Category Archives: Sports

ibike Obstacle Course

The wet and miserable weather today didn’t stop some of our P6 and P7 pupils from getting on their bikes and taking part in an ibike obstacle course with Katie our ibike leader. Children braved the rain and had a fantastic time developing their cycling skills going over various ramps, jumps and beams.

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P5 Group 1 water sports

The first group of Primary Fives  visited Carlingwark Loch yesterday with Mrs Graham and Mrs Robison to carry out some fun activities with the Outdoor Education team. The children were split into three groups and took part in sailing, kayaking and canoeing. All the children had a great time and were very enthusiastic throughout.  Some even braved the cold and snow to have a little swim at the end!

Well done!

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Bling Your Bike

As part of our participation in The Big Pedal, Katie from ibike is  supporting us with some cycling activities. The first of the activities was Bling Your Bike for P 1-3 on Friday 22nd April. There were some fantastic bling bikes and scooters.

1st Prize in scooter section : P1 Fraser Davidson, P2 Logan Forster and P3 Lewis White.

1st Prize in bike section : P1 Maisy Pipe, P2 Abi Hart and P3 Amber Latimer.

Special bike prizes : P1 Jack Martin- covered bike completely in pipe cleaners. Daisy Gilmour – even with two flat tyres, Daisy still decorated her bike as a fantastic unicorn.

Well done and thank you to everyone who took part.

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Nursery News

We have been learning all about the Sun and the Moon in the Nursery. We read ‘Whatever Next’ and had a great time re-enacting the story using the same props as the bear in the story.  We then created our own stars and 3D Sun, Moon and Earth to hang in our space role play area, alongside our space ship!  We used different art techniques to create the Sun and Moon on paper too and had lots of interesting chats about what the Sun and Moon might be made of.  We have now watched some super videos which have helped us understand what the Sun and Moon are really made of and why they are important to us on Earth.

We finished off this week being sporty for Sports Relief! We had a workout outside, played a lot of football, rode the bikes and used the exercise equipment inside.  To keep us fuelled up Mrs McLatchie prepared home-made pizza with the help of some keen cooks!

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P6 Cross Country Competition

On Monday 7th March Primary 6 held their annual cross country competition in Colliston Park.  The children had been in training having completed a block on jogging and then fitness.  There was much cheering from parents and children as all crossed the finishing line!  Well done Primary 6!

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First boy past the post was Leon Pipe.

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First girl home was Tia Thorburn.


Well done to all our winners!



RDA Presentations

Dalbeattie Primary was delighted to have a visit from representatives from the RDA (Riding For The Disabled) at our assembly  on Friday 11th December. Sue Gourlay from Barend presented some of our young people with certificates to celebrate their passing ‘Level 1 of Riding Practical and Knowledge Skills.’  Two other children, who have only started riding recently were awarded certificates for endeavour. The school is very grateful to Barend Riding School and to the RDA which is a charitable organisation and to its volunteers. The RDA provides a wonderful opportunity for our young people to learn new skills and to develop a relationship with horses.

DGSFA Soccer Sevens

Nine Primary Seven pupils were picked to play for and represent Dalbeattie Primary School at this regional (Dumfries District) event today at Palmerstone Arena in Dumfries. The event was a qualifying round for the SFA Soccer Sevens competition that runs throughout Scotland.  The team represented the school very well and showed fantastic sporting behaviours and attitudes. The boys were a credit to the school, parents and coaches Mr MacDougall and Mr Cathro.IMG_0048Dalbeattie Primary P7 Soccer Sevens Team.