Primary 4 10.5.19

Hello everyone

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. We enjoyed welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday and hearing their weekend news.

This week we welcomed some exciting additions to our classroom. Five caterpillars have been delivered and we will be watching them grow and develop over the coming days and weeks. They are in a small container just now with food at the bottom. When each caterpillar turns into a chrysalis they will be moved into a much bigger container, ready to turn into butterflies :). Once their transformation is complete we will then release them into the wild. The children are very excited to watch as the caterpillars are already much bigger now than they even were on Wednesday. We will continue to add pictures to the blog as they transform.

Show rehearsals are now in full swing. Please continue to practice any words your child has to learn with them at home. The show performances are on Thursday 13th June at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. More details will be provided about tickets for this event soon.

Your child should have received a P4 newsletter home with them which gives further details about what your child will be learning this term. Today your child will receive a new homework sheet and reading book home too. The children have until next Friday to complete one spelling activity related to week 1 words, read the set pages in their book and complete 1 other activity of their choice. Please see the sheet and class newsletter for further details.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 5 3.5.19

Primary 5 have had a busy week with  rehearsals for our show Rock Bottom.  We have been learning our songs and dances and the actors are beginning to learn their parts too.  Please encourage them to keep learning their lines at home.

In Maths we have been working on money.  We have been working on problems related to best value for money.  All children have a new studyladder account to work on money at home.

In Spanish we have been learning about different foods, we have also learned to say what we like and don’t like.

In health we have completed our topic on drug education.

This term we are doing some reading for enjoyment.  The children have been given a sheet to fill in to encourage them to read at home.  There are books in school for them to borrow if they need to so we would appreciate your encouragement with this.


Have a lovely holiday weekend.

Mrs Jamieson, Mrs Davies

Primary 4 21.3.19

Hello everyone

We have been very busy practising and preparing for our Parent Assembly which will take place tomorrow morning at 9:10. Thank you to everyone who has already handed in clothes for the children to wear in the assembly. The children can’t wait to perform to you all! 🙂

Spelling homework was handed out again on Monday and is due in on Friday. Your child should complete look, cover, write, check twice and 1 activity. Next week will be our last week of homework before the Easter Holidays.

All children in Primary 4 will complete SNSA (Scottish National Standardised Assessments) next week during class time. All children have completed a practice test already and will complete 3 assessments throughout the course of the week (writing, reading and maths).

Yesterday all of the children designed and created straw rockets. We discussed how the force of the air in our lungs made the rocket fly! You will see pictures of the finished results in our class assembly tomorrow.

Reminders –
Indoor PE – Monday
Outdoor PE – Wednesday
Spelling homework due Friday
Black clothes for tomorrow’s assembly (a letter was sent home if this applies to your child).

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 19/3/19

Primary 2 would like to say a huge thank you to PSA for funding some of our trip to the Zoo! Their contribution has brought the price per child down. The PSA have also paid for our Animal Man visit in the last week of term. He will come to school with a variety of animals for the children to handle carefully. We are all very excited!

Well done to Primary 2R for a fantastic assembly last week. All of the children did a super job at telling the parents what they have learned so far in our Hot and Cold Countries topic.

This week our specialist timetable is changing. We will no longer have music with Mr Shanks however the children will continue P.E with Mrs Ferguson (Thursday) and receive Art from Ms Fox (Wednesday).

Homework is due this Thursday and will be shared in class. Children received new reading books this week. Please remember to read it with your child regularly.

Permission slips and money for the Zoo trip need to be handed and Primary 2 will be taking part in the Easter egg hunt Monday 25th March so please remember to bring in £1.


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 6.3.19

Hello everyone

This week has been a busy but fun one in Primary 4 so far. The children worked well in groups to make excellent mind maps about each of the 8 planets in the solar system. Each group focused on one planet and finding out particular facts about it including how many moons it had, how far the planet is from the sun and who the planet was named after. They then taught the rest of the class about their planet by presenting their mind map to the class. The class then took notes on each planet and each child now has a solar system book that they have designed themselves using their notes. Well done everyone 🙂

Tomorrow we are visiting P2 for World Book Day. Primary 2 will be sharing their favourite book with us and some activities that they have been doing in class. Primary 4 will also be sharing their favourite books with Primary 2. We will also share books that we have created in class.

Today was our last day of PE with Mrs Ferguson in Primary 4. We’d like to thank Mrs Ferguson for all she has taught the children this year. Starting next week both sessions of PE will take place with your child’s class teacher. Indoor PE will now be on a Monday and Outdoor PE will now be on Wednesday. We will remind the children of this and it will be written in their homework diaries next week.

We have begun the process of planning our assembly which will take place on Friday 22nd March. We look forward to inviting you to join P4 in exploring their learning related to our topic of Space. The children chose to learn about this topic and they are very enthusiastic about it. We can’t wait to show you what we have learned. Please look out for speaking parts or information about costumes in your child’s homework diary.

Reminders –
Your child has a moon record in their spelling homework jotter. Please encourage your child to look up at the sky each night and record what they can see. Remember – if the moon isn’t visible encourage your child to look at stars or other objects in the sky and look for anything interesting. There will be no spelling homework for two weeks so that your child can focus on this task. We will continue to work on spelling/phonics revision in class.

Red Nose Day celebrations begin next Thursday with a bake sale in the afternoon. There will be a talent show assembly held on Friday and a dress down day on Friday to raise money too.

Thank you for all of your support.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 4.3.19

Primary 2 have a busy week of learning ahead!

We did some successful reports about the desert last week. The children had to think about an interesting title, draw a labelled picture and write facts under two or three subheadings. The children were full of facts and managed to create some fantastic reports which are now displayed in class. We are continuing our report writing this week about desert animals. We will be learning about camels and desert snakes!

In numeracy we are learning about estimating. The children will be trying to estimate roughly where a particular number falls on the number line. We will also be working out numbers half way between. To help support your child in this you could work on forward and backward number sequences up to 100.

Tuesday 5th March is Shove Tuesday so the children are going to be learning about Lent and Shrove Tuesday. We might even be able to indulge in some tasty pancakes!

Primary 2R need to continue to practise their assembly lines and songs. Letters will come home if your child requires a costume.

Homework is due on Thursday 7th March. The children will share their work with a friend in class.

On Thursday we will also be celebrating World Book day- Primary will be sharing their favourite book with Primary 4 boys and girls. So please remember to bring in your favourite book on Thursday!

Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 1.3.19

Hello everyone

Thank you to all the parents, family members and carers that came into the P4 classes on Monday for our shared start and yesterday for our shared finish. It was so lovely to see so many of you working with your children on their learning in class. We hope you enjoyed your introduction to Number Talks and we hope to see you all soon.

This week in writing we have been continuing our report on the Apollo 11 mission and the first men to walk on the moon. The children have been very interested in learning about how this mission took place. They have turned into excellent reporters making sure they write down accurate facts for their readers. Next week we will be redrafting these reports into newspaper articles. We are sure the finished articles will look fantastic!

We have been enjoying watching the resurfacing work happening in the playground right outside our classroom window! We are hopeful this work will be finished by next week 🙂

On Monday the children began choosing their own words from our class novels for our word boost activities later in the week. The children were excellent at identifying tricky words that they would like to explore in more detail. Please ask your child the words that they have been learning about during word boost lessons.

Next week we will begin organising our class assembly that will take place on Friday 22nd March. Parents/carers will be able to attend this assembly and letters about this will be sent out in due course. Our assembly will centre around our space topic and any lines your child will need to learn will be sent home in homework diaries in the next week or so. Please look out for these.

Reminders –
PE days – Tuesday and Wednesday
Spelling – Due Friday
Reading pages by Monday

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 2 25.2.19

Primary 2 are very excited to have the diggers arrive in the playground for the resurfacing. Our playtimes and lunch times have all changed but the children have adapted well to these. We can’t wait to see what the playground will look like once it’s finished!

Primary 2 have moved on in their topic and are beginning to learn about hot countries. We have discussed what we would need to pack to go to a hot country and today we are learning about the importance of protecting ourselves, especially our skin in the sun. We are designing our very own sun hats, discussing the importance/purpose of suncream and why sunglasses are used to protect our eyes. We are also going to be learning facts about the Desert and writing fact files about the desert in our writing lesson.

In Numeracy we are moving on from fractions in shapes and beginning to investigate the fraction of a number. We are going to be halving numbers within 20 to start and then hopefully progress onto bigger numbers. In Maths we are still learning about money but this week we are going to be focussing on working out change from 20p. We will be using our subtraction skills/strategies to work out the change.

Primary 2R have an assembly on 12th March. It is important that all the children practise their lines and look at the songs/dance on youtube. (Penguin dance, Lion song, Holiday song from Trolls).

P.E for P2R is a Tuesday and Wednesday

P.E for P2M is a Wednesday and Thursday

Homework has been issued today, along with new reading books. Homework is due 7th March.

Thanks, Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 2 13.2.19

Primary 2 would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents/careers who came along to our soft start and finish. It was lovely to see you all and hopefully it gave you an insight into our number talks.

It was internet safety day on 5th February. The children were learning how to stay safe when using devices that connect to the internet. The children were talking about what to do if something pops up on their screen and we also spent quite a bit of time discussing the importance of not sharing personal information online. We had some super discussions!

In reading the children have been learning about visualisation and why it is important for the reader to be able to visualise characters and setting when there is no picture available. All the children heard a story about Mr Gum and they all managed to draw him and his house after hearing a short piece of text.

In maths we were working on missing subtrahends. The children were using their subtraction skills to find the missing numbers. Some children managed to get onto the challenge questions where there were a mixture of missing subtrahend and minuend questions.

We finished the week learning about rhythm in music with Mr Shanks and our french colours in class!

Please remember P.E kits and water bottles.

Homework for this week and next week will just be their reading. We will issue new homework tasks on Monday 25th February.

Miss Rafferty & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 6.2.19

Hello everyone

It has been another busy week in Primary 4 this week.

In reading each group has been working on a variety of activities related to their short class novels. Well done to everyone for reading their larger novel at home. Some children are even finished reading these already! 🙂 If your child finishes their reading book at home we would appreciate if they could bring this back into school at the earliest opportunity. We would then ask that your child continues to read at home choosing their own book from home or a book from our classroom library. Thank you for your support with this.

Our topic of Scotland is going well. This week we have been learning about various Scottish characters from fiction and non-fiction books. We have explored characters such as Greyfriars Bobby, Maisie, Hairy Maclary and Katie Morag. The children were then able to retell their stories in the form of story boards and in their own books. Well done everyone for your fantastic work.

We have been working hard to develop our vocabulary each week through a variety of word boost activities. We are now furthering our understandings by identifying if the words we are learning are nouns, verbs, adverbs or adjectives. We are categorising these words on our word boost wall displays in our classrooms.

P4C say goodbye to Miss Roscilli on Friday. She has spent 5 weeks teaching and working with the children and we will miss her when she goes. We wish her the best of luck for the future.

Reminders –

Parents consultations take place next Wednesday (5-7:30) and Thursday (4-6:30) evenings next week. We look forward to seeing many of you then.
The children are off school on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th February for the February break.
PE days:
Tuesday – Outdoor PE (weather permitting, otherwise Indoor PE)
Wednesday – Indoor PE with Mrs Ferguson
Spelling & Maths homework tasks due each Friday.
Reading larger novel/own novels for enjoyment at home. Pages to be read each week and indicated in spelling jotters.

Thank you for all your support.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson & Miss Roscilli.

P5 1.02.19

Hello from Primary 5.


This week we have started learning about the events leading up to the Scottish Wars of Independence.  We have learned about the life of King Alexander and the problems his death caused for Scotland.  We worked in partners to write a news report with his wife Queen Yolande and are looking forward to presenting these next week.  We had a discussion about the succession crisis and made a Ragman Roll, which was a document written at the time to swear allegiance to King Edward.  Many children have been talking about their progress with the big homework task and we are looking forward to seeing them in a week’s time.


In Maths this week we have been learning about fractions.  We can record fractions as mixed numbers and improper fractions. We have also been doing some work on mltiplication in number talks.


Primary 4 16.1.19

Hello everyone

We have had a lovely week so far in Primary 4. On Monday the children received their Burns Poems home with them. They also have a copy of this poem in school. We will be working on learning and practising these poems in school, however, any support you can give your child at home with this would be greatly appreciated. The children will be reciting their poems to the class next Thursday. We’re looking forward to hearing them! 🙂

Your child also received a reading book home with them. Each week your child should read some pages from this book and this should be indicated and signed if possible on the white sheet in your child’s spelling jotter. Your child can read as many pages as they like each week.

In maths this week we have been working on data handling. We created tables showing information we gathered and also used tally marks accurately. The children now are working on creating a graph out of the information in their tables. These are looking fantastic and we’re looking forward to looking at the finished products. We will move onto looking at Venn diagrams next week.

This week we began doing a word boost activity every morning. Word boost helps the children to develop their use of more complex vocabulary when speaking or writing. This week we have looked at words such as “snaffle”, “teetering” and “turret”. This will continue each morning as the way we start our days in Primary 4 🙂

Reminders –
Spelling homework – Due Friday
Maths board game – To be completed in own time.
Reading for enjoyment – Written in spelling jotter and signed by Monday please.
Burns Poems to be recited next Thursday (24.1.19)
PE days: Outdoor PE – Tuesday
Indoor PE – Wednesday

Thank you for your support.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson & Miss Roscilli

Primary 2 15.1.19

Primary 2 have been learning about cold countries. We have been investigating the landscape found in cold countries. Children were able to identify icebergs, glaciers, frozen lakes and snowy mountains. We will be conducting a science experiment with ice to see what conditions make it melt.

All of the boys and girls have been given a Scottish poem to learn off by heart. We have been practising these in class but we have also asked the children to practise performing them in front of their family. We will do our poem recital on Wednesday 23rd January in class.

In numeracy we have been using our counting on skills to help us solve missing addends. The children have been working very hard explain their strategies and using the tools in the classroom to help.

The children wrote fantastic stories last Thursday about packing for a holiday. They tried hard to construct sentences properly, use adjectives to describe what they were packing and also shared their feelings about going on a holiday. Super writing P2!

On Monday the children were given new reading books and new activities to complete in their “share it” books. This is due back on Thursday 24th January.

P.E reminders- P2R Tuesday and Wednesday

P2M Wednesday and Thursday


Miss Rafferty and Mrs Muir

Primary 4 11.1.19

Hello everyone

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a happy and restful Christmas and New Year. We were pleased to welcome the children back on Monday and hear all of their news from the holidays!

This week has been a very busy week in Primary 4. P4C welcomed Miss Roscilli to the class. She will be with us for 5 weeks and will be working with Miss Clark and teaching us new and interesting things.

This week the children began reading lessons using their new books. These books are short novels that we will only be working on in school. We will work on these books for 2/3 weeks in class before moving onto a new book. The children will receive additional novels home with them to read for enjoyment. They will read set pages each week as before. Please check your child’s bag on Monday as there will be further information in homework diaries and spelling jotters.

On Monday your child will also receive a Scottish poem home to learn. We will be working on learning these in class but we would appreciate if your child could also practise their poem at home. The children will be asked to say their poem in front of the class wb 21.1.19 and 2 willing participants from each class will be chosen to say their poems in front of the school at our Burns Assembly. Thank you for all your support with this.

In maths this term we will be working on multiplication and division. This week we started by revising our 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables and have been impressed by the children’s knowledge. The children are using many strategies in class to help answer multiplication questions including: counters/cubes, number lines and squares etc. Any help you can give your child to help recall their times table facts quickly and accurately would be greatly appreciated.
Why not try this game if you get the chance?

Hit the Button


Outdoor PE – Tuesday

Indoor PE – Wednesday

Spelling & Maths due – Friday

Reading books – New book and pages out on Monday. Pages to be read by the following Monday.

Thank you for all your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark, Miss Donaldson and Miss Roscilli

Primary One 8th January 2019

Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all.  We hope that you had a lovely break, it was lovely to see all the boys and girls yesterday and hear all their news from their time off.

This term we will be starting a new topic on Dinosaurs.  We will be introducing this this week and finding out what the children already know and what they would like to find out.  We are excited to see all the fun activities that the children will come up with!

This fortnight’s homework and a new Reading book was sent home today.  Can children please bring in book bags every day as at times we get extra Reading practise?

There will be an extra piece of homework sent out this week in preparation for our annual Scot’s poetry competition.  Each child will be given a poem to learn and recite to the class.  We will also be doing work on this in class but we would appreciate your help at home to learn them.

Gym days this term continue to be Tuesday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor with Mrs Ferguson).

Reminder that the Families Connect coffee morning is on Thursday 17th January at 2.30 and you are all welcome to come and find out more about the Families Connect programme.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Pringle, Mrs Oliver, Miss Christy and Mrs Steel

Primary 2 11.12.18

This week Primary 2 and 3 have their dress rehearsal for the Nativity. It will be the first time the children will have their costumes on and use all the props. If your child came home with a costume letter please make sure their have the appropriate clothing for the performance. We have our fingers and toes crossed for a successful dress rehearsal.

Primary 2 have their final piece of homework due for the year on Thursday. Remember put all activities into the “share it” jotter and we will share our homework with our friends on Thursday 13th December. All children have a new reading book for this week. These will be collected back in on Monday 17th December.

The school is hosting a talent show on Monday 17th December and Primary 2 are doing their auditions for the show tomorrow. If your child has a talent that they would like to showcase to the class please encourage them to practise.

Primary 2 have their Christmas Party on Monday 17th December. This is in the afternoon so if your child is staying in school for lunch, please send them into school with the party outfit in a bag. We will allow time for children to change before their Christmas Party! We can’t wait for Christmas songs, dancing and games!

Christmas Jumper day is Thursday 20th December- come to school wearing a Christmas Jumper for a small donation.

P.E on a Wednesday with our P.E specialist.


Miss Rafferty & Mrs Muir

Primary 4 6.12.18

Hello everyone

Primary 4 have had an exciting week. On Monday we saw the panto “Beauty and the Beast”. The children loved joining in with the show! On Tuesday many children ate their Christmas lunch – it looked delicious!

This week in science we have been learning about Inheritance. We have been discovering that many of the traits we have are inherited from our parents including whether we have attached or detached earlobes or if we can roll our tongue! We have also been learning about how some of our behaviours are learned – like riding a bike or doing a cartwheel. Today the children used coins to create their own baby monsters with traits from their monster parents. Heads meant the mother monsters trait and tails meant the father monster!

Our Indoor PE day has changed to a Wednesday. The children enjoyed playing different catching games and also learning Scottish country dances which they will perform at their Christmas party next week.

The P4 Christmas Party is next Wednesday afternoon. The children can bring their party clothes to school with them to get changed into after lunch. Alternatively you may pick your child up at 12:30 then they can go home for lunch to get changed. We can’t wait! 🙂

This will be the last week of spelling and maths homework this term. Both will resume in the new year. Each group will finish their reading books by the end of next week and all books should be returned to school by Monday 17th December at the latest if possible.

Reminders –
Spelling due Friday
Reading pages due Monday
PE days – Tuesday and Wednesday
P4 Christmas Party – Wednesday 12th December @ 1:30.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 4 1.12.18

Hello everyone

Primary 4 had a very exciting week! The children worked very well in their enterprise groups to finish their products. Human Resources did an excellent job at supporting every group while Accounts calculated our profit; Quality Control worked on repairing bottles; Marketing picked our company logo and Advertising chose the best posters to be displayed. The reindeer sweetie bottles have now arrived home. Thank you all for your support of our Enterprise Project. It was a very valuable experience for the children to take part in.

Our PE days are changing. There will be a note in homework diaries about this on Monday. PE with Mrs Ferguson will now take place on Wednesdays. Outdoor PE will remain on a Tuesday. We also look forward to art lessons with Ms Fox starting on Wednesday also. The children will no longer take part in the weekly mile on a Friday. This will reconvene in the summer term.

In writing the children worked very hard to create excellent beginnings to their story “The Magic Collar”. Earlier in the week the children had enjoyed exploring a story all about Lumi the dog with the magical collar who spent time with Santa and his reindeer in the North Pole. The children then wrote their own stories about dogs with magical collars trying their best to write in full sentences and include some of our special trickier “boost” words (glimmering, whirled, drifted and anticipation) in their own writing. The children worked fantastically well and these stories will be a fabulous read when they are completed. 🙂

Reminders –

Christmas lunch is on Tuesday 4th. The children will watch a pantomime in school on Monday 3rd 🙂
Children should read their reading pages by Monday 3rd December please.
Spelling homework will be given out on Monday and due in on Friday.
There will be no maths homework this week.

Thank you for your support. Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

Primary 5 16.11.18

Primary 5 have had a very busy week.  For Children in Need we set up a shop which has been very busy.  Thank you to everyone for their support in this.  This morning we had a dress down day and enjoyed seeing all the spotty outfits.

Next Friday is our class assembly and we have spent the week preparing presentations and learning our song.

In Maths we have continued to work on multiplication and should continue to practise our times tables at home.

At present we are working on our Christmas Enterprise topic and the materials for our products have started to arrive.  We are looking forward to beginning production over the next few weeks.

Homework this week will be:

Reading our Group Novel

Learning Assembly parts


Spelling/Handwriting sheet.

Have a lovely week

Mrs Jamieson/Mrs Davies

Primary 4 15.11.18

Hello everyone

We have had a busy but interesting week in Primary 4.

In maths we have been learning how to answer subtraction questions using the written method. The children have been working hard to exchange when they do not have the number of ones required. We have also been practising quick recall of subtraction facts within 20. Please practise these facts with your child at home.

In writing we wrote scripts in groups of 3. We were telling imaginative stories about the Vikings we had created previously. The children worked very hard to incorporate stage directions into their scripts. They also used colons when introducing what a character was about to say. Next week the children will act out their scripts in front of an audience. We can’t wait to see the finished products!

We began exploring our new topic of Enterprise this week. The children discussed what they wanted to learn and how they want to learn. They also came up with some ideas for the name of our company and filled in job application forms for different roles within our business. We will be making reindeer sweetie bottles to sell to family and friends. The children are very excited and we’re sure that the finished products will be fabulous! 🙂

The Christmas Fair is on Friday 30th November from 6-8pm. Tickets are available from the school office or able to be purchased on the night.

Letters were sent out earlier this week for the school Christmas Lunch. This will take place on Tuesday 4th December. Children should order their lunch by next Wednesday or they will not be able to have a Christmas lunch on this day. If your child does not wish to have a Christmas lunch then they should bring a packed lunch to school on this day.

Reminders –

PE days: Thursday and Tuesday (outdoor)

Homework –
Spelling – LCWC x 2 and a spelling activity due on Friday
Maths – Subtraction sheet due Friday
Reading – see sheet in spelling homework jotters for pages. Due next Monday.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Clark & Miss Donaldson

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