Tag Archives: Outdoor Learning

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

If you had been down at the park yesterday, you’d have been sure of a big surprise…

The afternoon children were there with their teddies for a picnic.  We had some time to play at the park then we did a treasure hunt to find the hidden teddies.  We had races with our bears and then sat in the bandstand for our picnic.  Afterwards we enjoyed playing on the big pitch with the balls.  What a fun afternoon!

Watersports Fun!

Primary 5 pupils enjoyed a day of Watersports at Carlingwark Loch in Castle Douglas. They showed perseverance, resilience, courage, communication and teamwork skills while sailing, canoeing and kayaking. Mrs Dyson, Mrs Cox and Mrs Fortnum were very proud of the effort made by everyone! A big thank you to all the instructors who helped make this such a fantastic day.












Beach Visit

The morning session children from the nursery were joined by the pre-schoolers from the afternoon (and a few mummies) for a visit to Rockcliffe beach yesterday.  We were very excited to be going on the bus!

When we got there we split into groups and completed a range of activities.  We made some beach art, hunted in rockpools and went a walk to the jetty to name just a few things.  We had a picnic snack and played some ball games.  What a great time we had!

Outside Play

With the weather being so nice this week we have been making the most of the opportunity to spend most of our time outside.  The children have enjoyed playing in the garden and on the play equipment in the playground.  The slide and the swing are still the favourites but we have had fun with the water tray, climbing on the tyres and playing “holidays” in the boat.

Releasing our butterflies.

The butterflies that we have looked after since they were tiny caterpillars were big enough to be released into the wild today.

We have watched them grow from tiny caterpillars, through their chrysalis stage and finally emerging as Painted Lady butterflies.

Today we took them to our playing field and watched as some immediately flew away and some stayed for a while to say goodbye.

They have given us so much enjoyment over the past 5 weeks.

P5D Artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

We have been learning about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and have been amazed at some of the sculptures he created. We especially loved his artwork using ice, snow and leaves. We were inspired by his work and were keen to create our own nature artwork. Mrs Dyson was very pleased with how well we worked with others to create our art and how confidently we spoke about our creations.





P5D visit RSPB Mersehead

Primary 5D enjoyed our outing to RSPB Mersehead to learn about the journey of  Barnacle Geese. We were amazed at the journey the geese make from Svalbard in the Arctic to Scotland each year. We had great fun creating our own beach art using natural materials. After lunch, we learned about the lifecycle of the Natterjack Toad. This rare and amazing toad is currently hibernating at Mersehead. We visited the bird hide and used binoculars to spot wildlife. Although the weather was wet and windy, we had a great day!