Tag Archives: Space

Solar System

This week p7 have started their  topic on Space. Already we have learned lots of new information about the Solar System. Calum learned that Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System and it has a greater mass than all the other planets put together. Nikola learned the order of the Planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. We also created a rhyme to help us remember the order My Very Eager Mother Just Severed Up Natchos.  Sophie learned that there are two different types of planets; Rocky planets and Gas planets. Rachael learned that Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings. Lewis learned that the Sun is a star.

Primary 7 have also been gaining an awareness of the scale and distance between the planets. To do this we created a scale drawing of the Solar System. During this task we had to use a scale and measure very carefully to ensure our drawing were actuate.

Phases of the Moon Homework Challenge

Mrs Heather and Miss Watson have set us a challenge to record the phases of the moon.

Each night for the next two weeks, we have to draw or take a photograph of the changing shape of the moon.  Remember each night to date your picture and note the time the picture was recorded. 

We are looking forward to seeing what phases of the moon we were able to record over the two weeks. Once we have the results we can begin to investigate the patterns arising from the phases of the moon.

Click the link below if you need some help.

Phases of the Moon tig-tag

Have fun recording!