Exporting and Importing Blogs

Glow blogs can be exported and you can import other blogs into Glow.

There are a few scenarios where these features may be useful:

  • You may want to move a glow blog to another blogging service.
  • You may want to move a blog from another service, say WordPress.com into Glow Blogs.
  • You might want to combine two blogs.
  • You might want to create a template site to clone (duplicate)  it.
  • You might want to move a blog from one LA to another.

Not Exported

Widgets, plugin, themes and theme settings are not included in an export. Contents of text widgets can be copied and other widget will need to be recreated. If importing a blog that depends on plugin or theme features that are not available on the blog service imported into these will obviously not be able to be used.


Glow Blogs provide the standard WordPress xml export. This exports your content, posts, pages, menus etc to an xml file that can be imported elsewhere. Other WordPress sites can import the content and other services may offer a WordPress import.

To Export your blog

Logon to the Blog Dashboard
Go to Tools-> Export

You can choose to export All content: This will contain all of your posts, pages, comments, custom fields, terms, navigation menus and custom posts.
Or you could choose to export Post, Pages or Feedback.

If you choose Posts or Pages you will be given further choices, All posts or a particular category for example.

After you Click the Download Export File button you will download an xml file named for the blog and date, eg: glowbloghelp.wordpress.2015-07-06.xml


Before you import content to a blog you need to Activate the WordPress Importer Plugin in the Plugin section of the Dashboard. It is also a good idea to activate any plugins that are active on the site you are exporting from.

Then go to Tools->Import and Choose WordPress

You will then get the chance to choose and Upload a WordPress xml file.
You will then get the opportunity to set the author of the imported content (or map authors to existing authors) and if you want to ‘Download and import file attachments‘.

If you choose Download and import files the blog will try to copy across the images and other files attached to posts and pages.


Menus will be imported but you will still need to add the menus to your blog. The placement of menus depends on your theme, different themes support placing menus in different places.
You can add the menus in the Dashboard: Appearance -> Menus ->Manage Locations tab

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