Tag Archives: posters

Washy Washy Clean, Scrub scrub!

Primary 2 have been learning about the importance of washing your hands.

We watched a video about why it is so important to wash our hands. We found out that if you don’t wash your hands it can make you very sick!

We should wash our hands :

-Before we eat

-After blowing our nose

-After touching animals

-After going to the toilet

-Before cooking

-After coughing or sneezing

-After being outside

We made some fantastic posters about the importance of hand washing which are going to be laminated and displayed in our toilets.

We also watched a video which taught us the song “Washy Washy Clean, Scrub Scrub”. This video showed us the steps that you need to take to wash your hands properly. We then had a practice of washing our hands in the sink with some yummy cola soap 🙂 .

Take a look at our pictures!


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It’s all go in St Nicholas playground!

Last Tuesday Primaries 3 and 3/2 went out to the playground to find out more about what is happening with all of the building work.  A very helpful workman, named Grant, came over to tell us all about the construction work.  He also explained about how the workmen keep safe and the different materials, equipment and machinery that they use.  We learned that they need to wear a hard hat, steel toe-cap boots and a fluorescent jacket.  When we got back into class we worked with a partner to design posters to inform passers by and the rest of the children what is happening in our playground.  We attached the posters to the fence so please have a look!