Tag Archives: letter

Apple-canos in Primary 5

We have been really busy in Primary 5. We have continued to explore chemical reactions with our apples topic – this time we made an apple volcano using only apples, food colouring, vinegar and baking soda!

We have also started our new topic (old Edinburgh) and learnt about some of its landmarks.

In Maths we have been looking at Place Value: how to read, write and order numbers up to 5 digits while continuing to work on our mental strategies with our daily Number Talks.

We have also discussed and practised using a wide range of connectives to improve our writing and wrote a letter to Willy Wonka telling him about our inventions.

Dragon visit!

Primary 1a and Primary 1b were very excited this morning to discover a glitter trail in their classrooms after playtime! The trails led to letters from the Friendly Dragon asking for our help. We decided we would help all the fairytale creatures by building Fairyland in our classrooms. We checked with Mrs. Brown that we would be allowed to re-build Fairyland and she said it was OK. We wrote a letter to the dragon to tell him all the things we would do.