Category Archives: Classes

Shrove Tuesday

Yesterday P3 & P3/2 celebrated Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, by preparing and tasting pancakes.  We reflected on the meaning of this special day and know that it is the day before the start of Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday.  During Lent we try to do without things and give up things we like.  Here are some photos of us tasting the delicious pancakes in class!

Achievements outside of school

Primary four have been very busy in the last few weeks outside of school.  Have a look at the medals and certificates we have received.

Isla was given these certificates after taking part in a swimming gala. She also received a certificate and medals for coming second in a Modern Dance competition. She passed her exams with distinction.

Finlay was awarded this bronze medal after taking part in a Judo competition at the weekend.

Our Library Trip

P4 and P4/3 had a wonderful trip to Broxburn Library today.  Diane read us lots of stories – they were very funny.  We are looking forward to visiting the library again soon, perhaps with our parents at the weekend.  We promised Diane that, as a thank you, we would help decorate Broxburn Library with some lovely Easter artwork.

Thanks to Mrs Ferguson, Rachel’s mum, for coming with us today.

P2/1 and P2 Carryout a Traffic Survey

Today we looked at the traffic that passed at the top of the school road.

Beth – -‘The traffic was busy and when the cars were not coming it was quiet.’

Harry – ‘Huge trucks and little cars went by.’

Ewan – ‘Double decker buses passed by.’

Kieron –  ‘I saw a zebra crossing.’

Stella – ‘I saw some lamp posts – so in the dark people who are driving can see other traffic going by.’

Josephine –  ‘I saw vans,’

Thomas – ‘ I saw cars.’

Aimee –  ‘I saw buses.’

Kenzie – ‘ I saw 96 cars!’

Sophia – I saw vans driving.’

Clara – ‘… and cars were zooming.’

Rhys – ‘Lorries and vans were going by.’

Marvellous Multiplication!

Primaries 3 and 3/2 are busy learning all about the 2 and 5 times tables.  We have been involved in active games and we have made multiplication posters to help us remember the number facts.  Miss Crease even made up a song to help us remember the multiples! We have also been using ICT to help us develop our knowledge of these tables by playing Number Gym and Table mountain on the Smart board and laptops.  Our teachers have asked us to keep practising the tables using our green jotters each night as part of our homework.  It is important to have a quick and accurate recall of these table facts.

Digital Rights and Responsibilities!

Article 17

You have the right to get information that is important to your well-being, from radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources.

Last week we had a class discussion about digital rights and responsibilities when using technology. We carried out a matching task linking digital rights and responsibilities. Next we looked at Graphic Manipulation where we learned how to crop, add transparency, export and save the finished graphics.

Today we are looking at Storyboarding – planning storylines and using software to develop skills of combining text and graphics to tell a story.

Our extension task is to create an animated version of the story using text, graphics and control instructions.


Remember our blog post all about our science topic of ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases’?

We told you all about our cool experiements and our very sucessful  bathbomb business. When Miss King and Mrs Buchanan-Coutts asked us what we would like to spend our profits on we decided we’d like to book a mad scientist to take over our classrooms and turn them into laboratories! Well on Wednesday we got exactly that…

Robin and Lucy from the Edinburgh International Science Festival arrived bright and early and unpacked their van of exciting experiments! We were amazed when we entered our classroom all set up for some super science and eagerly put on our goggles, gloves and aprons before our safety briefing!

We worked in groups to complete experiments on different chemical reactions and test whether different liquid and powders were acids or alkali! We discussed the chemical reaction that happens when a party popper goes off and then Robin and Lucy showed us their gigantic version of a party popper that created a burst of heat, light and sound in our classroom! We were very impressed!

This was a great way to revisit our learning and experience working in a real laboratory! We had a fantastic day!

If you are interested in learning more about science or seeing some really cool experiments the Edinburgh Science Festival 2014 runs during the Easter holidays from the 5th until the 20th of April, you can find out more about the events they will have on at

Trading all over the world!

Article 5

Adults have the responsibility to help you learn to exercise your rights, and to ensure that your rights are protected.

World trade rules are unfair and often disadvantage developing countries.  Today, Primary 5 explored international trade issues to try and find out how this has happened.

We were divided into ten groups, each representing a different country:

  • A most developed country (e.g.France, Canada)
  • A less developed country (e.g. India, South Africa)
  • A least developed country (e.g. Honduras, Kenya)

Each country was given an envelope containing raw materials (e.g. paper) and/or technology (e.g. scissors). The materials and technology differed from country to country, according to their level of development. With the contents of their envelopes, the countries were asked to produce shapes; each shape representing a monetary value they could redeem by depositing in either the Bank of Deas or Valentine’s Bank. The goal of the game was to gain as much wealth as possible.

It didn’t take long for us to discover that the contents of our envelopes were not equally distributed; some did not have enough raw materials or technology to produce any of the shapes. In order for us to do so, we had to negotiate and trade with other countries.

Everyone soon become extremely engaged in the game and there was a real buzz about the room. We were eager to produce tip top shapes and were very active in negotiating and trading with each other. However, there was some very underhand dealings going on! Not all countries were cooperative and helpful; selling resources at astronomical costs, counterfeit goods were being cashed in at the bank, there was dodgy trading at one of the banks and even some materials being sold on the black market by Miss King!!

The afternoon was a great success, especially for Canada who earned an impressive £22,000.  Everyone gained a better understanding of the situation Third World countries find themselves in such as Tanzania who only managed to bank £3,150.

Well done to everyone involved.

I’m a Primary Five… Get Me Out of Here!!!

This week primary five have had great fun learning about different foods that have come from the rainforest… BLINDFOLDED!

We were amazed that Miss King and Mrs Buchanan-Coutts didn’t have to travel to South America at the weekend and they managed to find all these exotic foods in Asda! We were able to tell from the pacakaging exactly where each item had come from… Peru, Columbia, Brazil! Some of the fruits included mango, banana, pineapple, grapefruit, sharon fruit, coconut, physilis.

Everyone had a shot at being blindfolded and had to say what the food smelled like, felt like and most importantly tasted like! Then we all tried some. It was great fun especially when we were pretending they were spiders or bugs and we were on a rainforest gameshow! We tried to capture some reactions with the camera!

Well done to all the boys and girls, they all had a go and tried most of the foods! Some people even tried foods they thought they didn’t like and changed their minds!

We are going to choose our favourite of all the foods we tried and present our findings in charts, graphs and tables during our maths next week. Which of the foods do you think will be the most popular?

Music time

Primary 1a and Primary 1b were very excited to receive a visit today from the musician Dave Trouten. We had a great time finding things that rhyme in his shopping bag and singing a song about our favourite sandwich fillings. We used our listening skills to sort out his shakers and then used the shakers with other instruments to create a piece of music about our imaginary train journey to the seaside. Afterwards we were all ready to come home for a rest!

Solar System

Primary 6 have been busy transforming themselves into space experts.

We have been using our Space topic to cover lots of areas of the curriculum including; mathematics, science, art and design, technology and language skills.  

Over the past few weeks Primary 6 have been busy researching our Solar System using computers and information books. We used the information we had gathered to create different posters, make 3d models and design our classroom doors.

To make our 3d models of the Solar System we had to use lots of problem solving skills, maths skills and our knowledge of the planets to ensure our model was accurate. Before we could begin making the planets we had to work out the size of each planet. To do this we learned about the diameter and radius of a circle.  We then set a compass to different measurements to draw the circles so that the planets were different sizes, like they are in real life. The next step in making our models of the Solar System was to scrunch up lots of newspaper and stick it onto the circles of cardboard to make it 3d. Then we had to layer our models with mod rock so that they were smooth, but the rocky planets were a bit bumpier than the gas giants. Finally when the mod rock was dry we painted our 3d models which the Janitor helped us to put up on the wall. Once the planets were up we started to make posters to go along with our planets.

When designing our classroom doors we used our math skills to measure the length and the width of our door and then used these measurements to cut our paper. To make our door design we had to draw out our design on a4 paper at home and then we put a bit of different peoples’ ideas together to make our final design. In the end we decided on having an astronaut on the smaller door and on the bigger door we split it into 3 sections. On one section we put the earth and all the phases of the moon around it, on another section we put a comet saying welcome to p6 on it, on the last section of the door we painted the moon then drew famous spacecrafts.

By Mirren and Caitlin

Tobacco Education

Over the past three weeks P7  have taken part in a Tobacco Education Programme.

Week 1 – We learned about the dangers of smoking

Week 2 – We learned about the health risks and also the chemicals that are in cigarettes. We also learned how cigarettes are marketed.

Week 3 – We learned about the dangers of second hand smoke. We learened where we are most likely to be exposed and also how we can protect ourselves better.

The Scottish Government Tobacco Control Strategy target for 2034 is to have less than 5% of the scottish population to be smoking. They are hoping that by then it will be normal NOT to smoke.

This has been very interesting and we have learned lots! Huge thanks to Michelle, Keith and Janet for all their input.

Cheerleading Championships!

A huge well done to the girls from JHM Youth Team who competed at the ICC Cheerleading Championships on Saturday at Meadowbank in Edinburgh! They recieved a huge trophy for coming second in the competiton!

We are all very proud of Paige (P5 b) Lauryn and Olivia (P7b)! Keep up the hard work girls! We look forward to hearing all about your next competition in June!

Impressive Floor Work!

In P.E primary 6b have been learning about Gymnastics. Mrs Smith has been teaching us about different jumps, balances and floor work.

In teams Mrs Smith challenged us to make a routines to show off our learning. These routines had to be original, show creativity and good transition. Over the course of two weeks we used all our knowledge about jumps, balances and transitions to put together our ideas and create our routines.

Now you can view the finished product for yourself!

By Amy and Gregor

Gymnastics P6

Dragon visit!

Primary 1a and Primary 1b were very excited this morning to discover a glitter trail in their classrooms after playtime! The trails led to letters from the Friendly Dragon asking for our help. We decided we would help all the fairytale creatures by building Fairyland in our classrooms. We checked with Mrs. Brown that we would be allowed to re-build Fairyland and she said it was OK. We wrote a letter to the dragon to tell him all the things we would do.

Chariot Challenge

Miss Crease and Miss Woods were extremely impressed by the hard work and effort that went into our homework challenge.  We used lots of household recycled materials to create Roman chariots as part of our class topic.  We enjoyed explaining to our classmates how we made them.  Finlay even made a Circus Maximus! 

Owen’s grandad kindly provided a Roman soldier’s outfit to show the class.  Owen felt like a real gladiator!

Thank you to all family members for helping your children to create such amazing masterpieces!  We will be showcasing these to P4 on Friday morning.

P3 & P3/2 Class Mass – Ash Wednesday

Just a little reminder that P3 & P3/2 will be leading our Ash Wednesday Mass on 5th March at 11 am in our school hall.  If your child has been given a reading/prayer, please ensure they are practising this every night to ensure they are reading it fluently.  These are stapled into their homework diaries.

Children must come to school wearing full school uniform – white school shirt and tie – on this day.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Miss Crease and Miss Woods

Creative Creature Categorising!

Primary 5b have been learning all about the different types of animals that can be found in the rainforest! We learned about vertebrates and invertebrates, then we started to classify different animals into categories; mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians!

Last week we were set the homework challenge to ‘show animals that are mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians in ANY WAY!’ Miss King wanted us to be as creative as possible! The results were amazing…

Some people created interactive powerpoint presentations full of facts and examples of animals, some people made books, fact files and posters, some people wrote lists or drew tables and some people drew pictures of different animals! Hannah B made some amazing creatures out of modelling clay; we all thought they were so cute! Hannah S made a beautiful mobile using coat hangers, tissue paper and ribbons with the animals pictures attached! Fraser baked 5 cupcakes and decorated them with an animal from each of the five categories! Paige created a rainforest song to the music of ‘We Are the Champions’ by Queen; we all sang along it was fantastic! Terri created her own jigsaw with pictures of animals from each category and we helped her to put it together, what a fantastic idea! Krzysztof used lego to create models and Marco even used his favourite game minecraft to ‘build’ his animals and took pictures of them!

It was amazing to see all the fantastic ideas and creations! Miss King was so proud of us that she invited Mrs Brown and Mrs Deas to visit us and see all our fabulous work… they were VERY impressed!

Our Viking Trip!

Today we went for a visit to the National Museum of Scotland. We all had a fantastic time. We saw lots of Viking artefacts including pots, jewellery, weapons and utensils. We even saw a Viking man’s grave! We know that Vikings were buried with objects that were special to them. We saw one poor horse who was buried with his master. We got to handle a lot of Viking artefacts too. We found out that the Vikings used ice skates and that they played games that were similar to chess. Following lunch, we had a quick visit to the fantastic animal kingdom, and then we were homeward bound for St Nicholas and Broxburn.

Thanks to all our helpers today: Miss King, Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Chaudhry and Mrs Chatterjee.

Viking Trip to National Museum

Tomorrow (Thursday 13th February) Primary 4 and 4/3 are going to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. We are all looking forward to seeing Viking artefacts and learning more about the Vikings. We will be able to touch Viking artefacts and we will take notes and draw pictures of what we see.

Please remember packed lunches and to wear school uniform. You do not need any money to have fun and learn about the Vikings.

Puzzling Mental Maths

Primary 6b have been very busy this week working on their mental maths skills. 

Lots of us find mental maths tricky so we wanted to find a fun way to develop our mental strategies.  To help with this we worked in groups to practice our fraction, multiplication and division skills.  To make this more fun, we worked in small groups to try out some new mental maths puzzles.  These included loop cards, tarsia puzzles and jigsaws.  We found this fun because we are working together and discussing different ways of solving problems.

Over the next few weeks we will continue practicing these skills and have some fun along the way!

Let’s Dance

Mrs Downham, a PE teacher at St Margarets Academy, brought some of her sixth year Dance Leadership girls to do a workshop with us today.  Before they taught us some really cool moves, we had to warm up and stretch; this is an extremely important part of any sport or excercise regime.  Once completely warmed up, we got down to the business of learning a dance to a song from The Little Mermaid – Under the Sea.  The concentration on our faces in the photos shows just how much we tried to follow the routine.  Towards the end of the session, just to make sure we were completely exhausted, we joined in with a couple of zumba songs.  It was really good fun and we would like to say a huge thank you to the girls and their teacher for taking the time to teach us and we can’t wait to see them again when they put on a performance for us next month.

Primary 6 Rap Stars!!

Primary 6 have been working together to learn about our solar system and have become rap stars in the process.

We have been working in groups to research each of the planets and decided that we wanted to show our knowledge of the planets through music.  Each of our groups took on the challenge of writing our own rap song about each planet and becoming rap stars. 

Please click below to have a sneak peek into what we have come up with. 

  Space Raps

Stay tuned for the full version coming to a stage near you soon!

A piece of history in our very own classroom!

This week in class we have been learning about the Roman army, so Miss Woods brought in a replica of a real Roman soldier’s helmet.  Some of us were lucky enough to try it on.  Brandon and Sarah said that it was very heavy.  We understand now how strong the Roman soldiers had to be, as not only did they wear a helmet, they also wore a suit of armour and had to carry weapons, a shield and personal belongings.

Phases of the Moon Homework Challenge

Mrs Heather and Miss Watson have set us a challenge to record the phases of the moon.

Each night for the next two weeks, we have to draw or take a photograph of the changing shape of the moon.  Remember each night to date your picture and note the time the picture was recorded. 

We are looking forward to seeing what phases of the moon we were able to record over the two weeks. Once we have the results we can begin to investigate the patterns arising from the phases of the moon.

Click the link below if you need some help.

Phases of the Moon tig-tag

Have fun recording!

In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle…



Primary 5b have been learning all about animals of the rainforest!

We worked in pairs of research teams and were given an animal to create a fact file for, all the fact files were to be published in our very own ‘Rainforest Encyclopedia’!

Some of us had animals we had never even heard of like an okapi (which is actually a horse like creature with zebra legs!) or a gaboon viper (which is a deadly snake!), before we started our research another research team set us some questions to find out about our animal, such as; How long does it live for? Is it poisonous? What does it eat?

We went off in our research teams and used the internet and books to find our information. Then we used Mircosoft Word to create eye catching fact files with images and different fonts!

Once our fact files were complete and in the encyclopedia we presented them to our class, some of the facts were amazing… Did you know a blue morpho butterfly has a lifespan of only 115 days? The harpy eagle has a wingspan of over 7 foot!

We then provided each other with quality feedback on the presentations, we looked at each others fact files and tried to decide if they had provided enough information or answered all the questions they were asked, then we left comments for the researchers to read! We are hoping our wonderful encyclopedia will be filled with amazing information all about the rainforest as we continue our topic!

We then started to draw our animals for our rainforest display! We had to use maths skills to create a grid to help us draw our animals in proportion! First we drew the outline in a light coloured pencil, then we began to shade and mix colours to make our drawings really realistic! What do you think?! Come and see them for yourself in our classroom display!

Next we are moving on to classifying animals as vertebrates or invertebrates, then mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles!

Viking Crafts

Primary 4 and 4/3 have been very busy learning about the Vikings and making some Viking items.

We made Viking helmets. We made them using a balloon and paper mache. When they had dried we painted them and made a nose protection for them. Look at us with our helmets on.

We also made Viking cups. We designed them on paper and then painted our Viking design. We then wrapped them around a cup. They look very like cups the Vikings would have used.

Some children also designed a Viking stone. We painted our designs onto a stone carefully. The Vikings used stones to record their history and stories about Gods so we have tried to copy some of them.

After learning about Viking Ruins we used Viking Ruins to write our names.

Finlay and Ben also built Viking Longships at home.  

We enjoyed all of these art and crafts activities.

Homework Challenge- build a Roman chariot.

As part of our homework, Miss Woods and Miss Crease have set us a challenge!  We have been asked to design and build a Roman chariot using everyday materials from home.

We looked at photos and video clips of Roman chariots and learned how and why they were used by the Romans.

We have to bring our chariots into school by next Friday 14th February.  Photographs will follow…

If we find this challenge a little bit too difficult, our teachers said that we could draw a labelled diagram of a Roman chariot instead.

Roman chariot

Let it Shine, Let it Shine, Let it Shine!

Miss King and Mrs Buchanan-Coutts felt like two very proud mums on Friday when, along with Monsignor Patrick Burke, Primary 5 led the school in a lovely Mass in preparation for Catholic Education Week.  The theme of the Mass was ‘Shining the Light of Faith’ and the children had prepared well by learning how the Gospel according to Matthew 5-15  helps us understand what our faith is and how we can let it “shine out” so that we can show other people what we believe.  We also made lanterns from recycled tin cans to decorate the alter.  Everyone read clearly and sang beautifully, including their own rendition of He Never Sleeps.  

Well done Primary 5.

Click on the link below to watch us singing…

It’s all go in St Nicholas playground!

Last Tuesday Primaries 3 and 3/2 went out to the playground to find out more about what is happening with all of the building work.  A very helpful workman, named Grant, came over to tell us all about the construction work.  He also explained about how the workmen keep safe and the different materials, equipment and machinery that they use.  We learned that they need to wear a hard hat, steel toe-cap boots and a fluorescent jacket.  When we got back into class we worked with a partner to design posters to inform passers by and the rest of the children what is happening in our playground.  We attached the posters to the fence so please have a look!

Our Voices Rock!

Jennifer Baird from Voice Rocks joined Primary 5 last Wednesday for a taster session of their project.  She taught us how to warm our voices up properly before we got to show of our singing skills with our own rendition of Adele’s Rolling in the Deep.

Voice Rocks is  free weekly Pop/Rock choir experience for young people in West Lothian.

Classes will be taught an easy-to-learn style – no formal training, sight singing or reading of music or theory is required.  Participants will listen to and discuss songs in the rock/pop genre and decide as a group which ones to rehearse.   Call Howden Park Centre for more information.

Fantastic Fractions in Primary 5!

This week primary 5 have started to look at fractions as our maths topic!

To help us really understand what a fraction is we began our topic by cutting up a huge chocolate cake into halves, then quarters, then eighths, then sixteenths!

Some of us have been creating our own ‘Fraction Paths’ by cutting up 1 whole piece of paper into fractions, we were then comparing and coming up with statements about what the paths show us! Have a look at the fantastic effort by Kieran and Hannah in the photo gallery.

Some of us have started looking at comparing equlivent fractions as well! This is when 2 fractions mean the same amount, like 1/2 is the same as 2/4!

P4 & P4/3 – NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland)

Primary 4 and 4/3 have been very lucky to receive lessons from NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland)

The children absolutely love it! This experience develops their concept of rhythm and rhyme and NYCoS stongly believe  that singing and musicianship go hand in hand, and that the singing/education experience should start as early as possible in a child’s life.

If you would like further information about this programme then please visit

Ask your child to recite some of the rhymes for you – Remind them to keep a steady beat!

Learning is fun at the local library!

Primaries 3 and 3/2 visited Broxburn library to find out about our new topic The Romans.  The friendly librarian, Diane, prepared posters which included lots of interesting information about life in Roman times.  Diane was dressed up as a Roman and she invited Ehlana and Sean to dress up too.  They wore a toga and a head piece made from a plant.  Traditionally, Romans wore sandals with laces tied around their legs.  We enjoyed our visit to the library and Diane made the learning fun!  We brought books and posters back to school to continue our learning.  This is going to be a great topic!

Welcome to Inverness Tourist Information Centre!

Primary 5 transformed their classes into tourist information centres for the city of Inverness!

We sent letters to Miss Sweeney at the real tourist information centre in  the city and she replied sending lots of fantastic information, from how to welcome people, questions to ask tourists, leaflets about attractions in the highlands and the layout of her building!

We displayed lots of information on the walls, created characters to work in our centres and even created a gift shop with lots of wonderful nessie figures and post cards for sale! At the Scottish Showcase we invited our parents to visit our centres to find out lots about the city! We also had a Highland Cafe serving haggis, oatcakes and of course Irn Bru!  The event was opened by Paige and Rachael dancing the Highland Fling! Some people spoke to parents about the Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club, showing them highlights from the last game and giving lots of information about the club!

Some people were telling our visitors about the Scottish Whiskey industry and the very important job of a coppersmith! Some people where showing parents our own mini version of Urquart Castle and telling them some key facts about Inverness! Another group were showcasing our historic portraits of Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Red Coat Army and were looking at the battle of Culloden! Lastly we asked parents to participate in the St Nicholas Highland games! The activities were: chuck the welly, toss the caber, strength test and toss the hay! We even had a trophy for the Champion!  To round up the event Oliver played the bagpipes to a cheering crowd!

We hope you were able to come and enjoy this great showcase, but if you weren’t able to have a look at these great pictures!

Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to the blog of Primary 5b!

Here you will be able to find out all about the things we have been doing in our class!We already have a lot to tell you about; Children in Need, our assembly, our Inverness showcase, school camp…

We hope you will check here regularly and you enjoy sharing our learning!

Primary 5b and Miss King