Last week of term

The end of Term 1 is almost upon us!  Three of our pupils shared some exciting news with us this week, so we simply had to get a photo to celebrate their achievements.

We are lucky to have such an inviting and comfortable library in our school.    What a lovely time  we had on Tuesday, relaxing with our books.  We hope that P4/5/6 continue to read over the holidays too!

Many of us enjoy being able to choose what we write about in class. It was lovely to see everyone working so hard to achieve their writing targets this week.  We sat together on Wednesday afternoon and enjoyed sharing what we had written with everyone.  It was fantastic to see how many children were excited to share their writing and give positive feedback to others.

Maths time on Wednesday morning was good fun, playing number games with our friends.  We had to remember to take turns and listen carefully to each other.

In the afternoon we spent time building jigsaws in small groups.  Some jigsaws were tricky and will need more time to complete, but I know that we have some determined pupils in P4/5/6 who will keep going , even when the task seems impossible!

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Thursday 3rd October

It’s been a busy day in class!  We started off with our Music lesson with Ms Stewart before returning to class to work on measuring with the help of Miss Newbold.  We’ve been measuring using metre sticks over the past few weeks but the children have been keen to work with smaller units of measurement too.  Today we tried drawing lines of a given length using rulers.  This is actually a tricky skill but one that they all picked up quickly.  We enjoyed playing a game of ‘Measurement Tag’ to reinforce these skills.

Today is also National Poetry Day so we listened to several poems during the day, including the Shetland dialect poem ‘Eence Apon A Time’ by Vagaland.

We then took this year’s theme of counting and tried to create a Harvest themed poem that rhymed.  We worked in pairs to support each other with that as getting a line that makes sense and rhymes is tricky!  We will continue with this on Friday!

The afternoon saw us enjoying some time outside while this beautiful weather holds!

Finally, we welcomed Michelle McAdoo into class and she talked us through what a Harvest festival in the Christian church would look like.

She told us about the importance of thanking God for everything he’s provided but also about how important it is to give and share.

At the end of the day, she gave us all some sweets that we were to give away to someone deserving.  Thank you Michelle for a wonderful visit!
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Maths Outdoors

It was too sunny to do our Maths indoors today!

We have been looking at place value and how larger numbers are constructed.  Each hoop represented a digit within a number.  We placed the correct number of objects in each hoop to show our understanding of the value of each part of the number.

There is a lot to think about when we talk about the value of each part of a number.

  • How many hundreds does your number have?
  • How many thousands?
  • Why are there 3 beanbags in the first hoop?
  • Why is one of your hoops empty?
  • Can you write the number to match your hoops?
  • How do you say the number you have made?

Making 4 digit numbers

It was fun using the hoops for adding sums too.

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10/100/100

1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

The Results Are In!

We tested the last of our wind powered cars today.  Some groups needed more time to make slight modifications to their sail or car structure.  As well as engineering skills being developed here, the pupils were working with a partner to share ideas, make decisions and persevere with the task when it didn’t always work first time.  What a lot of learning going on!

Some cars didn’t get finished in time, but those pupils will still get the chance to test their sail making abilities, using a ready made toy car.

As each car was tested. it was lovely to hear the positive feedback given to each group, along with some helpful tips on how to improve on each design.  Some common themes were:

  • Getting the right shape and size of the sail
  • Can the wheels turn?
  • Is anything on the bottom of the car creating too much friction?  We realised that the car would need even more wind energy to help it to move.
  • How the sail was held up – was it secure enough?

With Mrs Smith, the class have been working on their measuring skills and these skills were put into good use for this task!  There were lots of helpful pupils who were keen to read how far each car had travelled.  Very accurate measuring from all!

All of the cars moved when wind energy was provided, even if just a little bit.  However, the most successful wind powered car travelled a massive 1m 80cm!

Even when things didn’t go to plan, it didn’t matter!  We had fun watching the results and learning from the process.  This car was even pushed over by the wind!


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Wind Power!

As part of our topic looking at Renewable Energy, we have been working with a partner this week to construct a wind powered car.  Each group were only allowed to select up to 4 “wheels” using the materials provided, along with straws, wooden skewers and tape.

This was definitely a task to test our patience and perseverance!  We quickly found that our first designs were not quite right and needed to be modified.

Then it was time to have a little test to see if their cars were going to work.  Most groups found that there were still small changes to be made to improve on their design.

It was lovely to see everyone working together to solve the problem.  What a helpful bunch we are in our class!

Next week we will set up a fair test and measure how far each car travels when wind energy is provided.  We will also evaluate our own  designs, thinking about what could be adapted to make improvements.  We’ll let you know the results next week!

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31 Playful Minutes

What a lovely afternoon we had, playing together with friends!

Playing Dungeons and Dragons

Playing with horses

Craft and play dough

Busy on the farm

A photo opportunity was missed for those who were playing table tennis and Boccia in the hall, but they had lots of fun too!

When the class were asked if they had been doing any learning this afternoon, it was amazing to hear what they felt was important as they were playing.

Some of the main themes were:

  • Sharing
  • Helping
  • Taking turns
  • Solving problems
  • Thinking of others

What a great start P4/5/6!  I can’t wait until the next one!

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Pupil Council Voting

Remember that P4 and P5 will be voting tomorrow (Wednesday 4th September) for who they would like to be in the Pupil Council this year.

If you are putting yourself forward to be in the Pupil Council, please prepare something to say about why your classmates should vote for you!

Good luck!


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Term 1 Learning

Here is a brief overview of some of the learning that will be taking place in P4/5/6 over the coming term.

  • Maths – Place Value, Number Bonds & Measuring Tasks
  • Language – Spelling Groups, Grammar Groups and Handwriting Activities
  • Reading – Daily ERIC Time (Everyone Reading In Class) alongside Reading Groups and our class novel, ‘The City of Ember’.
  • Writing – Creative writing ideas that arise from our novel and other written tasks that allow us to work on our use of punctuation, sentence structure, spelling etc…
  • Listening & Talking – Encouraging good listening skills, especially to new routines and instructions.  Encouraging respectful talking to both staff and peers alike.
  • Topic – Sustainability/Renewable Energy/Electricity
  • Health & Wellbeing – Class Charter, Zones of Regulation & Growth Mindset
  • Religious & Moral Education – Christian Festival of Harvest

If you have any experience or expertise that you can bring to any of these topics, we’d love to hear from you!

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Fun with Probability

We had an introduction to basic work on probability for something a little bit different this week, as we head towards the end of term.  Work in this area also takes in work on Fractions and Information Handling which we are looking at in class just now so the game ‘Blocko’ fitted in well!

Each pair were given a board with sections marked 2 -12 and 12 cubes.  They were asked to arrange the cubes in any way they liked.

Some chose their favourite numbers.
Some placed them randomly.
Some placed one on each number with one extra placed randomly.

They were then told the rules of the game and were given the chance to rearrange their cubes once they had been given the full instructions!  When two dice were rolled, the total of the two numbers would be shouted out and if they had a cube on that number, they could remove it.  The winners would be the first to remove ALL cubes and shout, “BLOCKO!”

Some were happy with their choices and chose to leave them as they were.  Others began to think about our introduction to probability and began to realise that some totals are more likely to be rolled than others, given the number of combinations that can make them.

Random placement but changed as the photo below shows.
This pair thought there would be more likelihood that the totals 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 would be thrown.

We had a couple of competitive games with everyone keen to be the first to remove all their cubes!

For our second run through, we recorded the results we got and displayed them in a Frequency Chart.  We discussed what this tells us about the probability of rolling certain totals and we talked about what surprised us.  We did not expect 3 to be rolled so often given that there is only one way to make it!

Blocko Frequency Chart

It was a fun Maths time! 🎲

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