Category Archives: Sports

RDA Presentations

Dalbeattie Primary was delighted to have a visit from representatives from the RDA (Riding For The Disabled) at our assembly  on Friday 11th December. Sue Gourlay from Barend presented some of our young people with certificates to celebrate their passing ‘Level 1 of Riding Practical and Knowledge Skills.’  Two other children, who have only started riding recently were awarded certificates for endeavour. The school is very grateful to Barend Riding School and to the RDA which is a charitable organisation and to its volunteers. The RDA provides a wonderful opportunity for our young people to learn new skills and to develop a relationship with horses.

DGSFA Soccer Sevens

Nine Primary Seven pupils were picked to play for and represent Dalbeattie Primary School at this regional (Dumfries District) event today at Palmerstone Arena in Dumfries. The event was a qualifying round for the SFA Soccer Sevens competition that runs throughout Scotland.  The team represented the school very well and showed fantastic sporting behaviours and attitudes. The boys were a credit to the school, parents and coaches Mr MacDougall and Mr Cathro.IMG_0048Dalbeattie Primary P7 Soccer Sevens Team.