P7a had a ‘mathy-mathematical’ maths week!

On Thursday, we learned about 2D and 3D shapes in maths, our learning included going on a shape hunt to take photos using the I-pad of shapes in our school environment, naming shapes and their properties and creating shape riddles – can you figure out this one?

‘I have 3 sides of different lengths
I am a 2D shape with 3 sides and 3 vertices, what am I?’
– Scalene Triangle (Maya)

We have been focusing on our Number Talks with Mrs Heather, especially addition. Some of the strategies we used were compensation, partitioning, friendly numbers and rounding up. We also did a clapping game to practice our times tables this was very fun and multiplying 2 digit numbers and 1 digit numbers.

In writing we have been learning how to write a news article these are the things that we need to include: headline, byline, lead, body and tail. Things that might enhance our article are quotes and facts.

We were also introduced to debating this week. The subjects that we debated were seasons that are more fun e.g winter and summer, that school canteens should only sell healthy foods and should students be able to pick their own subjects at school.

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