Acts Of Kindness

Acts of kindness that have been shared this week

Callum and Jake have made their mum breakfast this week.

Ailsa baked cakes as her act of kindness. She gave some to her neighbour.

Louis helped to make dinner.

A kindness poem for granny by Nell.

Megan from P7 emailed Mrs Duncan to share her acts of kindness.

I have been busy and helpful at home and working hard, these are two of my acts of kindness this week that I’ve done so far. I drew a rainbow for the window for the NHS, to say thank you to them, and took photos on my camera of our chihuahuas for Sarah for her birthday.


Liam helped his mum cook dinner.

Lexie and Emmie cooked tea all by themselves for mum,dad, family members and delivered it to their doors.

Owen P6  acts of kindness, letters to grandparents and he made a card for his mum and dads 30th wedding anniversary.

Well done Owen.

Mitchell and Amy have been helping mum with house work and they have made a thank you poster to all the teachers and staff at the school. These were handed into the hub today. Amy has also been baking brownies with mum to give to my uncle Campbell for his birthday.

Freya’s act of kindness was helping her brother learn gymnastics.

Elise and I made pictures for our neighbours/family and distributed them to bring a smile to their faces.
Our nana’s original picture had faded so she asked if we could make another.
One of our nana’s elderly neighbours wrote us a thank you letter and the other left us some chocolate bunnies.
It made us feel happy and warm inside and meant we could see our great nanas through their windows, or they came to their doorstep to wave. Jasmine P5
Matilda baked a cake and delivered some to family.

This week Rose took up Mrs Duncan’s challenge to be a bucket filler. Rose has been playing with her little sister and helping her get dressed. Rose went with her Dad delivering meals for a children’s charity (see pic above) she had to stay in the car but was helping to find the house numbers. Well done Rose.

Emily made this lovely gift for her mum because she thinks she is the best.

Blair made a cake, made cups of tea for mum while she was working. He also made an inspirational quote poster and made acrostic poems of family members names. He made thank you posters for the people emptying our bin and to the Roan’s Dairy drivers. He has also organised a facetime group chat with family members. He has also helped with the dishes.

Jake made coconut brownies for his family and dropped some off at his granny’s door.
Isla’s  good deeds this week were making brownies for her Granny and she wrote a poem for her other Granny and read it to her on face time. Isla also made a card for one of her friend’s birthdays. She normally helps to  tidy up at dinner but she did it all one night!.
Rex created a butterfly and decorated a pot for his granny. He is missing her during these times of lockdown.

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