that we think could be bought and now we have to add it all up to check that we are within our £60 budget.  Fingers crossed!

Fiona was looking for chunky chalk to use at playtime. She tried to find the best deal by looking at how many were in a pack, the price and the delivery charge.

Biodiversity Bingo

We had a super afternoon exploring our school grounds, searching for a variety of living things.  Everyone had a bingo board with a range of living things to find.  It was great fun taking a closer look for signs of life in the trees, under stones, pieces of wood and in the long grass.

After our bingo game, we had time for a quick game of hide and seek in the “forest”!  The trees are growing so well that it was very hard to find people!!

We ended our session with a visit to the nature garden and pond.  We patiently sat and waited to see if there were any frogs and we were not disappointed!  It was very exciting to see them hopping about in the heather.

Family Game

We are enjoying all of the posts coming in for our poem about an Outdoor Classroom.  Keep them coming!!

In the Henderson household, we have been playing lots of board games together as a family.  We didn’t get a chance to complete our Maths games in class, so I challenge you to use your imaginations to create a game for your family instead!  Perhaps you would like to teach someone in your family some of the French words and phrases we have been revising…?

It could be a…

  • board game (will you need counters, dice/spinners, cards…?)
  • card game
  • physical game (will you need music, instruction cards…?)
  • spelling/maths game for younger brothers or sisters

Remember you will need to include instructions too.  We’d love to see examples of your games, so you are welcome to send us a photo/video to the school email address. 

Have fun!!