Practically Perfect Primary 4!

Yes, we have been revising alliteration this week in Primary 4! We have also learned about the Scottish man who is famous for inventing the TV, John Logie Baird.  Our spelling sound this week was ‘tch’ and we took part in some fun activities including making  a pairs game with our words. Tuesday was National Limerick Day so we had lots of fun creating our own limericks. Some of us found this hard but we had a growth mindset and persevered!

In Maths we have learned about volume and capacity and also worked on repeated addition for multiplication sums. Our STEM activities this week included drawing a 3D alphabet and creating bird feeders. It’s been a busy week and lots of fun. Here’s what some of our brilliant P4 children had to say:

“I found the capacity experiment was fun and easy to do.”

“I enjoyed learning about John Logie Baird because I found it interesting.”

“I enjoyed filling the basin with water and guessing how many litres it would take.”

“I can help my mum cook by telling her about the litres and millilitres.”

“I liked making the bird feeder this week. I learned that birds like to eat apples, cherries, grapes, sunflower seeds and nuts.”

“I have enjoyed art and history this week.”

“This week I learned how to write a limerick. It was really fun and and I enjoyed finding rhymes and counting the syllables.”

“I can use volume and measuring at the shops because I can tell how much milk or water there is in a container.”

“I enjoyed art because I like drawing pictures for my comic strip.”

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