Primary 4, 20.5.16

This week began with a fantastic trip to Dynamic Earth. We found out how the world was created according to the theory of the Big bang. We also learned about the phases the world has gone through in order for us to have the chemicals and products within the world. This fed into ‘Our Community’ topic as it taught is how coal and gases were formed.






This led nicely to Tuesday where we had a visit from a lady from Library Services. She brought with her lots of artifacts from museums from the shale mining times in West Lothian. We learned about the lights they used down the mine and what it was like to live without electricity. The battery which powered their light in their helmets weighed a lot and we discussed the difference between batteries then and now. We also got to explore fossils in rocks and learned how these were made.



On top if this, our last visitor came into school from the community. His name is PC McMahon and is one of the community officers from this area. He came to tell us how he helped the community and was able to answer questions about what he did. The children asked very good questions as a result of knowing lots of information from Mrs Vance’s visit! We definitely made him think!

We have one last visit as a result of our letters and it is Monday the 30th of May. We will be visiting Morrisons to find out what part they play in the community and to have a little tour.

There is no further progress with the butterflies / caterpillars and they are all still in their chrysalises with no change. Our worms are doing well and are creating lots of patterns for us to follow in their soil. We will probably set them free soon.

STOP PRESS Four of the butterflies have hatched and have been released today (Friday)

Well done to the Deer Park team in sports day today, however we need to find out the results from the infant sports day to see whether they are overall winners or not. Thank you to all the parents who came along to participate, and for the tug of war at the end!


Monday 23rd – Holiday

Tuesday – Outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday – Dress Rehearsal for the show (performing to the school)

Saturday 28th – SCHOOL FAIR


Due Friday 27th : Spelling as normal

Reading pages plus activity:

Red – Ch 3 and 4 of The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble

Blue – P.74 – 87

Green – P.65 – 77



Primary 4, 13.5.16

Thank you to everyone bringing in their junk…we now have a collection gathering in the corner of our classroom and it will be put to good use next week and the week after. I can’t wait to see the mini-beasts created from it as the plans are very thorough and have some excellent ideas for movable parts.

We have some very exciting news! Our caterpillars have turned into chrysalises and we watched them turn before our very eyes! One caterpillar was still choosing his position on Monday morning but the rest had gone to sleep, attached to the lid by their tails. By Tuesday we watched them turn one by one, going from this:


to this:


We will keep you updated of any butterfly appearances 🙂

Also this week we had our visitors from West Lothian Youth Foundation as well as a player from Livingston F.C Youth Team. The children were very intrigued by what they had to say and ad lots of questions for them.

Another visitor we had this week was a lady called Christine from Child Smile who came to speak about the work they do for the community. It also fitted in with our health topic this term which is healthy eating, healthy teeth and health and hygiene. She was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and hoped they were putting what they know into practice at home. She brought with her a present for each of the children. Here is a picture of us all with our gifts of toothpaste and a toothbrush:


We were out enjoying the weather this week doing a little mini bug hunt. We successfully found all kinds of mini-beasts for inspection and learned a little more about their habitats and where they like to hide.  There weren’t many places to look as our allotments are no longer there. We are looking forward to our proper mini-beast hunt at Hopeton House where we will be doing a pond dip as well as a mini-beast safari. This is happening at the end of term and more information about this trip will follow.

Here we are enjoying the outdoors with some of the bugs we collected:

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Remember we have our trip to Dynamic Earth on Monday. Please bring a packed lunch, those who have lunches provided will receive theirs from the school.

Sports day will be Thursday, please wear house colours (see below). It will start at 9.30am.



Monday 16th – Dynamic Earth, packed lunch required.

Tuesday 17th – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday 19th – Weather permitting – Sports day 9:30am. Please wear house colours:

Raeburn – Green

Waverley – Red

Sutherland – Yellow

Deer Park – Blue

Please bring in costumes if you have not done so already.




Due Friday 20th – Spelling as normal

Reading –

Red: The Karate Princess in Monsta Trouble ch.1 and 2

Blue: p.60 – 73

Green: p.53 – 64



Primary 3 w.b. 9.5.16

Good Morning!
Primary 3 have been working hard the past few weeks on their Outstanding Outdoors Topic. The children who didn’t go to Lowport created a super wall display while the rest of the class were away. So far mosst of the learning has focused around plants. Our table sunflowers are beginning to grow. The children are taking responsibility for watering them every few days are are enjoying watching the progress. This week we are moving on to learn about the local area we live in. We are looking forward to learning more about Livingston and landuse in the area.
In maths, primary 3 are finishing off their work on numbers to 1000. We have been very impressed by their knowledge of numbers so far!
This week we will begin CEM testing. The children will complete tests on computers over the next 2 weeks to measure their progress in maths, literacy and general learning.
A reminder that Homework begins again this week. The children will be given reading, spelling and maths homework to complete by Friday.
PE this week is on Monday and Tuesday for P3R and Tuesday and Wednesday for P3C.
Thank you for your support
Miss Christy and Miss Rafferty

Primary 4 6.5.16

Our organised Day for Change is here and staff and children are arriving in school in their pyjamas as I type! We will let you know the success of the day just as soon as we have final totals.

Our V.I.Is are growing and hopefully be turning into a chrysalis very soon. Here is an update of their progress:


This weekend we want to wish Skye Thayne huge amounts of luck reciting her Burns poem for the finals!  We can’t wait to hear how you did on Monday 🙂 Very proud class and teacher but all credits go to you for the fantastic effort and work you have put into it!

Next week we have people from West Lothian Youth Foundation coming in to talk about the work they do within the community. This is as a result of the letters we sent to Livingston F.C.

Children were given letters about our trip a week on Monday (16.5.16) to Dynamic Earth. This was as part of the Golden Ticket win we had whereby the school was permitted free entry to Dynamic Earth for trips. We are very excited about this. Please ensure your child has returned the purple form to permit them to go.

We are holding a small talent contest next Friday in order to choose one act for the final talent show in June, held by our House Captains. We are all very excited about this and preparing our acts. It’s going to be hard to choose just one from such a talented class!



Purple trip form returned as soon as possible.

No PE kit required on Monday 9th.

Outdoor PE kit required for Tuesday.

Homework Diaries signed.

Junk to be collected for mini-beast challenge in school.


Spelling as normal

Due Friday 13th May – Reading: Read the following pages and complete an activity.

Red – Chapter 7

Blue – P.47 – 59

Green – P.41 – 52

Miss Smith’s Maths Class – Homework on position: please familiarise yourself with angles through accessing and playing these games online. If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, please let me know as I have alternative hand outs.


P4/3 Update 6.5.16

It sounds as though our Primary 3s had a great time in Lowport last week and behaviour was apparently fantastic so well done!

Today is Day for Change in school (organised by P4/3 and P4) and we’re hoping to see as many people as possible in school in their pyjamas (and slippers too if they like). We will be collecting change to send to UNICEF who help children all over the world who are living in dreadful conditions.

We have all been working hard practising for the P4/5 show, learning the songs and dances and lines. Less than 4 weeks to go now and the boys and girls are all very excited.

Next week homework will go back to normal with spelling, reading and maths all to be completed. We also have our big homework task due next Wednesday.

There will be no indoor PE next Monday due to a show rehearsal and outdoor PE will be on Tuesday so please bring appropriate kit that day.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Wallace

Primary 3 25.4.16

Primary 3 have front row seats for the construction of the new gym hall. We have been seeing lots of activity outside our classroom windows! We are lucky enough today to have one of the contractors coming in to speak to our boys and girls about the construction, the equipment and machinery that is used. We also might meet their mascot! We will let you know how we get on.

Very exciting week in Primary 3- its nearly time for our residential to Lowport. Everyone is looking forward to some outdoor activities and we hope the sun keeps shining for us. Any questions about Lowport, please feel free to contact us.

Last week in Primary 3 we wrote letters to our local gardener. The children had to share their learning and think of at least 3 questions to ask. The children carefully structured their letters and decorated them with drawings of flowers.

No homework spelling

Maths homework- Money game

Sweet shop



Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy


P4/3 Update 22.4.16

Well done to the P4s who were at Auchengillan last week. Their behaviour was great and they all took part in the activities enthusiastically. Have a look at Miss Smith’s P4 blog for some photos of the trip.
The P3s are now really looking forward to their overnight trip to Lowport next week.

We also really enjoyed our trip to Dynamic Earth this week. Unfortunately our bus got caught up in bad traffic on our way there but the boys’ and girls’ behaviour was fantastic with no complaints on the journey. We learned lots more about the rainforests and also had a tour around Dynamic Earth.

Some of the class are taking part in a schools gymnastics competition on Thursday and we all wish them luck. I’m sure they’ll have a great time and do brilliantly.

New reading homework sheets have been attached in homework jotters. These include weekly reading pages as well as tasks to be completed once a fortnight. Please have a look at these as they started this week.
Next week’s homework will be Spelling, reading and maths.

Remember indoor PE is now on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Thursday (weather permitting) so please make sure your child has appropriate kit on these days.

Your child should have brought home a letter last week informing you of the change of teacher in class. As of May 24th Mrs Gilmour and Mrs Harris will be teaching P4/3 when I go off on maternity leave.

The boys and girls in P4 and 5 have all been working hard and rehearsing for our school show. We’re sure it’s going to be great and can’t wait to see the final result.

Have a good weekend
Mrs Wallace

Primary 4, 23.4.16

What a busy week it has been, getting into our new topics and recovering from the fantastic Auchengillan!

The children were excellent and their behaviour and manners were commented on by everyone, from the kitchen staff to the outdoor staff as well as the administration staff so a big well done to everyone who came.

We got very muddy on the last day as it had been raining prior to our visit. We had a very quick change before heading onto the bus to go home. See below for a few sneaky pics! We have made a video of all of the photos taken by staff which the children will see very soon.

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Whilst we were away at Auchengillan, the people who stayed with Mrs Wallace did a fantastic job of organising Primary 4’s event, ‘Day for Change.’ This will take place on the 6th of May whereby children can mark the event by getting dressed in their pyjamas and slippers to come to school. If they wish they can bring in a donation of change, as much or as little as they want.

It has been a busy week for our staff and colleagues this week in Bulgaria too! I hope you have all been catching up with their activities on the F.L.A.G Blog page. In class we have been reading it every morning and discussing similarities and differences as well as talking about their experiences.

Look out for our newsletter for this term. It highlights up and coming events, current topics as well as reminders. We will be welcoming a few new visitors to our class next week as well as part of our Science topic, Mini-beasts. Caterpillars and worms will be making their way into their enclosures at some point for us to observe over the next few weeks.

This week we sent off letters to members of our community to invite them in to chat about their role in our community. We sent ten letters to various people the children considered to be important in our community and have one visit booked in for next week already! Fingers crossed more people reply to make our learning all the more interesting and relevant.


Please sign homework diaries

Indoor PE kit – Monday

Outdoor PE kit – Tuesday

6th May – Day for Change



Due: Friday 29th April

  • Reading book pages:

Red – Ch 3 and 4

Blue – p.21 – 32

green – p.15 – 27

  • Corresponding activities (first one to be completed by next Friday 29th as they have two weeks to complete an activity.)
  • Miss Smith’s Maths Class – Multiplication / division sheet.


Primary 3 18.3.16

Primary 3’s new topic for this term is Our Outstanding Outdoors. We will be learning about plants, wildlife and investigating outdoor play parks. We are looking forward to getting outside and getting our hands dirty.

Primary 3 are also attending Futsal lessons on a Tuesday morning, The children will be learning skills like controlling the ball with their feet, passing and teamwork. Please bring an indoor P.E kit every Tuesday morning (This will replace our outdoor P.E).

Last week we started to learning a little more about money and how to give change. We will be continuing this, so please encourage your children to be more familiar with all the coins and their value.

A number of children are beginning to get excited about our trip to Lowport- we have asked the children to think of a talent/performance for the Thursday evening. If they could get back to us with that talent and any resources/music they require so we can be prepared. Miss Christy also has lots of exciting plans for the boys and girls who are not going to Lowport.


Homework- Spelling, Maths


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christy

Primary 4 18.3.16

We have started a challenge to round off our learning about Scotland and its main cities. We have been put into groups and provided with a big map to fill with information about 4 of the main cities. This  should be information for tourists and demonstrate the knowledge we have gained. I will post pictures of the finished products next week!

This week Primary six did a super job of organising Sport Relief bake sale. It ran smoothly and we all enjoyed a little sweet treat in preparation of our sporty Friday!

Primary 4 , 4/3 and 5 have also started casting for the school show. We are excited about it and are learning of the cast list today. Thank you to everyone who auditioned.

In other news, look out in Morrisons for Carmondean Primary School’s entries to the Easter competition. They are being displayed in the window of Morrisons at Carmondean and the winners will be chosen next Tuesday.


Monday: Indoor PE kit

Tuesday: outdoor PE kit

Thursday: Last day before Easter break

Homework for next week:

Due Monday 21st: Miss Smith’s Maths class – Multiplication homework

No Spelling this week.

Primary 4, 11.3.15

This week we went to see the dress rehearsal of the P7 show Hosanna. Those of you who are going to see it will love the songs and the acting! Well done P7! We will be beginning our show practice next week ready for our production of ‘Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies’.

We had Mrs Henry in from Morrisons yesterday giving us a taster of some Scottish foods. We tried things like potato scones, oatcakes, tablet, Ayrshire ham, scotch pies, and cheddar cheese among lots of others!  We were very adventurous with our choices and most people in the class tried everything. We then found out where each piece of food was from in Scotland.

We are looking forward to hearing the class talks over the next couple of weeks we have had power points, drawings, photographs, books and tickets as some of the materials brought in to accompany our talks. They look very interesting so far!

As of Monday our timetable will be changing slightly. We have  indoor PE on a Monday now instead of a Wednesday. Could you ensure appropriate kit be brought on this day. Outdoor PE remains a Tuesday.

Next week, we will be supporting Sport Relief. In order to do this, the P6’s who are organising will be holding a bake sale on Thursday 17th. The cakes will range between 20 and 50p. If you wish to contribute, they will be collecting baking donations next week.

On Friday the 18th to mark the event we will be having a dress down day where children should come to school dressed in sporty clothes. A 50p donation is required for dress down and all proceeds go to Sport Relief. On Friday break time, there will be a beat the teacher challenge which children can pay 50p to take part in also.


Monday 14th – Indoor PE kit

Thursday 15th – Outdoor PE Kit

Thursday 17th – Bake Sale for Sport Relief

Friday 18th – Dress down, 50p Sporty clothes

Please remember to sign homework diaries


Miss Smith’s Maths Class – multiplication homework due Monday 21st.

Reading – Please continue to read a library book or books from home to keep practising reading skills, continuing through the holidays.

Spelling as normal.

Primary 3 7.3.16

Primary 3 had a very exciting week last week. All of the children loved their visit to Edinburgh Castle. We were greeted by Hannah who took us on a quick tour to see Mons Meg and the Great Hall. She ran a workshop with the children which was fantastic. The children got to make their own crowns, learn about the people who lived and worked in the castle and dress up in some of their clothing. We then went to the Great Hall in our costumes to get a photograph. We will showcase these at our banquet on Friday. After the workshop we were able to tour the castle- we visited the Crown Jewels and watched the One Clock Gun! It was so loud!

On Thursday the children celebrated World Book Day! We dressed up as some of our favourite characters, read books, designed new front covers, wrote our very own stories and watched a classic movie from a popular novel. Thank you for helping us celebrate World Book Day.

We have our Class Assembly today about Knights and Castles, we hope you enjoy listening to the children telling you all about what they have learned so far.

We want to welcome you to our Medieval Banquet on Friday to experience some medieval food, dance and games. Invitations will be coming home soon. We hope you can all make it!


Homework: Maths, Spelling and Reading.

Miss Rafferty and Miss Christie

Primary 4, 4.3.16

What an exciting day we had for World Book Day and some excellent costumes and characters from our favourite books! We took part in a class quiz to see how much we knew about famous books just for a bit of fun in celebrating World Book Day and customised bookmarks to make them our own.


This week we also had fun in health, ordering drinks depending on the amount of sugar we thought they had in them. We were extremely surprised when we seen the results. We have been learning about the effects of sugar on our teeth and are awaiting a visit from the Dental Nurses who have kindly agreed to come in to visit us and give us a talk. This will be followed up nicely next term with healthy eating.


Sport Relief bands will be on sale next week for £1.

Homework diaries to be signed.

Outdoor PE kit on Tuesday.

No indoor PE on Wednesday.



Due Friday: Spelling as normal (all on new sheets)

Reading: apologies to the blue group, I forgot to hand out the book review sheets on Monday and therefore, they sat on my desk all week.

This week Reading homework for everyone will be a book review. Apologies again.

Class talk due to be handed in, the following week we will work our way through hearing them.

Primary 7 – 26.2.16

Happy Friday everyone!

This week in Primary 7 we started work on an ICT challenge. Children in groups of 4 had to create their own PowerPoint showing different fashions/uniforms during WW2. The children then had to write a script and record their own voices on the computer program “Audacity” to give their audience more information about fashion in 1940s Britain. Next week we will work on rehearsing the timings of our voice recordings and PowerPoint slides to ensure they are in sync. Then we will present our finished product to the rest of the class.

Children are continuing to work hard on “Hosanna!” (this years P6/7 show). All lines should be memorised by Monday, please support your child with this at home if necessary. Please note that the date of the show is Wednesday 16th March and all children are expected to attend both the afternoon show and the evening show. If your child cannot attend the evening show please send a letter into school as soon as possible to let the school know.

In science this week we have been learning about coal mining. The children explored the effects that coal mining can have on the surrounding land through conducting an experiment. We used a tool (toothpick) to “mine” for coal (chocolate chips) in our land (a cookie!) We discussed the importance of the force we used when “mining” and the impact that this had on our “land” (or cookie!) Some cookies were relatively unaffected by the mining whilst others were completely destroyed! The children now understand the effects that coal mining can have on the surrounding land. Next week we will move onto learning about oil and the impact that fossil fuels are having on our environment.

Primary 3 have organised a World Book Day event for the whole school on Thursday 3rd March. Children can come to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. There is no charge for this event. As part of our World Book Day celebrations Primary 7 will also be visiting their P1 buddies in the afternoon in order to read with them and complete some activities on their favourite books. We’re all looking forward to this 🙂

Please bring both outdoor and indoor PE kit next Monday and Tuesday. Also please note that our homework schedule is:

Spelling – due Friday each week
Maths – due Thursday each week
Reading – will be given out on Wednesday 2nd March and due in the following Wednesday (09.03)

Have a great weekend!

Miss Clark, Miss Farren & Miss Walker

Primary 1 update 25.2.16

Primary One are having a busy week and our Dinosaur topic is coming to an end. This week we have been learning about the Stegosaurus and we have completed another page for our Dinosaur Fact Files. We have also continued to be Palaeontologists by making our own fossils with clay and pretending to dig bones by extracting chocolate chips from cookies! Tricky and delicious at the same time!
Next week we will be starting our new topic – The Enchanted Forest! We can’t wait to tell you more!

In Maths, we have been completing addition up to 10 and next week we will be moving on to Weight. We will be focusing on comparing objects and the language heavy/light, heavier/lighter and the same.
Reminders for next week –
• Indoor gym is every Thursday so please remember gym kit!
• Thursday is World Book Day. Children may dress up as a character from a book if they choose.
• Could every child please bring their favourite book to school on Thursday. They will be completing a task with their P7 buddy.
Thank you for your continued support.
P1 Teachers

Primary 4 25.2.16

This week we have been busy practising our assembly for the rest of the school and our parents. We hope if you came to watch it, you enjoyed it and learned a lot. We have loved showing off all of our work and are very proud of how much we have learned so far!

Our science electricity challenge has finally been completed this afternoon with only a few more groups to report back. We have self and peer assessed our ability to make working circuits which include wires, buzzers, lights, batteries and motors. Our challenge stated we had to create a house with upstairs and downstairs which included working circuit components. It was up to us what we used the components for. We had a motorised revolving chair, a washing machine, a revolving ballerina for a jewellery box. Our creativity in this challenge really was super! Here are a few pictures.100_8191100_8183100_8190

Please remember next Thursday we have a dress down day where we have been asked by Primary 3 to come in dressed as a character from a book. Everyone has their thinking caps on with this one! Even the teachers!

Primary 4 have to organise the Day for Change very soon. If anyone has any ideas, please add a comment below. In the past we have had a change of disguise, change of hair do, wear our clothes backwards for a change, change of time (come into school in our PJs) so any other ideas are welcome!


Please sign homework diaries

Tuesday: outdoor PE Kit

Wednesday: Indoor PE Kit

Thursday: Dress as a character from a book (no donation is required)

10th March – P.S.A event: Spring Disco. If you wish tickets, please return the yellow form with money for ticket. £3.00 for one child, £2.50 per child for a family with two or more children attending.



Due: Friday – Reading:

Red – P.154 – end

Blue – Write a book review following the worksheet provided.

Green – P.109 – end

Spelling as normal

Friday 11th March – Class Talks

Primary 4, 19.2.16

This is just a quick entry seeing as it has been a very short week!

Assembly words have been handed out this week. Please help your child to learn them.

Reading from Monday will be connected to our reading books and based on the techniques we have learned during Reading Routes. As a result, can children ensure they bring their reading books with them to school every day.


Please sign homework diaries

Outdoor PE: Tuesday, weather permitting

Indoor PE: Wednesday

Friday 26th February: Class assembly at 11:30am which you are all welcome to come to. Please make contact with the office if you have not already done so to tell them how many people you wish to come. This will allow us to have an appropriate amount of seats out.

The assembly explains information about Scotland’s seven cities and information about how Mary Queen of Scots was connected to some of them.



Spelling as normal


Red – 132 – 153

Blue – 113 – End

Green – 95 – 108

Learn assembly words and assembly songs.

Due 11th March – Class talk. If children wish to do this in pairs, they can, however both children should have the same amount of interaction with the class for assessment in listening and talking and answering questions.

P4/3 Update 12.2.16

Thank you to all who attended our parents evening meetings. It was nice to see so many friendly faces and to be able to feedback positively on so many of the class.

Hope you are all looking forward to a lovely relaxing long weekend and maybe even have some fun plans. We start back on Wednesday and next week homework will be maths and reading but no spelling.

Our parent assembly is on 26th February (2 weeks time) More details on this to follow next week.

Enjoy the break, see you all on Wednesday.

Mrs Wallace

Primary 4 12.2.16

Thank you to all parents who attended parent’s night over the last two nights. It was great to see so many of you again and the conversations had by all were extremely helpful. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support this year.

This week we said goodbye to Miss Leyland who had been in our class since we came back to school in January. The children put together a lovely card for her and wished her good luck on her next journey in learning and in life.

This week we received an e-mail with further clues for our travels of Scotland’s main cities. We put together the clues and found we were in Huntly, near Aberdeen. We have been researching the oil and fishing industries, the main rivers, Dee and Don and also the famous silver granite buildings!


We are off on Monday and Tuesday (15th and 16th)

Wednesday – Indoor PE kit required.

Friday 26th Parent Assembly more details to follow.



Even though we are off Monday and Tuesday Spelling and reading as normal.

Reading Pages:

Red: 110 – 131

Blue: 93 – 112

Green: 85 – 94

Maths: worksheet will be handed out on Wednesday.

Primary 3 8.2.16

Primary 3 are learning about Chinese New Year this week. We are planning to learn about the year of the Monkey, Chinese Story behind Chinese New Year and create Lanterns which we will write a set of instructions for.

We are coming to the end of our Multiplication topic in Maths but we would encourage you to still practise the x2, x3, x4, x5 and x10 times tables with your children because this will support their understanding in our new topic which will be Division.

Last week the children were set the challenge to construct a working Drawbridge from junk. The children worked very well in pairs and clearly thought hard in trying to make the drawbridge rise up and down. We have made a display of some models, self assessment and photographs. You can see this on parents night.

We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday or Thursday.

Can we remind children that it is a dress down day on Friday, theme is Valentines!

Homework- Spelling, Maths and Reading

P.E- P3R on Wednesday

P3C on Monday


Miss Rafferty and Miss Christie

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