Category Archives: Classes

Primary 4’s weekly update


This week Primary 4 have been busy learning lots of things on Teams. In Literacy they have been working on homophones (there, their and they’re) and practised to using adjectives, connectives and different openers to upgrade sentences. They did such a good job with this task that their teachers had a really hard time choosing the top 3 from each class! They also made some wonderful posters, SWAYs and PowerPoints describing the positive qualities of someone they admire. It was lovely to read all the nice things they had to say about their mums, dads, aunties. In Maths P4 have been working on the 6 times table and learned to use the words likely, unlikely and impossible to talk about probability and chance, for example, It is likely that it will rain tomorrow. Some of our P4s also enjoyed learning about Spanish painter Picasso and made beautiful abstract masks.

Well done Primary 4!


Another busy week in P2…

Primary 2 had a very busy week. Have a look at what we have done at home…

  • We were learning about the meaning of ‘non-fiction’, we wrote interesting facts in our jotters.
  • Rainbow writing is a fun strategy that we used to make us more confident in our spelling. We used the website ‘Doorway speller’ to practice our common words.
  • Learning to describe things in writing as well as speaking is very important. That is why we practised using adjectives to describe our favourite book characters.
  • Imagine you were asked to split a pizza in half for your other friend. You would have to know how to split things in half. Luckily we know how to do this because we were practising splitting things in half all week.
  • As well as that, we made sure that we will not forget all the things that we have learnt throughout the week by playing the ‘Sumdog’ challenge and filling out a worksheet about halves and quarters that our teachers have set for us.
  • ‘Lunes, Martes, Miercoles…’ these are some days of the week in Spanish. P2 already know what they mean since we practised this by listening to a video on YouTube.
  • An international language is a language that lots of people around the world can understand at least a bit. Through expressive arts, we can talk about our feelings in a way that is easy to understand. This is why we watched a video about ‘Jack and the beanstalk’ and joined in along with our families.
  • Staying fit is key to leading a healthy life. To help us, we did a Go Noodle activity which was found on YouTube.
  • We all have most likely seen an ant before, but – how much do we know about them? Lots now! This is because we have learned about Minibeasts for science and then watched a video to learn some facts about ants! Later, we also learned about what plants need to survive.
  • For RERC, we looked at Psalm 65: 9-13 and contemplated it, praying with our family. Also, we watched a video on YouTube about how God spoke to Moses and later talked about it with our family. Next, we drew a picture of what happened. Some of us even wrote a few sentences to go along with it!


This Weeks Eco Challenge!

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who managed to complete last weeks challenge. You are helping us to achieve our action plan for this year while we are all working from home! That’s amazing!

Take a look at this weeks challenge:

Go to this Sway

Let’s see if we can get even more people completing the challenge this week.

Speak soon!

Eco Leaders

P3 Home Learning (w.b. 1.06.20)

Good Morning everyone,

We hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine!

Please find attached the learning grid for this week (w.b. 1.06.20). Remember to send a couple of pictures of your child’s work and a sentence about what they have enjoyed learning this week to the school inbox. A huge thanks to those of you that have sent in pictures so far- it’s great for us to hear how the children are getting on and helps us to plan for future learning.

Have a great week and please get in touch via the school inbox if you have any questions.

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 9 final



Busy Week in P1!

Primary one have been busy this week working hard in the sunshine! Here are some of the things we have been up to :

  • In numeracy we have been learning about the connection between addition and subtraction. We are beginning to apply what we have learned to word problems.
  • In writing we have started to look at functional writing and this week we wrote instructions. It was a little different to the personal and imaginative writing we are used to.
  • In literacy we read some new stories and answered some comprehension questions to help us better understand them.
  • Our new Topic is going really well and the boys and girls have been feeding back how much they are enjoying it.  This week we were learning about the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus Rex!
  • We enjoyed this weeks stem challenge of creating new beds for our toys. We had to think really carefully about how heavy our toys would be and what materials would be strong enough to use.

Well Done Primary 1!


Primary 2’s Busy Week!

Primary 2 have had another busy week completing lots of tasks from their home learning grids. Here are some of the activities we have been doing:

  • We used Oxford Owl website to choose a book and predict what we thought would happen in the story. We used the front cover and blurb to help us.
  • For Spelling we got to choose the way we would like to practise our sound for the week and we completed a Sumdog Challenge.
  • We created a character description about an Orge using lots of different adjectives.
  • In Maths, we were learning about rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. We completed a Sumdog Challenge to help us practise rounding along with other fun activities.
  • We were revising our numbers in Spanish from 1 to 20 using songs on YouTube.
  • Having a growth mindset is very important. We watched videos about the importance of having a growth mindset and then discussed what we learned with an adult.
  • We completed a ‘What is your name?’ workout. We had to do a different exercise for each letter of our name.
  • As part of our Living Things Topic, we learned about food chains and drew an example of a food chain in our jotters.
  • We also learned about the different parts of a plant. These are petals, stem, leaf and roots.
  • We watched a Dance first and then tried to copy the moves. Later we  tried to add our own choreography.

Another Fantastic Week in P4!

Primary 4 have had another fun-filled week with lots of activities to keep them busy at home. In Literacy we revised homophones, especially ‘to’, ‘too’ and ‘two’. We also enjoyed some performance poetry by Michael Rosen. This one was called ‘Chocolate Cake’. Yum! He brought the poem to life by using onomatopoeia, so we learned a little about this too.

In Numeracy we revised fractions and applied our knowledge of division to find fractions of money. We also had fun creating our own Tangrams online!

Some children got creative with their food this week and made pieces of art with their meals or snacks! Others followed drawing tutorials online and improved their skills.

On Sunday it will be the Feast of Pentecost so we have discussed how the Disciples might have felt when the Holy Spirit came down upon them like tongues of fire. Some of our P4 children would have been celebrating their First Holy Communion this weekend and are feeling sad that they cannot.  We look forward to the time when we can all celebrate with them.

Primary 4 have reflected on their learning this week. Here is what they had to say.

“The food creation was my favourite. I made a banana car and it was funny.”

“I liked the maths because you can use fractions for slicing a piece of cake or pizza.”

“I enjoyed the onomatopoeia song!”

“I like performance poetry because I found it really fun!”

“Fractions are useful in everyday life, for example when telling the time.”

“This week I had fun making the sunburst painting and I put it on my window so now my room is colourful.”

“I like watching Newsround.”

“I enjoyed fractions. It was hard to start with but I got the hang of it in the end.”

Primary 3’s week

Another busy and hard working week in Primary 3.  Some of the activities we have been doing this week are:

  • We have been finding out about the different jobs that the Egyptians did.  We have learned about Pharaohs and researched some information about them.
  • We have been thinking about what makes a good friend and the qualities they need to have.
  • We have been learning about division.  We have been sharing lots of objects out and trying to complete some division tasks. We also tried a sumdog challenge.
  • We have been looking for the silly word in a passage and trying to think of words that make more sense.
  • We looked at a famous artist work then thought about what we liked and disliked and how we could make it better.  We then created our own art work.
  • We read a passage of information then tried to draw what we thought it would look like.
  • We wrote a story about going on an adventure on a rocket.  We thought about where we would go and what we would do.
  • We listened to the Bruno Mars song ‘Don’t give up’ and thought about our growth mindset.
  • This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday so we looked at what this is and what it means.
  • We thought about the world of work and thought about jobs people do.  we thought about a job we would maybe like to be when we are older.
  • We looked at cereal boxes and thought about how they persuade us to buy them.
  • We have also been trying to write our own questions about books that we like.

Most children are enjoying the science, art and topic lessons.  Well  done Primary 3!

Thank you for all the feedback and photographs this week. We have received nearly 100 photographs! Keep working hard P3.  We are very proud of you.

Mrs Canning and Miss McCormack

Primary 5’s Week.

Another busy week for Primary 5  learning at home. We continue to be very impressed with the commitment and motivation shown by lots of the children, a very well done to you all !

What have P5 been up to ?

In Literacy more words were issued and trhe children learnt how to spell these in a variety of ways.  Similes and metaphors were revisited and the children used these this week in their recounts.

In Numeracy, the children worked on finding amounts of fractions, used their problem solving skills and chance and probability to work out solutions .  They also continued honing their number talks skills.

The children learnt about another significant figure from the past,  Florence Nighingale. We thought that this was apt considering the great work currently being done by the NHS.

In Health and Wellbeing the children were issued daily challenges from Mr Muldoon, our P.E teahcer.  We also encouraged the children to get lots of fresh air and take breaks away from the screen. We are so lucky to live nearby green spaces!

We have to say though, (judging by the children’s reactions) that Thursday was the best day of the week as the boys and girls spent their time doing Titanic themed activities including : making models of Titanic, producing a menu fit for a first class passenger, drawing Titanic step by step, calculating how mant life boats Titanic should have had, taking a virtual tour of Titanic Belfast, making ice lollies and flaoured ice cubes and sourcing and calcuating a cruise for 2. We planned the day like this as we should have all been going to Belfast to visit the Titanic Museum, but the Corona virus put paid to this.  However, the P5s didn’t  allow this virus to dampen their  spirits and a fun day was had by all with lots of fantastic work produced.

A very well done P5 !

Mrs Mac and Mrs Kilpatrick.

P3 Home Learning (w.b. 25.5.20)

Good morning everyone,

Please find attached the learning grid for this week. Please email the school mailbox a couple of pictures of your child’s work alongside a sentence or two about what they have enjoyed learning this week. Thanks to those of you who have sent pictures so far, it’s great for us to hear how the children are getting on and helps us to plan for future learning.

Please email the school mailbox if you have any questions.

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 8

Learning in Primary 6

A shorter week but a super busy week in Primary 6. We won’t be getting lost after lockdown after learning about directions and grid references on maps.  We are also learning about the process of pollination in our new science topic.  We also created a pic collage of the five things we do each day to keep us happy:

Be more active

Help others

Take notice

Develop relationships

Learn something new

However our most important task this week was to begin to prepare our buddy information for the new Primary 1 pupils. This year we have to be very creative using our digital skills to share information about us and our school so that the wee ones have a smooth transition into starting school.

P5s Working Hard From Home!

Another very busy week, we were off on Monday but still managed to fit in lots of fun, challenging and thoughtful tasks.

We had our usual daily tasks of Spelling, Number Talks and Reading, along with our energetic participation to Joe Wicks exercise classes and Mr Muldoon’s challenges; teachers included, thankfully no video footage of that!

Here are some examples of the work uploaded onto Teams from our classes. We have a lovely example of spelling and a fantastic Number Talks layout, clearly showing the strategy of removal.


In Maths we looked at fractions of a whole number and did a little place value revision. Here are some fantastic examples provided by our classes.


We also did lots of tasks for Literacy, this included, reading, developing our listening skills, writing and also looking at some grammar points. There was an activity looking at prefixes and this was particularly well done by P5. Here is just one example of the work carried out.


There were tasks to design French posters, make a happiness jar, make a wind chime, research the story of the amazingly brave girl Anne Frank. We have also been following the music scheme ‘Treasure Island’ and the children were asked to practice the 6th song of the series ‘Jimmy be Good’. Maybe we could have a P5 concert when we all get back together to showcase all of the songs we have covered! We also had some General Knowledge quizzes, for all the future budding ‘The Chase’ competitors, maybe one day we could have a go at taking on the Governess!

We hope you enjoyed today’s Mass, it was truly lovely for many reasons but in particular it was so nice to hear the children’s voices at the end. We miss you all and are so proud of how well you are all coping with things. Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Mac and Mrs K

Super Learning in P3! (w.b.18.5.20)

Primary 3 have had a busy week completing lots of home learning tasks, read on to see what we have been up to this week.

  • In Literacy, we learned new spelling patterns and practised our words throughout the week with active spelling tasks. We wrote a diary entry about what we did with our day off. We have continued to read lots of stories while we are learning at home and we created our own comprehension task by choosing some Blooms questions. We have also created a play script for a well known story and had fun acting these out. We are beginning to work on our dictionary skills and continued to practise putting words into alphabetical order.
  • In Maths, we have been playing Sumdog to practise our numeracy skills- a special well done to P3b who managed to place in the top 20 for the West Lothian Sumdog competition. Miss McCormack is very proud of you! We continued our time topic, where we learned how to read and create timetables. We began to look at measurement, focusing on length. We thought about why it is important to use standard measurements, had a go at measuring objects in our homes and played some Topmarks games to test our knowledge.
  • In Health & Wellbeing, we researched healthy recipes using the internet and recipe books to create a healthy meal for our families.
  • In Social Studies, we continued to learn about the Ancient Egyptians, this week we learned all about Hieroglyphics, we know that this is the Ancient Egyptian alphabet and is made up of pictures and symbols. We wrote names, designed signs for rooms in our homes and even had a go at writing a letter using hieroglyphics for someone else to crack.
  • In Art, we learned all about the artist, James Rizzi. We looked at a piece of his art work and thought about what we liked and disliked about it. We then had a go at creating our own cityscapes based on his work. This helped us to learn about the visual elements of colour, line, form and tone.
  • In RERC, we created our own prayer of thanks to God as well. We know that the work Eucharist means Thanksgiving.
  • In Science, we learned about Inheritance. We know that this means characteristics that are passed on through our genes. We looked at pictures of our family that we had at home and tried to work out which characteristics were shared in our families like hair or eye colour.
  • Our Technology challenge this week was to think like an engineer. We know engineers design things that solve problems. Our task this week was to design an invention that could be used to solve a problem in our own homes. We drew labelled diagrams and some of us had a go at designing a prototype product.

Keep up the hard work Primary Three, we love seeing all of your pictures. You continue to make us proud every day!


This week Primary 7 have been very busy learning and working at home! We had an extra special day on Tuesday as we had a video call with some students from both St Margaret’s Academy and Broxburn Academy. As the primary 7’s are unable to attend their transitions as usual, we were lucky enough to ask the high school students some questions via video call and have our queries answered very well. This opportunity helped a lot with worries about going to high school without being able to attend more transition dates and we are hoping to get more chances like this in the coming weeks.


Never Eat Soggy Waffles

This week P4 have been learning how to use compass directions (Never Eat Soggy Waffles) and brushed up on their rounding skills (nearest 10 and 100). They have really enjoyed working on their Famous Scots project in literacy and have produced some incredible posters and PowerPoints or Sway presentations. As part of their STEM, some P4s have made videos for the Sky Academy Competition as well as some impressive space rockets and toys for their pets using just some old t-shirts. They kept their bodies healthy with Mr Muldoon’s daily challenges and also their minds, with lots of Health&Wellbeing activities. We are very proud of the hard work that our Primary 4s are putting in every day. Well done!

P2 Weekly Update.

We are finishing our seventh week of home learning. We did a fantastic job as usual. Have a look at what we have done.

To broaden our knowledge of literacy we used Oxford Owl and read a book of our choice aloud with the excellent expression. Then we answered blooms questions.

We were practising our spelling words in pyramid writing. Then we logged into Sumdog and completed the spelling challenge set.

Also, we created poems about Spring, using our senses.

In addition, we were practising our handwriting by writing our addresses.

Knowing how to add numbers is a very important life skill. So for maths, we revised addition by playing games, filling worksheets and completing the Sumdog challenges the teachers had set for us.

Que clima hace hoy? What is the weather today? In Spanish, we were learning about weather vocabulary. It is good to know other languages.

We did research online about living creatures that live in our local Union Canal.

Capturing spring on a piece of paper may not be easy for everyone but for our young artistic minds it was ‘easy peasy lemon squeezy’.

May is the month of Mary so we discussed with members of our families why we honour Mary so much. As well as that we watched videos from the Bible Beginners channel on YouTube.

‘Who we are and what we are good at is not fixed.’ All of us are unique and we all have different talents but that does not mean that we cannot get better at things. We looked back at all the skills we have learnt since the time we were born.

Here is what some of our pupils said:

‘I did my missing numbers within 50 without a chart!!’

‘Still loving my sum’s more than writing but love learning different subjects’

‘Working hard in my writing, I think you will be impressed with the amount I have written and how many WOW words I’ve used during home school’

P2 Home Learning Grid (W/C 18.05.20)

Hi everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend!

Please find attached the Home Learning grid for week 7.

Sumdog challenges will be set each week. These will be available Monday to Friday for you to access.

Remember you can email us  if you have any questions or send us pictures of your learning to the school email address:

We hope you are all well smiley

Mrs Alexander and Mrs Koziel

P2 Home Learning- Week 7 

P3 Home Learning Grid (W.B. 18.5.20)

Hi Everyone,

I have attached the learning grid for this week (week commencing 18.5.20). We would really appreciate if you could please send a couple of pictures of your children’s work with a little message telling us what activities they enjoyed that week to the school mailbox. It’s great for us to hear how your child is  getting on and helps us to plan for future learning.

Please continue to use Sumdog as we will continue to post challenges to develop Numeracy skills.

If you have any questions please email the school mailbox, we are happy to help!

Miss McCormack & Mrs Canning

Home Learning week 7 new

P1 Home Learning Grid (W.C 18.05.20)

Hello Everyone,

I have attached the learning grid for this week (W.C. 18.5.20). Please send pictures of your child’s work and emails letting us know what they are enjoying to the school inbox. Thank you to those of you who have sent pictures so far, it’s great for us to hear how they are getting on and lets us plan for future learning.

Each week we have been putting challenges on Sumdog, the challenges run from Monday-Friday before expiring. This is so we don’t have too many up at the same time because it can be quite confusing for children.

Any questions just email, we are happy to help!
Miss McKeown and Mrs Gardiner smiley


Home Learning Week 7

Super Learning in P3! (w.b. 11.5.20)

Primary Three have been working very hard this week. We are very impressed by the positive attitude that you continue to show in your learning!

In Literacy, we learned new spelling patterns through active spelling tasks. In Reading, we have been digging deeper into texts by using our Blooms Buttons to answer questions but also to create comic strips of a plot.  We continued to watch Newsround to develop our note taking skills and we used our notes to create our own version of Newsround. In Writing, we watched David Walliams read some of his book, ‘Gangsta Granny’ which we used as inspiration to create our own adventure stories using a family member as the main character.

In Maths, we learned all about Time. We know how to read a clock and some of us have had a go at adding time. We created a flyer for a fair and had to timetable all of the different events. We revised our knowledge of the seasons looking at the months, weather and wildlife you might expect to see. We used exercise to develop our estimation skills, guessing how many we could do in a set time and then having another go using a timer. We used this information to complete a table. We created a time table of our daily routines.

In Health and Wellbeing, we thought about different occasions that people would eat together. We created a set of rules for our dinner hall based on what we know about table manners.

In Social Studies, we learned more about Ancient Egyptians. We researched the River Nile and why it was so important to the Egyptians. We learned about a tool they used called a Shaduf and researched how to create our own. We also researched everyday life in Ancient Egypt and compared it to our own. We used the information we had gathered to complete a table.

In Science, we have been learning about Water. This week we created our own diagram to show the Water Cycle and how rain is created. Some of us completed an experiment to create rain in a bowl.

In Art, we learned about the artist Heather Galler. We looked at one of her famous paintings and discussed what other paintings of flowers we know. We used materials we had at home to create our own versions of the painting. This helped us learn about colour, tone, line and pattern.

Our Technology challenge this week was to design and create a chair using materials we had at home. We sat a toy on it to check it worked and made adaptions if it was too weak or too small.

We know that May is the Month of Our Lady. In RERC this week we have been learning to pray a decade of the Rosary to Mary. We looked at icons and pictures of Our Lady from around the world and drew our own picture of her. We know that Mary has many different names. We listened to three different hymns about her and wrote down all of the names she was called. We wrote these around her picture.


Primary 5’s Week

Hello Everyone!

P5 have had another good week working hard at home and posting work for  us to see. Mrs Kilpatrick and I continue to be very proud at how well you are all doing , thank you for working hard!

In literacy the children have worked hard on their new set of spelling words, writing them in all different ways including, bubble writing, rainbow writing and  used them to make a pairs game and also a wordsearch.  They have continued to practise their listening skills using David Walliam’s daily stories and learnt how the meanings of words can be changed by adding a prefix.

Lots of super stories were written this week using  the story starters that we provided.  What great imaginations P5 have ! It was nice to see that lots of the children used exciting vocabulary and some similes, very well done !

In numeracy P5 consolidated their skills on a few different concepts, including: time, money, rounding and fractions. More ‘Number Talks’ were tackled and lots of calculations solved using a number of different strategies including: chunking, friendly numbers, compensation and partitioning.

In R.E the children were encouraged to pray especially hard to Mary.  They were also asked to choose their favourite Saint and make a Powerpoint or Sway presentation. Saints Andrew and Patrick are very popular!

P5 learnt about more famous people including: Joseph Lister.  Following on from learning all about him they conducted our own science experiment using water, soap and pepper.  This experiment was useful as it reminded the children of the importance of handwashing to keep those germs away. The children also conducted a food science experiment by making soda bread.  Having looked at the pictures we can see that there are a few chefs in the making as they looked delicious!

P5 have also used skills learnt in STEM to make their own musical instrument.  Lots of cool and noisy instruments were made and some boys and girls even attached a sound file to their work so that we could listen to them, fantastic!

All in all it has been a productive week!

Here is what some of  the lovely P5’s  have said about their learning this week:

‘I have enjoyed the Brainteasers’.

‘I have enjoyed my chanter lesson and listening to David Waliams’.

‘I have enjoyed doing activities like making an instrument and doing art, it’s my favourite thing to do’.

‘I like doing the maths because it was sometimes hard and sometimes easy and it gave me a challenge’.

Here are some examples of their work.

P2 Home Learning Week 6

This week we had lots of exciting activities to do…

In maths, we were learning about Data Handling. We have completed different types of graphs/charts, extracted key information from graphs to answer questions and took part in a Data Handling Sumdog challenge.

In literacy, we have been learning the difference between Fact and Opinion. We know that a fact is known to be true and an opinion is what someone believes.

We were learning to write character descriptions. We completed a character description about a witch using lots of different    adjectives.

To develop our Spanish we used a video from YouTube to teach us how to say different greetings. Later we revised them with an adult.

We started a new topic this week called Living Things. We learned the difference between Living and Non-Living things. Living things are alive e.g. plants, people, animals and non-living things are objects/ items for example, door, table, TV, tablets.

We also learned about what Living things need to be able to survive. We know that living things need: Food, Water, Air, Shelter and Sunlight.

This month is the month of Mary. We have been practising saying the Hail Mary and are going to say it every day for the month of May. We also watched a video to learn more about Mary.

As part of our resilience topic, we were looking at respecting ourselves. With our families we discussed our strengths and qualities, if there were similarities and differences between us and why everyone can’t be good at everything. We then shared something that we would like to improve on.

This week we worked on our fitness by doing a ‘What’s your name?’ workout. We had to do a different exercise for every letter of our name.

Practically Perfect Primary 4!

Yes, we have been revising alliteration this week in Primary 4! We have also learned about the Scottish man who is famous for inventing the TV, John Logie Baird.  Our spelling sound this week was ‘tch’ and we took part in some fun activities including making  a pairs game with our words. Tuesday was National Limerick Day so we had lots of fun creating our own limericks. Some of us found this hard but we had a growth mindset and persevered!

In Maths we have learned about volume and capacity and also worked on repeated addition for multiplication sums. Our STEM activities this week included drawing a 3D alphabet and creating bird feeders. It’s been a busy week and lots of fun. Here’s what some of our brilliant P4 children had to say:

“I found the capacity experiment was fun and easy to do.”

“I enjoyed learning about John Logie Baird because I found it interesting.”

“I enjoyed filling the basin with water and guessing how many litres it would take.”

“I can help my mum cook by telling her about the litres and millilitres.”

“I liked making the bird feeder this week. I learned that birds like to eat apples, cherries, grapes, sunflower seeds and nuts.”

“I have enjoyed art and history this week.”

“This week I learned how to write a limerick. It was really fun and and I enjoyed finding rhymes and counting the syllables.”

“I can use volume and measuring at the shops because I can tell how much milk or water there is in a container.”

“I enjoyed art because I like drawing pictures for my comic strip.”

A Short but Busy Week in P5!

Hello everyone! It has been a busy few days, we have been tackling spelling tasks, ‘Number Talk’ tasks, researching famous people (we looked at Mother Theresa this week), investigating metaphors, looking at loads and loads of maths and we even squeezed in a little bit of science!

Here is a small example of what we did this week:-

Money Tasks and Number Talks


We have had some great examples, here is one to show you how well this exercise was done.



We looked at the ‘Water Cycle’ and then for fun we carried out a ‘Making a Rainbow’ experiment! It was packed with lots of scientific language for us to learn!

Your teachers are so proud of how well you are all coping with these changes, keep doing your best, but more importantly stay healthy and happy.

Take Care Everyone!


P4’s short week learning from home!

Primary 4 really enjoyed the long weekend and back on Wednesday ready to learn! This week they practised spelling common words, possessive pronouns, they told us all about their weekend in their ‘weekend news’, did some work on division and explored how capacity is used around us. They have also been busy with their First Holy Communion preparation and joined the P4 Playground group on Teams, where they will be able to catch up with each other.  This is what our P4s said about their week:

– I have enjoyed finding out how many litres and millilitres something holds. I have used this to  work out how many litres of water I drink in a day.

– I learned about VE Day which stands for Victory in Europe. This is when the Second World war finished.

– Have enjoyed finding things in the kitchen cupboards for maths. I know how much is in a bottle now, because I can read the measurements on the label.

– In literacy we learned grammar and spelling which is necessary for good writing.

– I enjoyed learning spelling because I am getting better at my words.


P3’s Short but Busy Week

After a few days off to enjoy the nice weather  we went back to home learning on Wednesday.  We know it is not easy but we are so proud of you all and love seeing photographs of all your fantastic work. Thank you for sending pictures to us.

Here are some of the things we have been doing this week:

  • Learning to tell the time on a digital and analogue clock.  We even made our own clocks at home.
  • We have been writing questions that we would like to ask the author of our favourite books.
  • As May is the month of Mary we made prayers to Mary.
  • We have started to learn about the Egyptians and found Egypt on a map.
  • We have been thinking about what makes a good sentence and trying to up-level our sentences and make them even better.
  • We looked at Kandinsky’s circles in Art and tried to create our own circle art work.
  • We listened to the story of ‘Owl Babies’ then made our own wanted posters or wrote a letter to the owlets to tell them about our own fears and worries.

Here are some examples of the fabulous work taking place at home.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

Primary 2 have been working very hard at home. Have a look at our blog to see what we have been learning in this short week…

In literacy, we have revised our common words to help us consistently spell them correctly.

We used the  Oxford Owl website to explore a variety of books and write a summary about what happened in the book we read.

We have also written about our feelings in our jotters. We wrote about how we feel spending so much time at home.

In maths, we have been learning about estimation. We have had some worksheets where we had to guess what number should fill the blank space on the number line. We also played some math games using the new skill of estimating.

One of the subjects in school is to learn another language. Since we are learning at home, we asked our parents for permission to have an account on Duolingo to help us uphold the knowledge of Spanish and take it to the next level.

Creativity is in everyone. It is also in all the children of P2! To use our talents and imagination, we gathered different materials and created a unique picture of what WE think spring looks like.

As May begins, we are going to try to have a better relationship with Mary the Mother of God and God himself- Our Father, by praying to them every day in our own words.

Making the right choices in our day – to – day eating can sometimes be difficult. Luckily, we know exactly what to do because we have been cutting out food and putting it on a paper plate to make a healthy meal for ourselves. This will help us to know exactly how to eat healthy in the future.



Thank you for the lovely pictures we have received so far. Remember to keep sending us pictures of your amazing work.

Take care everyone and have a nice and safe weekend

Mrs Alexander and Mrs Koziel


Probability and Persuasion in Primary 6

This week Primary 6 have been investigating probability with some games and data handling tasks. Some children chose to do their tasks outside in the sunshine and others preferred to stay inside in the shade. Lovely to have that choice while we learn at home.

We continued to develop our skills in persuasive writing by creating an advert for a product of our choice and use language that would entice someone to buy that product.

We have also been learning about the next stage in the Wars of Independence with the Battle of Falkirk,  which was not too far away in distance. The children researched some of the weapons and armour used during this period in history to create diagrams, a scratch animation advert and to design their own weapon that would have been more successful for the Scots in this battle.

Well done Primary 6 we enjoyed seeing your creativity this week.

Primary 7’s Work From Home!

The first week back to school in May has been marked by tremendous weather, exciting STEM experiments and an interview with an astronaut. Although we have continued to face challenges and missing our loved ones, Primary 7 have made an amazing effort to remain upbeat and positive throughout their online learning – a massive well done is in order!

Throughout the week Primary 7 have been working on their literacy, numeracy and engaging with lots of online quizzes! We have also been revising our Spanish.

On Wednesday, Primary 7 created their own volcano using water and food dye – we have some mixed results but it was extremely fun!

On Thursday we were lucky enough to be invited to listen to European Space Agency astronaut and former International Space Station crew member, Tim Peake. Following on from the recent cancellation of DataFest20, which included STEM events, we were able to listen to an interactive event with Tim – where the winners of the STEM Challenge asked him some very interesting questions about his expedition.

Tim also showed us some amazing photographs that he took from space and explained the details of his expedition.

The Milky Way
A Thunder Storm

We hope that everyone has had a lovely week and managed to enjoy some of the sunshine! Take care and stay safe everyone!

From, Miss Fraser & Mrs Bell

P5’s Work from Home!

Hello Everyone! This week we Joe Wicks’ed every morning

then we exercised our brains with some number talks and multiplication practice!

We also looked into inference; when we have to think about what information the author is subtly telling us. This can be tricky sometimes, so we have to practice it!


We pondered about ‘Thoughts of the Day’, we discovered that when we talk about ‘Forgiveness’ that we are actually quite a forgiving lot, even when our sister ‘borrows’ our chocolate or when our little sister thinks our head needs a seat and so throws a chair at it! What does this tell us? Well, maybe it is telling us that it is safer to have a brother? Maybe not?

Today is a very special day, it is the first of May. May is the month of Our Lady, so we have had a lot of fun making ‘May Altars’ and doing some fun crafts to decorate our own altars.


We hope you have had a good week and that you are all happy, healthy and safe. Remember next week Monday and Tuesday are holidays, so we will catch up again online on Wednesday.


Take care everyone.

Mrs Kilpatrick and Mrs Macdonald

P2 Home Learning

Here is what we have been up to this week…

In literacy, we have been revising sounds that we have learned so far using pyramid writing.

We were upskilling our sentences by trying to add WOW words to them and writing a letter to our teacher about what we have been doing during lockdown.

We also completed a book review on one of our favourite books from home.

In Maths, we have been practising subtraction using different materials we found at home e.g. pasta, pencils, blocks. We also completed a subtraction worksheet and played games online.

To develop our Spanish we used videos from YouTube to remind us how to say the colours, numbers and months of the year.

For science, we continued to learn about Forces. We have been exploring different objects that we can push and pull at home and at school.

In Art, we were learning to use textures by finding different materials at home e.g. wool, string, pasta, buttons, feathers etc. to create a picture.

We continued to develop our fitness by completing a Body Coach workout on YouTube.

We reflected with our families about why we should be thankful to God and wrote down 3 things we were thankful for. We also said our own prayers of thanks to God.


Primary 6 Home Learning Week


Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning.

Maths – The pupils have been learning division and how to deal with remainders.  They’ve used Division Wheels, Division Jigsaws, Division Dominoes.  They’ve also tried Division Word Problems to add breadth to their learning.  They can see the relationship between multiplication and division more clearly now.

Scottish Wars of Independence Topic – Primary 6 have done a lot of fun work with their topic this week.                                                                        Imaginative Writing – this took the form of an adventure story of a hero in the year 1315 in Bannockburn whilst a war was raging.  The pupils were given a starter idea for the story and they produced some great writing for this.                                                                                  Report Style Writing– this took the form of assuming the role of a Newsround reporter interviewing Robert The Bruce about his life.      Portrait Art– the pupils were asked to look at various images of Robert The Bruce from the internet, money, images from movies, history books and art galleries.  They then followed an online portrait art lesson to learn tips and techniques and then produced their own Robert the Bruce portraits with fantastic results.

Collage Art – the pupils were asked to create an outline profile of themselves and fill the inside of it with collage art – cut out images and words from magazines that hopefully represented themselves.  The children were given extra support by watching an online art lesson for this.  What a talented group P6 are.  The results were excellent.

Health and Wellbeing – the children used a map of Broxburn to help plan a safe cycle route.  Consideration was to be given to roads, canal and pedestrians.  Again, great ideas and problem solving from Primary 6.

Well done Primary 6! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.

P3’s Weekly Learning (w.b. 27.4.20)

Hello everyone, we hope you are all keeping safe and well. Thank you for sending in all of your home learning pictures this week. You are all superstars for working so hard and it looks like you’re having great fun too!

  • In Maths, we have learned about symmetry. We know that pictures and everyday objects have lines of symmetry. We also created our own symmetrical pictures and went on a symmetry hunt in our homes, gardens and local area. We had a go at some Number Talks, practising our removal strategy to help us with subtraction.
  • In Literacy, we had to choose some of our trickiest words from our previous spelling lists and practise spelling them in different ways. We used a film of our choice for a comprehension task and learned a little about the 3 S’s and the 3 C’s. These helped us to make some notes about our film. We wrote imaginative stories about children who were off school- we had to use what we already knew about stories to help us with this. We did some reading for enjoyment too.
  • In Social Studies, we continued our learning on climate zones. We researched a tropical climate zone and made some notes about where it was in the world, who lives there, the weather and what we thought the advantages/disadvantages of living there would be. We researched animals that live in each layer of the rainforest. We researched climate change, how it affects us now and in the future.
  • In RERC, we learned about Holy Week. We learned that this is the final week of Lent where we learn about the lead up to Jesus’ death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
  • In Art, we used our knowledge of tropical climate zones to draw a picture of a tropical animal. We thought about our art elements of line, colour, shape, form and texture.
  • In Science, we continued our Water topic. We had a go at completing an experiment to investigate which materials dissolve and which do not.
  • In Technologies, we had to design an invention which would help us to combat climate change.

Primary 4’s Home Learning Reflections

This week in Primary 4 all the children have been working very hard as usual. Their digital technology skills are improving everyday and they are sharing their brilliant work with their teachers through Teams.

We have enjoyed active spelling activities and P.E. challenges, as well as practising subtraction strategies and learning more about weight in Maths. Our Famous Scot this week was Charles Rennie Mackintosh and some children enjoyed drawing their own ‘Mackintosh Rose’.  Every week children in Primary 4 are improving their writing skills through ‘Weekend News’ and story writing tasks. Well done boys and girls! We have finished our week by praying a Hail Mary as today is the 1st of May (the month of Mary).

Here are some Friday Reflections from our P4 pupils:

“I enjoyed learning about art because I can get better at drawing and making posters.”

“I learned new number talk strategies and how to write in paragraphs.”

“I enjoyed learning about plurals because it’s really fun.”

“This week I got more confident with subtraction strategies. I think the formal strategy works best for me.”

“I can use what I learned about weight when i’m baking.”

“The Maths quizzes were really fun.”

“I found the subtraction sums hard to start then it was easy.”

“I have been enjoying Health and Wellbeing because it’s really fun.”

“I enjoyed mindfulness because it’s relaxing and it makes me calm.”

Home Learning in Primary 6


Primary 6 have been very busy this week with our online learning. We learned how to use brackets in numeracy to help us group numbers in order to work out the answer easily.

Our writing focus was creating a persuasive letter to the Council regarding our thoughts on graffiti. We looked at some of the debating issues around this topic and the work of the graffiti artist, Banksy.  The pupils produced very well thought out and mature opinions on the subject.

Graffiti – click this link to see our points of view.

Our Science work focused on chemical reactions as we used some household solutions to try and clean the copper oxide from some old 1p and 2p coins. The most effective solution was ketchup due to the mixture of acid and salt.

We developed our drawing skills by using a Disney animation tutorial to create portraits of Pluto and other favourite Disney characters.

In Spanish, we videoed ourselves having a conversation about our feelings and role playing two characters, it was lots of fun.

Well done Primary 6 ! We are very proud of your dedication to completing your tasks and thank you to our supportive parents too.

Home learning in P2…

This week we had lots of exciting activities to do… Here are some of them…

In maths, we were learning about symmetry, we had a chance to explore symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes in our houses.

In literacy, we were revising our knowledge about question marks.

We have been reading books and then checked our understanding by completing comprehension worksheets.

We also practiced our handwriting in our jotters, writing our names and surnames.

This week we challenged ourselves by using different openers for our sentences to make our writing more interesting.

To develop our Spanish we used a video from YouTube to remind us how to say the days of the week in Spanish. Later we revised them with an adult.

For science, we were learning about Forces. We were exploring everything that you can push and pull.

Also to help relax and reduce stress, we watched a mindfulness video on YouTube and completed a mindfulness colouring sheet.

Helping our parents is just as important as learning. That is why we helped to prepare a meal with our parents by washing, peeling and cutting the food.

Thank you to all who sent photographs of their fantastic work. We are so proud of you all. Well done!!!


Cushions, inventors, recipes, digital Art and more in P4!

Primary 4 have been working really hard from home this week learning about subtraction, weight, making plurals, using Microsoft Paint to make a painting, keeping fit with the cushion challenge and learning about Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell.  This is what P4 said about their learning:

-This week I enjoyed doing Art.

– It was fun to learn chimney subtraction.

– I can use what I learned about the past tense, for example, to say “I ate a cake.”

– I learned to do kicky upees because I practised a lot.

– I enjoyed finding out how Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

– I enjoyed learning about Alexander Graham Bell in Literacy, removal strategy in Number talks and how to draw the world on MS Paint.

Primary 5’s week !

We might be at home but that doesn’t mean that we have not been working hard as we adapt home schooling.  We are very proud of the boys and girls and how well they are engaging in the online tasks.  A big thank you to your mums and dads too for supporting you with this.

What have we been up to ?

Well, lots of us start our mornings with Joe Wicks.  His exercises certainly keep us on our toes.  We also waken our brains up with a daily brainteaser.  Who can solve this one ?

What travels around the world but always stays in one spot?

In Literacy we are reading our class novels and logging in to hear David Walliams read a daily story.  We are continuing to leant new spelling words, this week we have learnt how to spell ier words.  We are also honing our writing skills by keeping diairies and writing letters to family members who we can’t see at the moment.

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued to practise our times tables using Sum Dog and Top Marks and revised telling the time in one minute intervals, recapping rounding numbers and recapping permiter and area.

We have made rainbows to hang up in our windows as a thank you to all of the keyworker who are working hard for us and logged on to Art hub and drawn Spring animals. We also watched a clip on how to create lots of animals by drawing round our handprints, this was particularly fun!

On Wednesday we had a science lesson on light and dark and drew pictures with light and shadow.  We learnt that light travels in a straight line until it hits an object, fascinating !

In R.E we have  celebrated Jesus rising from the dead and have practised the art of being thankful. We made a handprint care and wrote down 5 things that we are grateful for.  Times may be strange just now but we are still lucky for the lovely families that we have, the food in our bellies and the roofs over our heads.

Here are some examples of our work!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

All of us in P5.

P3 Home learning

This is our third week of learning at home.  Here are some of the things we have been learning about.

We have been `researching a Mediterranean climate zone and then creating a poster or video about why we should visit this area.

We have been using money this week to practice paying for items and calculating the change.  We have tried to make our own shops at home and also used topmarks games to help us.

We have been practicing common words this week and also writing  a diary about what we have been doing during this time.

We have been practicing making tens in number talks.

We have use the art hub to complete a drawing tutorial this week.

We have also been learning about things that dissolve and completing an experiment with things we have at home to discover what dissolves and what does not.

We have also tried to use dance mat typing to help us improve our typing skills.

We have also tried some additional challenges like building a den at home, doing P.E with Joe Wicks, watching the animals at Monterey Bay Aquarium and playing sumdog.  Here are some examples of fantastic home learning in P3.

Today we are going to be Scientist……

Good morning everyone…

Hope you are all well and safe.  We thought you could try out this little activity and bring the Scientist out in you. This is a great way for the children to use their imagination, problem solving skills, investigative skills while feeding their curiosity.  It would be a good way to show our support for our amazing front liners. If you could, it would be wonderful if you could send  us a little picture of you carrying out this experiment. Good luck!!  The Nursery Team xx





Make your own rainbow
Learn how to make a rainbow with this fun science experiment.
What you’ll need:

A tall glass of water (about three quarters full)
• White paper
• A sunny day
1. Take the glass of water and paper to a part of the room with sunlight (near a window is good).
2. Hold the glass of water in front of the paper and watch as sunlight passes through the glass of water and bends (refracts) and forms a rainbow of colours on your sheet of paper.
3. Try holding the glass of water at different heights and angles tosee  if it has a different effect.

You will only be able to see a rainbow when the sun is behind you and the sunlight refracts through the water droplets in the sky in front of you. Have a look here for a bit more help if you need it! =4ziRXe-w9yg



Art in the Garden

Primary 6 have been learning about tourism in Scotland and have been investigating different tourist attractions. As part of our studies we decided to take an art class at the Botanic Gardens.

We learned how to create a piece of art using the skill of batik. We began with an expedition through the desert and the rainforest (greenhouses) where we drew plants that would inspire our designs. We magnified our designs and then traced them onto fabric. We then went over the design with hot wax and used fabric dye to add colour.

This was the best art we have ever created !

P3 Weekly Update

This week in P3 we have been busy learning lots of new things:

In Maths, we have been learning about halve. We can have shapes, numbers, we can put objects into equal groups and we can count and plot halves on a number line.

In Literacy this week we have been learning all about how to write a story. We know all stories have a beginning,middle and an ending. We have also been learning about settings and characters. We also visited the library on World Book Day- we all enjoyed it! We also watched Author’s Live this week. We learned about poetry and comic book art.

We had a visit from Father Isaac, he talked to us about preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  We spoke about the 10 Commandments and how we can use these rules to live by God’s example.  We also learned all about the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus.

In PE, we were playing a game called Kingball. It was quite a tricky game- we had to practise our throwing and catching skills.

In Spanish, we have been learning our colours. We know how to say what our favourite and least favourite  colours are.

In Music, we were learning about different sounds and how they are made. We drew pictures of things that you would hear making noises in a busy street. We were learning about making music from street noises and continuing to learn about body percussion.

We also did the Daily Mile this week and played some team games as part of our Outdoor Learning.

We also said goodbye to Mrs Renshaw who began her maternity leave this week. We are all going to really miss her and look forward to meeting Baby Renshaw soon!



Primary 4’s Weekly Update

This week in Primary 4 we have been busy as usual.

In topic we have learned a little bit about deforestation, for example every minute in the forest trees the same size as twenty football pitches are cut down.

In P.E. we have been playing Continuous Dodgeball.  We need to be quick and alert.

We have been challenging ourselves in times tables this week. We have a sticker chart in our classrooms to show what tables everyone knows well.

We have also been learning about adverbs. An adverb is an adjective to describe a verb.

We used adjectives and adverbs to describe a rainforest setting in our writing.

P5’s Hard working week!

This week in p5 we have been very busy learning lots of different things.

In literacy we have been learning how to spell iregular words. We have also been learning the genre of writing a diary inspired by Anne Frank. Anne was a Jewish girl but she was born in Germany. She moved to the Netherlands during the war. She was held captive by the Nazis.

In numeracy we have been going over measurement( perimeter, area, width and length ). We made measurment posters and continue to practise our times stables and the 24 hour clock time and am/pm.

In R.E we have started to learn about Lent and Jesus’s hard time in the desert. We have prepared a Lenten calendar with lots of fun activites on the countdown to Easter. On Easter Sunday we remember how Jesus rose from the dead.

In P.E we have finished with our gymnastics routines and for no  we have been playing some really great fun ball games. We hope to move on to a new active topic in the near future.

Well done Primary 5 !

Written by Catherine and Gerard.

P3’s week

This week in P3 we have been:

  • We have been learning to take notes.   We know you don’t need to write full sentences with capital letters and full stops. We use bullet points.
  • We have been learning the 3 times table. The pattern in the answers is odd/even. We know that you add 3 each time.
  • We have been learning about patterns.
  • In handwriting we have been joining words like quickly, skipping and jump.
  • We had Mass on Wednesday for Ash Wednesday.  We know that we get ashes on our foreheads and it is the start of Lent. Lent is when we prepare for Easter and we try to give up something, or do more of something.
  • It was pancake day on Tuesday.
  • We learned about the 10 commandments that God gave to Moses. We know the 2 most important  rules are: love God and love your neighbour.
  • In Music, we learned about on the street music. we were learning about body percussion – clicking and clapping.
  • In Spanish, we learned about colours we love and don’t like.  We know how to say this in Spanish.
  • In P.E we were learning how to do knots and crosses. We were also playing ‘King ball’ which was a Kings and Queens game.
  • Yesterday we listened to a talk from a Robotics engineer. He has designed lots of different robots.
  • We also completed our engineering competition designs.
  • For writing we were learning how to write an opening.  we had to think of different openers and remember them.
  • We were learning about poems.  We listened to the poem and then drew pictures to go with the poem.

What a busy week! We can’t wait to see what we will learn next week.

Primary 1 Weekly Update

In Primary 1 this week the children have enjoyed learning about:

“we were learning about the months of the year”

“I learned that spring is a season”

“In summer we have our summer holidays”

” In autumn the leaves change to red and fall off”

“In winter it is cold and you might see snow on the ground”

“This week it was Ash Wednesday, we went to mass”

“Lent is the countdown to Easter and that’s when we celebrate Jesus coming back”

” In letters we learned the sound th”

“Our group was learning the ing sound at the end of words”


P3’s busy week

This week in Art we have been making pictures and using pattern and colour to make our art work beautiful.

In numeracy we have been learning our 5 times table.  we know that it is counting in 5s and each time you add another 5 on. The pattern is that the numbers end in a zero or five.  we know that 5×10=50 and that is the same as 10×5=50.  it has an even and odd pattern.

In handwriting we have been joining m, n and s. In P3a, we were writing the word grandmother without lifting our pencil from the page. Some of us were very shocked that we could write such a  long word.

We have been looking at Broxburn for our topic. We have been learning about the features of the area. We made a map to show where things are.

We were learning to take notes in Literacy. We know that you don’t need to write proper sentences with full stops and capital letters. We use bullet points to write our notes.

We had visitors from Stantec to talk to us about engineering this week.  Sam and Gil are engineers – one is a water engineer and the other is a civil engineer. We learned that they design bridges, houses and design ways to stop flooding.  They talked to us about how long projects can take. They told us about different materials that can be used. We are now going to enter an engineering competition and we need to design something to make the world a better place.

In RERC we have been learning  about the parable of the ‘Lost sheep’. The sheep are each of us and the shepherd is God. We know that God always loves us and forgives us and wants us to be happy.


Primary 5’s Weekly Roundup.


Image result for handball clipart

This week has been a very good week for primary 5.  This is what we have been up to:

We have spent a lot of time outdoors as we were involved in a litter pick ,  and filled THREE BIN BAGS of litter.  It was disgusting but we have made it look a lot nicer.  P5b had a turn at making dens using sticks and tarpaulins which was great fun. Thank you to Danielle from Kids Go Wild for leading us with this.

On Thursday we walked up to Broxburn Academy for a handball tournament.  Our teachers were particularly impressed with our good behaviour walking up and down and whilst we were there. It was great fun and we saw some of our friends from other school which was nice.

Next busy week in P2…

In maths we have been learning about movements. We know what is half turn, full turn, quarter turn in clockwise and anticlockwise- Derren

We have been practising our handwriting with letters Ww, Vv, Xx, Yy-Jannat and Ehtan

We have learnt about Litre and mililitre. We know that 1L is 1000 ml. We can estimate if the container holds more then 1L or less then 1L.- Matty

We know now that volume is how much liquid is in the bottle and capacity is how much water the bottle can hold.- Orla

We have been learning about Chinese New Year and we designed our own dragon masks- Thomas , Connor

In art, we learned how to draw a person and make a shadow.-Steffi

On Thursday it was a National Book Day and our P6 buddies came to read books for us and they helped to write a book review with us.- Niall

We made a prayer for Christian Unity Week. We wrote our prayers on a paper flowers and we made a bouquet.- Lauren

We have been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been doing to do pencil rolls, handstands, splits, cartwheels and forward rolls. – Caitlyn

We learned about the importance of a compass. It helps us to work out where North, South, East and West is- Inaaya.

We have been learning about Robert Burns. He was born on the 25th January 1759.- Jack and Zofia

We celebrate Burns night on the 25th January every year. At a Burns Supper they eat haggis, neeps and tatties- Penny

We looked at lots of different tartans and then designed our very own tartan- Murron

We decided that our new topic is going to be about Houses and Homes. We discussed what we would like to learn about Houses and Homes – Caiden and Orla

Primary 5’s Weekly Roundup

Image result for andy warhol pop art examplesPrimary 5 have had a busy week working hard and learning lots. 

What have we been up to ?

We learnt how to do CPR earlier in the week.  A big thank you to Dr Strachan and the nurses who came along from St John’s Hospital to show us what to do.  We also learnt how to put someone in the recovery position.  These are great skills to learn, hopefully we will never need to use them.

In literacy we have been recapping adjectives, speech marks and we now know that every time a new character speaks you have to take a new line.

In numeracy we have learnt how convert am and pm times using the 24 hour format.  This will be useful to us in later life as it will help us to be able to read bus and train timetables.

To mark Christian Unity week we worked together to compose a prayer based on the theme of kindness.  We then wrote this prayer on a flower that we made and used the flowers to make a spiritual bouquet.  Father Jeremy is going to put this on the altar.

We have also learnt about the parts of the body which make up the digestive system.  It is so interesting!

We have also been looking at Andy Warhol’s art and are in the process of making own versions.  Watch this space for pics !

Busy week in P2!

We have been practising forming the letters Ss, Tt, Uu and Vv- Harvey D and Zofia

In maths, we have been learning about area. We know that area is how much space a shape takes up.- Murron and Sophia

We have been working out math word problems. We used a Rekenrek to help us- Thomas

We have been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been practising forward rolls, cartwheels and balancing on the benches- Niall and Caiden

We had fun doing resilience tasks. We had to find people in our class that liked or done different things e.g. someone who liked pizza, someone who played a musical instrument- Amelia

In literacy, we were learning about different Scots words. We learned that wee lassie means little girl, greetin means crying, bairn means child, bahookie means bottom, bonnie means beautiful and craw means crow. – Jack and Lauren

In music, we were learning to sing 3 craws sat upon a wa’ – Freya

We have been learning to spell different words using oy and oi e.g. cowboy, enjoy, spoil- Harvey L




Primary 5’s Fantastic Fortnight.

We have hit the ground running and have had a fantastic start to 2020.

What have we been up to ?

Image result for children working clipart

In literacy we have learnt new spelling rules, focussed on characterisation (which will help us with our stories) and read read read!  We have practised our times tables as we know that these help us with our division and fractions and also honed our skills in telling the time using analogue and digital clocks.

In science we have learnt about the respiratory system and are currently learning about the nervous system. It has been fascinating to learn how the brain works and a reminder to us all to look after it. We have also entered an engineering competition, (more details to follow)  and Skyped a mechanical engineer, Jenny Roberts who told us about her work.  She was so inspring to listen to and has been involved in creating fantastic inventions.  She told us to have confidence in our designs for the engineering competition. Brilliant, we will Jenny !




In this week in P2 we…

We have been learning about 1 meter and half meter. We checked what is longer and what is shorter then 1 meter and half meter in our classes-Niall

We wrote our Learners` Statements about our  learning, Personal achievements and awards and certificates- Zofia

We have been learning how to spell tricky words like because, igloo,your etc.-Harvey L.

We have been practicing our handwriting with letters: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr- Harvey L.

We went on the senses walk around the school  to see what we can see, taste, feel, hear- Penny

We talk and wrote about New Year Resolution, about made our own goals for this year- Caiden

In PE we played team games. We all worked well together – Leonie

A Busy Start to 2020 in P3!

We came back to school after a lovely Christmas break this week. This is what we have learned:

  • In RERC this week we learned all about how God created us in His image. This means that every person has the ability to show qualities that God shows to us (Leylan, Daniel and Logan).
  • In Art, we drew an outline of ourselves and filled it with things that tell the story of us and what makes us unique e.g. pets, favourite colours, families and favourite foods (Julia).
  • In Maths, we have been learning about Position and Movement. We learned how to find items on a map. We know that to read co-ordinates you need to go along the corridor and up the stairs. We can write co-ordinates and we can also design our own grids with objects. We had to find a partner to read each others’ maps. (Zuzanna, Joseph, Jay, Joshua).
  • In Writing this week we wrote an imaginative story all about the day our teacher disappeared, our teachers had a giggle at reading them! (Logan).
  • In Reading, we looked at a passage from ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ but there were some words missing! With our partner we had to work out what missing word would fit in the sentence. Then we had to draw a picture of what was happening in the passage, this is called Visualisation (Weronika).
  • We had our first visit of the year to the library, some of us were very excited because we missed going while we were on holiday. We have taken books out and are reading them in the classroom (Daniel).
  • In Music,  we have been learning some Scottish songs. So far, we have learned ‘Three Craws’ and  ‘Ally Bally Bee’ (Sophie).

Primary 2 this week….

We have been practicing our handwriting-Caiden, Zofia

We have been practicing adding and subtracting. The picture was Santa- Thomas

We wrote letters to Santa- Caithlyn, Jannat

We painted Robin pictures- Jack

We performed our Nativity to our mums and dads- Ellis

We sang songs, Christmas Carol Concert- Inaaya, Oliwia G.

We made Christmas cards- Murron

We designed Christmas Jumpers for our elf called Coco and Pompom- Arriana, Niall

Primary 7a have had a festive fun filled week!

This week has been extra busy for Primary 7 with so many Christmas activities going on.

On Tuesday we learned the rules we learned the rules of divisibility.

On Wednesday we had our school Christmas carol concert, it was nerve racking at first but we all enjoyed singing and performing in front of a live audience. We also did choral counting, the mystery of the cinema suspect and number talks using divisibility rules with Mrs Heather.

On Thursday Andy Weir came into to do more presentations. The presentations were about swimming, cycling, bagpipes, World War 2 and Air Fix. We also started learning Christmas songs we are going to perform Run Rudolph Run and Santa Claus is coming to town and record them. We also had a visit from Hannah from the SSPCA who explained how to keep your pets and wildlife safe over the winter, for example, if there is a hedgehog going about during the day you can feed it cat food and phone the SSPCA to get it help. She also told us some interesting stories about a man who tried to sell an alligator on GumTree. There was also a lady who bought a pineapple from Asda, she saw the leaves move and inside was a venomous snake.


Another busy week for Primary 7a!

Primary 7 went on a retreat to Dunfermline to learn about St Margaret. We visited St Margaret’s cave where she went to pray and spend time with God. We also got to hold a relic of St Margaret (although this was a 3D print) of her shoulder bone which was very interesting. We also had mass in St Margarets church and a tour, the church was decorated with stations of the cross, a statue of St Margaret with a child, Joseph and stain glass windows of St Margaret.

In our WW2 topic we have begun to draw St Pauls Cathedral as it was bombed during the war. Although St Pauls Cathedral was hit by 500 pound bombs twice it did not fall down. We have also been learning about the Blitz (Blitzkreigg) which meant ‘lightning war’. Robbie and Molly brought in some special artefacts from WW2 including photographs of their family in uniform, badges, ration cards, identity cards and a plaque about the Victoria Cross.

Miss Norman also visited from St Margaret’s Academy, she taught us easier methods to use for subtraction sums we found this very useful.

Number Talks Parents’ Session

Thanks to all parents who attended our Number Talks session on Friday.  They had a brief overview of the rationale behind ‘number talks’ before heading to the classes to watch their children take part in a number talks lesson with their teacher.  All parents commented on how helpful it had been.

A huge thanks to all staff and children for leading this for parents on Friday.



What we have been doing this week….?

We have been practising our handwriting, Gg and Hh-Caitlyn, Zofia

We have been learn about money- Lauren

We have been learning practising making the exact amount 26p, 20p, 5p, 1p- Arriana

We have been pretending to be shop keepers during maths- Steffi

We have been practising our Nativity Songs- Caiden

In PE we have been working on our fitness. It is important to keep fit and healthy- Inaaya

We were learning to keep safe around fireworks and created some fireworks art.- Thomas

We were learning greetings in Spanish Good night- Buenas Noches-Karel

We were learning that some people cannot use all there senses. Some people are blind or deaf-Macie

We were writing Invitation to invite our parents to our Read, Write, Count Launch- Leonie

Some of us went to Multi Sports and we did lots of different activities e.g. football, basketball, running- Harvey L.

We have been reading interesting books- Aiden

We had a Golden Time on Friday- Niall




P3 Weekly Update 4.11.19-8.11.19

This week we have enjoyed learning about:

  • In our handwriting this week we have learned to form the letters r and s in cursive script. We thought s was tricky because we have to make loops. (Kacey & Weronika).
  • We have been learning all about money- we have made posters to show what we have learned. We have been learning to make totals up to £10 using different combinations of coins and notes.We used our problem solving skills in a money maze task(Sara, Jessica-Lily & Jack)
  • In Number Talks we have been learning about addition, we can use our doubles and near doubles, making friendly numbers and empty number lines (Weronika)
  • We have learned how to use question marks in a sentence this week, most of us found this quite easy to do! (Lena P.)
  • We have been using our Bloom’s questions to help us to learn more about our reading books, these questions help us to be creative thinkers (Olivia).
  • We have made posters in trios about the Ten Ways to Cope With the Rivers of Life from our work on resilience, we know that resilience means you keep on trying, no matter how difficult something is.(Sophie & Chloe)
  • In RERC, we are learning about Remembrance, we know that in November we remember people who have passed away. We had a think about our earliest memories to help us. (Rebecca)
  • We had a hymn practice on Tuesday, we have started to learn some Christmas carols.(Lucia)
  • We have been completing different exercise circuits in PE- they were lots of fun. Some of our favourite exercises were lunges, frog jumps and hula hoops. (Owen & Neave).
  • In Music, we were making sound pictures using music from The Nutcracker (Andrew).
  • In Spanish, we were learning about greetings (Leylan).

P4’s Spooky Week


We have been learning to add and subtract numbers using partitioning – Preston

In topic  we learned to identify the organs and know where they are – Justyna and Cameron

We have been learning about adjectives, verbs and nouns. – Shahzaib

In Health and Wellbeing we made posters about resilient people like JK Rowling or Michael Jordan – Isla and James F

We wrote an acrostic Halloween poem with those adjectives, nouns and verbs – Max

Each class had to make a scary trailer for Halloween – James H and Jie-Rui

We did some spooky division, multiplication – Thomas

We drew sugar skulls and learned about El Dia de los Muertos – Patrick

We learned how to use a (consonant) or an (vowel) – Cameron

P3’s spooktacular week!

Primary 3 have had a very busy week this week!

Emma – We learned how to make  pumpkin face using black paper and crepe paper. It was fun!

Sadie – We went to the library to borrow some books.  I picked a book about brains!

Owen – we had a hymn practise to learn hymns for Mass today for All saints Day. We learned the hymns Amazing Grace and Lord I Put Your Name on High.

Chloe – in handwriting we were learning to write the cursive letters p and q.  I think q is quite tricky.

Lena – in Music we learned the Hallowe’en song – the Witch fell in a ditch!

Andrew – we were thinking about resilience. We made resilience capes with ideas of how to make us feel better when we are having a down day. We know we can talk to others, read a book, go outside, play with toys and make a cake to feel better.

Jacob – we went to Mass on Monday. We had to sign hymns and say Mass responses and prayers.

Aroush – we have been learning about money in maths.  We have been learning to use different coins to make an amount. We can find more than one combination of coins to make a total.

Jessica Lily – in number talks we have been learning to make a friendly number to help us when adding 3 digits together.

Oliver – in Writing we were writing instructions about how to play a game of tig.    We know we have to include how to play, what you need and a title that tells us about what the instruction are for.  We also need to write them in order and use time openers like first, next, then and after that.

Chloe – in grammar we were looking at punctuation and making sure we use capital letters and full stops in all sentences!

Jessica-Lily- we also complete some Hallowe’en addition.







A Spooktacular Week For P7a!

Another group of P7’s went to St Margaret’s Academy as part of their transition program. First of all we went to the science department where Dr MacCallister showed us how to use the Bunsen Burner’s we also conducted an experiment to find out the best insulator by putting boiling water into a copper can and checked the temperature every 30 seconds to find the best insulator. We also went swimming and played the game to find as many ‘sinkers’ as we could for our team to win the game!

For Halloween on Thursday we took part in a maths challenge to find the mystery putrid pumpkin poisoner who turned to be Bailey Butternut! We have also been practicing for our presentations which take place on Monday and Beth’s dad Andy Weir will be coming to watch us. Harris read us a spooky story called The Curse of Cogston house we are excited to find out what happens at the end. We also typed up our learners statements for parents evening explaining what we have learned so far as well as what we have achieved. At the end of the day we had some Halloween fun by eating sweets and doing some just dance!


Primary 7a Fun Filled Week!

20 students from primary 7 had the chance to take part in a transition day to St Margaret’s Academy. First of all we went to science the teacher was called Dr McAllister, she explained the names and uses of the scientific equipment for example Bunsen burner, beaker, test tube, boiling tube, measuring tube, tripod stand, heat proof mat and thermometer. We conducted an experiment to find out which material – cotton wool, felt and bubble wrap – provided the most insulation. We found that the cotton wool provided the most insulation. We also went swimming, first of all we did a swimming assessment then played some games and did handstands etc.

Miss Norman came into our class on Thursday from St Margaret’s maths department to do a maths starter challenge with us. We had a certain amount of numbers to either subtract, add, multiply or divide to make the numbers from 1-24. However, we did not find out the answer to 22!

We started our World War 2 project by creating a wall display. We drew and cut out silhouettes of bombs, paratroopers, planes and zeppelins.

We also created some autumn tree art we had to draw lines and used yellow,orange and red paint to paint the background. We added glitter and painted on the tree with black paint we think they look very effective!

P3 Weekly Round Up

This week in P3 we have been very busy after our October holidays. Keep reading to find out more…

  • We have been learning about missing numbers in addition. We found it a little bit tricky because we thought we had to add the numbers together but now we know we have to find the difference! (Weronika & Ethan)
  • We have been learning all about Padre Pio and the prayer to our Guardian Angels. We can pray to them to look after us. (Jessica-Lily)
  • We have been thinking about what we already know and would like to know about our new topic ‘Sun, Moon & Stars’. We also thought about some activities we could do to help us with our learning. (Sadie & Lena P.)
  • In handwriting, we have been learning how to write the letters m,n and o. We found o the trickiest because we had to double back on ourselves when we were writing.
  • For reading, we had different passages to read and we had to answer comprehension questions in sentences. (Rayan & Chloe)
  • In art, we used oil pastels to draw a picture of our favourite animals to create a McZoo. These were inspired by Steven Brown’s McCoo’s. (Emma)
  • In digital learning, we have been learning all about how to find the keys and type. We used Dance Mat Typing to help us.

Busy week in P2…

We wrote prayers thanking God for looking after us and our family-Caiden

We have been learning about Place Value. We were showing how many tens and ones are in a number-Jack

We were writing Autumn Senses Poem. I can see leaves falling from the trees- Matty

We have started learning songs for the Nativity- Orla

In Science we are learning about our senses. Our senses are taste, sight, smell, touch and hear- Alyssa

Zero is very important in place value. 40 would not be 40 if you did not put the 0 it would just be 4- Lauren

We have been practising our tricky words by writing them in shaving foam and playing Twister. We had to read the word when you stepped on the coloured circle- Ethan

Our Week Of Learning in P5


We have been practising our times tables, mainly the 7 and the 9 times tables. We have also been journalists for our paper ‘The Broxburn Bugle’, it was fun pretending to be a journalist covering an event and interviewing people for our reports.

We have been learning and practising songs (we also discovered that it’s really important to do a vocal warm-up, just like we warm our muscles up before PE, we have to warm our voice up before we exercise it!).

There was great excitement at the book swap today and now lots of us have a new book to read over the holidays. Our Literacy Circle groups reviewed the novels that we have been reading this term and we gave our honest opinion, with evidence, of these books.

Have a great holiday everyone and see you in the new term!


(Written by: Hanza and Gaby P5b / Zofia and Umaima P5a).



Last Day of term!


This week in Maths we did some rounding to nearest 10 and 100. – Julia B

We’ve also been writing stories. We were thinking carefully about setting, character, build-up and ending. – Cem

We enjoyed learning about Saint Bernadette. October is the month of the Rosary and we prayed the Rosary with Peter and Moira. We also went to church to pray and sing beautiful hymns – Alfie, Julia, Isabella P

We learned some Spanish. We played a card game to practise the numbers and another game to learn the names of the animals – Isla.

In Music we practised pizza talking rhythms. – Damian

We learned about the history of football and made a timeline with the facts. – Megan

In PE we did dodgeball and line-tig. – Olivia

We also celebrated the last day of term with a cookie! Yum!!

Busy and fun week in P3!

We have had a very busy week in P3. We have been learning lots of new things.

Logan – we have created posters about the SHANARRI indicators as part of our health and well being topic.


Chloe – we have been practicing the letters k and l in cursive script.  The letter was quite tricky.

Emma – in Music we have been learning to make our rhythms.  we were using the notes ta, te-te and ta rest.

Sadie, Wiktoria, Lena S and Logan- we went to the woods.  we had to find 5 natural objects that we liked.  Then in our groups we had to chose a way to sort them.  we could try size, colour and age. Then we made pictures with our objects.  It was fun! We learned to sort objects.

Weronika – we created cards for the residents of Holmesview Care Home.  We had to write about what we do and where we go to school.  Then we had to draw a picture.

Andrew – in P.E we had to throw the hoops to each other.  We also had to jump into the hoops.

Mara and Emma- in RERC we were listening to the story of Joseph and his amazing coat. We learned that his brothers were not mice to him but he was also not nice to them as he told tales on them.  WE learned not to be mean to each other.  We also learned that God looks after us all even if we are not perfect.

Elias – In Science we were thinking about sounds we liked and didn’t like.  We liked the sounds of water and wind as they are relaxing.  we didn’t like the sounds of dogs barking because it is really loud.  Most of us like relaxing sounds and don’t like loud noises.

Chloe – In Spanish we were learning about animals. We were learning a song in the wrong order to see how well we know the song.  The song was about a man and mouse and a button.

Sophie and Andrew – In Maths and Numeracy we have been learning about function machines.  We know different strategies for adding on. We can use counters, cubes, number lines, 100 squares, empty number lines and our number bonds to help us.  We have also looked at missing number sums and tried to find the answer using different strategies.

We are looking forward to our well deserved week off!


P1 Update 11/10/2019

We have had another busy week in Primary 1. Here are some activities we did.


Marcel sorted all the different ways to make 2 and 3. He was working hard on his cutting skills too.


Eliza – ” we had to move the letters to sound out words”


Ava P – ” I listened to little red riding hood and then I drew a picture of the woods.”

We had really busy time this week. Here what we have been learning…

We have been learning about patterns-Zofia

We know how number patterns looks like e.g.2,4,6,8,10-Caitlyn

We were learning how to count in 5`s e.g.: 5,10,15,25- Lily

We have been learning about making predictions. We know to use the title and front cover to help us predict the story.-Lauren

We made the Recipe for Friendship e.g. 1 pinch of love, 1 handful of hope, 1 litre of kindness-Inaaya

We have been learning how God made people and also we know that God created us-Alyssa

At PE we have been learning how to play `line tig and disco tig games`. This was lots of fun.-Lauren, Harvey, Arriana
We have been learning about our feelings and emotions e.g. sadness and happiness etc. We know now that we all have emotions and this is normal- Murron and Arriana

P7a Weekly Update

This week was very exciting for some primary 7 pupils who were the first to visit St Margaret’s Academy for a transition day. We were lucky enough to visit the science department and use the bunsen burners to conduct an experiment by using a copper can, pouring hot water in it half way and putting different materials around the copper can to investigate how well the materials insulated the water. We also learned about the different equipment used in science and how to illustrate scientific diagrams. We found that the cotton wool was the best material for insulating the water. We were also lucky enough to go swimming in the pool. We did lengths of the pool and were set challenges to do tricks and flips. This was very fun!

On Wednesday we had a circle time and shared our emotions about moving to high-school, problems within the classroom and any worries that we had. We learned that everyone has different problems that we might not know about so to be kind to everyone and include them. It also helped to clear our minds and get things off our chest.

In maths we learned different strategies for multiplication including the grid and formal method. We found that different people found different strategies easier to use highlighting differentiation in our learning journey. We also started a Daily 10 Maths Challenge on multiplication – we have under 7 seconds to answer each question and anyone with 10/10 gets a house point!


P5 Another Wonderful Week!

(Written by Lara, Matthew, Cameron and Haroon )

In P5 we were learning to write a newspaper report, it was about a basketball match, we were being sports journalists! It was fun to pretend to be a real member of the Press.

We also made posters to advertise the Coffee Morning that we were hosting today, we hope that we have raised lots of money for the Macmillan charity. We will let you know how it goes!

P5a and P5b have been focusing on Money in maths this week. We learned how to budget, calculate different amounts of money using notes and coins and we played money games with a partner.



P7a Weekly Update!

We are looking forward to visiting St Margarets for our first transition day next Wednesday.

On Thursday we created some poems on a magical garden. We had to include similes and metaphors, for example the river was a ribbon of moonlight and we also drew our moonlit gardens using oil pastels. We also created magazine articles on different topics such as dogs, football, the future and swimming. We also created simile and metaphor posters to show our understanding of this figurative language.

In maths we created tessellation posters, we drew lots of different shapes to create a pattern leaving no gaps. In PE we toke part in a pre-tennis tournament in preparation for our end of topic tournament.


P1 Update 4/10/2019

P1 have to complete a “star job” everyday for both literacy and numeracy. After completing their star job, the children take a picture of their work. We look at these pictures on the board at the end of each lesson.

Here are some of the pictures the children have taken

Amy- “We were finding different ways to make 6”

Marcel- “I was doing letters”

Nela- “I used yellow and purple to make a pattern. A pattern has to go in an order”

Adrian- ” We made a house”

Jenson- “It had a chimney”

John- ” Mrs Brown came along  to visit our house”

In this week P2….

We have been learning about the number sequences on number lines-Lauren

We have been learning about Mary as October is the month of Mary-Oscar

We have been learning about gifts and talents that God has given us . We all have different gifts and talents- Emily

We have been learning how to write the letters ( handwriting lesson) Yy and Zz- Zofia

We went to the library to get some interesting books which we can read at school-Joseph

On Wednesday we had a hymn practice and learned new hymns. – Inaaya

In  literacy we had a  tricky words spelling test on Wednesday and on Thursday we had a Big Writing about our favourite toys- Harvey L.

We have been learning about being responsible and respectful. We know  that we need to keep our hand to ourselves, this shows respect. – Jack


P3’s Busy Week 30.9.19-4.10.19

P3 have been very busy this week, read more to see more about what we have enjoyed.

  • We have enjoyed doing our cursive handwriting this week, we have learned to write the letters, h,i, j. (Sadie)
  • We have enjoyed practising our spelling words on the laptops. (David)
  • We have enjoyed learning how to add bigger numbers in maths this week, we have used our  number bonds to help us with this. We have also been playing a game called Num Tanga to help us to subitise bigger numbers. (Tinashe & Owen)
  • We enjoyed going to the library this week, we got to choose a couple of books to read while we were there. (Lena P)
  • We enjoyed doing some outdoor learning this week, we had to build a den that a teddy bear could fit in. We all worked together very well in our teams. We used sticks, stones, leaves and grass to build them. (Nina)
  • We have enjoyed our Number Talks this week, we used the doubles and near doubles strategy when finding a total on tens frames. (Oliver & Elias)
  • In RERC, we talked about Mary and how we could be more like her. We learned a little bit about the Rosary and the Joyful Mysteries and we looked at the story of Anna and Simeon. We know that we have to be patient for things that we really really want. (Emma, John & Rebecca)
  • We enjoyed doing a science experiment this week to help us to learn more about sound. We used beaters, buckets and rice to be able to see, feel and hear vibrations. (Leylan)
  • We had a hymn practice this week, some of the hymns we sung were Amazing Grace, Lord I Lift Your Name on High and Lord I Enter Your Gates with Pride. (Mara)
  • We have been enjoying learning more about ball skills this week, we played Hula Hut to practise these skills. (Ethan)
  • We  we were creating our own rhythmic patterns in music this week, we had lots of fun. (Kyle)
  • For writing this week, we wrote a letter to our Reading Bears (Charlie Bear & Mr Cuddles) who wanted us to teach them all about friendship. (Weronika)

The Swimming Pool – Version 2

Primary 6 made the biiiiiggggeeessstttt artwork in the school ! We were inspired by the artist Matisse who is famous for ‘painting with scissors’ when creating collages. We learned all about Matisse because he has some of his work on display at the Modern Art Gallery in Edinburgh.

We worked collaboratively to create a marine scene using shapes of sea creatures and swimmers. If you wish to see this art work coming together then watch our time lapse clip on Twitter.

Working hard in P2

We have been learning about the properties of 3D shape.- Caiden

A square based pyramid has 5 vertices, 5 faces and 8 edges.- Matty

We have learned how to predict what is going to happen in the story.- Zofia

We have been learning about being nurtured. It means how is looking after us at home and at school. – Caitlyn and Lily

We were showing all the different ways to make 12 in our Maths Journals.- Jack

We learning about an artist called Piet Mondrian. – Inaaya

He paints lots of things with squares and rectangles. He only uses 4 colours which are red, blue, black and yellow.- Harvey L

Piet Mondrian was a primary teacher before he became an artist.- Alyssa

When he was older he went to art school.- Niall

We learned that John baptised Jesus in the river Jordon.- Ethan

We have been learning how to make the numbers 8, 9, 14 and 16 in the most effective way using a Rekenrek.- Freya

We learned how to edit pictures using an app on the Ipad. We changed the effects of the picture- Lauren

Visits, Multiplication, Writing and more in Primary 4

We learned the 4 times table with arrays, cubes and a song – Matthew, Julia and James F

We discussed climate change because it was on Newsround. – Daniel M

We learned about the commutative law. – Isla

We had some visitors who talked to us about our learning. We talked about what we were doing well and what we could improve on – Lovisa

We’ve been writing autumn settings. We know a good one should have adjectives that describe what you see, smell, touch… – Roman and James H

In Spanish we learned how to say your feelings. – Dermott

In Music we learned ta-a which is a minim. –Jie-Rui


Primary 7’s Fantastic Week

Primary 7’s Week

Our sport education teams have written their own statements to tell you about their week.

The Top Servers’ Say…
This week Top Servers decide who goes to the tournament and that is Megan and Maisie, Ethan and Archie. the player of the week is…NIA! This week has been has been busy practising for the tournament. We have also been really busy learning subtraction strategies in Number talks. We have also been learning about the squared numbers in the times tables.


The Slazengers’ say…
We have been getting on great.
Our Player of the week is: Alicja 😎
We have been playing tennis matches to decide who goes to the tournament,
Our 4 players going are.. Liam, Callum, Julia & Millie. The teams are Liam and Millie & Julia and Callum.

The Sport 19’s say…
We had a great week. We wrote a poem about are childhood.
We watched a movie with our buddies which was Inside Out for our health and well being.
Our pupil of the week is Freya.


The Net’s say…
This week we have been writing poems about our childhood,
We watched Inside Out as a treat and to learn more about emotions with our buddies.
Our player of the week is Melanie.

P5’s Week of Learning!

This week in p5b we have been dealing with money and learning how to budget. Sometimes this was quite difficult but it was really enjoyable and something we will use all the time, especially when we’re older.

I am really more confident with budgeting and using Google shopping` said Catherine


We also used SWAY to practice our Spanish skills, we focused on the weather El Tiempo!!

I am more confident in using ICT and SWAY`  said Mya.

In p5a we have been revising the rounding of numbers to their nearest 10s, 100s, 1000s and 10,ooos, we also started to look at rounding numbers up to 100,000. Some of us found rounding quite difficult and will practice more, however, some of us have increased our confidence with this task.

`I used to think that rounding was quite hard but now I'm confident in rounding to the nearest 10,000s`  said Raqab

A few of the class made up their own rounding game:-


In 5a we had fun creating a chant for our Maths Champ game, it uses the tune of Queen’s We Will Rock You` but we are using the words

We’ll do, we’ll do…MATHS CHAMP!!!

Well done Niamh for creating the winning chant.


In p5b and p5a, we are learning to create QR codes, we can now create these codes and display them. When you read our QR codes it will show everything that we are learning.

P3’s busy week

We have had a buy week in P3.

Chloe – We have been learning to do the cursive letter f.  It is very tricky.

Rebecca – We have learning how to solve conflicts.  We could share the thing we both want.

Lena – We have been learning about friendship.  We made a recipe for a good friend.  A good friend needs to be treated the way you want to be treated.

Sara – We have been doing a QR hunt to find famous friends and enemies.

Elias – We have also been practicing the letter g in handwriting.

Lena – We have made poster about how to be good friends.

Sophie – We made a friendship potion.  You need to be playful and helpful to be a good friend.

Emma – We have been learning how to count 1, 10 and 100 more than and less than a number. We have used 100 squares, deans materials and number lines.

Jacob – We have been learning how to log onto Glow.

Sadie – This week we watch the film Inside Out because we have learning about keeping our body and mind healthy.

Jessica-Lily – We have worked with our reflective reading partner s to find the silly word in a passage. We then came up with a word that would make more sense.

Lena – We have created a picture using the key information from a passage about Fantastic Mr Fox.  Some of us tried to use a green screen to create our picture!

We have had a very busy but fun week.

STEM Challenge fun!

We did a STEM challenge with Mr Heather on Thursday. We were building catapults to see if they worked by putting a ball in a cup and seeing how far it could go. We only had elastic bands to tie up the poles so it was quite challenging but fun working in teams. We also did escape the room maths challenge with Mrs Heather in which Maisie, Harris, Ethan, Luke and Isla.M managed to escape!

To celebrate European Language Day we created posters which included different flags and ways of saying hello!

We also had a great time at the movie afternoon watching Inside Out!

On Tuesday we started writing a poem about where we are from which was all about our childhood based on the poem ‘Where I’m From’ by George Ella Lyon.

P2 Weekly Update!

We have had a busy few days in P2.

We were practising our ball skills and skipping in PE- Orla

We were using drumsticks in Music to tap the beat of the song- Macie

We have been learning how many edges and vertices different 2D shapes have.  We have been looking at parallelogram, square, octagon, rectangle, circle and a triangle. -Matty and Penny

We made Chatterpix to tell everyone about the properties of 2D shapes.- Lauren

We learned how to say different healthy food in Spanish. Potatoes is Patatas, fish is pescado and orange is naranja- Ethan

We have been talking about the values of our school. Our values are friendship, honesty, trust, kindness, respect and fairness.- Jack



Re-drafting our writing in P6

We learned how to improve on our volleyball club leaflets. Our teacher gave us some tips and showed us what a good one looks like. Here are some tips we found useful:

  1. Choose three complimentary colours to make the leaflet eye catching.
  2. Use graphics and bubbles to make the important information stand out.
  3. Bullet points help to organise information. We used them to list the benefits of the club.

We could all see an improvement in our second draft and will use these tips again.


P3 Weekly Update w.b. 16.9.19

Primary Three have had a very busy short week, keep reading to find out more:

  • We enjoyed painting Autumn trees this week, we used paint brushes for our tree trunks and cotton buds for our autumn leaves. (Zuzanna and Orla)
  • We have enjoyed Spanish this week, we were playing games and sing songs. (Weronika & Andrew)
  • We have been enjoying using the Rekenrek for our Number Talks this week. We found that the most efficient strategy was the counting on strategy, we have also been making friendly numbers (Tinashe & Lena S.)
  • As part of our Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds topic, Lena S’ mum came to speak to us about Diabetes, we enjoyed learning lots more about this (Aaliyah).
  • We enjoyed going to assembly this week because we got to hear updates from the Eco, Health & Sport, Justice & Peace and the Pupil Council committees (Sadie).
  • In Music, we enjoyed learning about rhythm, we had to read the notes on the board and drum along while saying the names of the notes as well, (Sara & Daniel)
  • We have been enjoying learning about ball skills this week, we learned to bounce a ball on a bat to help us play tennis. (Sophia & Jack)
  • We enjoyed going to the library, we all chose a book to keep in our classroom until our next visit. (Sophie)
  • We enjoyed doing our Picture It activity for Reflective Reading, we had to read a text and pick out key words to help us create a picture of the main character, Blart. (Joshua)
  • We are still enjoying learning our cursive script, we are trying really hard to keep our letters the right size. (Weronika)

Primary 5’s Wonderful Week !

Image result for basketball clipart

It has been a short week but still a busy one in Primary 5.

In literacy we have been writing, writing writing ! We wrote great newspaper articles again and are really enjoying being journalists!

In numeracy we did ‘Number Talks’ and place value games as well as practising our times tables with our ‘Perfect Partners’.

In P.E we worked together in our basketball teams and played matches.  We used the skills that we have been taught including how to pivot, dribble, shoot, pass and score.  We are really enjoying our P.E sessions.

We had a quick litter pick around our school playground.  We didn’t have lots of litter we are pleased to report!

P5 have been asked to organise a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan.  We are really looking forward to working together to organise this next week. Watch this space for more details !


P7a had a ‘mathy-mathematical’ maths week!

On Thursday, we learned about 2D and 3D shapes in maths, our learning included going on a shape hunt to take photos using the I-pad of shapes in our school environment, naming shapes and their properties and creating shape riddles – can you figure out this one?

‘I have 3 sides of different lengths
I am a 2D shape with 3 sides and 3 vertices, what am I?’
– Scalene Triangle (Maya)

We have been focusing on our Number Talks with Mrs Heather, especially addition. Some of the strategies we used were compensation, partitioning, friendly numbers and rounding up. We also did a clapping game to practice our times tables this was very fun and multiplying 2 digit numbers and 1 digit numbers.

In writing we have been learning how to write a news article these are the things that we need to include: headline, byline, lead, body and tail. Things that might enhance our article are quotes and facts.

We were also introduced to debating this week. The subjects that we debated were seasons that are more fun e.g winter and summer, that school canteens should only sell healthy foods and should students be able to pick their own subjects at school.

Busy week for Primary 2

Primary 2 have been very busy this week. This is what we did…


We were learning about our our handwriting-Niall

We were learning about our punctuation-Joseph

We have tasted some healthy foods, my favorite was mango-Ben

We also made posters about keeping healthy- Inaaya

We made literacy and numeracy targets to help us with our learning- Macie

We learned that God called Abraham to leave home and go to another country- Inaaya

We had a football taster. We practised dribbling the ball.-Harvey D.

P3 Weekly Update 13.9.19

We have been super busy this week in P3, keep reading to find out more about what we have been learning!

  • We were rainbow writing our sounds this week. Word Wizards were learning the ‘ea’ as in break sound, Master Minds were learning the i_e sound and the Spelling Stars were learning the ‘sh’ sound. (Aroush)
  • We wrote Autumn Acrostic poems this week. (Orla & Lena S.)
  • We have been doing some reading this week with our groups and we have also started doing guided reading.  (Andrew)
  • In Maths, we have been learning all about Place Value. We have been looking at 1 before and after as well as 10 before and 10 after. (Samuel)
  • We have been learning about what makes us special, we completed a Pieces of Me task made up of jigsaw pieces that make us who we are. (Maisie)
  • We all had a football taster this week, we learned to dribble forwards and backwards, stop the ball, scoring a goal, toe taps and keepy uppies. (Daniel & Ethan)
  • In Art we learned all about hot and cold colours. We made pop art style pictures to practise this skill. (Julia)
  • In Science we discussed how different sounds are made. We investigated different musical instruments and sorted them into categories depending on how these sounds are made.

Primary 5’s Weekly Round Up

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Primary 5 have had another busy week.  What have we up to ?

In Literacy we have used Literacy Circles again and learnt how to be an Illustrious Illustrator and practised the other roles too including Word Wizard , Character Cop and Summariser Sergeant.  We are reading a lot more in general and are enjoying this.  We have practised our spelling words using lots of active spelling cards.  Some of our favourites include: ‘Other Handed’, ‘Rap your Words’, ‘Buzzing Bees’, ‘Colourful Words’ and ‘Upper and Lower’.  These activities are fun to complete and help us with the spelling of our words.

We have been learning the skills of what it takes to be a journalist in our writing this week.  We were given scenarios and wrote headlines for them.  Catherine’s headline, ‘St Nics Steal Sports Award’. Super use of alliteration here !

In Number  Talks we have recapped strategies to help us to solve more complex calculations.  We are very good at explaining our methods and really enjoy this.  We have also learnt how to identify 6 digit numbers and know that their value changes depending on their place.

In our Sports Ed topic, Basketball we have been working in groups to research a famous basketball team.  Once we have completed our research we ill make posters/Sway presentations to share our findings.

In R.E we learnt all about St Therese of Liseux and watched a clip of her relics arriving in Edinburgh.  What have we learnt ?

Image result for st therese of lisieux


‘She was born in France’ – Lucas C.

‘She died at the age of 24’  -Liam.

‘She died of tuberculosis’ – Gerard.

‘She had four sisters’ – Natan.

‘She is also known as Little Flower’ – Catherine.

‘She became a nun when she was 15’ – Leonard.

‘Her last words were, ‘Oh God I love you’. – Hamza.

‘She cried a lot as a child and struggled’ – Brooke.

‘She did lots of good deeds every day and prayed hard’ – Oliver.

Lots of hard work and learning going on in P5, we are definitely ready for our long weekend.

This Week in P3 w.b. 2.9.19

Primary Three have had a very exciting week and have been very busy. Keep reading to learn about something of the things we did.

  • We  have been using the rekenreks for our Number Talks this week. We were counting the beads and then describing how we saw them. We also began looking at what numbers are made of (Hundreds, Tens, Ones). We learned that zero is a very important number and it can be used as a place holder. (Andrew and Tinashe)
  • We went a walk to the library this week and we all chose a book to stay in our classrooms. (Lena P.)
  • We have been learning how to use cursive handwriting, we found it quite challenging but we will keep trying our best. (Chloe)
  • We wrote chapter reviews about Fantastic Mr Fox, we wrote a summary of the chapter  and then gave it a star rating to encourage other people to try it. (Logan)
  • We made leaflets about  how to keep healthy based on our Healthy Body, Healthy Minds topic. (Jamie)
  • We made our own Eatwell plates after looking at the Eatwell guide, we also talked about foods we need to eat to keep us healthy (Weronika and Lena S.)
  • We have been learning about the Nativity of Our Lady this week. To celebrate her birthday, we wrote a sentence about what we think of when we talk about Mary. Some of us thought she reminded us of our families, while other people thought she helped us to remember to be kind.(Emma, Julia  Alexsander)

Primary 5’s Weekly Update

Class Clip Art

This week has been exciting because we have learnt so much !

In Literacy we have been learning new sounds with the phonme ck and ch.  We spent time practising these words using rainbow writing, bubble writing, back writing and then we sorted these words into their categories. We are becoming more familiar with some of the roles in Literacy Circles including Pirate Predictor, Summariser Sergeant, Word Wizard and Character Cop.  ‘This is better that just reading a book because it is more fun and you can do different jobs’, Flynn, P5a.

In Numeracy we have been continuing with place value and rounding numbers up and down. We have found some great games on Top Marks too to help with this.

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In art we have started learnming about Claude Monet.  This is what we have learnt so far :

‘Claude Monet is French.’ – Baillie

‘He was born in Paris in 184o.’ – Erica

‘He has a famous painting called ‘ The Impression Sunrise.’ – Matthew

‘He liked to paint the same scene over and over again in different seasons.’ – Catherine

‘He liked to paint outdoors.’ – Anna

‘He died at age 86.’ – Cameron

‘He was one of the founders of Impressionism.’ – Thomas