Primary One 20.3.19

We have had a very exciting week in Primary One this week with a surprise visitor to class yesterday! We came in to class after lunch to find that a dragon had visited and left us a letter.  The letter explained to us that he needed help rebuilding Fairyland as it was disappearing because we were no longer reading fairy tales.  We have decided to help the fairy tale characters, starting with Jack and today we have been making a beanstalk for him.  Have a look at the pictures to find out what we have been doing in class today.

In Maths this week we have been looking at 3D shapes, their names and properties and having a look around the class and playground for items of different shapes.

Our sound this week is ee.  Have a chat with your child about words that have the ee sound in them around the home.

Reminders this week-

New homework issued today, due 3.4.19.

Gym kit Thursday.

Please bring reading bags every day.

PSA Easter egg hunt 25.3.19.

Primary One would appreciate donations of junk materials for junk modelling.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Steel, Miss Christy, Miss Pringle and Mrs Oliver

Primary 2 11.3.19

Primary 2 have been busy learning about the desert and this week we are going to be learning about Africa and the animals that live in Africa. Primary 2R will be sharing some of their learning at their class assembly tomorrow so we look forward to welcoming you to school tomorrow. Some children received letters about a costume, please remember to send them in with their assembly clothes tomorrow.

In Maths this week we are going to be learning about symmetry. We will be focusing on finding one line of symmetry on a variety of different shapes and objects. Encourage your child to explain what the term symmetry means- can you find any lines of symmetry in the house?

Primary 2 have been invited to the Red Nose Day assembly on Friday. We will be watching a comedy show, dressing crazy and trying to create a big castle from our red nose day boxes. Friday is also Miss Henderson’s last day in Primary 2R. We will be sad to see her leave but we wish her all the best in her future teaching career. The children have loved having her in class! She will be joining us again for our class trip to the Zoo in April.

Our specialist timetable is changing shortly and Primary 2 will be receiving Art lessons from Ms Fox and P.E lessons from Mrs Ferguson. (our P.E will move from Wednesday to Thursday)

Homework was issued today and it is due back Thursday 21st March. Please remember to come to school with a water bottle and indoor shoes.

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 5 Week beginning 8.03.19

Thank you to everyone who came to our assembly last week.  We enjoyed performing for you and hope you enjoyed learning all about the Scottish Wars of Independence as much as we did.

On Monday some parents came to join in with our number talks where we were learning different strategies for mental addition.

This week in Science we have started our topic on Solids, liquids and gases.  We completed an investigation on how solids react to water.  We made predictions and then checked the results.  In writing we wrote a report about it.

In reading we have started a mini topic on poetry.  This week we read a poem called morning and wrote our own poems.

This term we have started learning Spanish.  We can already say our name, talk about feelings and greet someone in Spanish.

In Maths we have been working on division.

Next week some of us are going to Lendrick Muir.  We are looking forward to this and hope to update you everyday on our activities so keep an eye out for more news next week.

We are also going on a trip the Bannockburn to complete our topic.

Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Davies

Primary 1 26.2.19

This week Primary 1 are very excited to see the playground resurfacing work happening outside our classroom. We have been watching the workers using machines to dig and move the old playground material and begin to flatten out the ground.
We are still enjoying the dinosaur interdisciplinary topic and have been learning about the Plesiosaur this week. The children have been writing a dinosaur fact file over the term, displaying their knowledge about each dinosaur we have studied. The Plesiosaur will be our final dinosaur in this book and we hope to be able to show you the finished fact files very soon. Next Wednesday Primary 1 will be visiting Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh. Permission slips and EE2 forms were given out last week and should be returned ASAP with £7 to ensure your child’s space. We are all very excited about the trip where we will be taking part in a ‘dinosaur’ workshop and visiting some of the exhibition.
In phonics, we have been learning the ‘ch’ sound this week. The children are becoming very skilled at identifying words containing new sounds and are learning to write these new words correctly.
In maths, we are learning to find half of a number. We have been giving children a number of objects for them to split into 2 equal groups. Any help you can give at home with this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all your continued support
Primary 1 teachers

Primary 2 25.2.19

Primary 2 are very excited to have the diggers arrive in the playground for the resurfacing. Our playtimes and lunch times have all changed but the children have adapted well to these. We can’t wait to see what the playground will look like once it’s finished!

Primary 2 have moved on in their topic and are beginning to learn about hot countries. We have discussed what we would need to pack to go to a hot country and today we are learning about the importance of protecting ourselves, especially our skin in the sun. We are designing our very own sun hats, discussing the importance/purpose of suncream and why sunglasses are used to protect our eyes. We are also going to be learning facts about the Desert and writing fact files about the desert in our writing lesson.

In Numeracy we are moving on from fractions in shapes and beginning to investigate the fraction of a number. We are going to be halving numbers within 20 to start and then hopefully progress onto bigger numbers. In Maths we are still learning about money but this week we are going to be focussing on working out change from 20p. We will be using our subtraction skills/strategies to work out the change.

Primary 2R have an assembly on 12th March. It is important that all the children practise their lines and look at the songs/dance on youtube. (Penguin dance, Lion song, Holiday song from Trolls).

P.E for P2R is a Tuesday and Wednesday

P.E for P2M is a Wednesday and Thursday

Homework has been issued today, along with new reading books. Homework is due 7th March.

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 20.2.19

We hope you all had a lovely February break!

This week we are going to moving away from learning about cold countries and beginning to learn about hot countries. We will be talking about how to protect ourselves from the sun, what we would need to pack to go somewhere hot and we will be learning about hot countries’ weather.

In maths we have been learning about money. This week we are practising adding coins and next week we would like to move onto working out change from 20p (using our subtraction skills).

Miss Rafferty’s class have been given lines for their class assembly. Please can you practise these with the children at home? The children also have 3 songs/dances to learn too. You can find these on YouTube (Penguin dance, Lion song, Holiday song- Trolls).

In Health we have been discussing how to deal with bullying and how you should react if you see someone being bullied. We have also been learning about different people’s emotions. We discussed how to recognise different emotions by looking at someone’s face and body.

P.E kits are needed: Tuesday/ Wednesday P2R      Wednesday/ Thursday P2M

Reading books will stay the same this week and they will be changed on Monday. New homework will be issued on Monday too.

Please remember: Water Bottles

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir



Primary 5 15.02.19

This week Primary 5 have presented their class talks on their 13th century characters.  The standard of the presentations was very high and we enjoyed listening to them.  Thank you to all the parents for your support with this in helping research information and making the costumes.  Many of the presentations will be used in our class assembly in 2 weeks time.

In Maths we have been working on fractions, this week we have learned about equivalent fractions.

In RME we learned about the story of Moses and will soon be learning about Jewish festivals related to this story.

This week Primary 5 won the best prepared class for PE award which was great.  Please encourage your child to remember their PE kit every Monday and Thursday.

Have an enjoyable holiday weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 4 15.2.19

Hello everyone

It was lovely to see so many parents/carers at the consultation evenings on Wednesday and Thursday. We look forward to welcoming you into the classroom again on Monday 25th February at 9:05am for our shared start or on Thursday 28th February at 2:50pm for our shared finish. At these events you can work with your child in the classroom on some numeracy activities. We hope to see lots of you then 🙂

This week the children have been working hard to learn their 8 times table and their division by 8 facts. We’ve been using a great new song to help us which is linked below. The children love singing along! Some of us have begun to look at using the written method of division too and are working well. Any support you can provide your child with their times tables and division facts would be greatly appreciated 🙂

8 times table song

In our topic we have been looking at maps and photographs of Edinburgh some of which were created or taken over 100 years ago! We looked at some of the differences and similarities between the land, buildings and sanitation in those times and now. We noticed that there were no cars on the roads, the houses were built very closely together and many families stayed together in one room. We also noticed that many important landmarks such as the Forth Rail Bridge, The Scott Monument and Edinburgh Castle had been around for a long time!

In RME we have been learning that people’s beliefs can impact on the decisions that they make everyday. We have been focusing so far on Judaism and exploring what foods are Kosher and Non-Kosher. This has led to many interesting discussions.

Reminders –
The children are on holiday from school on Monday 18th February and Tuesday 19th February. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday.
There will be no homework given out next week.
Indoor PE will be on Wednesday for both classes.

Have a lovely long weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 13.2.19

Primary 2 would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents/careers who came along to our soft start and finish. It was lovely to see you all and hopefully it gave you an insight into our number talks.

It was internet safety day on 5th February. The children were learning how to stay safe when using devices that connect to the internet. The children were talking about what to do if something pops up on their screen and we also spent quite a bit of time discussing the importance of not sharing personal information online. We had some super discussions!

In reading the children have been learning about visualisation and why it is important for the reader to be able to visualise characters and setting when there is no picture available. All the children heard a story about Mr Gum and they all managed to draw him and his house after hearing a short piece of text.

In maths we were working on missing subtrahends. The children were using their subtraction skills to find the missing numbers. Some children managed to get onto the challenge questions where there were a mixture of missing subtrahend and minuend questions.

We finished the week learning about rhythm in music with Mr Shanks and our french colours in class!

Please remember P.E kits and water bottles.

Homework for this week and next week will just be their reading. We will issue new homework tasks on Monday 25th February.

Miss Rafferty & Mrs Muir

Primary 2 6.2.19

It was lovely to meet some of the parents at the “shared finish” yesterday. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you all. We still have our “shared start” on Thursday if you wish to come along and see what we have been doing in Number Talks.

In topic we have been learning more about some of the Arctic Animals and how they adapt to their environment. The children have made penguins, polar bears and are going to be making arctic foxes. We have managed to put a few on our wall display in the corridor. We have also looked at a polar food chain. The children have been learning about the words prey and predators. They worked in small groups to create food chain mobiles which are now hanging in our classroom.

In reading this week we have been learning about visualisation. The children listened to a story with no pictures and they had to imagine/visualise what the character looked like. They all managed to draw the character very well and some even managed to draw the character’s house from the story.

In maths the children have been working out the missing minuend and subtrahend. They have been using addition, subtraction, counting on and back strategies to solve these problems.

Homework is due in tomorrow. The children will share their activities with a friend in class.

P.E reminders P2R (Tuesday, Wednesday)

P2M (Wednesday, Thursday)

Primary 6 are selling Red Noses for Comic Relief at the cost of £1.25


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

P5 1.02.19

Hello from Primary 5.


This week we have started learning about the events leading up to the Scottish Wars of Independence.  We have learned about the life of King Alexander and the problems his death caused for Scotland.  We worked in partners to write a news report with his wife Queen Yolande and are looking forward to presenting these next week.  We had a discussion about the succession crisis and made a Ragman Roll, which was a document written at the time to swear allegiance to King Edward.  Many children have been talking about their progress with the big homework task and we are looking forward to seeing them in a week’s time.


In Maths this week we have been learning about fractions.  We can record fractions as mixed numbers and improper fractions. We have also been doing some work on mltiplication in number talks.


Primary 4 30.1.19

Hello everyone

This week has been a fun one in Primary 4.

In maths we have introduced division and the children have been impressing us with their knowledge of dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. We will continue to work on this next week as well as introducing division and multiplication by 8. The children are learning about the link between division and multiplication. Any support you can provide your child with this would be greatly appreciated.

In topic Miss Clark’s class have been exploring DC Thomson and the world of comic books with Miss Roscilli. Today they made their very own comic strips all about meeting and defeating a dangerous Kelpie. They look fantastic so far 🙂 In Miss Donaldson’s class they have been exploring the world of Scottish mythical creatures! They learned about Kelpies and Water Horses and made excellent artistic creations that show several mythical creatures from Scotland. They look great!

Well done to Noah and Katie who recited their Scottish poems at the Burns Afternoon. The rest of Primary 4 also performed the Scottish song “Bananas” to visitors at the event. Well done P4!

Reminders –

P4C have PE with Mrs Ferguson tomorrow (Thursday 31st) for one week only. Next week P4C and P4D will have PE on Wednesday again as normal.
Spelling homework is due on Friday.
Reading pages for Monday and written in spelling homework jotters please.
Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson and Miss Roscilli

Primary 2 29.1.19

Primary 2 have been learning about Inuits. The children have found out how they survive so well in the Arctic. The children have learned that they hunt, wear animals skins to keep warm, build igloos on hunting trips and they live in small villages in wooden/metal homes. We have now started to learn about what animals live in the arctic and why some of them rely on camouflage to survive. We are going to be investigating food chains to find out who is at the top!

In maths we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to solve missing addend and missing minuend questions. We have also started learning about money and what coins we use. Children also have a money homework task in their share it jotters.

In reading we have been looking at characterisation. The children have been identifying adjectives to describe what the character looks like and their personality. Last week we looked at a bad character and this week we are going to be looking at a good character. Children have also been reading aloud in class and trying really hard to add expression to their voices.

P.E reminders outdoor P.E is Tuesday (P2R) Thursday (P2M) and both classes have Mrs Ferguson for indoor P.E on a Wednesday.

P2M also have assembly words to learn.

Miss Rafferty & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 25.1.19

Hello everyone

It’s been a good week in Primary 4 this week. Our topic of Scotland is now in full swing. The children identified where the 7 main cities in Scotland are on a map and used coordinates to mark them on their own maps of Scotland. They then worked in a group to research one of the cities in order to teach the rest of the class. The children took fantastic notes about the other groups posters. This was a tricky task but we were very proud of how hard the children worked.

This week was our annual Scots Poetry Competition. Well done to Brodie, Katie, Isla B and Noah who were chosen to perform their poems in front of the school. Thank you for all of the help and support you provided the children at home with learning their poems. All of the children worked very hard & performed their poems confidently.
A big well done to the overall P4 winners Katie and Noah. They will perform their poems to visitors to the school on Monday at our Burns Afternoon.

We have been continuing to practise and develop upon our multiplication knowledge in class. Any support you can provide your child with learning their times table at home is greatly beneficial. Next week we will be moving onto linking multiplication to division facts as we consolidate our knowledge of dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.

Your child should have received a letter home this week inviting you take part in shared starts and finishes that are taking place throughout the school. Primary 4s shared start is on Monday 25th February and shared finish is on Thursday 28th February. On one of these days you are invited to come into your child’s classroom to learn with them. The focus in both these sessions will be Numeracy. The sessions will be about half an hour long. Please note you should only come to one of the sessions as they are both very similar. Please see the letter for more details and if you have any further questions than please do not hesitate to contact us.

Spelling homework – due Friday
Reading pages – due Monday (own choice of pages in novel)
Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE (P4D) – Wednesday

Thank you for all your help and support. Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson & Miss Roscilli.

Primary 1 21.1.19

It is another busy week in Primary 1!
Today, in maths, we had a lesson on the months of the year and 4 seasons. Each child made a 2019 calendar drawing a picture to show what happens in each season. We are hoping that they will be ready soon to take home! The rest of the week we will be focusing on finding half of a shape in our maths time. Maybe at home you could practise splitting things into 2 equal parts to give your child extra practice? We will continue to work on subtraction during the week and value any work you can do at home with this.
In phonics, we are consolidating our learning on all the sounds learnt so far. The children will be making and reading words and will practise writing the more tricky letters.
The interdisciplinary dinosaurs topic is now well under way. Each class has made a super dinosaur display in their classroom and many of the play activities around the classroom are dinosaur themed. This week we are focusing on the Pteradactyl. We will learn facts about it throughout the week and on Thursday will write in our dinosaur factfile.
This Friday is our Burn’s Day celebration. On Wednesday every Primary 1 will stand up in front of the class to recite their Scot’s poem. 2 children from each class will then be chosen to perform their poem in front of the whole school on Friday. Please continue to practise the poem at home ensuring that your child speaks loudly and clearly and uses some actions.
PE is on a Thursday morning this term. Please remember to pack a PE kit for this. It would be helpful if the clothes are all named and if you could dress your child in clothes which they can take off and put on independently.
Homework is due in on Tuesdays and will be reissued on Wednesday. Reading books should be in school everyday so that we can read with your child.
Thank you for your continued support
The P1 teachers.

Primary 4 16.1.19

Hello everyone

We have had a lovely week so far in Primary 4. On Monday the children received their Burns Poems home with them. They also have a copy of this poem in school. We will be working on learning and practising these poems in school, however, any support you can give your child at home with this would be greatly appreciated. The children will be reciting their poems to the class next Thursday. We’re looking forward to hearing them! 🙂

Your child also received a reading book home with them. Each week your child should read some pages from this book and this should be indicated and signed if possible on the white sheet in your child’s spelling jotter. Your child can read as many pages as they like each week.

In maths this week we have been working on data handling. We created tables showing information we gathered and also used tally marks accurately. The children now are working on creating a graph out of the information in their tables. These are looking fantastic and we’re looking forward to looking at the finished products. We will move onto looking at Venn diagrams next week.

This week we began doing a word boost activity every morning. Word boost helps the children to develop their use of more complex vocabulary when speaking or writing. This week we have looked at words such as “snaffle”, “teetering” and “turret”. This will continue each morning as the way we start our days in Primary 4 🙂

Reminders –
Spelling homework – Due Friday
Maths board game – To be completed in own time.
Reading for enjoyment – Written in spelling jotter and signed by Monday please.
Burns Poems to be recited next Thursday (24.1.19)
PE days: Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Wednesday

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson & Miss Roscilli

Primary 4 11.1.19

Hello everyone

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a happy and restful Christmas and New Year. We were pleased to welcome the children back on Monday and hear all of their news from the holidays!

This week has been a very busy week in Primary 4. P4C welcomed Miss Roscilli to the class. She will be with us for 5 weeks and will be working with Miss Clark and teaching us new and interesting things.

This week the children began reading lessons using their new books. These books are short novels that we will only be working on in school. We will work on these books for 2/3 weeks in class before moving onto a new book. The children will receive additional novels home with them to read for enjoyment. They will read set pages each week as before. Please check your child’s bag on Monday as there will be further information in homework diaries and spelling jotters.

On Monday your child will also receive a Scottish poem home to learn. We will be working on learning these in class but we would appreciate if your child could also practise their poem at home. The children will be asked to say their poem in front of the class wb 21.1.19 and 2 willing participants from each class will be chosen to say their poems in front of the school at our Burns Assembly. Thank you for all your support with this.

In maths this term we will be working on multiplication and division. This week we started by revising our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables and have been impressed by the children’s knowledge. The children are using many strategies in class to help answer multiplication questions including: counters/cubes, number lines and squares etc. Any help you can give your child to help recall their times table facts quickly and accurately would be greatly appreciated.
Why not try this game if you get the chance?

Hit the Button


Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Spelling & Maths due – Friday

Reading books – New book and pages out on Monday. Pages to be read by the following Monday.

Thank you for all your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson and Miss Roscilli

Primary 5 14.12.18

Primary 5 have been in the Christmas spirit this week.  We had a fantastic time at our party, we all looked amazing in our party outfits and enjoyed dancing and playing party games.  We also got to watch the infants perform their Nativity plays, which were fantastic.

We are busy writing Christmas adventures using all the writing skills we have learned this term.  We have definately improved in using our core targets and description.

In Maths we completed our work on 3 shapes by making 3D shapes with K Nex. This was a real challenge but we were very creative and managed to make 6 different 3D shapes.

In French we learned vocabulary related to Christmas and made pictures to illustrate our new vocabulary.

We are looking forward to our last week next week where we will have a talent show and lots of other Christmas related tasks to complete.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 5 7.12.18

Primary 5 have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week.  On Monday we watched a pantomime called Beauty and the Beast.  It was very entertaining and everyone loved it.

In RME we revised the Christmas story and wrote news reports which we performed to the class.

In Maths we have been learning about the properties of 3D objects and have made cubes, cones and cuboids from nets.  Some of us turned these into Christmas decorations which are on our class Christmas tree.

We have continued learning about endangered animals in Science and this week we were learning about Invasive Species.  We discussed red squirrels and learned about conservation projects to try to help save them from extinction.

Next week we have our Christmas party on Tuesday, we have been learning some traditional dances and games in preparation at PE.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies


Primary 4 22.11.18

Hello everyone

We have had a lovely week in Primary 4. Our Enterprise topic is in full swing! The children were allocated jobs within our business “The Reindeer Club” and created ID badges to show who they are and the role they play. Today, the children created our product – Reindeer Sweetie Jars. They are looking fantastic! The children worked so well with lots of different materials and listened carefully to instructions. We will decide upon what sweeties the jars will contain next week and then our finished products will be complete!

In maths we have been learning how to mentally subtract 2 digit numbers using a variety of strategies. We have been using a hundred square effectively to speed up our calculations. Next week we will be mentally subtracting within 3 digit numbers.

Next week there will be no Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson. PE with Mrs Ferguson will resume the following week however our Indoor PE day will change from a Thursday to a Wednesday afternoon. This information will be in the children’s homework diary closer to the time. Outdoor PE will stay on a Tuesday.

The Christmas Fair will take place next Friday 30th November. Please contact the school office for tickets. We look forward to seeing lots of you there 🙂

Reminders –

No indoor PE next week.

Outdoor PE on Tuesday.

Spelling and maths homework due in tomorrow.

Reading pages to be completed for Monday.

Thank you for all your support.
Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

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